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hi . i'm sorry for this blanking . i was dont know its ilegal in wiki . thanks for warn . i was in translation team of farsi language last year and translate all wiki page to farsi to now. -Icon-Iran.png AMlR121 Assassisnisnis.png - 19 December 2014

Prijevod template

Pozz, samo sam htio da te pitam kako prevesti template, kao na primjer ovde Istria and Kvarner/Hrvatski ili kao na tvoj citizen info Andycro/Hrvatski. Hvala unaprijed. --Icon-Albania.pngIcon-Montenegro.png Muammar Reis 06:17, 27 December 2014 (PST)

Uf, na regionu je malo zajebano, ali uglavnom otvori hrvatsku verziju, pa kopiraj u albansku verziju, i onda promijeni samo stvari koje su ispod oznake <!-- Translation -->... npr. isociety=Općenito, samo umjesto Općenito ti napišeš na albanskom Općenito. Samo da te utješim, IRegion će se vjerojatno mijenjat u idućih par mjeseci (na mojoj to do listi kraj 2015. xD) jer je malo obsolete.
ICitizen je malo "noviji" template, pa na dnu ima upute, kako ima manjina koje sam uspio prilagoditi za prijevode. Samo slijedi upute, ako zajebeš šta, ne brini, veliki brat andycro prati i ispravlja. :D
If you need something explained again, I can explain it in English. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 06:27, 27 December 2014 (PST)
Hvala brate, slobodno ti na hrvatski, bolje razumijem hrvatski nego engleski. Hvala jos jednom. --Icon-Albania.pngIcon-Montenegro.png Muammar Reis 06:31, 27 December 2014 (PST)
Nema problema, šta god treba vezano uz wiki, tu sam ko neki boss koji sve razume :D --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 06:43, 27 December 2014 (PST)


Kad ce nas ovi posalitti goldeve od Wiki Rewards za ovaj mjesec, znas li mozda? --Icon-Albania.pngIcon-Montenegro.png Muammar Reis 02:07, 13 January 2015 (PST)

Ne znam, sve ovisi o tome kad Gucio ulovi vremena da riješi podjelu s njima. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 03:48, 13 January 2015 (PST)
Y u speak weird languages in English wiki?
--Yamisuke «WANNA FIGHT?!» 03:56, 13 January 2015 (PST)

Template za ban i dead

Pozz, napravio sam dva nova templata za Permanent ban i Dead citizen, mislim da je bolje upotrebljavati ove nego slike u profilima igraca u wiki.

  • Template:Perm banned
  • Template:Dead citizen
  • i takodjer kad isti citizen ima i ban i je dead citizen, napravio sam dva templata. Pogledaj i daj svoje mislenje :D --Icon-Albania.pngIcon-Montenegro.png Muammar Reis 12:18, 24 January 2015 (PST)
Legendo, jako su dobri, ajde učiti mi uslugu i nemoj ih još primjenjivati molim te, na putu sam pa sam na kompjuteru jako rijetko, pa ako možeš pričekati cca 2 tjedna da se vratim da vidimo jel možemo možda samo promijniti postojeće template s ovima... Za 2 tjedna ću opet spamat ko prije! :P --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 09:06, 26 January 2015 (PST)
Okk moze tako ;) --Icon-Albania.pngIcon-Montenegro.png Muammar Reis 04:47, 28 January 2015 (PST)
Nove verzije template-a {{Ban}} and {{Dead}} odobrene. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 14:11, 10 February 2015 (PST)


Napravih ti posla danas sa ovim slikama :D Navrati na čat negdje kad budeš mogao :) --Icon-Montenegro.png Bogi | Talk 14:03, 8 February 2015 (PST)

Ne znam tko je gori, ti ili Tim. Navratim jedno popodne pa te nađem, odo u krpe lagano, treba se dić u 6 ujutro. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 14:20, 8 February 2015 (PST)
 :( Laku noć. --Icon-Montenegro.png Bogi | Talk 14:28, 8 February 2015 (PST)

Možeš li da zaključaš ovu stranu: AgentChieftain? Ovaj lik dodaje gluposti i mijenja ID (vjerovatno kupljen novi acc). --Icon-Montenegro.png Bogi | Talk 10:58, 18 February 2015 (PST)

