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The Unity Party

Party-The Unity Party.png
General Information
Country Flag-UK.jpg UK
Abbreviation TUP
Newspaper The Unity Post
Forum Part of UK Forum
Founded January 15th 2008
President CottonPicken
Vice President nebojsa.petrovic
Members 207
Congress Occupancy 13/40 seats, 33%
Orientation Center-left
Ideology Libertarian
The Unity Party

Party Administration

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary General
  • Councillor
  • Spokesman
  • Wiki Officer

Created in January 2008 under the name Now El313ct Winners, The Unity Party was the largest party by membership in the United Kingdom with around 250 members. In version one height the party membership was around 800.

The party has produced eighteen UK Prime Ministers: Final Destiny, Malta_1990, Hassan Pesaran, GLaDOS, Mr Woldy, Karacticus, Jamesw, Iain Keers, Frerk, Artela, Kevy Kev Kev Junior Shabado, Temujin94, Thomas765, Kravenn, Talon Karrde, Magic Hereos, Jimbojoy and Bohemond4. It has also contributed a large amount of congress members, Ministers and Advisors to the UK. Party members have also contributed to the ATLANTIS, PEACE GC, Phoenix, Terra ONE and TWOalliances and various New World governments, with many of its members being renowned for their expertise.

Although the party went through a slump in July 2008, the election of Hassan Pesaran in September 08 proved to be a successful one and the party grew rapidly. Growing to the third biggest party in the UK behind UK Reform and the People's Communist Party, the election of Iain Keers as Party President in March 2009 prompted more reform and growth, overtaking the PCP and becoming the UK's second biggest party. Under the leadership of Karacticus in October 2009, the Unity Party finally overtook UK Reform to become the countries biggest party. Over the past three years the Unity Party has become synonymous with fairness, equality and support for new players. The Unity Party is currently led by CottonPicken facing new challenges and rivals for pre-eminence.

 The Unity Party is a democratic socialist party. It believes that by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone, so as to create for each of us the means to realise our true potential and for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many not the few; where the rights we enjoy reflect the duties we owe and where we live together freely, in a spirit of solidarity, tolerance and respect.  

Party held Positions

Prime Minister

Members of Parliament

Party Constitution

The Constitution of The Unity Party is best described as the guiding force behind the party. It defines us as a democratic socialist party and pulls us all together to get through tough times. It's definitely something everyone considering joining TUP should read.

See the Constitution for more details

The Council of Unity

The Council of Unity was first founded by former Party Leader Squiddy and is now a formally constituted Unity Party institution. The Council has had many different incarnations, as an executive body, a mini-cabinet style body and as a company management group. It is currently a group of senior advisers and ex-Party Presidents. Graduation as a PP grants you a position on the CoU and permanent ops (leadership) in our party IRC room.

The Council is purely advisory and exerts no power over the Party President (as executive) or the Party as a policy making entity.

For information what the council does for the party see: Council of Unity Duties

Major Policies

The Unity Party was founded originally as a centre-left socialist party. It's ideals are focused on helping new players develop their game, on guiding the UK through it's difficult foreign affairs position and on redistributing power and wealth from the hands of the few to those of the many. The Unity Policies is the codified set of policies that as a party we push for and strive to achieve through elected delegates. Through over five years of gaming, the Party has led the UK through some of its most difficult periods. Despite our best efforts, populist and regressive movements from our political opponents have set back many of the policies we implemented. Here are just a few of the major policies brought in under TUP leadership over the past 4 years.

Professionalised Armed Forces

Before the Hassan Pesaran Presidencies in 2009, the UK army was mainly comprised of volunteer regiments. As such, there was no regular supply, IRC elites or other common features of the current armed forces model. In July/August of 2009, the government nationalised the armed forces, bringing 90% of all soldiers into government owned companies and beginning to supply based on the weapons commune model created by TUP. The changes resulted in a huge increase in damage, and the model was later copied by units and governments from all over the world. As a result of this nationalisation, at its peak the government employed almost one third (400-600) of the UK workforce in what was the largest commune since the fall of Pakistan.

Wellness Fast/Gifting Hub/The Unity Food Program

TUP has always had the welfare of young players at its heart. In the past, the cost of wellness was far higher than now, at about £1.20 per unit of wellness. It was also impossible to recover health using food, except at daychange. Many players found themselves stuck on low wellness. TUP has always championed government gifting schemes, from "Wellness Fast" (introduced under Malta1990 in April 09) to the Gifting Hub brought in by Mr Woldy in October 09. This was finally axed by a UKRP government in early 2011, but TUP has established The Unity Food Program to replace it. TUfP is entirely funded by the party and has helped hundreds of citizens who have found themselves stuck on low wellness.

