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Nationality Flag-Ireland.jpg Irish
National rank 143
Date of birth November 26, 2012
Residence Dublin, Ireland
Sex Male
Political party Eire Aonair
Married to
(Ninapje 20th March 2014 – )
Children Willem The Conqueror, Legendardisch
Newspaper The Voice of Eire
President of Netherlands
February 5, 2014 – March 6, 2014
Preceded by Trannsvaal
Succeeded by Aries Prime
Congressman of Netherlands
Military unit Netherlands|Dragoons
Squadron 1st Regiment
Position Commander
Military rank Icon rank National Force***.png National Force***
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Kordak (born November 26, 2012) is a citizen of Icon-Ireland.png Ireland. He served as the 52nd President of the Netherlands and as the President of Ireland.

Early life

When Kordak was born, the Netherlands were already under occupation of Poland. He decided to join the Dutch People's Party and helped it to build it up as one of the biggest parties in the Netherlands. After a few months the United Netherlands Party was created by Kordak and Shtula as a merge between the Dutch People's Party and Patriottische Partij Nederland. The party grew with 45 members to the 2nd place in the Netherlands and had a lot of influence. In total Kordak was 6 times the Party President and also fulfilled the position of Secretary General once.

Political carreer

The first important job Kordak got was State-Secretary of Foreign Affairs under Kimberly McCullouch. While serving under an inactive Mininster of Foreign Affairs, Kordak tried to install many improvements in his department. Unfortunatly the term of Kimberly McCullouch I was filled with scandals and Kordak decided it would be the best for him to resign. After the impeachment he assisted Joshua Morriseau who became President after the impeachment.

During his first days Kordak also worked as the official ambassador to the United Kingdom. He noticed that at the time there was no interaction between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, while they had a close past. Kordak managed to improved relations and even moved to the United Kingdom for a few weeks.

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Kordak is King of the eUNL. On the 24th of November just after the liberation of the original regions of the Netherlands Kordak crowned himself as King under the title King Kordak I of the Netherlands. Together with his crowning he appointed several Lords for every region the Netherlands had at that moment. Those Lords were chosen from very influential and important people of the Netherlands. At the Kings Day on 26th of November King Kordak decided to give away free money to all citizens of the Netherlands. At this point many citizens of Belgium desired to have a King as well and it was decided that King Kordak would need a new title: King Kordak I of the United Netherlands.

Kingdom of the United Netherlands

After the declaration of the Kingdom of the United Netherlands King Kordak decided it was needed to improve relationship between the Netherlands and Belgium, with the idea of forming some kind of confederation. He strongly supported that both countries would have a democracy, fair and democratically elected by the people.

The monarchy of the United Netherlands (Netherlands and Belgium) became a hot subject the eBelgium community decided to reestablish the eBelgian monarchy, eBelgium people decided to name Critically as new king of Belgium and the decision was confirmed by the Belgian congress. After being confronted by Kordak a war of succesion started in the media. In Februari Kordak was chosen as President of the Netherlands making the Netherlands in fact an absolute Monarchy. However Kordak stated that he would take his job as President of the Netherlands very serious and would not take advantage of his absolute powers. Some believe that the war that was almost started, by the Netherlands on Belgium, was to recreate the eUNL as real state again.

Proper monarchical style
Reference Style His/Her Grace
Spoken Style Your Grace
Alternative Style My King/My Queen
During CP term El Presidente

President of the Netherlands

Kordak won the February 2014 presidential elections with 75 votes of a total of 160 votes, in percentages: 46.88% of the 100%. Kordak ended 3 votes ahead on his biggest opponent Maartenw, both leaving James Janeway far behind them. In Kordaks' government there were people from all top five parties, something compared to previous governments was quite an achievement. Due to the fact that every top five party had at least one member in the government, people where quite positive about the cabinet of Kordak I.

In the middle of the term, Kordaks' government was having talks with the just created SIRIUS alliance, where a good step was made into improving relations with those countries. Following those talks, the Dutch government made a deal with Poland. The deal is described as followed: Poland would occupy Northern Netherlands, Eastern Netherlands and Western Netherlands, this would open a double passage to the oil resource of the region of Western Netherlands. In return of that, Poland would allow the Netherland to have their original region of Southern Netherlands, and occupy Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia, the three original regions of Belgium. The Belgian government agreed on that as they wanted to stay occupied due to internal problems. For the three occupied regions, Poland would pay a rent for the three regions. A same agreement was made with the Belgian government, the Netherlands would pay them a rent for the occupation of their regions.