Zaključano dok ne riješim situaciju. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 09:56, 19 February 2015 (PST)
current citizen Agent Chieftain (AgentChieftain page edited on wiki by Dio.Brando) had a recent name change, formerly he was known as GolemdeBill and GolemdeBill can be found here Congress of Bulgaria/November 2011 listed as 29th Congressman of Bulgaria. This are two different citizens on eRepublik.
current citizen Poco Curantism (page added to wiki by Dio.Brando) was formerly known as David Smythe --> former Secretary General of World Organization of Loyalty and Freedom and citizen of Pakistan. (This is one and the same citizen who had name change on eRepublik) User:Dio.Brando the actual Dio Brando - one of the key players and founders of Dioism or not...? Whatever the case there has been an increase in edits on Wiki about Dioism. As it is almost impossible to activate pre-beta accounts (who can remember the email used at that time), return players (if these are real and original creators of Dioism) will create new accounts OR obtain by other means an already existing accounts of other players.
All I am saying here is that we should be aware of ID Number changes on the old citizens on wiki and can expect and upsurge in edits relating to Dioism.
BTW., well spotted Bogi I was watching Dio.Brando edits and have completely missed ID change on AgentChieftain. --Sre8renica (talk) 15:27, 18 February 2015 (PST)
I don't think that Dio.Brando is the old one, but will investigate. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 09:56, 19 February 2015 (PST)
Why don't you ask Gucio? He activated the User:Dio.Brando account.
--Yamisuke «WANNA FIGHT?!» 16:30, 18 February 2015 (PST)


I couldn't find much in way of rules and redirects, any suggestions? I am concerned that I am redirecting too many names and tried to keep it to a limit of only about 5-10 not sure exactly but what is the proper policy? Btw I do understand that such common items/surnames likes brown, doe, etc would not be allowed but what about the person's irc nick and so on? ---- Scott Coyle USA Talk to a True Patriot 19:05, 23 February 2015 (PST)

Answered on your user_talk. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 15:10, 26 March 2015 (PDT)

Help Please?

Hey, I just wanna ask that if a person has renamed in erepublik, what should I else do to put his OTHER name in wiki??? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Asjad Arshad (talkcontribs) 26 March 2015

Dear Asjad, we actually move this person article to the new place and then write in the first paragraph that his previous name was... We DO NOT create two SAME articles with only changes to the name of the person. Also this goes for the newspapers. Hope that this was helpful. And also, please sign your comments using --~~~~. Have a great working day. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 15:10, 26 March 2015 (PDT)


Mislim da sam riješio problem... User:Andycro/Sandbox#Citizen, što kažeš? Jedino što ćemo morati promijeniti većinu dead template-a svugdje :D --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 05:14, 18 April 2015 (PDT)

Izgleda odlicno, šteta što sam dosad napravio ništa ne vredi. Morati ćemo promijeniti većinu dead template-a. --Sre8renica (talk) 05:19, 18 April 2015 (PDT)
A gle, da uštedimo vrijeme, dodat ću varijablu dead koja će raditi isto ko i ban, a to onda neće utjecati na "staru" varijantu i promjene koje si napravio. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 05:26, 18 April 2015 (PDT)
OK--Sre8renica (talk) 05:30, 18 April 2015 (PDT)


Ima neki problem sa {{RegionsTable}} , na stanicama se ne prikazuje više od 10 core regija: , . Možeš li da provjeriš u čemu je problem? --Icon-Montenegro.png Bogi | Talk 05:06, 19 April 2015 (PDT)

Trebalo bi sad raditi, ali daj malo vremena da se "pročisti" :D --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 06:09, 19 April 2015 (PDT)
Nije savršeno al makar su sve regije tu. I btw, kasno se sjetih :D ali, mogli smo jednostavnije da riješimo problem sa rangom Legendi u šablonu Citizen. Samo da rank ne bude obavezno polje i onda ispod toga može da se doda {{RowV2|Rank|{{Rank|Legend|Legends of Serbia:SerbianLegenda battalion I}}}} i dobiješ šta treba. Eto, sad kad si već završio da ti javim :D --Icon-Montenegro.png Bogi | Talk 08:01, 19 April 2015 (PDT)
Ne znam zašto, skužio sam i ja da ne radi savršeno. Provjeriti ću još to. A ovo za rank nije tolko loša ideja, ali neka ostane ovako, mislim da ipak malo više naglašava legende... --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 08:45, 19 April 2015 (PDT)
Skoro radi savršeno... Ali barem ova tvoja 2 primjera bi sada trebala biti ok :D --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 13:34, 19 April 2015 (PDT)
Bravo, bravo, svaka ti dala :D --Icon-Montenegro.png Bogi | Talk 13:44, 19 April 2015 (PDT)


Hey AndyCro, there is a new user who had modified my contributions, also my personal profile. How could I make him to stop doing that? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Karnitx (talkcontribs)

