MDU December 2008 Congress Election Presentations

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These are all the presentations by candidates from the Movement for Democratic Unity for the Congress elections in the United Kingdom, held on December 25th, 2008. These presentations are written by the candidates themselves, hence they are in the first tense.

CV James, Richard York, and Patrick Reckitt, all won seats.

Mdu congress dec08 banner.JPG

CV James (South East of England)

As a citizen of the South East of England since my "birth" in August this year, I have now been around for some time and have fully thrown myself into to the world of UK politics. Since being elected leader of the former People's Zeteticist Party in October, I successfully reformed the ailing party into the Movement for Democratic Unity, and as party president, I have overseen substantially membership increase, we have gone from being the 9th biggest party with 13-odd members to UK's newest Top-5 party currently with 47 members. From this respect, I believe I have, or at least am proving myself to be a politician that can be trusted, will fight for our cause, but will also stand back and compromise in the name of unity when the time is right.

About Me

Thanks to the "Small Parties Rights" act, I have been a member of the House of Commons for the past month and have contributed to the vast majority of discussions, I would love to transfer this experience to the in-game Congress. I have a high voting record with the House of Commons - it is the duty of Congressmen to vote on behalf of citizens and I will continue to uphold this responsibility should I be elected. I am committed to all my endeavours, as shown by my Hard Worker awards, and will always question proposals and dig for the truth, something my work as the Press director of eUK Telegraph will show you.

But what would I do as Congressman for the South East of England?

As a new party with big ideas, I believe the South East of England needs a breath of fresh air in the form of the Movement for Democratic Unity. Too often politics becomes caught up in partisan arguments, something everyone is guilty of, and something we aim to stop. Voters cannot be truly represented when politicians are arguing over political ideology and party disagreements. As a Congressman, I would not be scared to take difficult decisions, once I have listened to both sides of the argument and come to a balanced judgement. With the war in our midsts, these decisions will unfortunately too frequently have to be made. In terms of the South East of England, we are a border region, open to attack from aggressive neighbours, yet we only have a Level 1 Defence System! As a Congressman, I would fight for funding for a higher defence system so the people of the South East of England could be properly protected from the imminent dangers of war. Furthermore, I do not believe there is the help that is needed for newbies to eRepublik; I pledge to help all new citizens to prosper with everything in my powers, whether it be with wellness issues, employment problems or anything else. Congressmen are there FOR the people, not to control them; citizens should not be afraid to contact them with anything they need and make sure the Congressmen are accountable to them

So on 25th December, I ask all citizens of the South East of England to do the right thing; bring a new voice into the region, one which will truly stand up for your voices. Vote for CV James, of the Movement for Democratic Unity as Congressman for the South East of England.

Any questions? PM me, email me, or msn me at

To sum up:

  • I am not afraid to make tough decisions
  • I will listen to other views and make a balanced judgement
  • I won't engage with negative politics
  • I pledge to fight for a higher Defence System for the South East of England
  • I hope to increase accountability to the voters
  • I will directly help South East of England voters with issues such as employment problems
  • So vote for a breath of fresh air in Congress and the South East of England- VOTE CV JAMES!

Richard York (South West of England)

On the December 24 Congressional elections, I will be representing the Movement for Democratic Unity in the race for the seat of the South West.

Those of you who are regular readers of the Libertarian Voice, you know what I stand for and where my convictions lie. Those who not regular readers, my platform is simple. I believe the best way the UK will advance itself is by a strong, free market economy. I believe, as does the Movement for Democratic Unity, that the rights of the individual are a keystone of any free, democratic society.

But how will this transfer to a congressman? Those that know of my views can rest assured that I will not be devoting all my energy into making the UK a completely unsocialised state. I will do my best to help Britain, not to follow my own doctrines religiously to its possible detriment. I will, however, vote positively on any motion I see that supports the market, as it is through this that the country will improve.

In a non-economical sense, in me, you have a congressman who will support ATLANTIS in all its endeavours. If military action is required by the UK to support an ally, I will cast my vote for it unless there is an extremely good reason. I will also cooperate with my party in the vote, so my constituents can expect a representative who is fully accountable for their actions.

But I will not take a role constrained to simply voting on acts. I have some items to vote on my own and will debate these points with all my zeal. When my influence in Congress is increased I plan to suggest a variety of measures which I believe will positively affect the country.

About me

I'm a firm believer that one should vote for the policy rather than the person, but I believe examples of my own life will let voters know how they can trust me. I won't give you a world's smallest violin sob story about a newbie overcoming adversity, because I have never believed in patronising people. So here are some facts about me:

  • I do not have the same levels of political experience as some other candidates. That may seem like a strange addition to positive facts, but it is what it is and I expect it used against me frequently. One thing I promise is to change that inexperience by gaining knowledge.
  • I am the press director of the Libertarian Voice, a hard-hitting economic report that is highly rated and enjoyed.
  • I am the Movement for Democratic Unity's Foreign Affairs spokesperson, a position I take extremely seriously and have performed, in my opinion, to a good ability.
  • I have a Hard Worker medal, a tribute to my activity on eRepublik.
  • I shipped off to fight in Lower Normandy almost as soon as the army did, as I believed it my patriotic duty.

As a note, my commitments will go to the people of the South West as well as the UK. If any of my constituents have an inquiry, I will always guarantee a prompt, friendly response.

If I have appealed to you, then I urge you to support me at the polls!

York for the South West '08!

Patrick Reckitt (Yorkshire & Humberside)

Come to the Congress elections on the 24th. I will be standing for Yorkshire and Humberside for the Movement for Democratic Unity (MDU). I'm not very good at speeches, so bear with me and try not to fall asleep.