However, the Polish government got impeached, while the Netherlands was ready to bring the plan into reality. Due to the impeachment of the Polish government, the Belgian government didn't want to be occupied by the Netherlands, because there wasn't an involvement of Poland. Because of that, the Belgian government had to find another way to be occupied, they contacted the United Kingdom and asked to occupy them. The United Kingdom agreed on that, and the United Kingdom began occupying the Belgian regions. During that time, Poland got a new government installed, that government had a large task at its hands, they had to reconquer all the land they had lost during the impeachment (Because they had no government, lots of regions were lost because people saw the opportunity to reconquer the occupied regions via rewins). Because of that, they had to reoccupy the two regions that were agreed upon in the treaty, which the Dutch had at that time with the Polish government. They occupied us fully due to the fact that that was the only way to end the war according to the game mechanics. After the full occupation of our country, Poland gave the Netherlands two of our four original regions back, according to the treaty.

During the time that the United Kingdom began occupying Belgium, minister of Foreign Affairs M. de Ruyter hired a group of mercenaries to fight against the United Kingdom for Belgium, so that later on the Netherlands would be able to occupy Belgium completely. After the term of Kordak, the mercenaries claimed there money. The congress of the Netherlands began investigating what had happened, and what the new government had to do about it. Congress agreed upon Kordak and M. de Ruyter both paying 20.000cc to the Dutch treasury to pay the mercenaries. Kordak paid the 20.000cc, M. de Ruyter only paid 10.000cc of the total of 20.000cc. The Netherlands still was in debt with the mercenaries, and with the help of donations of citizens of the Netherlands, the Dutch government at that time was able to pay a large part of the debt they had with the mercenaries. This accident was later called the "Mercenary Scandal".


After living in the Netherlands for more than a year Kordak no longer felt like this was his home. He decided to request citizenship in Ireland, because he always wanted to go there one day. The small community and the social climate in the Netherlands decided Kordak to move to this country. As soon as he became citizen of Ireland Kordak already started working for the Foreign Affairs department as state-secretary.

Later terms Kordak decided to do more work besides of working in the Foreign Affairs department. He also worked as the Director of Embassies and established better relations with Ireland's allies in the Aurora alliance. While being Director of Embassies Kordak also started a secret service which collected a lot of useful information which is shared with the government and allies of Aurora.

Under Cry of the Banshee Kordak served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and managed together with his MoFA team to have closer bounds with Aurora members and also the trial members which were seeking for Ireland's friendship.

President of the Ireland

After being a citizen of Ireland for four months working in the government Kordak was asked to run as candidate for the country president elections. At first he didn't want to do it because he felt like he was not long enough part of the community. However the following days he received some more requests and decided to give it a shot. There were five candidates running that month, but only three of them serious: Kordak, Nyx Lynx and Releasethe Krakken. With 51 votes and 43.97% of all votes Kordak won the elections. He decided that he would call himself Taoiseach instead of president which was an tradition in Ireland.

During the term of Kordak he installed the new ministry of health that supplied the citizens with free food every day that was bought from the national markets. This gave the economy of Ireland a boost during his term. Another thing his team focused on was transparency, there were a lot of articles published by the government during the term of Kordak. The new ally of the week project was successful and Ireland managed to get closer relations with their allies in Aurora. That month Kordak even got elected as the PR of Aurora which gave Ireland someone in the headquarters.

Ireland was fighting hard for his allies when certainly the Republic of Moldova decided to launch an airstrike against Ireland. It was ordered by the LETO alliance, but also a lot of Romanians fought in this war. Kordak was asking the alliance for help, but most of the allies were having a hard time as well. So Kordak start looking for help outside the alliance and Russia was willing to fight for Ireland. He also asked the USA and the United Kingdom, but he didn't think at first time that the UK would ever help their former enemy. The USA did not even send a reply and Kordak's contact person did hear that they were not willing to help, however the United Kingdom was actually willing to help the Irish. Together with the UK Ireland fought side by side to defeat the invaders and liberate the entire country.

Avatar gallery

Citizen6788241.jpg Citizen6788241 v2.jpg Citizen6788241 v3.jpg Citizen6788241 v4.jpg


Preceded by
King of the United Netherlands of

24th November 2013 - 17th March 2014
Preceded by
King of the Netherlands of

17th March 2014 - Present
Willem The Conqueror
Government offices
Preceded by
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
5th March 2013 - 6th April, 2013
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Piet Heyn
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
6th November 2013 - 5th December, 2013 (4th Term)
Succeeded by
Preceded by
52nd President of the Netherlands of the Netherlands
5th February 2014 - 6th March, 2014
Succeeded by
Aries Prime
Military offices
Preceded by
Commander, Dragoons Succeeded by