Artemis Bane

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Dead citizen.png
Dead citizen

Artemis Bane

69 Message  · Wiki

Nationality Flag-USA.png American
Date of birth 22 July 2009
Day 610
Date of death 2014
Sex Female
Newspaper Lunar Declaration
Congress member of Canada
25 June 2011 – 24 July 2011
Served under Canadian Paradox Party
25 September 2011 – 24 October 2011
Served under Canadian Paradox Party
Ambassador of USA
November 2010 – January 2011
Served under nea milosu
Military rank Icon rank God of War**.png God of War**
Aircraft rank Senior airman 2.png Senior Airman**

Artemis Bane was a citizen of Icon-Canada.png Canada, former citizen of Icon-USA.png USA, Icon-Ireland.png Ireland and Icon-Spain.png Spain.

Early Days

Born day 610 of the New World, Artemis was a native of Ontario. It was there she learned the ropes of the game mostly through trial and error, reading notable news sources like Jewitt, Emerick, Jacobi and Banach. Her first true taste of war came during the Battle for Ontario and the eventual removal of Canada from the map. She followed the general Canadian orders for refugees and relocated to Spain. Picking Asturias, one of the Spanish fortress regions, she felt safe enough and settled down into a new community. There, she honed her manufacturing skills and trained her strength in relative peace, waiting for an opportunity. Unfortunately, the peace was short lived, as soon, Spain also fell to France.

Faced with a familiar situation, again trapped on enemy soil, Artemis packed up and at the insistence of Buck Roger travelled to Greece as part of his refugee program. Biding her time, she made a few friends in the Grecian community and began saving away for the inevitable. When rumblings of resistance wars for Canadian Liberation began to surface, Artemis hopped the first MT to French Territory and began to fight. With the return of Canadian Providences and industry, life settled into a semblance of what once was.

Icon-war.pngActive Duty

CAF Rangers

As a 5 strength Lieutenant, Artemis decided that continued service to her country was the right course of action. She petitioned for a position in the active service division Canadian Regulars. With the rapid shuffling of players returning from abroad and expansion of the army size, her request was not immediately accepted. Artemis was stationed in holding as a member of the newly created 2nd Platoon of the Canadian Rangers under nea milosu.

CAF Regulars

Shortly thereafter, Artemis was called up to the also newly formed "Anonymous Platoon". There, she participated in the naming of said platoon into what eventually became known as the 11th Royal Rifles under the leadership of Lt. SunshineUnit. On Day 801 of the New World, Artemis was promoted to the rank of Corporal by her commanding officer. When SunshineUnit quit eRepublik at roughly the same time as Sgt. Supabeasty's departure to the USA, a void was created in the platoon hierarchy. There was a period of two weeks where Artemis and her fellow Corporals Herpesus and Jashan stepped in and handled all the affairs of the platoon. This situation was resolved by High Command stepping in with the appointment of Herpesus as the Commanding Officer. His first order of business was requesting that interested persons submit an application to be the Sergeant of the platoon. Artemis tossed her name in the hat and in acknowledgement of her hard work was officially promoted on Day 957 of the New World.

With the advent of V2, Artemis decided to forgo the platoon's choice of Infantry to be an Airborne soldier. Therefore she was required to transfer to another platoon. She ended up placed in what remained of the 10th Canadian Hussars under Lt. Mary Chan. Artemis was originally rostered as the second Sergeant in the platoon due to her transfer. So as part of this move, Artemis was approached by the Commander of the Supply Officer Corps Raw784 and was asked to be one of the three dedicated Supply Officers for the Airborne Division. Needless to say, she accepted and became the only female Captain active in the force at that time.

