Karl Den Tredje

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Karl Den Tredje

24 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Sweden.jpg Swedish
Date of birth 28 September, 2008
Date of death 2010
Congressman of Malaysia
25 March 2009 – 25 April 2009
Congressman of Sweden
25 July 2009 – 25 September 2009
Party president of Nationalgardet
15 November 2010 – 15 December 2010
Congressman of Sweden
25 April 2010 –
Vice Minister of Fun of Sweden
5 December 2009 – 5 January 2010
Minister of Fun of Sweden
5 January 2010 – 5 February 2010
Member of the Goverment of Sweden
5 February 2010 – 5 March 2010
Party president of Flashback Sweden
15 May 2010 – 15 June 2010
Military rank Icon rank Major***.png Major***
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman


Late August 2008

Karl Den Tredje is born and starts his life by two-clicking for several months.

March 2009

Karl Den Tredje becomes more active together with his friend Panama. He also finds his way in to the Swedish IRC channel where he becomes friend with several people. For example w3st3rgb3rg, neppons and Dirty Harry. These are the three that later that month makes him and Panama follow them to Malaysia to help the country.


Karl Den Tredje returns to Sweden after his one month long visit in Malaysia. In Sweden he starts to become more and more active in the politic scene, even though he has very little knowledge in the area. He joins the party FRONT and serves one mandate as a congressman. During this month he learns a lot and meets a lot of new people, both of like and not.


After getting more active in the politics Karl Den Tredje reevaluate his political opinion and decides to leave FRONT and instead join the biggest party for the time, Flashback Sweden. During his first time in FBS he meets many great people, for example st00r, Danny and many others. He also serves two months as a congressman.


After being elected to congress several times Karl decides it time to take a step up in the politic and applies for the post Minister of Fun. After a chat with the current president Rydekull he get accepted as Vice Minister of Fun, with Puppeteer as his chief. The month goes well except for the fact that Puppeteer is inactive most of the time and Karl has to run the Ministry of Fun all by himself.

January 2010

The newly elected president Dandersson asks Karl if he wants to continue as Minister of Fun for the upcoming month. Karl accepts and chooses Panama to be his Vice Minister. For the following month the two arranges several competitions for the Swedish occupants to play and it works out really well.


During the presidency of Meleni Karl Den Tredje is accepted in to the goverment of Sweden without having any actual position. He serves one month until he is thrown out by the new president Icehacker.


In April Karl becomes quite inactive and fails to train and work several times. His own explanation is that he was climbing Mount Everest. In late April he comes back and decides to help the now quite inactive Flashback Sweden to get back up on the top. On the 25th of April he gets elected in to congress.

=== May ===

A similar image to the edited one of Betamaju

Since he was elected for congress Karl has been participating in several discussions in the Swedish congress, for example about the implementing of a Spokeperson of the Congress. But Karls participation is then quickly canceled when two of the moderators of the Swedish forum(Betamjau and Kape) decides to ban him for a month. The reason for the ban was that he published and edited image of Betamjau with the famous IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZORZ-face.

The ban resulted in a discussing about how congress members are supposed to participate in discussions if they get banned.

Later in May Karl Den Tredje ran for party president of the party Flashback Sweden. He won the election with about 48% of the votes where the closest opponent was Panama.


Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif 10x Hard Worker.
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif 8x Congress member.
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif 3x Super Soldier.