313 Takeover

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The 313 takeover attempt occurred in the United Kingdom in January 2008. Members of the United Kingdom board from popular website GameFAQs, affectionately known as '313'. It was ultimately unsuccessful.

Initial Attempt

In the space of a few days over 200 people joined the UK from GameFAQs and set up a number of companies to provide employment for their own and then created a party called 'The People's Front of 313' with which they planned to take over the UK. Many of these 313 users originally saw Erepublik as a joke and a large number soon got bored of it, including the leader of the party, Cubezilla.

Faced with an inactive leader, the 313ers decided to make a new party; Now El313ct Winners, or N.E.W for short. The NEW group were a mixed bunch with some being prominent members of the UK community and some being little more than mindless voters. But most of its members still openly stated that their purpose as a party was for the GameFAQs group to take over the UK, and their only policy was to invade France 'for the lulz'.

This new party won seven mayors in the January local elections, including Final Destiny in Belfast, and under the leadership of 94asm the threat of takeover was both genuine and gathering in momentum. However, it was struck a blow prior to the election after President Kaleb found GameFAQs posts suggesting the 313 group would create an apartheid. In the general election of February 1st, 94asm fought Kaleb to a tie, meaning Kaleb remained president. The original 'People's Front of 313' party gained over 20 votes in this election.


After this defeat many of the 313 contingent lost interest in the game, including 94asm who stepped down as leader. In a 3-way leadership race, Zuku_Zulu took charge of the party. it was renamed the 313 Reform party and achieved an impressive showing in the local elections. However just before the March general election, Zuku resigned as Party President, causing Adam Lazaruso to become the new leader just days before the election. Kaleb defeated 313 again, by a large margin. This was the death knell for the 313 takeover as most 313ers left eRepublik.


New leaders Paul Hudson and Final Destiny re-branded the party as The Unity Party, which has since became a well established political power.

Many members stayed and become valuable members of the UK. Final Destiny was elected President twice, in June 2008 and February 2009, whilst Eadie, CBall and BFSte became long serving congressman. Former-PCP party president Bob Boblo also cites 313 as his reason for joining the game.

As of April 2011, only a few original 313 members are still active on eRepublik including CBall and Bob Boblo.