You can't, since wiki pages do not belong to editors.
--Yamisuke «HI!» 04:44, 25 February 2015 (PST)
And what can be done if the user manipulates and changes all the texts and contents that I made just to "adapt to (his) reality" ? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Karnitx (talkcontribs) 25 April 2015
Tell me what page is it and what is the problem... Unfortunately, it is hard to be objective in some cases (for both editors as all of us has some kind of ours reality) but if you can't get to "normal" level with this person, then I will protect the page and limit the edits... If you try to go into "edit war" with this person, basically undoing what he is doing and vice versa, I will protect the page anyway and both of you will get a temp ban (which personally I would avoid as we need editors :)). Hope this is helpful to you. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 04:23, 25 April 2015 (PDT)
The page is Egypt He undo my revisions, I don't want a edition war, it's a stupid thing in a wikipedia, where all are here to add and help. --Ali Gual Keep it real Icon-Egypt.png Contact me \o/ 09:44, 28 April 2015 (PDT)


Please add some people to the template: ZmicerU yoskyyyyy Kryvich Icon-Belarus.png

Thanks beforehand


Done. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 08:35, 10 May 2015 (PDT)

Malo se drogiram

Sad vidjeh da sam juče poslao „novu” verziju slike, koja je ista kao i prethodna, tj, poslao sam je prije nego što sam je sačuvao u PS :D Sad sam poslao ispravnu veziju. Možeš li da obrišeš verziju poslatu u 15:13, 24 May 2015 ove slike? --Icon-Montenegro.png Bogi | Talk 04:44, 25 May 2015 (PDT)

Lijepo da si primjetio. Sređeno. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 15:31, 25 May 2015 (PDT)

Novi šablon

Kako ti se čini ovaj šablon (User:Bogi/test) što sam napravio? Pogledaj History/26_May_2015. --Icon-Montenegro.png Bogi | Talk 08:21, 26 May 2015 (PDT)

Užas. Nikad goru stvar vidio. :D Pa ono, za početnika koji ne zna što su šalbone i nije tako loše xD
Možda malo doraditi da se vidi očita razlika između TOC i linkova... Ali to je samo moje mišljenje. Mislim da ideja nije loša. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 13:41, 26 May 2015 (PDT)
Našao sam ovo, pa se malo igrao s tim :) Super onda, prebaciću iz mog sandboxa, pa ti doradi ako budeš htio i imao vremena. --Icon-Montenegro.png Bogi | Talk 14:24, 26 May 2015 (PDT)
Možda jednog dana, do onda ću tebe pustit da se igraš :D --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 13:55, 27 May 2015 (PDT)

Un problemo History/31 May 2015. Možeš li to da pogledaš? --Icon-Montenegro.png Bogi | Talk 00:49, 31 May 2015 (PDT)

History koristi ovaj format datuma: 1 June 2015, a šablon {{History}} 01 June 2015. Mislim da se zato pojavila greška. --Icon-Montenegro.png Bogi | Talk 09:43, 1 June 2015 (PDT)
Provjeriti ću. Malo sam u gužvi, ali do 2018 ćemo rješit :D --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 03:33, 4 June 2015 (PDT)
Na brzinu ispravio početne dane u mjesecu, ali moram popraviti formulu za prijelaz mjeseca, to znači da za sad ne radi jedino za ZADNJI DAN u mjesecu. Za sve ostale dane možeš koristiti template. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 04:02, 4 June 2015 (PDT)
Važi, gracias. --Icon-Montenegro.png Bogi | Talk 08:31, 4 June 2015 (PDT)

History of Austria

Is it possible that information from section The Beginning is implemented in the article page? If yes, could you do it? --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 13:26, 30 August 2015 (PDT)

+1 I am talking with Rangeley. He is an excellent writer . He wrote an excellent List of presidents of Austria and many others. Hopefully he will add missing era, if not than I will do it. That part of history has been missing for years. I have few references and could possibly dig up few more.
You may even give Rangeley a nudge... His articles are some of the best and most factual I have seen on this wiki - and non biased.
There is a problem with early part of The Beginning that is pre-mappina era.
a) Closed Beta - Slovenian control of Austria and
b) later arrival of Italians led by mappina was highly contentious at the time and two opposing stories that existed at the time had no real factual proof. Facts were deleted by Gods long time ago.
We can't be even sure of the correctness of first president of Austria... then next two or three presidents none remembers. There is also problem with 4th president who is recorded as Voxx - however there is a problem with his birth. I do not think he was born than, however Slovenians usually state that Voxx was president 1) when they arrived in Austria or 2) Voxx was Slovenian first president--Sre8renica (talk) 21:44, 31 August 2015 (PDT)
Rangeley has written missing part of History of Austria. Quote Rangeley: I worked on the early history (nov 2007 - march 2009) the most. I'm sure it can still use more details, but I tried to incorporate a lot (and some new stuff which I think has never been known about frsd). And it can use some images too to be sure. How does it look to you?.
I would suggest we keep images/artwork from The Beginning for a while. It would be nice if we could incorporate some of the images into an excellent text written by Rangeley. (There could also be helpful links to the events in the old The Beginning--Sre8renica (talk) 21:57, 24 October 2015 (PDT)
OK, I am anyway super busy next 30 days, so it can stay til the end of year for sure. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 12:04, 28 October 2015 (PDT)
You may delete information from section The Beginning when you wish. It was implemented in the History of Austria. Rangeley re-wrote entire history of Austria.--Sre8renica (talk) 17:15, 17 November 2015 (PST)


