British Bulldogs

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British Bulldogs



General Information
Country Flag-UK.jpg UK
Total Soldiers 143
Commanded by Don Dapper

British Bulldogs is a military unit in United Kingdom.

British Bulldogs

The British Bulldogs was created on day 1680. It is owned by Don Dapper. On day 1681 Don Dapper Took over the Ultramilitia with 18 members , on day 1688 there was renames to The British Bulldogs and now had 143 fighters.

The British Bulldogs is the best MU in the UK with the leading number of kills.

Regiments and Captains

British Bulldogs has 5 regiments. Regiment 5 was created on October 2012.

Month/Year Captain Regiment
September-October 2012 Don Dapper 1
September-October 2012 BaskB 2
September-October 2012 gocevojvoda 3
September-October 2012 killer2001 4


On every Sunday the British Bulldogs have a strike. The strike is on Sunday at 3:00 UK time. On Sunday's the MU Strike and run a quiz for 2000 GBP

Did You Know

The British Bulldog is the fastest growing unit in the country.

The British Bulldog does the most Damage for Division 1 and 4th best overall damage in the UK

The British Bulldog give away loads of supplies each week including q7,q6 weapons and health.

The MU has it's own website, chat, forum and radio station