House of Lords Abolition

For much of the history of the UK, it has been dominated by unelected elders. This was epitomised by the "House of Lords", an upper chamber which at its peak had similar powers to congress, but was made up of entirely unelected elder statesmen. They blocked many policies which looked to be radical, or against their politics. TUP eventually abolished the House of Lords in 2010, meaning that congress and the President are now the legitimate elected sovereign government of the UK.


TUP has had a strong presence in our foreign policy historically, with many of the UK's prominent international figures being TUP members. Ireland was a difficult question, and one we considered long and hard (for about five minutes). Taking a leaf from the original 313 Parties, our policy on Ireland is: "Drink Beer and Invade Ireland". This position has changed in recent years to one that requires more thought due to the changing nature of International Politics and the bond that has started to grow between our two nations. However, the original desire to invade Ireland remains strong.

History 2012


Dan Moir steps up to the leadership of The Unity Party promising to increase membership count and congress seats. TUP dominates the scene this month gaining 13 congress seats and growing by 15% reversing a trend of decline. Talon Karrde is also elected for his 4th term becoming the 4th Unity Prime Minister for the year. At the end of the month shortly before the Party President elections several high profile members revert back to the UKRP in order to forestall an attempted PTO of that party.


Young citizen Bohemond4 takes over the reins from Dan Moir, inexperience and a surge in numbers for political opponents the UKPP and New Era sees The Unity Party’s numbers collapse and the lowest turnout in congress for a long time. The Prime Ministerial position is lost to UKPP’s BigAnt and this indicates that the party needs to seriously look at its internal positions.


The Equalist is elected President of The Unity Party and faces 3 opposition parties in the top 5 but manages to increase TUP turnout through an alliance with the UKRP building on the groundwork of Bohemond4. During this month The Unity Party is forced to repair damages caused by BigAnt’s failed invasion of the Azores which ruins relationships with our allies despite constant blame from him for this action. TUP increases their Congressional account although they are heavily outnumbered by the opposition parties and membership continues to drop. Early into this month all legislation is apparently repealed by Congress despite opposition from TUP, UKRP and ESO.

History 2013


The Equalist is re-elected for another term continuing the alliance with the UKRP. Membership decline continues and the party determine to launch a concentrated rebuilding project known as ’60 days to save TUP’.


Iain Keers returns from Poland to run for Party President of The Unity Party easily defeating all other rivals. He starts rebuilding the party internally along with Talon Karrde and Bohemond4 who undertakes recruitment. The party decline is halted towards the end of February with a congressional victory for The Unity Party and the Unity backed Presidential candidate, Blue And Evil, handily defeats New Era’s Goku Jones.


In this month TUP’s numbers increase drastically under Talon Karrde completing the ‘60 days to save TUP’ program culminating in 13 Congress members + 1 for Political allies the Independent Alliance. March also saw the return to the number 1 spot overtaking the rapidly declining UKPP and saw the election of jimbojoy to the Prime Ministerial position. The party was stronger than ever internally and had gained many new members who would begin to step up and get more involved.


Ash Brandon a younger citizen was elected to the presidency of The Unity Party and, although TUP continued to remain in a strong place the position as number 1 was again lost when New Era, swollen with ex-UKPP players charged to the top.


Bohemond4 stepped up for a second term at the helm aiming to build stronger relations with other parties in the eUK and splinter ties between New Era and their allied parties. This included the creation of the first proper alignment with the UKPP and the cementing of ties through personal friendships with the PCP, WRP and UKRP. TUP continued to do well in Congress elected 12 MPs and numbers stabilised despite the drop in April. Mr Woldy was elected for his seventh mandate.


Many time before PP nebojsa.petrovic was elected beating the main rival furdelance. While The Unity Party did not return to the top spot it remained stable in membership. The congressional elections saw a return to 13 seats again and Bohemond4 running under the Unity banner was elected to the position of Prime Minister.

For earlier months, see article: History

Presidents of The Unity Party

Party Presidential elections are currently on the 15th of each month. In Version 1 - Beta Party President Elections took place on the 10th of each month (pre-November 2008). Version 2 arrived on July 2010 and elections still take place on the 15th.

Parliamentary election performance

Graph of Historic Election Results
For earlier Graphs, see article: Graphs_of_Election_Results

NB: The period of no congress has not been included, this was during the wipe of the UK by TEDEN forces

The Unity Party on the Wiki

The Unity Party is the largest party in the UK and the twentieth biggest in the world, with around 400 members.
Click on the links on the right to read more about The Unity Party, its goals and its ideals, or click here to go to The Unity Party on eRepublik.