Ariel David Buena

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Dead citizen

Ariel David Buena

27 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Philippines.jpg Filipino
Date of birth March 14, 2009
Date of death 2010
Sex Male
Newspaper The eRepublik Outsider
President of Philippines
August 6, 2009 – October 5, 2009
Preceded by HazzN
Succeeded by Reclusive Monkey
Vice president of Philippines
June 6, 2009 – August 5, 2009
Succeeded by Rich Porter
Deputy Speaker of Philippines
October 30, 2009 – present
Congress member of Philippines
May 26, 2009 – August 5. 2009
Director of Department of Education
October 12, 2009 –
Preceded by Nina Ayu
Director of Department of Finance
July 8, 2009 – August 8, 2009
Preceded by Big Boy Bulley
Succeeded by Keitarour
Ambassador of Japan
April 11, 2009 – present
Preceded by Rageldo Dimagiba
Party president of Filipino Progressive Movement
July 16, 2009 – September 15, 2009
Preceded by Keitarour
Succeeded by Slothen
Congress member of Philippines
April 26, 2009 – May 18, 2009
Congress member of Philippines
October 26, 2009 –
Minister of Department of Home Affairs
April 8, 2009 – June 8, 2009
Succeeded by Divinitywolf
Assistant Director of Department of Finance
June 8, 2009 – July 8, 2009
Preceded by MikeyL
Succeeded by Nikko_33
Preceded by Revilo X
Military rank Icon rank Colonel.png Colonel
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Ariel David Buena (born on March 14, 2009 in the Luzon region, Philippines) is a prominent Filipino statesman, public servant, businessman, journalist, and baker.

He was the fifth President of the Republic of the Philippines. He assumed office on August 6, 2009 after defeating the Communist Party of the Philippines bet Nina Ayu by a landslide in the presidential elections the day earlier. He won his second term on September 6, 2009, once again defeating Nina Ayu of the Bro Party (formerly Philippines for the Filipinos) in another landslide.

He remains active in the Philippine government and currently serves in the Cabinet as head of the Department of National Defense, Department of Education and Department of Pan-Dimensional Affairs

Early Life

He soon resigned from his job and studied baking under the watchful, militaristic eye of Anthony Trafford and his First Defense ~ Food company.

Business and Media Ventures

Main article: Pearl of the Orient Corp.

On March 24, 2009, using his life savings, Ariel invested in significant amounts of shares of stock in the then-newly founded Pearl of the Orient Corporation, which landed him a seat in the Board of Directors. At that time, the POC touted itself as the first 100% Filipino-owned corporation.

Main article: The eRepublik Outsider

The eRepublik Outsider logo

Ariel then started his life in the public eye as a journalist, writing in his newspaper, The eRepublik Outsider, a clever spin on the official eRepublik Insider newspaper. The first issue of The Outsider was released on March 28, 2009, and was made possible by a generous donation from then-Philippine congressman and VEDA Terminal press director EZEX Lacroa.

Ariel initially published news articles, feature articles, editorials, interviews, classified ads and even obituaries. Today, the Outsider is one of the Philippines' most widely-read newspapers.

Training and Government Service

Shortly after founding The Outsider, Ariel joined the Filipino Progressive Movement. After the victory of his party's presidential candidate, Big Boy Bulley, in the April 5, 2009 elections, he was appointed on April 8, 2009 as Supervisor in the Department of Home Affairs, where he was tasked to manage DoHA Foods Q3, then the only manufacturer of 3-star food (Q3) in the Philippines.

On April 10, 2009, Ariel enlisted in the Philippine Military Academy where he studied the Art of War. The following day, he was appointed by the President as Ambassador of the Philippines to Japan as a replacement for then Congressman Rageldo Dimagiba, who had just died. Ariel still holds said ambassador position to this day.

Ariel exhibited his business prowess as general manager of DoHA Foods Q3. Not long after taking the reins of the company, he was able to nearly triple its revenue and multiply its stock of raw material tens of times over, raising the company's net worth several times its original value. Eventually, DoHA Foods Q3 became the number one company in the Philippines in terms of sales.

Mercenary Work

On April 16, 2009, Ariel fled the country in the dead of night to an undisclosed destination. From there, Ariel circled the globe to participate in various international and civil conflicts to gain valuable combat experience. Ariel returned to the Philippines on April 23 to file his candidacy for the Philippine Congress.

Early Political Career

Advocating a Coalition Government

In the run-up to the April 25 Philippine Congress elections, Ariel, along with others, advocated a political alliance between the Filipino Progressive Movement and the Philippines for the Filipinos, the two leading political parties in the country at the time. The alliance, which involved coordinated vote distribution and poll monitoring between the two parties, was formed as a response to the arrival of the Secta del Guru Varnish, a malevolent Spanish renegade faction that sought to take over the Philippine Congress. The alliance was dubbed the "FPM-PFF Coalition Government" in the local media.

