Luke Peters

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Luke Peters

<span style="position:relative; top:37px; right:235px; float:right; z-index:998; border-top:5px solid #87AE09; background-color:#9DC414; color:#FFFFFF; font-size:Expression error: Unexpected < operator.px; font-weight:bold; padding:4px 7px 3px 4px;">26</span> Message  · Wiki

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Canada.jpg Canadian
National rank 723
Date of birth April 11, 2009 - Day 508
Residence Manitoba, Canada
Sex Male
Political party EPIC
Newspaper Canadian Financial Times
Chief of staff of Democratic Party
16th May 2009 – 15th June 2009
Party president of Democratic Party
16th June 2009 – 15th July 2009
Preceded by Kyle Galli
Succeeded by Jamarcus
Auditor General of Canada
5th January 2011 – 5th Febuary 2011
Party president of EPIC
16th January 2011 – 15th February 2011
Preceded by Nosyt
Succeeded by Nosyt
Military rank Icon rank Recruit.png Recruit
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Luke Peters is a resident of Manitoba in Canada.


Democratic Party Career

In May, 2009, Luke was selected by Kyle Galli as his Chief of staff for the May, 2009 to June, 2009 period.

At the end of his period, Kyle Galli stepped down from Party Presidency and announced he would not be standing for re-election, and in doing so gave Luke his full support. Luke then successfully ran for Party president for the Democratic Party of the USA in June, 2009.

Irish Life

As of June 1, 2010 (Day 924), Luke was living in Ireland under the employ of Moon Holdings in the Ireland's Finest Hops company. He also applied for citizenship the same day and it was granted to him two days later, June 3rd, 2010. Upon receiving his citizenship, he immediately joined the Irish Freedom Party after finding that he shared a number of their ideals.

Just 4 days later he left Ireland following an article in his newspaper, The Peters' Press. He was to move to Canada where he felt his newspaper may "better serve the public".[1]

Canadian Life

As of June 5, 2010 (Day 928), Luke had moved to Manitoba in Canada. After arriving in Canada, he began working in the diamond trade and applied for citizenship. He was granted citizenship a day later but was also fired from his job for unknown reasons. He applied for a new job where he is currently located. He has joined EPIC where he made a quick impact by proposing a new and successful way to find the party's endorsed country president candidate through the Alternative Vote system. The system was a great success in its first instance to find the endorsement for the July elections, and was again a success with an even higher turnout in the second instance to find the August endorsement.

Luke joined the Canadian Armed Forces but resigned following the introduction of eRepublik Rising finding it very difficult to effectively train, work, learn and maintain a good health and happiness in his life.

Luke has been involved in depth with Canadian politics with time in both the cabinet and congress. Luke has also run for the Party presidency of EPIC a number of times but in the run-up to the January 2011 elections, Luke appeared to have had the best chance since joining the party of winning the elections.

He fell out of the public eye for a lengthy period of time before making a return to the public scene during December 2011. His plans for this time around are not yet clear but what it appears that he is ready to making a full return after already making some input into some political discussions within a few days of his return.

Canadian Military

Luke spent some time in the Canadian military advancing to the rank of Captain within the Canadian Armed Forces. It was at this stage after spending time as a Supply Officer to the CAF that he stepped down from his position with the Supply Office and with the armed forces as a whole. Luke now spends time as a civilian and has devoted much of his time since his resignation from the military to journalism and political matters.


See also: The Peters' Press

Luke publishes Canadian Financial Times. The paper did make a short return in the early stages of 2011 however, this only lasted for 2 issues.


Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif 11x Hard Worker
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif 9x Super Soldier
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif 2x Congress Member