Yhamilitz von Habsburg

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Yhamilitz von Habsburg

35 Message  · Wiki

Nationality Flag-Austria.jpg Austrian
National rank 44
Date of birth March 17th, 2018
Day 3,770 of the New World
Residence Innsbruck, Austria
Sex Male
Political party Kronloyale Union
Newspaper Die Kaiserzeit,
originally started as
Journal and Coffee
Congress member of Mexico
Congress member of Austria
September 26, 2020, Day 4,694 of the New World –
Military unit Das Kaiserliche Bier Oberkommando
Squadron 1st Regiment
Position Commander
Military rank Icon rank World Class Force**.png World Class Force**
Aircraft rank Squadron leader 4.png Squadron Leader****

Yhamilitz von Habsburg, or simply called Yhamilitz, is a eVeteran semi-active citizen in the New World. He uses Spanish and English for communication. Yhamilitz is a very well know citizen citizen in Mexico and Austria. He usually focus on the Economic part of Erepublik. Yhamilitz have experience as a MoFA (In Both, México and Austria. He had been the "unofficial" President of Mexico when the president dissapear.


  • As Yhamilitz: (July 07, 2009 - July 07, 2013 / Day 595 - 2056)

Icon-Mexico.pngIcon-Austria.pngIcon-Philippines.pngIcon-Croatia.pngIcon-New Zealand.pngIcon-Bulgaria.pngIcon-Chile.pngIcon-Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).png


Yhamilitz was born in Northeast of Mexico. During this time, he didn't get any help for developing himself (He learned to survive without any help). He was born during the "Internal Conflict" in Mexico (Between Mexicans and Polish PTOs). The Mexican community at that time was very small. It was not strong enough to establish ties. He didn't put any attention to that and then he leaves the country 1 month after he was born.
Then he went to his First eRepublik Home: Austria.


He learned to do many things in Austria, he also met important people, in his life like Marie von Gablitz and Rangeley. During that time, he also began to interact with other citizens and was making many friends in the Country. In Austria, he learns almost everything, about how to "Interact" in the New World. Unlike other Mexicans inside Erepublik, he grew in another community. When he came back to Mexico, he was not immediately accepted. But after a few months, he was finally "accepted". He also tried the Philippines and New Zealand, gaining some Experience.


He did many funny things and "not so funny". Yhamilitz came back to Austria and was "semi-active" during a long period of time. He met many people in Austria in his 2nd Austrian moment, especially people from Hungary. Many people in Mexico didn't know him, because Mexico was under a new generation dominance. Actually, he lost contact with Austria in the way, as the country became quieter and the community became silent. Considering the fact, that Yhamilitz was one of the oldest citizens in Mexico, he was never seen as a real old person in Mexico due to the fact that he established ties with Austria first. But over time, he became more inactive. He moved to Bulgaria and Macedonia for a fresh start but he had problems with the languages. He became part of a Mercenary Group called Dark Side Wolves, where he met the Love of his eLife, MissPaunova.

In the end, he became a citizen of the world, but he never lost contact with Mexico or Austria. He saw a Mexican Generation raise, and die.

Old Age

He becomes inactive and became very weak compared to other D4 soldiers. He became distant from everyone. He didn't marry with MissPaunova as she commited eSuicide. He died in Texas when was under Mexican Control. He was in an Chilenial Military Unit In the last of his days.

More details can be found here: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/just-as-the-wine-2724544/1/20


Babyhood and Childhood

Yhamilitz was reborn in Northeast of Mexico in the middle of Chaos: On that time, an alliance called [CoT] was disolved and Mexico was under Venezuelan occupation supported by Spain and Poland, and Ignored by Chile, after a war with the USA. He worked as a provitional MoFA on that time. TWO was an active alliance on that time.

Adulthood and Old Age

He becames inactive again. He decided to leave because another player (Keriito, in which had a crush on her) eDied. So he decided to eDie.



Yhamilitz was reborn in Northeast of Mexico. Around June 24, 2016, Day 3,173 of the New World. During that time he obtained some money and build some companies and training camps. He remains inactive in the social spaces in Erepublik.


Around March 17, 2018 Day 3,770 of the New World. He became active in the world. He was developing a Capitalist Empire between Mexico, Spain, and the United States. He established Spain as his Headquarters. As Yhamilitz currently is in his third life, he found a dying global community. Some people he met still existed but were not so active as in the old times. The country unlike in the past is not controlled by forein Takeovers, but the country was under a dictatorship (We basically didn't know about the real situation, in which eventually he found that it was very complicated when he moved to eAustria). The current situation was very depressing for him.

Adulthood On September 23th, 2020, Day 4,691 of the new world, Yhamilitz was invited by Prince Of Austria for come back to Austria. On that time, Mexico was liberated from the Dictador. He joined with Austria in the war for Resources III, in which he interacted with familiar and new players.

