Natural enemy/Ελληνικά

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Icon naturalenemy.gif Φυσικός Εχθρός είναι ένας νόμος που μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για να ορίσει τον πιο μισητό εχθρό της χώρας σου. Κάθε χώρα μπορεί να έχει μόνο έναν φυσικό εχθρό επιλεγμένο κάθε δεδομένη χρονική στιγμή. Μπορεί να προταθεί είτε από την Βουλή είτε από τον Πρόεδρο.

Propose natural enemy.jpg

Η οθόνη της πρότασης όπως εμφανίζεται σε βουλευτές/πρόεδρο.

Ονομάζοντας Φυσικό Εχθρό

Μια χώρα μπορεί να δηλώσει μια άλλη χώρα σαν φυσικό εχθρό μόνο όταν έχουν κοινά σύνορα. Φυσικός Εχθρός μπορεί να επιλεχθεί προτείνοντας και ψηφίζοντας ένα νόμο. Αυτός ο νόμος είναι ο πρώτος νόμος που μπορεί να προταθεί είτε από τον Πρόεδρο της Χώρας είτε από τους βουλευτές. Μπορούν να επιλέξουν από τη λίστα των γειτονικών κρατών.


Όταν η πρόταση γίνετε δεκτή:

  • ένας πόλεμος χωρίς κόστος θα ανοίξει μεταξύ των δύο χωρών.
  • citizens of the declaring country get a 10% bonus when fighting against the Natural Enemy
    • Note: This only applies to the influence made to the "wall". Rank points aren't affected by natural enemy.

You cannot sign a peace treaty with your Natural Enemy: both countries must first unset Natural Enemy before they can sign a peace treaty. Once the Natural Enemy is set, it cannot be changed for 7 days. After 7 days have passed, the current Natural Enemy can be changed to another country or unset. If you unset the Natural Enemy, the citizens of your country no longer get the 10% damage bonus against the unset Natural Enemy. You can set a new Natural Enemy right after unsetting the previous one.


The law is voted by the congress and president as all normal laws. However the natural enemy proposals require a super majority, or 66% of the votes to pass.


Is Natural Enemy mutual? If Country A declares Country B as Natural Enemy, does it mean that Country B also has Country A as Natural Enemy?
No, Natural Enemy is not mutual, unless the two countries involved don’t declare themselves Natural Enemies. So, it could happen that Country A has Country B as Natural Enemy and Country B has Country C as Natural Enemy. In this case, all citizens with Country A citizenship will have 10% War influence Bonus in the war against Country B, while citizens with Country B citizenship will have no bonus in the same war. Citizens with Country B citizenship will have 10% War influence bonus in the war against Country C.
Can my country be chosen as Natural Enemy by more than one country simultaneously?
Yes, a country can be chosen as Natural Enemy by more than one country at the same time.
Will I be able to unset my Natural Enemy?
Yes, when proposing a Natural Enemy law, one option is to cancel your current Natural Enemy. But this can be done only after 7 days since you originally set you Natural Enemy. If the natural enemy is unset between country A and country B, the war between them remains active.
Will the Natural Enemy bonus also apply to allies?
No, the Natural Enemy bonus is not applied to allies in any way.
What happens if there is already a war against Country B, and there are two laws in the same time, one declaring peace to Country B and another one proposing Country B as Natural Enemy?
If peace is voted before Natural Enemy, the war will be initially closed, and then reopened for free as the result of Natural Enemy declaration. If Natural Enemy is being accepted before peace, peace will be automatically rejected.
What happens if the Natural Enemy no longer shares a border with us?
The natural enemy will be unset automatically.
If Country A has declared a natural enemy, does it mean that citizens of Country A will get a 10% bonus in all wars against the natural enemy?
No, only wars between Country A and the Natural Enemy will provide citizens of Country A a 10% bonus. For example, if Country A citizens fight against their Natural Enemy in a war started by Country C, no bonus will be given to them. They will also not be given a bonus in any Resistance Wars.

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