United States of America/History/Year 4

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Icon history.png Year 4 of the New World (2010)

The Invasion of The UK

Surrounded on all sides by EDEN countries (USA and Canada to the West, Poland and Spain to the South and Denmark to the East) the UK launched on a media campaign to literally troll EDEN into attacking them. The UK lacked any significant resources and does not occupy a massively important strategic position and so the only way to get EDEN to invade was by goading them. It is thought that the reason for this is that while EDEN was occupied with the UK, Serbia managed to aquire a High Iron Region in China.

Poland succumbed first to the taunting and launched the an attack against 19 MPPs, probably due to the UK's introduction of the Polandball meme to the New World. Once Poland attacked the rest of EDEN followed suit and soon a large invasion, consisting mostly of blocking attacks was under way. EDEN's tactics were to keep the UK blocked and to only rarely contest battles, due to the superior fire-power available from the UK's 19 MPPs. This made for slow progress though eventually the USA managed to get into a position to attack London, the UK's only fortress region. This attack was defeated by a considerable margin, with the USA abandoning the fight before their planned mass attack time due to the astronomically high wall.

After the failed attack on London Dishmcds and GLaDOS negotiated a 'white peace' with all of the invading countries which led to a withdraw by the invaders and a closing of all open wars with them. This 'white peace' was much more negatively received in the UK then it was in any of the invading countries and lead to several Phoenix member nation's governments publicly announcing their displeasure with the UK.

Reasons for this failed campaign are usually said to be poor coordination between EDEN countries as well as the alliance changing priorities half way thought several key battles. It is worth noting that the entire EDEN HQ was replaced soon after peace was signed.

Operation Monkey Business

On October 12, 2010, US President Colin Lantrip officially announced Operation Monkey Business (OMB).[1] This was an effort to mobilize the US community of players. The operation was announced to last an entire week starting on Friday, October 15, 2010. The mobilization of US would be through an incentive program, in which the US government would provide free Q1 or Q2 weapons and free food to any US citizen who applied for it. Operation Monkey Business hoped to introduce America to the new fighting format, which was released around that time, and to increase US participation percentages through fighting. The target of Operation Monkey Business was mostly the Asian continent.

The Frost Revolution

The presidential election on December 5, 2010 became a role-play event called the "Revolution" by Josh Frost, the first president to serve three non-consecutive terms. The cause of this was the election itself, the closest one in American history(Citation needed), in which CRoy led for a good portion of the day and which was within a 2% margin for most of the day. Those who had supported Frost's election joined the Revolution; those who had supported CRoy became part of the Counter-Revolution.

Despite the internal conflict, which had little real effect upon the country's domestic and foreign policies, the Frost administration launched an attack on Mexico. Dubbed Operation: Spring Break, the military campaign was a complete success, resulting in the complete wiping of Mexico from the map. The main purpose of the invasion was to secure Southeast of Mexico with its newly discovered rubber resources, which the USA lacked. Eventually, under the later Haliman and Julian Mizu presidencies, a majority of the conquered lands were ceded back to Mexican sovereignty and a series of territory swaps was initiated between the USA and a newly militarized Mexican junta comprised of original Mexican citizens and an influx of expatriated foreign national groups who had infiltrated the country and were strongly allied to the USA.

The formation of the Terra (formally PANAM) alliance

Main article: Terra

Member states of PANAM

The USA became a founding member of the PANAM alliance in the closing weeks of December 2010, along with Brazil and Argentina. The following months would see the inclusion of many other countries, as member states from former alliances such as EDEN and PHOENIX added themselves to the newly formed global alliance.

Japan was the first nation outside of the Americas to join PANAM in January of 2011. Later in the month, Canada would also become a signatory. France, the first European country to enter the alliance, did so in the first week of February. Shortly thereafter Turkey became a signer on February 8, 2011 and Russia entered on February 22, 2011. The United Kingdom entered the alliance on February 24, 2011. Turkey later withdrew its membership in early March.

On March 20, 2011 the alliance was renamed from PANAM to Terra.

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  1. Article: Time for some Monkey Business