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Janeralism is a religion founded upon the wisdom of THE STRONG GOVERNMENT as put forth by the Holy Prophet, Janeral Maximus[1]. Janeralists strive throughout their lives to FORM THE STRONG GOVERNMENT and each awaits the coming of the gold that will be given to all by the reign of THE STRONG GOVERNMENT.

Janeral Maximus

Janeral Maximus was born in Malaysia, and shortly thereafter revealed to the world the teachings of THE STRONG GOVERNMENT. He spent many days among his disciples, teaching them and guiding them like a gentle father. Once he could impart no more wisdom, he charged the first Janeralists to bring THE STRONG GOVERNMENT to the world. Janeral Maximus then ascended to heaven where he now awaits the formation of THE STRONG GOVERNMENT down on earth.

Many of the Prophet's teachings are complex, and beyond the ability of all but the most devoted Janeralists to understand. It is thought that once THE STRONG GOVERNMENT is brought to the world, the words of Janeral will be known and understood by all.


Janeralists believe that all the governments of the world as they exist now are heretical and without sufficient strength. The weakness of the world stems from a lack of adherence to the teachings of the Prophet Janeral. War, poverty, trolls, and all the evils of the world are the product of this weakness. Janeralism teaches that if all the nations FORM THE STRONG GOVERNMENT, the world shall enter a golden age of wealth and wonder.

The Sacred Prayer

The sacred prayer of Janeralism is recited by all converts to the faith. Once one has spoken these words aloud with a sincere heart one is immediately confirmed as a Janeralist.

if u,what would u do.. just waiting for the gold...

The reciting of the sacred prayer is proof of an individual's desire to do all he or she can do to FORM THE STRONG GOVERNMENT. Its sacred syllables reveal to all that the adherent is willing to wait for the gold which is promised as a reward for the faithful. As well as reciting the prayer upon conversion, it should also be said aloud when waking in the morning, before going to bed at night, and when one is given gold.

Relationship to Diosim

Since it is without an official deity, Janeralism is more of a sacred philosophy than a true religion like Dioism. Some Janeralists believe that the wisdom of Janeral Maximus was too great to be constrained to a mere body and that his divine teachings must have come from Dio himself. This school of thought, however, was mostly limited to those who were already Dioists, and this issue is still a matter of great debate among Janeralists. The Prophet Janeral himself never actually mentions Dio in any of his teachings and most adherents to the Janeralist faith view it as an independent doctrine to Dioism. Some even believe that Janeral was a divine being in his own right.

The Prayer's Confirmation

This prayer was affirmed by the God Zammuel, with his proclamation:








The Prophet Janeral laid out the perfect system of government in a Forum Thread. Any nation that adopts this system of Government shall be rewarded with great wealth and divine providence.

Government of the Erepublic (formation)

Government vs Opposition (must have)

1. Congress - many people as you want

2. President/Prime Minister/Vice president and the Ministers

3.There are thirteen ministries

  • Ministry of General Affairs,

occupied with coordination of government policy;

  • Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

occupied with a range of tasks including the police, the civil service and the constitution.

  • Ministry of Justice

occupied with legislation, sanctions and immigration;

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs

which has traditionally had a minister without portfolio for international development

  • Ministry of Defense,

occupied with coordinating the military of the Netherlands;

  • Ministry of Finance

which is responsible for taxation, the national budget and monetary affairs;

  • Ministry of Economic Affairs,

which has a declining number of portfolios within its jurisdiction, now limited to coordination of ;

  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment,
  • Ministry of Education, Culture and Science,
  • Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports
  • Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment,

which occupied with planning use of land in the densely populated IN eREPUBLIC

  • Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.

The Government vs. Opposition part of THE STRONG GOVERNMENT has been subject to debate amongst Janeralists. One school of thought is that any Government established under Janerals teachings is divine in nature, and therefore without fault. As consequence, any opposition to its will must be opposed as heretical. This line of thinking is upsetting to those who feel it means there should be a balance between a Ruling Elite and Loyal Opposition. The Prophet Janeral did not lay out a clear interpretation to his thinking on this respect, and the debate will most likely continue until THE STRONG GOVERNMENT is established in a nation for the first time.


The Book of Janeral

Main article: The Book of Janeral

The Book of Janeral[2] was written by Kitchen.Sink in the early days of the faith's advent. The book is a collection of stories about the life of the Prophet.


The newspaper of The Prophet, where much of his wisdom was shared to the world.



This thread contains the most comprehensive amount of the Prophets teachings, and it is considered the sacred task of all Janeralists to bring it back to the front of the Politics forum as often as possible.


All followers of the Janeralistst faith are required to command their fellow men to FORM THE STRONG GOVERNMENT as often as their devotion compels them. This is done through the Forums, Shouts and Newspapers. In addition to the sacred command, the sacred prayer is often recited, as well as displaying divine art and ascii.

Janeralist Art

The devotion to the THE STRONG GOVERNMENT created a flurry of inspired artwork.


The Sacred Prayer.jpg


See also