United States Training Corps

On day 938 of the New World, she deployed to the United States for a three week stay as part of the TC. In order to have a better understanding of the system, she was accepted at the rank of Trainee, the lowest position in the force. There she completed Basic Training and graduated with honors from the 123rd Berzerkers being promoted to Private. She was next placed into the 302nd Sentinels under 2Lt. Hisroth. After showing exemplary performance in her required duties for the 302nd she was given the rank of Private First Class. Not content to merely sit idle, Artemis looked for other outlets to work through in the TC. This time she was approached by 1Lt. GryphonSkull to come back to the Berzerkers as his new Master Sergeant where she served out the remainder of her exchange. As a parting gift from the USTC, she was presented with a Meritorious Conduct Award and granted an Honorary Rank of Captain in the force.

Return to the CAF Rangers

She began on Day 1035, replacing Lt. CrackerJacker who was taking some time off for RL. On day 1059, Kronos Q officially resigned as the Commanding Officer for the Rangers and chose Artemis as his successor, handing off his many months of work and plans for the Rangers future. At this time she was promoted to Brigadier General as the Rangers Branch Commanding Officer and appointed a member of the CAF High Command. After serving in both capacities for seven months, Artemis stepped down on day 1295 when the Rangers Division was merged with the CAF Regulars. She was offered other command positions but turned them down, opting to be a regular soldier again for a while. She joined the 12th Coroleone's Armored Wolverines under Lt. Elgatozorro. While there she maintained her position as an advisor to High Command while jointly enrolling in the reformed CAF Immortals.

United States Marine Corps

On Day 1684, Artemis's application to the US Marines was accepted. Her holding of US citizenship for the CAF commune program was creating complications with the government funding regulations. She was placed in Harlot's Leathernecks, the Bravo 1 Company under Commanding Officer SuicideOG.

Icon position party member.gif Politics

Artemis was previously a member of the well known Canadian Paradox Party from her birth through late 2011 when the party was PTO'd by Rolo Tahmasee and his companions. During the election of June '11 Artemis decided to throw her hat into the congressional race for the first time. Due to some generosity and timely planning by her peers, she won a congress seat in Prince Edward Island by a narrow margin of two votes. She became the 7th member of the CPP team under Caucus leader Wally Cleaver. She later ran again in September securing the same seat under the Canadian Paradox Party's banner.

Last known party that Artemis was a member of was the mostly apolitical party Blood Brethren lead by Bia Pandora. She mostly avoided political scene at that stage of life.

Icon donation.gifIndustry

Artemis manages a small commune facility with Q6 tanks in addition to her self sufficiency for food. She also has a fully upgraded training center, climbing center and special forces center.


Artemis has a small family in the game consisting of her uncle Raw784, brother Chucky Norris and sister Mary Chan. She has been relentlessly pursued by Cozza for marriage over the course of several seasons. She refuses to consent mainly due to the mysterious circumstances surrounding the deaths of his two previous wives. Sadly, Artemis has become estranged with her perennial consort, sharkjuggler/Hephaestus Fall who has grown distant in the New World.


Because of many operations, military and diplomatic, Artemis has been all across the new world. Her most notable stops are the following countries, with a full list on the map.

Icon-Canada.png Canada Icon-USA.png USA Icon-Ireland.png Ireland Icon-Greece.png Greece Icon-Australia.png Australia Icon-United Kingdom.png United Kingdom Icon-France.png France
Icon-Spain.png Spain Icon-Croatia.png Croatia Icon-Romania.png Romania Icon-China.png China Icon-Poland.png Poland Icon-Hungary.png Hungary Icon-Brazil.png Brazil

Travel map - 1678118.png

Achievements.png Achievements

Icon achievement Freedom Fighter on.gif
Freedom Fighter (x8)
Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif
Hard Worker (x51)
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif
Congress Member (x2)
Icon achievement Country President on.gif
Country President (x1)
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif
Battle Hero (x30)
Icon achievement Campaign Hero on.gif
Campaign Hero (x1)
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif
Super Soldier (x241)
Icon achievement Mercenary on.gif
Mercenary (x5)
Icon achievement True Patriot on.gif
True Patriot (x20)