Janty F

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Janty F

164 Message  · Wiki

Nationality Flag-Netherlands.jpg Dutch
Date of birth October 15, 2010
Political party Verenigd Nederland
Newspaper Rambling Gazette
Secretary General of Orion
June 2017 – August 2017
September 2017 – October 2017
December 2017 – January 2018
June 2018 – September 2018
Assistant Secretary General of Orion
August 2016 – September 2016
August 2017 – September 2017
October 2017 – December 2017
January 2018 – June 2018
Advisor of Orion
July 2016 – August 2016
Public Relations of Orion
September 2016 – June 2017
September 2018 –
President of Netherlands
March 2019 – April 2019
Preceded by Shawtyl0w
Succeeded by Arcanic Mindje
Ministry of Defense of Netherlands
August 2018 – March 2019
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Netherlands
August 2018 – September 2018
Ministry of Finances of Netherlands
April 2019 –
Vicepresident of Netherlands
December 2018 – February 2019
Party President of Democratisch Nederland of Netherlands
November 2018 – January 2019
Party President of Partido de la Liberacion of Cuba
September 2016 – August 2018
Spokesman of Partido de la Liberacion of Cuba
June 2016 – September 2016
President of Cuba
August 2016 – September 2016
Preceded by prole04
Succeeded by H U E S O O
July 2017 – August 2017
Preceded by alak Ran
Succeeded by xXxAstarothxXx
July 2018 – August 2018
Preceded by GIRONA F.C.
Succeeded by Nikola Tesla
Vicepresident of Cuba
October 2016 – November 2016
April 2017 – May 2017
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba
December 2016 – February 2017
May 2017 – August 2017
December 2017 – February 2018
April 2018 – July 2018
Viceminister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba
June 2016 – October 2016
November 2016 – December 2016
February 2017 – April 2017
August 2017 – December 2017
March 2018 – April 2018
Ministry of Defense of Cuba
February 2018 – March 2018
Dictator of Czech Republic
February 2016 – May 2016
Preceded by Pirkus
Succeeded by Rhual
President of Czech Republic
November 2015 – February 2016
Preceded by Vladislav Baloun
Succeeded by El Fap Padre
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic
November 2015 – May 2016
Ministry of Defense of Czech Republic
July 2015 – October 2015
Supreme Commander of Nebula
August 2015 – October 2015
Assistant Supreme Commander of Nebula
February 2016 – March 2016
Public Relations of Nebula
November 2015 – March 2016
Military unit Dutch Armed Forces
Position Member
Military rank Icon rank Titan*.png Titan*
Aircraft rank Wing commander 1.png Wing Commander*

Icon history.png Early life

Janty F was an old citizen, who somehow decided to play this game back in 2010. Unfortunately, during that time, he was mostly 2-clicking and did nothing useful to the Czech community. He decided to join Czechoslovakian Federation, but after it started to split apart (because Czech Republic became finally free from PTO), he decided to quit the game, because he was too lazy to move to his homeland.

After a few years, he somehow found out that eRepublik still exists, and after he found his old password, he decided to give it one try. The first thing he discovered, was that Slovakia was conquered by Hungary and its community was shattered because of foreign MTO. On the other hand, the Czech Republic was on a map and it was finally free from all takeovers. Soon, he was contacted by Vladislav Baloun and he returned back home, ready to live peacefully in his homeland. However, he soon became interested in politics, and thanks to CP Pirkus, he soon becomes involved in government.

Icon position party president.gif Politics in Czech Republic

In July 2015, he decided to run for the title of Country President for Czech Right Union, but he was defeated by one vote by milestailsprower. Willing to do everything possible to make his dreams come true, Janty F decided to join milestailsprower's government as a Minister of Defense, under the guidance of experienced player John_White. Although he was an unstable politician from the beginning (threatening to impeach his own CP), he quickly regained his senses and he now feels sorry for his former behaviour.