thank you, I'm sorry, I forget sometimes --Burdurlu15 (talk) 01:04, 28 September 2015 (PDT)

Image policy

I wanted to say thank you for the message about the image naming and fixing the names for me. I am still new to the whole Wiki Editing thing and have learned most of what I do know by copying wikis already made, so it did not occur to me to check the image naming policy. :) I appreciate the feedback. --Trekker Tlumac (talk) 15:30, 2 October 2015 (eRep Time)

Šablon RankBar

Zzzzz! Nekako je u ovom članku pukao šablon: Expansion depth limit exceeded. Ima problema već za rank veći od Titan***, kao ovdje. Možeš li da pogledaš kad budeš imao vremena? --Icon-Montenegro.png Bogi | Talk 07:55, 4 October 2015 (PDT)

OK, provjeriti ću kroz idući tjedan. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 10:24, 4 October 2015 (PDT)
Nije problem Rank, problem je RankBar koji jednostavno uzima previše i mislim da će ga trebat maknut... Mogu se malo igrati sa uvođenjem Max3 varijante, ali to je samo odgađanje neizbježnog --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 09:57, 20 October 2015 (PDT)
Da, moja greška, mislio sam na RankBar. E jbg, ako ne bude moglo, onda da ga ne koristimo za Legende. --Icon-Montenegro.png Bogi | Talk 12:41, 20 October 2015 (PDT)
OK, provjeriti ću kad ulovim vremena, zbilja sam u gužvi idućih 30 dana. :( --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 12:04, 28 October 2015 (PDT)

What are these?

Editor Trekker Tlumac has been adding some odd numbers/codes? which I am not sure if they have anything at all to do with eRepublik

There could be more. I have no idea what are they are meant to be.--Sre8renica (talk) 01:35, 20 October 2015 (PDT)

I checked all of this work, he was never toward vandalism, do not know what happened. The "suptile" text has been removed from the articles. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 10:52, 20 October 2015 (PDT)

Re: What are these?

I apologize for the confusion. These codes were meant to be for a scavenger hunt we are doing in the EZC MU. Here is the article explaining it.

They were only on posts that have strong connection to our MU. And were only going to be in place for the 14 days of the contest. I added the codes to the following pages. Whydoibother, Easy Company (MU), Hampton H Hampton, MaryamQ, as well as those listed above. It was not my intent to be flagged for vandalism. As stated, it was supposed to be a temporary change and all profiles were going to have codes removed (and my standard medal updates) after the 14 days the contest runs. Should I remove the remaining codes now and cancel that part of the contest?

--Trekker Tlumac (talk) 13:16, 20 October 2015 (PDT)

Trekker, we are constantly checking recent edits and this was really dangerously closed to getting ban here and FP points ingame. As we do not have that much traffic on the wiki these days, I have no problem with your game, but please in the future use the Bar to notify when you would like to do something like that with noting when do you start and when you plan to end the game so we can monitor your progress. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 15:02, 20 October 2015 (PDT)

Thank you for the understanding. I definitely would not intentionally do anything to vandalize the wiki. I truly do enjoy being able to contribute to the eRep society and recorded history. I will make sure to get permission on any future games that would require the wiki now that I know such things are required. :)

--Trekker Tlumac (talk) 16:09, 20 October 2015 (PDT)

Identical info

Conservative Party (USA) and ERepublikans for Change have same information on both pages. Apparently eRepublikans for Change was a political party that had its name changed to Conservative Party. Wiki page of the later party had all of the info of the earlier party copied to its page.

I do not think that there is a need to have same information on both pages.--Sre8renica (talk) 21:12, 3 December 2015 (PST)

Definitely no, will review it ASAP. --AndyCro Icon-Croatia.png Do you need assistance? Then ask me! ;)) 10:14, 4 December 2015 (PST)