User:Mr. Wonka/BelgiumCP1

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Starting with International Affairs, the team was very hard at work defending Belgium, increasing and improving foreign affairs. The Ministry of Defense was hard at work as per the governments ATO actions (The Wipe) Belgium was wiped by the United Kingdom During this time we received a Natural Enemy from the Netherlands, due to the Netherlands wanting war and tensions escalating, especially their MoFA at the time: van Spijck who had strong anti Belgium feelings. Thanks to the coordination and planning from the United Kingdom and Belgium, especially Count Drakula and Mr. Wonka the UK beat the Netherlands to Wallonia, forcing them to give up their NE. Shortly after Germany invaded the Netherlands to help Poland in re conquering the Netherlands regions as per their agreement and as help for Belgium. As Belgium did not have any regions on the 23rd at the specific time and the wipe succeeded as well as preventing a attack from the Netherlands. Belgium also received a airstrike from the Republic of Moldova . A lot of speculate about the purpose of the Air Strike was because of the strategic location of Belgium in regards to Poland and the United Kingdom. Moldova landed successfully and the government tried to liberate Brussels once all our regions were conquered, Although Belgium lost the initial resistance war/ battle it was still epic. The UK passed a Natural Enemy against Moldova, and together along with Belgium's allies Moldova is on their way home. On day 2302, Moldova was officially removed from Belgium's regions, as thanks Mr. Wonka's and Jofroi's hard work as well as their administrations. Poland attack on Moldova in Flanders and 2 additional resistance wars secured Belgium, and enabled Belgium to continue to assist the UK in their efforts against LETO, and Moldova.

Belgium signed 6 MPPs during the term, to combat Moldova, 4 were free thanks to donations from various governments and citizens. The state still only signed 2 MPPs, as per the government policy, The MPPs signed consisted of (Spain, Turkey, Poland, Croatia, Macedonia and The United Kingdom). The Foreign Affairs team also made great strides in reopening the Netherlands embassy due to tensions dying down. Mr. Wonka was glad to have ended the term on a good note. The team has also restored the Embassy program and hope to see it continue to run in the future. As the term started to end, The United Kingdom and Belgium have made a statement of friendship to remember our pasts, our bonds and relations. As well as continue into the future as allies. Although it was already obvious that we have close relations, the statement adds a nice touch and was encouraged by Mr. Wonka. Lastly the topic of the month for Belgium in terms of Foreign Affairs. Belgium has changed its foreign affairs policy from neutral to proSirius. Belgium will now look forward to more communications, relations and coordination between Belgium, ProSirius, Sirius, and Aurora.

Mr. Wonka's Inauguration Day in Brussels.

During the term, Mr. Wonka's administration made great strides in domestic affairs. Mr. Wonka re introduced The Ministry of Home Affairs which greatly increased domestic activity, and closely worked with the Ministry of Education and Finance. The National Healthcare system was more active during the term and handed out food for a wider range of citizens, which increased Belgians activity. The Home Affairs Ministry in co coordination with the Ministry of Finance also ran the grab bag program which continued into the next term. The program gave the state a small amount of profit and generated increased activity, 100 bags were sold in total. The Finance team also used the monetary market to increase profit from the states bank funds. The Education department also had a increase of activity with the introduction of the Belgian Guides, a off site website that combined all the guides and tutorials for a more comprehensive learning tool for new players.

As Mr. Wonka promised in his campaign, he wanted a more stable political system in Belgium since Res Belgica was PTOed the previous month and turned into No Pope - No Hope. Thanks to the efforts in the Ministry of National Security Res Belgica was back in its original form, as well as a regaining of Liberation front. Although L.I.O.N. was lost it was a overall win with 2/3 in terms of victories. With this the administration made great strides in National Security and enabled a improvement of the Security Council. The Security Council law was vastly improved and changes were made to improve the efficiency of the Security Council. Although Mr. Wonka greatly wanted democracy as seen in his actions of revising the law, unfortunately his focus was divided with the Military actions involving Belgium. A library of articles which consisted of all articles published during the term was published as a final article and it can be found here. Additionally Mr. Wonka's cabinet can be found here.