Together with John White, he was able to transform Ministry of Defense and bring a ton of interesting activities (the best of them were Military exercises, the idea was later adopted and tried by other countries). He also served as a Supreme Commander of the alliance Nebula. Yet, he was still scared to run for CP again and didn't put his name on a ballot for three months. Finally, in November, he came to a conclusion, that there is no chance for him to lose again, and with the support of the majority of parties, he was able to achieve a historic victory. He also switched up his political positions and decided to focus more on foreign affairs (mostly because he wanted to make some foreign friends - in which he somehow succeeded). During his first term, he helped Austria to join Nebula. Willing to get more medals, he ran again for CP in December. With smaller (but thankfully hard-working RL Serbian) government, the governmental tasks proved to be even harder, but an opportunity for TW with Hungary showed up and all the citizens, eager for some combat, quickly accepted it. This war also brought Janty F an opportunity to earn his first TP damage, because he somehow still only had TP damage for Slovakia.

People were apparently so impressed by his political skills, that at the beginning of January 2016, he found himself to be the only CP candidate for next month. Thus he began his third term in a row. In his third term, a TW with Uruguay was conducted after negotiations with Uruguayan CP GenioKPO. In cooperation with his MoD El Fap Padre, a new import taxes were introduced, which ended the long Czech policy of protectionism.

In February 2016, Janty F abstained from CP elections in favor of El Fap Padre, who proved himself to be a great leader, willing to do his best in order to help the Czech community. Janty F was also preparing for Dictatorship elections, and he didn't want to hold both titles of Dictator and President. The presidentship for Janty F ended on Day 3,000. During that day, Plato prepared a series of events, which lead to many countries making willing (or unwilling) liberation war. The Czech Republic was in dire need of liberation war because of its high determination bonus, so Janty decided to use an offer from a foreign player. This rushed decision proved to be harmful, as some of the most prominent members of the military didn't like this idea and pointed out the potential financial loss to the country. The heated discussion lead to quarrels and Janty F was considering leaving Czech politics (or maybe even country) completely, as he didn't want people to be mad at him. In the end, though, he reluctantly decided to run for Dictator against milestailsprower, while supporting him as a candidate. The results of elections were close, but in the end, Janty F emerged victorious despite winning only by one vote. The self-coup was successfully prepared and thus on Day 3,011; Janty F became the third Dictator of Czech Republic.

His first two terms went without any major issues. The main event during his rule was a TW with Belarus, which successfully continued for several months. During his third term, an event called Resource Wars started. Before the event began, Janty F was able to conduct negotiations with Poland and Serbia, thus helping both of Czech primary MPP allies to get more battles. During the end of his third term (and in the middle of Resource Wars), Janty F decided to step down because of RL timing issues (and because he wanted to visit other countries too). He was replaced on Day 3,102 by Rhual.

Icon position party president.gif Politics in Cuba

After he abstained from all political positions in the Czech Republic, Janty F decided to move into Cuba and started a new political career there. Thanks to his experiences, he was chosen as a Viceminister of Foreign Affairs in Loolie Drea's government in June 2016. He continued in this position next month too, while expanding also into the HQ of Orion alliance, where was Cuba recently accepted.

In August 2016, Janty F decided to run for president with his slogan Cuba - One and United. In the end, he won the elections thanks to the massive support of the Cuban population. During his term, Cuba conducted a successful Airstrike on Egypt and was able to occupy four Saudi Arabian regions, which was one of the biggest Cuban military successes.

Janty F also reached an important position in Orion, becoming the author of many articles in renewed Orion newspapers. Each week, a Damage Report was published by him to highlight major Orion fighters and show Orion successes in their major wars during Fall and Winter of 2016. For his achievements, Janty F has been selected as a leader of ORION on numerous occasions.

He was also a Party President of the non-Spanish speaking community party, Partido de la Liberacion. Under his leadership, and thanks to the many new and active players, the party was able to get into the first position in 2017, at one point even surpassing the number of 40 members. A lot of these new members became a part of the very successful government of April 2017, with President The Vision. Unfortunately, the party has recently hit a point stagnation, being one of the less dominant forces in Cuban politics.

Janty F continued to serve in Cuban for two years, positioning himself lately into a more neutral role, trying to cooperate and giving his advice and help to governments of all parties. He was regularly presiding over Cuban Congress at the Bureau of Congress to ensure all proposals are properly discussed and voting, instead of being swallowed by the usual chaos. Of course, that did not earn him many friends, as the majority vocal citizens of Cuba has been involved in various toxic schemes, and the idea of unity and neutrality was not recognized by them.