Philippine Congress

On April 26, 2009, after a successful campaign, Ariel was sworn in as a member of the 3rd Philippine Congress, representing the region of Luzon. He received the second highest number of votes nationwide, trailing Mr. Dimagiba 2.0, the reincarnation of the late Rageldo Dimagiba. However, the first ten days of his term was overshadowed by the Secta del Guru Varnish's, which successfully seized the majority of Congress seats and started to implement economically harmful legislation.

"Proposal wars" ensued in congress between the Secta and the FPM-PFF Coalition, wherein each camp would race each other to propose bills to block the other from making similar proposals. At one time, Ariel successfully blocked the Secta from making a donation proposal by proposing one himself.

Philippine Press Club

National Press Club of the Philippines Official Seal

Main article: National Press Club of the Philippines

As a response to the Secta's actions, and in preparation for the May 5 Presidential Elections, Ariel founded the Philippine Press Club to spearhead the Big Boy Bulley presidential reelection campaign. The Club launched a multi-pronged attack on the Secta in the local media, while campaigning overseas for voters to move to the Philippines and support Big Boy Bulley's reelection bid.

The campaign was a success and Big Boy Bulley's victory was assured. The Secta withdrew their presidential nominee a day before the elections and fled the country upon Big Boy Bulley's successful reelection. Following the departure of the Secta, Congress activity died down dramatically. Ariel resigned from his post and flew to undisclosed overseas destination to pursue mercenary work.

Representing the Visayas

Upon his return to the Philippines on May 21, 2009, Ariel filed his candidacy for Congress elections representing the Visayas region. He won and was sworn in as a representative of the Visayas in Congress on May 26, 2009. For his first act in Congress, Ariel proposed the promulgation of national holidays to commemorate the departure of the Secta del Guru Varnish and the successful impeachment of Bunaly, the first President of the Philippines and enemy of the Filipino people.

Recognizing the importance of education, he penned A Bill Creating the Congress Committee on Education towards the end of his term. It was shortly ratified thereafter, 11-3, despite lack of presidential support and the first Philippine Congress Committee officially came into being.

However, the Committee was quickly dissolved due to the resignation of its Chairman, Reclusive Monkey, from his Congress post and subsequent flight to Indonesia.

Vice Presidency

On June 1, 2009, Ariel was invited by then-president Big Boy Bulley to run with him as his vice presidential running mate in his bid for his third term as Country President. Five days later, BBB and Ariel won the elections, and the latter was installed as the country's first Vice President. He was subsequently appointed Assistant Director of the Department of Finance under BBB.

Being both Vice President and Congress Member, Ariel took advantage of his primus inter pares position to sway and actively moderate discussion in the Congress floor.

'Lulz' Proposals

It was then that Ariel penned what would be one of his landmark legislative victories, a bill allowing Congress Members to submit random 'lulz' proposals without fear of being bashed by their peers.[1] The bill was ratified right away. As long as the proponents of the 'lulz' proposals made it clear that they were just "for the lulz", the new law provided a way of helping Congress Members gain Experience Points faster, especially during that time when the Philippines was not yet involved in any wars.

Today, that same law is still enforced.

Finding a Hospital

At the time, then-President Big Boy Bulley was in several negotiations for the purchase of a high-quality hospital, which the Philippines didn't have yet. Unfortunately, all of the negotiations fell through the cracks.

Ariel then scouted the IRC forums for hospitals on sale and finally found one in the Canadian IRC channel. Ariel used his position as Vice President to negotiate with the then-Canadian Deputy Prime Minister to discuss the terms of the hospital purchase. The two then turned over the negotiations to Big Boy Bulley and then-Canadian Prime Minister Jacobi. The Philippine's first high-quality hospital (Q4) was purchased within two days.

Reelection to Congress

Ariel was reelected as Congress Member representing the Visayas on June 25, 2009.


Ariel formally announced a proposal to create an organization called PhilHealth or the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, an idea originally conceptualized by then-fellow Congress Member Nikko_33.

Similar to the American Healthcare Foundation, PhilHealth would collect donations and use them for the purchase of the country's first Q5 (highest quality) hospital. While the proposal drew unanimous praise and approval from the public, it was never realized due to lack of BBB's presidential approval.

While initially a failure, the PhilHealth proposal would eventually sent into motion events that would lead up to the purchase of the first Q5 hospital in the country.

FPM Primaries

With the next presidential elections just on the horizon, the majority of Filipinos expected Ariel to run for Country President.

