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Kalle Holm


Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Sweden.jpg Swedish
Date of birth 31 January 2009
Residence Gotaland
Political party Flashback Sweden
President of Sweden
May 6, 2009 – June 6, 2009
Preceded by Algaroth
Succeeded by JBmalin
Minister of Finance of Sweden
January 31, 2009 – May 5, 2009
Preceded by micke_e
Succeeded by OrjanA
Party president of Flashback Sweden
April 16, 2009 – May 15, 2009
Preceded by Algaroth
Succeeded by JBmalin
Congressman of Sweden
February 26, 2009 – March 11, 2009
April 26, 2009 – now
Military rank Icon rank Recruit.png Recruit
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Kalle Holm is a Swedish ex-president, capitalist and conqueror of Germany. Kalle Holm has also possessed the post as Finance minister of Sweden for several months before his precidency.

Furthermore is he a rich general manager, owning several companies troughout the world.

Kalle Holm is Karl Holm's second account, since his first account was banned due to exploiting the gold bug in January.


eRepublik BETA

At the early evening of June 9th 2008, Karl Holm was born into eRepublik. A couple of days old he managed to buy a cheap moving company with gold collected from invited friends. He named the company Holms Far och Flyg and tried to run it as long as he could. However the company was doomed from the very begining and he managed to sell it with a minor profit before the company went bankrupt. With that experience in mind Karl Holm decided to put his economic ambitions on hold until he'd got a better understanding for the market in eRepublik.

Instead he got involved in the local politics via Democrats of New Sweden. Soon he advanced inside the party and got a seat in the congress the 1th of July 2008.

The 9th of July Karl Holm was announced finance minister of Sweden [1] and has kept that position since.

At the 29th of July 2008 DNS's party leader Leon Pong (aka Divinity, Leon Fitzergald) resigned his position in the advantage of Karl Holm. He held this position only for a short time until DKN won the August party elections. However Karl Holm was elected for party president at the 10th of September 2008. Karl Holm maintained his position for just 10 days until he decided to resign from DNS due to improper co-workers and members. [2] [3]

After that he joined Flashback Sweden the 20th September 2008, since he felt he wanted to stay in politics, just not representing DNS tough.

eRepublik V1

Shortly after V1 was introduced Karl Holm decided to drop out of politics and fokus more on managing companies. At the 18th of October he bought his first company. With the thought of working his way up all from the bottom he bought a Q1 housing company. From there he'll analyse the current market and see where the profit can be made. If Swedens gets its well deserved 2 in a resorce he plan to create a company there.

Later on that day he also announced that he'd stay in politics for at least a month due to the ongoing economical crisis throughout the eWorld.

The 29th of October Karl Holm announced his wish to resign from the post as finance minister of Sweden. The 5th of November he resigned in favour of micke_e. Karl Holm is now an ordinary congressman and a proud member of the joint-stock corporation Northern Corporation Group's board of directors.

The gold bug and the ban

In mid-January a gold bug was revealed. Karl Holm quickly got in contact with one of the main exploiters after an article about it had been published in international media, and minutes later he'd copied exactly 108 000 gold. Many asked him why, he was already said to be very rich and he had a respectable reputation. His answer was simple: I was bored and I am extremely curious by nature, I had to try it out, and I had to exaggerate to prove that I wasn't out for the money. A few days earlier he'd published an article where he said he intented to quit, but he was persuaded to continue even though he experienced a period of boredom. 3 days after the ban, the 21st of January 2009 Karl Holm was permanentely banned. He soon created Kalle Holm, his new account, and got a fresh start.

Kalle Holm - the second account

As Karl Holm was banned Karl was adviced by admin to create a new account, and so he soon did. The first months was focused on regaining the riches he'd lost with the ban. As he still was CEO of Northern Corporation Group and owned a considerable amount of shares he soon got enough money from sold shares to start his own business. He sold his major share to his trusted friend Marten1000 and announced him as Karl's successor. Soon Karl opened up his companies and had by that climbed up to the point where he was before the ban.

At the side of Karl Holm's business career he was still somewhat involved in politics, beeing quite an inactive Finance minister and also congressman for Flashback Sweden a short term in February-March. Karl Holm resigned in the middle of the term to train in wars around the globe after he'd used his two proposals.

In the beginning of April Karl Holm moved to Latvia to support a friend in the congress elections and help with the foundation of the new nation. Karl planned to stay in Latvia for a longer time, though that proved to be wrong. As his old party in Sweden, Flashback Sweden, needed a party leader for the elections, in lack of suitable candidates, Karl Holm was asked to move home and candidate. Karl Holm won with quite comforting 59.45% of the votes over Toothpaste, ex-president of Sweden.


Karl Holm held a strong and motivating election campain where he filled Swedens's people with hope for the future, since he promised war against Germany for their past actions against Sweden. He also stated strongly that he wished to candidate as a Swede for all of Sweden, not only his party. At the elections all major parties but the communists, MSAP, supported Karl Holm, some by game mechanichs, other by articles.

Since Germany had been on a trial period in Atlantis, though the perioded had ceased and no votation regarding Germany's continued membership had been held, Sweden and Karl Holm argued that they weren't members of Atlantis. This caused fragmentation within Atlantis. Atlantis supreme commander Shadow refused to start an official votation weather or not Germany should've be a member of Atlantis, and kept insisting that the Swedes and Germans would lay all their history behind and be friends. This was nothing Sweden was keen to do, considering Germany's past falsehood and treachourness. After almost two weeks of arguing Sweden put forth an ultimatum: "Grant us to declare war upon Germany, else Sweden will leave Atlantis."

The war against Germany Karl Holm promised was launched, and together with Poland and allied mobile troops Germany was effeciently fought down to just a few regions. Then Indonesia and Brazil proposed an alliance to Germany, and it seemed the war would turn. It was then Sweden decided to activate Sweden's infiltrator Shoot, who was voted as president, which ended the war in a total annhilation. Read more at Third Sweden-Germany War.

Late life

Kalle Holm declined to run for president yet another term since the war had taken to much energy and time from him. He choosed so step down from the presidential post and go on a summer vacation. Though his intention was to leave eRepublik completely during the summer, he soon got interested in the translations of eRepublik and took charge of the Swedish translation.

When Karl Holm officially returned at the summer's end he got involved in Sweden's foreign politics and became minister of foreign affairs between August 6th to September 6th. During his mandate the Great War of 2009 had just reached it's turning point. Karl Holm with others launched two global collections of gold to The Allied Forces war efforts, which eased the pressure on the involved nations' treasuries.

Since Karl Holm quit his post as MoFA he's been focusing on his companies, as well as internal politics with his party Flashback Sweden.