Mr. Naizugai

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Mr. Naizugai

25 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Denmark.jpg Danish
National rank 157
Date of birth 27.12.2009
Residence Hovedstaden
Political party Norsefire
President of Denmark
10. September - 2010 – 5. October - 2010
Congressman of Denmark
26. March - 2010 – 10. September - 2010
27. October - 2010 – Present
6. January - 2010 – 27. January - 2010
25. October - 2010 – 1. January - 2011
Military rank Icon rank Commander**.png Commander**
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Born in Japan, Kanto and was Japanese Ambassador of Sweden for a short time before he moved to Denmark, Hovedstaden where he is currently living. "Naizugai" is Japanese and roughly means "a nice guy". This however, may not imply that he actually is a nice guy. Be aware that "Naizugai" is originally spelt "Naisugai" but was changed to make it more personal. Mr. Naizugai is originally NizeGuy, but was unjustifiably banned for using multiple accounts.

The Business World

Mr. Naizugai is the CEO and owner of The Scandinavian Trade Union and EarthCore Corporation. The Scandinavian Trade Union was the first organization created and was originally created by NizeGuy. EarthCore Corporation was created in China, Liaoning by Mr. Naizugai and used for raw material companies.

At the moment, the companies at EarthCore Corporation is on hold due to an imbalanced market, making it difficult to earn any profit.

The Scandinavian Trade Union consists of a house and food company. For now the house company is on hold while the food company is producing great amounts of cheap food.


Mr. Naizugai is often involved in the Danish politics and will often speak his mind when necessary. He won his first congress election march 26. 2010 with the second highest amount of votes. He attended his first presidential election in September 2010 which he sadly lost to a group of PTO's. Luckily the congress was supportive of Mr. Naizugai and therefore impeached the president, making Mr. Naizugai the president of Denmark.

Royalty and Orders

After a long period without a king, Mr. Naizugai reinstated Stente as the new king of the Danish timeshare monarchy. Later, Captain King Stente announced Mr. Naizugai was of noble birth and the Duke of the House of KiV (København indenfor Voldene).

Mr. Naizugai is a member of The Order of Christian X where several citizens of Denmark was rewarded because of their efforts against the Serbian PTO in Denmark.

Journalism - "Field of the Danes"

Mr. Naizugai spend a lot of his time writing provocative articles about Serbs under their 6 month long PTO attempt of Denmark.

Sadly, most of the articles have been deleted by the admins.

Mr. Naizugai's view on the admins

"The admins are a bunch of incompetent assholes who have no idea about what they are doing. They jump to conclusion so fast that is sickens me to know that people with such a low IQ is allowed to administrate a game, where politics, propaganda, differences and war is some of the key features in the game. The most idiotic part of this, is how they exists as "The Enforcers" but without a real court system. All this of course is not only to be blamed on the admins, but also on the people behind the game and the "eRepublik Laws", which can not be called laws, since they are completely incompetent and stupid. It's just sad really and it will surely be the downfall of eRepublik, unless they loosen up a little. The biggest problem is the stupidity of the admins. I can risk getting PP if I write something that an admin doesn't quite understand because he lack the understanding of the language English. Not to mention my culture as well. You can't "Swear" or use "vulgar" words for some lame reason. I can't say "fuck" without getting PP, but you know what? Fuck you admins! I use the word "fuck" 500 times a day and so do everyone else, so why the hell is it forbidden to use? I didn't know eRepublik was for 8 year old kids and fanatic, religious people? Fuck those people. I thought we had "freedom of Speech" in this game, but we obviously have NOT! You fail x 1000!"

This is only some of the many outbursts from Mr. Naizugai and writing them all would simply take up too much space on the wiki, sadly.

Quotes of Mr. Naizugai

  • "Think you got something wrong A. Holst. In eRefuckshit, commies are just trolls in disguise."
  • "500DKK to the communists? What the h***!"
  • "Så går man her og tror at den største Dansktalende troll er smuttet tilbage til sin hule og så kommer den tilbage med sit hidtil åndsvageste troll forsøg"
  • "My head hurts from all the facepalms I just made, reading the comments..."

Ingame medals

Icon achievement Freedom Fighter off.gif
Freedom Fighter (x0)
Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif
Hard Worker (x13)
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif
Congress Member (x8)
Icon achievement Country President off.gif
Country President (x0)
Icon achievement Media Mogul off.gif
Media Mogul (x0)
Media Mogul Count: 335/1000
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif
Battle Hero (x2)
Icon achievement Sky Hero off.gif
Sky Hero (x0)
Icon achievement Campaign Hero off.gif
Campaign Hero (x0)
Icon achievement Resistance Hero off.gif
Resistance Hero (x0)
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif
Super Soldier (x6)
Icon achievement Society Builder off.gif
Society Builder (x0)
Icon achievement Mercenary off.gif
Mercenary (x0)
Icon achievement Top Fighter off.gif
Top Fighter (x0)
Icon achievement Top Aviator off.gif
Top Aviator (x0)
Icon achievement True Patriot off.gif
True Patriot (x0)
Icon achievement Prestige Hunter off.gif
Prestige Hunter (x0)



Avatars used by Mr. Naizugai
More avatars