Quite unexpectedly, however, HazzN, a fellow FPM member and Philippine Navy Commanding Officer, declared his bid for the presidency among his party members, asking for their support. Ariel did not back down and declared his own bid.

Big Boy Bulley, then party president, decided to put it to a vote by the party members. HazzN won the primaries by a narrow margin and was nominated by the FPM for Country President.

HazzN then asked Ariel to run with him as his vice presidential running mate.

Reelection to Vice President

HazzN and Ariel won the July 2009 presidential elections in a landslide victory against EZEX Lacroa. Ariel was thereafter appointed the Director of the Department of Finance.[2]

FPM Party Presidency

Ariel won the Filipino Progressive Movement Party President elections on July 15, 2009 after receiving overwhelming support from his fellow party members. He would serve as FPM president for two consecutive terms.


One of his highlights as party president was spearheading the creation of the PFF-FPM-KMP-CPP Coalition as a response to the arrival of The New Beginning party, an ethnically Hungarian party that sent PTO alarm bells ringing across that nation. It was the first time, the big four parties formed a united front in any congressional elections.[3]

On election day, July 25, 2009, the coalition waged a successful campaign in the polls and had dominated the Congress floor by the end of the day.[4]

Reelection to Congress... Again

Only July 26, 2009, Ariel was once again sworn in to what would be his fourth consecutive terms as a member of the Philippine Congress.

Speaker Elections

That same day, as both Vice President and Congress Member, Ariel used his influence as de factor Congress moderator to open nominations for an official leader of the Congress. On July 29, Ariel declared Fellow Congress Member and former protege Nikko_33 as Speaker of the Philippine Congress following elections. [5][6]

Party Day

On July 27, 2009, as part of a publicity stunt, the four Coaltion political parties simultaneously changed their names. Philippines for the Filipinos became Tropang Ladlad (literally, Coming Out Troop or Friends Coming Out [of the closet]). Filipino Progressive Movement (Kilusan ng Progresibong Pilipino) became Filipino Gay Movement. Kilusan ng Makabayang Pinoy (literally, Nationalist Filipino Movement) became Kafatirang Mujer ng Pilipinas (stylized to mean Brotherhood of Women of the Philippines)Communist Party - Philippines became Partidong Bakla ng Pilipinas (literally, Gay Party of the Philippines).

The parties' names were changed back approximately 24 hours later. Ariel published an "official explanation" shortly afterward.[7]


File:Headless Ariel David Buena.jpg
Ariel's Presidential Portrait, Photoshopped by eFilipino artist and National Museum curator Juan De Minda

August Presidential Campaign

On July 31, 2009, Ariel publicly announced his presidential candidacy in an article in his newspaper, The eRepublik Outsider. Ariel wrote a total of 7 campaign articles describing his broad platform for the presidency.[8][9][10][11][12][13][14]

After his landslide victory in the August 5, 2009 polls, Ariel assumed the office of the presidency the following morning. His election would see a marked departure from the far-right principles of his political party, the Filipino Progressive Movement.

The Civil Service

Ariel's first executive order was the creation of a systematized process of screening government service applications which he called the Civil Service.[15] It was also by this system that he created 2 new executive departments and a Cabinet-level agency: the Department of Trade and Industry, the Department of Pan-Dimensional Affairs, and the Philippine Information Agency.[16]

Creation of National Economic and Development Authority

Ariel overhauled the primordial Economics Team of former finance minister roadrunnerspeed and renamed it the National Economic Development Authority, "a team of economic experts composed of personnel from the Department of Finance, the Department of Home Affairs, and the newly-formed Department of Trade and Industry, as well as business and financial experts from other countries, such as Australia, Japan and the United States".[17]

Later, he renamed NEDA to National Economic and Development Authority.

AFP Work 4 Weapons Program

Ariel sanctioned NEDA and the AFP to implement a "work-for-weapons" program similar to those employed by other countries in the eWorld.[18]

Systematic PHP Devaluation Plan

Ariel also authorized NEDA to implement a systematic plan to devalue the PHP "to offset factors that initially made doing business unattractive here by encouraging exportation instead of importation of goods" and "[allow] us to inject more PHP into the economy to fuel and stimulate it".[19]

Tax Reform

Dubbed "Tax Reform II" in lieu of the first tax reforms implemented during the BBB administration, Ariel actively pursued the reform of tax policies near the end of his first term. With NEDA as his R&D arm, they especially especially focused on taxes protecting the country's inefficient land sectors.

Military Policy and Reform

During his term, Ariel and defense minister Rich Porter instituted various reforms in the military.

