Maxwell Hanz

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Maxwell Hanz

31 Message  · Wiki

Nationality Flag-USA.png American
National rank 715
Date of birth May 22, 2017
Residence Honolulu, Hawaii
Sex Male
Political party Socialist Freedom Party (SFP)
Faith Church Of Latter Day Harambe
Newspaper Rise of a Noob
Head of DoCA
8/11/2017 – 9/2/2017
Served under WhydoibotherToo
Preceded by Tom Cauchon
Succeeded by Herr Vootsman
Spokesperson of SFP
Congress member of USA
Party President of SFP
Military unit Expeditionary Resistance Force
Squadron 1
Position 2nd Commander
Military rank Icon rank World Class Force*.png World Class Force*
Aircraft rank Squadron leader 0.png Squadron Leader

Maxwell Hanz

political orientation: centrist, improvisionist

Maxwell Hanz was born in USA, on May 22 2017. He started off poor and hungry. An orphan on the street working for very little where ever He could. He made his way up in life by learning how to craft and market weapons whenever the market could allow. Under the table, and over the counter he sold weapons by the hundreds until he finally had enough for some land and business of his own. He founded Iron Mountain Co. in Honolulu, Hawaii at level 25. From here he made a series of investments that seemed to be an infinite process of rewards.

From there he got up the cash and reputation among citizens of USA to go in for a part-time career as a Journalist. He founded the newspaper Rise Of a Noob at level 26. From here he started to interview Congressmen, Party presidents, Country Presidents, and MU leaders sifting his way through the byzantine web of politics that is the USA. The more papers he published the more he realized he should start his career as a politician. So with the help of the Party President of the SFP Phil Harmony he was able to secure a spot in the Congress.

Early Political Career

After securing a position in congress, he met Jimmy Cincinnati who would eventually become the next Party President. He recognized Maxwell's ability to write and allowed him to become the Spokesperson for the SFP. Maxwell would go on to run again for congress again successfully, this time helping new players and gaining experience from an intense job of publishing for the Freedom Writers Guild. He was asked to be the Secretary of Media for Jimmy Cincinnati in his July-August 2017 CP run. Jimmy Cincinnati lost that race to WhyDoIBotherToo. Soon after Maxwell joined the Church of Latter Day Harambe as an acolyte and has been spreading Harambe's Holy Teachings ever since.

SFP Spokesperson And The Start of Hanz's Freedom Fighter Career

During Jimmy Cincinnati's July Party Presidential term, Maxwell served as Spokesperson of the SFP. His job was to manage the Freedom Writers Guild and to publish SFPOM. He often paid writers for there articles and did what he could to provide as much info as possible about candidates and party programs. During this time Maxwell would draw the attention of the government and in doing so made some friends and some enemies. During the term he received inside knowledge on how programs work. He would study programs past and present and try to decide which were the most efficient. One day Maxwell's close friend Khorek asked him if he ever wanted to be a Freedom Fighter. Maxwell had served in Bear Cavalry previously. He decided That he would join Khorek and together the established the Expeditionary Resistance Force. In creating this MU they would hope to answer the call of Freedom world-wide. Maxwell Hanz decided to run for SFP Party President for August-September. His campaign was a rigorous round the clock job. He reached out to every member of the SFP one by one and replied to all of them. In doing so he learned the concerns of the party and established a precedent for the other candidates. He reached out to several key members of the SFP and a new player to be apart of his cabinet. During his campaign his articles told of what he would do if he received the office.

"As your current Spokesperson and as a Congressmen I am working closely with some of the major players in the SFP to bring Programs, connectivity, opportunity, and representation to the new players and the old players of the SFP." 
"As this would be my first term as Party President it was a good idea prior to my running that I get at least a few players with seniority as advisers. I have assembled a dynamite team and am ready for the coming challenges." 
"I will be surrounded by former Party Presidents, and members of the party who have served in a large portion of the roles this party has to offer. We intend to bring badly needed communication, education, supplies, and programs to the newer members of the party along with furthering the recent attempts of the SFP to dominate the media. We will continue to make sure all voices of the SFP are heard and represented by fair and just leadership, while simultaneously growing and nurturing our future representatives." 
"We will be moving to try to find common ground where we can with the other major parties and will be working to improve communication and understanding. I will be setting up a team of players to recruit new blood for the party"   

Phil Harmony along with several other candidates did what they could to try to win the election but were ultimately defeated at the ballot. Maxwell Hanz won the race with 56.82% of the vote. Soon after He was offered the position of Head of the DoCA by President Whydoibother2 and he graciously accepted.

Party Presidential Term

After Maxwell won the Party Pres. race he decided to focus more on his political career instead of journalism. During his somewhat controversial term he advocated for free speech and fair rules for the SFP Discord, the paying of Freedom Writers, and Increasing the size of the SFP. He managed to accomplish 2/3 of his goals in office. When Former Party President Phil Harmony breached the original rules of the SFP Discord in protest, Maxwell took a controversial stance by not denouncing Phil. He decided to try to reason with Phil and to advocate a less arbitrary set of rules. This allowed for the rules to protect your freedom of speech while also protecting the rights of others. Soon after Maxwell asked the Revolutionary Committee to pass a budget for paying Freedom Writers, as he had been paying writers out of pocket for the past term. There was a little bit of debate for a few days and a resolution was called to be voted on. The resolution would seek to ask a non-mandatory endorsement of 100 USD to select articles from voting RC members. Some were in favor of this resolution but most had concerns on their own liberties and accountability. Others stressed concerns on article content and necessity. Ultimately the resolution had been shot down; However Maxwell continued to pay writers out of pocket unconditionally. He would seek to build up more momentum for his cause and make this one of the central stand points of his next campaign. He would use the time to reform his ideas and to think about DoCA programs. After advocating for a budget turned resolution Maxwell went on to form a private committee on Recruitment. On this committee He enlisted Former Party Pres. and High Priest of the Church of Latter Day Harambe, Salty, and SFP Vice Pres. chriscoded. They proceeded to launch a highly successfully recruitment campaign giving the SFP several new members. He would push to establish a new tab in the SFP discord for documentaries and the Free University of Phoenix Quinn. He would use this tab to post videos about various american politicians so that future players could study. In doing this he hoped to produce more crafty and intelligent congressmen and the like. Soon after, the CP election was drawing near. In a vote held on the SFP forum, Melissa Rose received the SFP endorsement and went on to win the Presidency. Maxwell would be apart of her term working in the DoCA only this time he would have to step down as Director of the DoCA. Nearing the end of his term Maxwell endorsed Salty for Party President. Salty deserved it because of how much work he had done during Maxwell's term. Soon after several other players announced that they had been added to the ballot and Salty decided to resign from the election. Without a candidate to endorse Maxwell turned to JA Lake a longtime player who wanted to reform the party and the SFP constitution.

Maxwell went on to invest heavily in Iron Mountain Co. and it stands today in Honolulu, Hawaii. He currently employs a dedicated workforce paying some of the highest wages on the market at the time of writing.