Zacharia Raven

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Zacharia Raven

96 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Senior Game Moderator
Nationality Flag-Finland.jpg Finnish
Date of birth 03 June 2009
Residence Icon-Denmark.png Sjaelland
Sex Male
Political party Royal Danish Party
Newspaper Caldria
Country President of Finland
5th August 2012 – 6th September 2012
Succeeded by Citizen Mu
Supreme Commander of Asgard
February 2013 – March 2013
Succeeded by Kain Propan
Military unit Mossad (Unit)
Military rank Icon rank Recruit.png God Of War **
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

The beginning and two-clicking era

Zacharia Raven was eBorn on 3rd of June 2009. He became aware of eRepublik by some forgotten finnish player. He saw it logical to begin his journey in eFinland. Like many others, Raven spent most of his first year two-clicking and learning the basic mechanisms of the game.

Not much is remembered about Raven from his early days. Most notably he is remembered by his fan-fic series "Suomen Erillinen KarateKomppania" in which Raven portrayed a bunch of criminals who fought without weapons. He based the events on the events in eRepublik. All 7 parts of the series were transferred to KarateKomppania orgaisation by Raven in order to keep "real" apart from fan-fic. Later the series were transferred back to his personal newspaper, as organisations were removed from private use.

Raven did run for congress a couple of times, but never gaining other votes but his own.

Sudden interest in the society

In March 2010 the government released an article stating the foundation of the court in eFinland. This also meant the real birth of the legal system. This caught Raven's eye due to his IRL-studies in law.

Raven sought more information about the newly founded system, and decided that he wanted to be part of it. He began writing articles via his organisation, eJuridica and gained some attention with them.

Pretty soon the readers asked Raven why he hadn't run for congress if had so much to say. Raven answered this by running for congress in the next elections. He gained 17 votes in elections held in March 2010.

Legendary and notorious rise to self-made ministry

Raven did not waste any time with his plans. After being elected to congress, he started to work with the legal system. Because there had been some discussion about taking down the court, he first tested the congress's opinion about it. The result was, that the court stayed, and with it the legal system with laws.

After this Raven acting on his own created the Ministry of Justice. The congress voted it to be passed. Raven became the first Minister of Justice. It is worth noting that Raven had been active in the actual society for under a month before achieving his place in the government - with a position he had created himself. Due to later events he today says, that no player should rise so high so fast.

Stormy times and the fall of legal system

At first everything seemed to go well for Raven. He recruited the best people he could find to work with him in the Ministry of Justice. He fine-tuned the created laws and made a few on his own.

Raven's activity brought the common people's attention towards the laws. This was good at first. Many started to ask whether Finland really needed such laws that were not by eRepublik. Raven and others managed to keep the most of the people satisfied for a time, and managed to work in peace.

Raven's impossibly fast rise to power took its toll. Raven made a lot of enemies because of his ruthless and seemingly arrogant attitude. This soon caused the public to start criticizing him, and MoJ. Raven feuded himself with the likes of Erius and Gabriel Lavanche, but also found alliance with people like Okkius Pyromanius.

Raven soon found himself spending more time arguing on personal level than doing what he wanted when he created the Ministry of Justice. This frustrated him very much. He became disappointed with the society, and more so with the legal system. And so did everybody else. As attacks on Raven were pointed against the MoJ and the legal system, the regular users had to witness many jesty battles in the court and outside it.

Against all odds Raven did manage to keep the MoJ up for three months - 2 months after his own term as minister ended. Finally he trickedGabriel Lavanche, who tried to end the system first, and put the whole legal system; the laws, the court and the MoJ to rest, by himself. Thus Raven became the man who single-handedly created and destroyed a whole ministry of Finland.

Retirement from the society and focusing on media

Raven was heavily disappointed with finnish community. He felt betrayed, because the legal system was the only thing why he ever bothered to do anything more that just two-click. That's why he retired from the political fields for couple of months. He did run for congress and was elected too, but his effort was minimal.