Icon allcountries.gif Places

Icon allcountries.gif Citizenships

Icon-Mexico.png Mexico: (March 17th, 2018 - September 23th, 2020 / Day 3,770 - 4,691)

Icon-Austria.png Austria: (September 23th, 2020 - Today / Day 4,691 - Today )

  • He was born in Northeast of Mexico and he obtained directly the Mexican citizenship.
  • He was invited to Austria by the old communisty from the country.

Icon mission new First Paycheck.png Economical Career, Employment, and Companies

  • Yhamilitz had earned 28 Hard Worker achievements.
  • He owns a Holding Company in Olympia, Washington Icon-USA.png
  • He owns a Holding Company in Oviedo, Asturias Icon-Spain.png
  • He owns a Holding Company in Monterrey, Northeast of Mexico Icon-Mexico.png

Icon mission help a new citizen 87.png Political Achievements

  • Yhamilitz has currently achieved 11 Congress medal.
  • Yhamilitz had been a Mexican Congressman 10 times for the Party of Alternativa
  • Yhamilitz had been an Austrian Congressman 1 time for Kronloyale Union
  • Yhamilitz has currently achieved 0 President medal.

Icon mission help a new citizen 87.png Political Career

Icon mission help a new citizen 87.png Political Parties History

  • ALTERNATIVA ((March 17th, 2018 - September 23th, 2020 / Day 3,770 - 4,691)
  • Kronloyale Union ((September 23th, 2020 - Today / Day 4,691 - Today)

Icon mission help a new citizen 87.png Journalistic career and achievements

  • Yhamilitz has currently achieved 0 Media Mogul medal.
  • Yhamilitz owns the newspaper Die Kaiserzeit
  • Yhamilitz's newspaper had 14 subscriptions.

Icon mission new Rank Up.png Military Achievements

  • Yhamilitz had reached the Military Rank of Icon rank World Class Force**.png World Class Force**.
  • Yhamilitz has currently achieved 5 Freedom Fighter medal.
  • Yhamilitz has currently achieved 27 Battle Hero medal.
  • Yhamilitz has currently achieved 0 Campaign Hero medal.
  • Yhamilitz has currently achieved 1 Resistance Hero medal.
  • Yhamilitz has currently achieved 211 Super Soldier medals.
  • Yhamilitz has currently achieved 0 Mercenary medal.
  • Yhamilitz has currently achieved 17 True Patriot medals.
  • Yhamilitz had reached the Aircraft Rank of Squadron leader 4.png Squadron Leader****.
  • Yhamilitz has currently achieved 5 Sky Hero medal.
  • Yhamilitz has currently achieved 0 Top Fighter medal.

This is one of the weapons that Yhamilitz use in the battlefield.

Icon mission new Full Membership.png Military Career

Icon-Mexico.png La Guardia de la Noche: (March 17th, 2018 - November 7th, 2018 / Day 3,770 - Day 4,005)

  • Yhamilitz joined to this Military Unit in the day 3,770 (March 17th, 2018). La Guardia de la Noche is a private Mexican Army, Yhamilitz was part of it.

Icon-Mexico.png Fuerza Aérea Imperial Mexicana: (November 7th, 2018 - September 30th, 2020 / Day 4,005 - Day 4,698)

  • Yhamilitz founded a Military Unit called Fuerza Aérea Imperial Mexicana. Is a Military Unit based on the Air force, which is Motto is Mexicum est imperare orbi universo. (MEIOU). This military unit is in charge of defending the national sovereignty, serve, protect, and shelter the Mexican Nation. Also, and also support its allies, as also strengthen to its members.

Icon-Austria.png Das Kaiserliche Bier Oberkommando: (September 30th, 2018 - Today / Day 4,698 - Today)

  • Yhamilitz founded a Military Unit called Das Kaiserliche Bier Oberkommando. Is a private Military Unit taken from an inactive Military Unit called "Beerfighters" So it was refounded as "Das Kaiserliche Bier Oberkommando".

Icon mission lets socialize 109.png Society and Family

  • Yhamilitz has currently achieved 0 Society Builder medal.

Yhamilitz considers all his/her referees his sons.

-As Yhamilitz (Also may currently be)-

Yhamilitz adopted 4 Sons, 3 from Mexico and 1 from Austria.

  • (Inactive) Icon-Austria.png Jackstry Nanla: He was his first Adopted child, He was very famous in Austria (And Italy) because of this Funny Articles (and his "Friendly" Articles for Italy) then he Died and came back to life after of being died during a ling time, but then, he died again.
  • (Inactive) Icon-Mexico.png Jorge Naim Reichert: Yhamilits was his first Boss, he isn't very famous in Mexico, and he sometimes is asking for help to him.
  • (Inactive) Icon-Mexico.png Caesar Octavio Nieto: Yhamilits was his first Boss too, but because he was working in his company during a long time, he decided to adopt him, he was very well knew and famous in Mexico. When he became President (he didn't was sure if we really wanted to become president) he committed Suicide and then a Political Storm came to Mexico because of that.
  • (Inactive) Icon-Mexico.png Jorge F. Rodriguez: He is a little bit younger than Caesar Octavio Nieto. Jorge F. Rodriguez born in Mexico, but he is from the UK in Real Life.