Operation Pig Mac

The Philippine Marine Corps and the Philippine Navy ceased operations in the North American theater of the World War and were recalled home on ______________.

Operation Kimchi

On August 24, Ariel ordered the mobilization of the Philippine Navy to newly independent South Korea to assist the latter's government in averting a political takeover.

Foreign Policy

During Ariel's term, he was perceived to be generally supportive of the Philippines' allegiance to both PEACE GC and Sol. He also sanctioned the opening and/or reopening of embassies in India, Austria, Thailand.


Ariel personally represented the Philippines in PEACE Global Community's Security Council as his country's official Representative. He also appointed foreign affairs minister Hekter and national defense minister Rich Porter as his Security Council Advisors.


Initially, Ariel appointed former Philippine president HazzN as the official Representative to Sol, as well as foreign affairs minister Hekter, national defense minister Rich Porter, and himself as official Advisory Representatives. Towards the middle of his term, however, he relieved HazzN of the Representative position and assumed the post himself citing the former's relative inactivity. Much later, he also appointed Nikko_33 as an Advisory Representative in Sol.

Education Reform and Policy


Unlike his two predecessors, Ariel chose to remain active in the Philippine government after his presidential term. Upon stepping down from being President, Ariel continued as acting Director of Education and acting Director of Pan-Dimensional Affairs by virtue of an Advisory to Government Officials he released before stepping down.

Department of Education

On October 12, 2009, President Reclusive Monkey appointed him to full Director of Education.

Representing Palawan in Congress

On October 26, 2009, Ariel was sworn in as a member of the Philippine Congress, following the elections the day before, representing the region of Palawan.

On October 30, 2009, Ariel was voted Deputy Speaker under Speaker Revilo X. On the same day, Ariel submitted a proposal to impeach the President upon the latter's request to the Philippine Congress.

Department of Pan-Dimensional Affairs

Ariel was appointed by then-President romansoldier as Director of the Department of Pan-Dimensional Affairs.

Department of National Defense

Ariel was appointed by then-President Hekter as Secretary of National Defense.

Diplomatic Career

Ariel entered the diplomatic arena very early in his life. He was appointed the Ambassador of the Philippines to Japan by then-President Big Boy Bulley on April 11, 2009, replacing the late Rageldo Dimagiba. He continuous in that position to this day.

Upon becoming President on August, Ariel assumed the position of Representative (of the Philippines) in the PEACE GC Security Council, as well as Advisory Representative in the Sol Security Council. Soon after, he replaced HazzN as Representative {of the Philippines) in the Sol SC. He continued in these posts until he stepped down from the presidency and was succeeded by Reclusive Monkey on September 2009.

On October 12, 2009, President Reclusive Monkey appointed him Advisory Representative in the Sol Security Council, replacing Hekter who by then had been elected Chairman of the Sol SC. At the same time, the President appointed him as Advisor in the PEACE GC Security Council.

Military Career

Ariel enrolled in the Philippine Military Academy on April 10, 2009, about a day after he was appointed Supervisor in the Department of Home Affairs. He was among the first batch of cadets who graduated on May 1, 2009. He was then subsequently assigned to the Philippine Army, the Philippines' main home defense force, where he remained for the better part of his military career.

On July 13, 2009, Ariel received his transfer to the Philippine Army Special Operations Command (SOCOM), the Philippines' elite home defense unit, where he is still serving actively.

A few days later, on July 17, 2009, Ariel was appointed interim Commanding Officer of the Philippine Military Academy, covering for then-AFP Supreme Commander Saladin23. He resigned from this post 4 days later upon the latter's return.

Awards and Honors

In October 2009, Ariel was awarded the BisRock Industries Award for Best Actor and the Bisrock Industries Full of Crap Award.

Sports Career


On July 22, 2009, Ariel registered for Cricket with Catterick.

Formula 1

Ariel began his professional racing career on July 22, 2009 by registering for eRepublik BATracer. He started the BMW Sauber team and entered the F1 2009 season-opener tournament in Melbourne, Australia and finished 5th on the practice races. He placed 3rd in the Qualifying Session, while his teammate, Huuko Oksanen from Finland, finished 1st. He finished a victorious 1st in the championship race.

Ariel quit his racing activities in the middle of his August presidential campaign.


Ariel entered his football team, Team Philippines, in the UK-sponsored Football games. On August 1, 2009, he saw Team Philippines win 7/-2 against Inter Malocal in Round 1 of the first tournament.


Ariel joined the first Olympics held in Australia.


Ariel David Buena appeared as Ariel, the Cleric of Saint Cuthbert in Josie Brooks's fictional play Seeking Fate's Tapestry.



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Congress Member (x13)
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Country President (x2)
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