Why do I want to run? Because Yorkshire is one of the most beautiful counties in the UK (Humberside not so much, but still nice enough) with beautiful rolling hills and nice people. That and the fact that I want to do something constructive in eUK and try and benefit as many people as possible.

What platform am I standing on, then? I'm a centre-left libertarian I would suppose and so I would support limited government intervention, but somewhere needed. I would also oppose anything that would decrease the number of rights we all have, as citizens. Foreign policy wise, I would support standing by our allies, so long as there is a valid reason to go to war.

But why do I deserve your vote, when there are other sterling candidates? I deserve your vote because I am active, having done quite a lot in the short time I've been here and because I want to represent your, not mine on their own. I want to do this because this is a representative democracy, where everyone from the ground should be able to have a say, channelled through Congress. If you have an idea what you want represented before Congress, if I'm elected, I will do my best to present it and support. If I am elected, I will ask your views, in the UK forums on every major act, and you will be able to put your views across on these subjects. I will vote or debate according to how you feel, not just how I feel. Another reason why I deserve your vote is that I'm very willing to listen to and accept views from people in other parties, major and minor, and I don't believe that partisan party politics has any place in trying benefit this lovely region. That said, the MDU is a good party and fast-growing one, but then again, what party you join is no business of mine.

More specifically, if elected I will try and launch a drive to increase activity here, not just messaging people from this region, but also trying my utmost to get some sort of activity boosting competition, possibly a pub quiz, launched here. I'd also want to try and update the Yorkshire and Humberside wiki page to a more accurate representation of this region. So, in a nutshell, I want to increase activity here. I'm open to suggestions, as always, and will still be, should you elect me.

I realise there are a few reasons you might not vote for me. For a start, I'm young, in the game and out of the game and I don't have a massive amount of experience in eRepublilk itself. I think, however, that I can get over these difficulties and do as good a job as anyone else, if not better.

Before I stop talking, a little bit about myself. I live in Warwickshire, West Midlands, but have lived in Yorkshire, in a village a short way to the east of Saddleworth. I have a great love of walking, food and folk music (not all at once). I've played eRepublik for about a month now and I write for the BMA and I'm also an apprentice to the MoFA.

Remember: Vote for me and I do my utmost to deliver on my promises and bring you all everlasting pie (a vegetarian alternative is available).

Question are welcome here, via pm or by MSN (which you can get via pm)

Oexis (North East of England)

Hello everybody!

I would like to announce my candidacy for Congress, representing the Movement for Democratic Unity, a rapidly growing, strong and successful political party that I am very proud to be a part of. You will probably never have heard of me. That is because I am a young player, with a strong passion for politics and fresh ideas for eUK. I came to eRepublik with no knowledge of the world or how it works, and now, barely a few weeks later, I have gained the drive and commitment to do my part in making the UK a better nation. There has not been a single day since the dawn of my citizenship where I have not played eRepublik.

What would I do as your congressman?

If elected, I would represent the views of the North East in Commons, plain and simple. My allegiance is to you all, not as your leader but as your representative; your ombudsman. Bickering is commonplace in politics, but it simply holds back decision making and inhibits morality. I act not recklessly but responsibly, carefully considering all decisions and weighing up the pros and cons.

As a congressman I would:

  • Continue the good work of our previous congressman and formerly mayors.
  • Take to heart any queries, complaints or worries from those who live in the North East. I want your views and beliefs. They help me mould my policy to you all. I am not your congressman if you have no place in helping me do my job to the best of my ability.
  • Work closely with citizens in helping them to get themselves set up in our nation (e.g. helping them find a job, buying food etc.)
  • Vote in your best interests, always
  • Work with others. I am not afraid of teamwork and the assistance of other citizens will guarantee my focus and conviction to work for you.
  • Advertise the benefits of living here, and stimulate membership and more important activity. The promotion of the North East and on a larger scale our national forum is very important to nurture younger players. It has most certainly helped me.

I am proud to be living in the North East. I would be even prouder to be your congressman.

Vote Oexis on Christmas Day. Also, best of luck to my opponents.

Tommy Tommasino (East Midlands)

Dear East Midlands citizens,

I'd like to announce that I will be running as East Midlands congressman on 25th December.

Firstly a little about me - I am currently the MDU Party president and was also earlier this month the Presidential Candidate - the only candidate to match votes with party membership numbers. Before my time as Party President, I was Membership Officer, helping to over double our membership in my term in office (one month). In terms of government office, I am currently running the Ministry of Migration and Support with Party colleague Will Salmon, which includes the Transport for London scheme.

I am an extremely active citizen and know I would make a good congressman. I have proved my dedication to eUK in the past 2 months and am ready to represent East Midlands within the House of Commons.

I pledge to actually represent the citizens of East Midlands, through use of consultation on regional forums and will push to improve the quality level of our hospital, which is currently a pitiful level 1 - leaving many East Midlands citizens out for the majority of the recent war.

Vote Tommy Tommasino on 25th December!

Felix K (North East of England)

Hello everyone,

I'm standing for congressman for the first time because I figure the North East needs some new blood. Bob Boblo and malta_1990 have done a good job over the past few months, but why not give someone else a chance? Change: people have potentially got a lot to gain from taking a chance with someone new.

I support the policies of MDU; briefly, some of these are increased government accountability, for example through a public budget, and increasing trade between countries.

Personally, I would vote for bills that supported these things, and if any of my constituents had ideas that could help the UK move forward I would be more than happy to present them to the government from a position of being able to do something about them.

I'm fresh from fighting with the para's; all through the recent campaign in France I've fought for my country, and now is the time to give more than that. I would like to represent you all, give the platform to any ideas and suggestions you have, and learn something new. How many citizens have ever experienced what it's like to be a congressman? Not me, and I would like to start now.

Vote for me!
Felix K