Instead of participating in the forum community Raven started once again writing to media. He wrote many humorous articles, like a series portraying a fictional family and their life during the presidency of Kammo XXIII.

Raven avoided any serious topics, because he felt that he had nothing more to give.

End of 2010, return to politics. Another self-made office

After almost a year of hiatus from the active participation in the forum congress Raven decided to forget the past, and start to focus in the events of the community once again. In December 2010 Raven managed to create again a new office for himself - Government clerk. This time he did not make it a government post, to avoid dull arguments with politicians.

Raven did not mean the post for himself originally. But due to a maneuver by the chancellor of finland at the time Raven did a counter-maneuver, which by the end made sure that he himself would get the post.

His past was not forgotten by those who he had feuded in the past, but again, even when faced with former presidents he triumphed. Raven served until he felt that his IRL took too much time, and resigned on February 19th. He had served almost 3 months, which he felt was enough.

After Raven resigned, no-one wanted to continue the post. It was not, however, taken apart, but embedded into another existing post.

Party leader, new paths

At the same time Raven founded the Government clerk he also became a president of the Kansallisdemokraattinen puolue - party. There he wanted to try out his vision of a political party. He created a tight order in the party. It meant that instead of every member doing what they please, Raven wanted KDP to decide one stand, of which all members would then press on.

Raven's idea was that the party's stand was to be decided democratically inside the party. This would in theory give a strong position to KDP against all other parties.

Raven's idea did not work, and KDP decided to adjust Ravens idea to more accepting towards different ideas. Raven was again disappointed, and left KDP, and returned home, to Liberaali edistyspuolue, where he had served for most of his time.

Presidency and Supreme Commander of Asgard

In 2012 Zacharia Raven, as mad it may seem, became the President of eFinland. His term was historical as eFinland decided, despite of Raven's and many other old-timers rigorous opposition, to leave EDEN to form and join new alliance with Sweden, Asgard. Raven ended up being part of the team that had the responsibility of creating the foundations of the new and small alliance. During all this, Raven wrote his most internationally quoted article[1] in governmental newspaper. It officially marked eFinland's resignation from EDEN-alliance, in which it was a founding member.

After Presidency and SC

After reaching what he had always dreamed about in politics, Raven has served as Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well in Asgard HQ. He also gave his Military Unit for better use, and helped to form the mercenary unit in eFinland, Mossad. Mossad proved gained major success with its professional organization, but after the addition of Combat Orders to the game, Mossad quickly died as mercenary business stopped. Once again Raven had little or nothing to have interest in.

During 2013 Raven took governmental posts, including Vice Presidencies and the first official Supreme Commander of Asgard. He ran for second presidency against WP Attak but lost after post-election check - Raven was in the lead when elections ended. This loss mean, in Raven's mind, that Finland was no longer a place where he wanted to spend his time and energy. He left the society almost entirely, with the exception of acting Vice President for None after an impeachment. Raven took on Mentorship, which he held until 2014.

New era in Denmark

In early 2014 Raven decided that it was either time to quit the game, or find meaningful place to work in. During his last term as Supreme Commander of Asgard, and several terms in HQ, he worked with Danish leaders, mostly Maine Coon. Pretty quickly Raven realized that he shared the communial power-gaming ideology with Danes, and started to dream about moving to Denmark. This happened after some months. In Denmark Raven acted as Minister of Foreign Affairs and as a general member of government, until in June 2014 he ran for Presidency for the first time in Denmark. His opponent was legendary Ilphen. The elections of June 2014 became memorable, as Raven overcame Ilphen by only 1 vote. Ilphen had the lead who 5th, and held it until few hours to end.

Raven served 2 more terms, making it 4 Presidential terms in total, of which 1 in Finland and 3 in Denmark. He is the only Finn ever to accomplish more tha 1 Presidency outside Finland.


Zacharia Raven is a proud Senior member of Game Moderators.