Yhamilizt had other relatives too:

  • (Inactive) Icon-Mexico.png Yetlanesi: She some years ago, around 2012, she was the most powerful citizen in Mexico and one of the Most Powerful Citizens of the World on that time, She wasn´t active in Mexico during 2010, But in 2011, She began to tank so hard Against the USA, winning BH Medals and CH Medals, and She is was recognized a the Heroine of Mexico.
  • (Inactive) Icon-Philippines.png Marie von Gablitz: She was the cousin of Yhamilitz. (Is no related with Yetlanesi)

-As Yhamilitz von Innsbruck (Also may currently be)-

  • (Inactive) Icon-Mexico.png Keriito: She became her Referrer. So Basically she becames "her eMother". She basically became the most important person in Erepublik for him on that time.

-As Yhamilitz von Habsburg-

Important People

-As Yhamilitz(Also may currently be)-

  • (Inactive)Icon-Philippines.png Marie von Gablitz: She was the best friend of Yhamilitz. She was one of his first friends in the New World.
  • (Inactive)Icon-Austria.pngRangeley: He was a citizen that help Yhamilitz to survive in Austria, Rangeley was one of the most important citizens of Austria. He is considered a Leyend.
  • (Inactive)Icon-Austria.pngPrinceOfAustria: PrinceOfAustria was a personality in Austria. He was considered the defender of Austria. He was a very notable ePolitician.
  • (Active) Icon-Spain.png Chechesa: Both became friends during the period when Mexican people dislike Yhamilitz, both have strange ideas about New World and always are updated about game.
  • (Inactive)Icon-Mexico.png Israel Sky Gonzalez: Before the Polish invasion for Oil regions, Israel Sky Gonzalez was one of the people that want Yhamilitz out of Mexico, some time later, both decide to readjust their relationship (both disliked one each other) and one day Yhamilitz help to Israel Sky Gonzalez to translate some Information to English, from that day both citizens are very good friends.
  • (Inactive)Icon-Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).png MissPaunova: MissPauniva was an eMercenary from DSW. She was from Macedonia, they meet each other in The Military Unit. He propposed eMarriage to her. And both became Inactives. (And eventually she eDied)

-As Yhamilitz von Innsbruck (Also may currently be)-

 Keriito, te eAmaré por siempre. 
(Yhamilitz von Innsbruck dedication to Keriito, his platonic eLove)
  • (Inactive) Icon-Mexico.png Keriito: She became a very important friend for Yhamilitz in his second life. She was very active as Ministry of Defense of Mexico. She also worked with Yhamilitz several times in the eGovernment in different fields. Some tales describe he felt in love with her. Basically became the only reason why he was connected into Erepublik. When she left Erepublik, he followed in his eHeart.

-As Yhamilitz von Habsburg-

  • (Active) Icon-Austria.png Prince of Austria: Prince of Austria (Do not confuse with PrinceOfAustria) is the current protector for eAustria as a benevolent Dictator. He invited Yhamilitz into Austria
  • (Active) Icon-Austria.png Rabbit of Caerbannog: Yhamilitz meet her around the same time when she was organizing the Battles for the Resources War III
  • (Active) Icon-Austria.png capoqwer: He was also around in the Battles for the Resources War III. He knows him from his old accounts. Just right know as Yhamilitz he had been more in contact.
  • (Active) Icon-Austria.png Luis Grindl: He in an economical adviser in Austria. Just as capoqwer, he knows him from his old accounts. Just right know as Yhamilitz he had been more in contact with him.

All Achievements

On August 18, 2018, Yhamilitz had obtained 98 trophies in total, split between 7 separate achievements.

Medals and Trophies
Medals &
Icon achievement Freedom Fighter on.gif
Freedom Fighter
Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif
Hard Worker
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif
Congress Member
Icon achievement Country President off.gif
Country President
Icon achievement Media Mogul off.gif
Media Mogul
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif
Battle Hero
Icon achievement Sky Hero on.gif
Sky Hero
Icon achievement Campaign Hero off.gif
Campaign Hero
Icon achievement Resistance Hero off.gif
Resistance Hero
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif
Super Soldier
Icon achievement Society Builder off.gif
Society Builder
Icon achievement Mercenary off.gif
Icon achievement Top Fighter off.gif
Top Fighter
Icon achievement True Patriot on.gif
True Patriot
Icon achievement Prestige Hunter off.gif
Prestige Hunter
Earned 5 28 11 0 0 27 5 0 1 211 0 0 0 17 0

Freedom Fighter Medal statistics

Date Division Battle 1 Battle 2 Battle 3
March 25, 2018 Division I Icon-Mexico.png
Northwest of Mexico
Northeast of Mexico
Date Division Battle 1 Battle 2 Battle 3
August 18, 2018 Division I Icon-Mexico.png
Northeast of Mexico
Southeast of Mexico