Icon position party member.gif Politics in other countries

After his third Cuban presidency, Janty F decided there was nothing more for him to achieve in Cuba, and he moved to another country of his alliance, Netherlands, to meet the local community. In the Netherlands, he became responsible for the new project called The Flying Dutchman Initiative, which rewarded Dutch players for participating in the Aircraft module. He was also involved in reforming of Dutch Law Book and other active motions, which have been obsolete and regressive. Due to his initiative, a lower Work Tax was opposed after a long time of high tax oppression, and voting has been finally moved in-game. For his activity, he has been elected as Party President of biggest Dutch party, Democratisch Nederland during winter 2018. He has served in numerous Dutch governments and actively participated in Congress debates, while creating many lesser proposals to improve the legal situation of his country. For his dedication, he has been selected as Chairman of the Congress for several terms during this time.

In March 2019, Janty F has been elected for the first time as Dutch President. During his tenure, he focused on expanding the Dutch Government programs, improved the conditions of rental deal with Iran and created several informative articles about economy, focused on helping Dutch citizens focused on production of goods. His term was also considered as the most active presidential term in terms of journalism in modern Dutch history, as more than 125 articles were released during his term (meaning more than 4 articles per day)informing citizens - success, which will be very hard to achieve by any of his successors. After the end of his term, Janty F moved away from Democratisch Nederland to Verenigd Nederland, due to finding more agreement with their style of communication and their policies. He also moved from his usual government positions to become Dutch Minister of Finances (a position he held only briefly during his past political career), and revolutionized the obsolete and often confusing Dutch economic document (by adding, amongst others, Summary Tab, Graphs and Economic Indicators to allow citizens follow the economic trends more easily). He also improved on the level of transparency and education regarding finances via releasing more economic articles, through either personal or ministerial newspapers.

Icon military.png Military

After a series of incidents, Janty F decided to buy his own MU in order to have an opportunity to set CO's for the Czech Republic and its allies at any given time. Czech Defense Unit will always be here to protect and serve the Czech nation. Currently, the MU serves as a dictatorial one. Currently, Janty F is a member of a national Dutch MU.

Janty F also dedicated his career to collect RH medals. After a competition with El Fap Padre, he was finally able to secure the lead and become #1 Czech Resistance Hero. With the arrival of Rhual to the Czech Republic, his top position became less secure. After his arrival to Cuba, Janty F got stuck for a little while, but despite that, he was still able to maintain his place in TOP 250 RH hunters of the world.

With the introduction of Aircraft Module, Janty F decided to focus all his attention to Air battles. He quickly became one of the most skilled Cuban pilots despite using no packs or Energy bars, receiving several decorations from the Cuban government for his service. He was one of the heroes of Cuban defense against Chilean AS, where he got his first and only Sky Hero medal for his brave defense against Chilean elite pilots.

During the 10th anniversary, Janty F has been able to reach half way to the Titan rank in a couple of days. With plenty of Ghost and Damage Boosters in his inventory, Janty F switched to focus on ground battles again, at least until the Titan rank is reached and all Boosters are used.

Despite that, after arrival in the Netherlands, Janty F pushed in the air to become 6th Wing Commander of Netherlands. Another important milestone came during the Day 4,000, which Janty F used to gather his first Prestige Hunter medal, while also achieving other successes.

File:Icon september 7 day.png Achievements

Icon achievement Freedom Fighter on.gif
Freedom Fighter (x310)
Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif
Hard Worker (x72)
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif
Congress Member (x40)
Icon achievement Country President on.gif
Country President (x7)
Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif
Media Mogul (x1)
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif
Battle Hero (x42)
Icon achievement Sky Hero on.gif
Sky Hero (x7)
Icon achievement Campaign Hero on.gif
Campaign Hero (x3)
Icon achievement Resistance Hero on.gif
Resistance Hero (x454)
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif
Super Soldier (x556)
Icon achievement Society Builder off.gif
Society Builder (x0)
Icon achievement Mercenary on.gif
Mercenary (x37)
Icon achievement Top Fighter off.gif
Top Fighter (x0)
Icon achievement Top Aviator off.gif
Top Aviator (x0)
Icon achievement True Patriot on.gif
True Patriot (x85)
Icon achievement Prestige Hunter on.gif
Prestige Hunter (x1)
Icon achievement Dictator Trainee on.gif
Dictator Trainee (x9)
Icon achievement True Dictator on.gif
True Dictator (x3)