Provisional Government (New Zealand)

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Provisional Government

Party-United N.Z. Independent Party.jpg

Members Party-United N.Z. Independent Party.jpg NZUP, Party-Peace 'n' Prosperity Party v3.jpg PnPP, Party-Kiwi Social Democrats.png KSD and Party-Kiwi People's Party.jpg KPP
Country Flag-New Zealand.jpg New Zealand
Abbreviation Kiwi Kontrol
Colors Red, Blue, White
Formation 29 September 2010
Disbanded 6 November 2010

The Provisional Government or "Kiwi Kontrol", was an alliance/organization in New Zealand formed by mainly English-Speaking citizens who had chosen to migrate to NZ after it has been announced to join the New World. It actively organized the forums and later the first round of political party and parliamentary elections. It had highs and lows during its existence. It dissolved after the first Presidential elections in November.

Member Parties

Throughout its history, Kiwi Kontrol, had a fairly stable line-up of participating political parties. For in-game elections, the NZUP, as the largest party, was designated the "official party" of Kiwi Kontrol.



The structure of Kiwi Kontrol was designed to mirror that of government structures around the New World. This had been the primary point in creating the provisional government, to provide leadership and structure during the initial phase of NZ's in-game existence. Therefore a forum vote was held and Myles Robinson was elected provisional president. He subsequently appointed a Cabinet and this served as the basic governing model for both Kiwi Kontrol and NZ.


Throughout its brief history, Kiwi Kontrol had a wide and disparate membership base. It consisted of individuals from numerous eNations, mostly English-speaking but did also count individuals from non-English speaking backgrounds. The common thread was that most came from nations either affiliated with or part of the EDEN military alliance.

As migration levels picked up, and sizable Serbian and Slovenian populations moved to NZ, Kiwi Kontrol began to become even more closely affiliated with the "English-Speaking" community. While it did not seek to promote this, the linguistic communities tended to remain isolated from each other and therefore by default Kiwi Kontrol became affiliated with one.

However, it should be noted, that compared to the other linguistic communities, Kiwi Kontrol had the broadest range of memberships, with English simply being the most common language of choice for its members.

History-Founding and Preparations

In the summer of 2010, the admins of eRepublik announced that New Zealand would be joining the game on October 6, 2010. This news was greeted with great cheer by many RL Kiwis within the game and by citizens looking to change their lives. It also meant that Oceania would be getting a third nation to join both Australia and Indonesia.

In preparation for its launch, a host of citizens from various eNations began the process of preparing to migrate to NZ. Two Australians, Bass Junkie and Crusadercarl, set up a NZ forum and quickly the new community took shape. This forum helped to bring people together from across the New World and through their contact, they began to set about creating the foundations for the new country.

Their goal was to prevent a political take-over (PTO) which tended to happen to new nations due to massive immigration from established states.

Myles Robinson and Cabinet

Recognizing that cooperation was needed, the embryonic community sought to form a provisional government that would lead NZ until the November CP elections. Therefore a forum vote was held to choose a President, the results were Myles Robinson (25 votes), Bass (11 votes), Rowan Quigley (3 votes), Carr De Vaux (2 votes) and Frymonmon (2 votes). Robinson was elected President and subsequently formed a Cabinet.

With this election, Robinson formally declared the creation of "Kiwi Kontrol" and set about preparing for the coming of NZ. His Cabinets aim was to ensure that a PTO was avoided, help all new players migrate to NZ and ensure a stable domestic system existed for the new President.

Political Fracture

New Zealand was officially created on October 6, 2010. Kiwi Kontrol quickly set about forming a political party, the NZUP headed by LordoIrish and the nations first military unit, the New Zealand Defence Forces (NZDF) led by Darkmantle. These measures helped it to consolidate its power within the new community.

However, it faced internal dissent from a vocal group of migrants led by Gaius Julius Caesar00 who refused to support Kiwi Kontrol due to its "un-democratic character". This dissent group broke away and founded the Kiwi Independent Party (KIP) in order to contest the NZUP political monopoly. For the remainder of its existence Kiwi Kontrol and the KIP were political foes.

Party Elections and ATO Controversy

In the run-up to the October 15 party elections, Kiwi Kontrol faced more internal issues, notably the founding of affiliated parties like the PnPP, KPP and Liberal Party. The emergence of these parties transformed Kiwi Kontrol from a single-party entity to a "political alliance".

At the same time, the swift rise of the Serbian/Slovenian party Aotearoa did not go unnoticed and was viewed by Kiwi Kontrol as a PTO party. During this time Myles Robinson and other Ministers continued to attempt to engage it and the KIP.

When party elections came, Kiwi Kontrol took the controversial step of nominating Anti-Takeover (ATO) candidates to run in those parties. Many of respective parties founding members disliked this and it as bullying tactics. The most vocal was Liberal party member Matt Johnson. Regardless of the image it created, Kiwi Kontrol carried out the ATO campaign and successful took control of all the affiliated parties, ensuring it retained political unity.

The fallout from this witnessed many former dedicated Kiwi Kontrol members like NZUP founder lordoIrish and Liberal founder Marcus Cicero question the alliances sincerity to democracy. A more extreme case was ThomasRourke who quite in disgust and joined the KIP. It also led the KPP to distance itself from it.

Parliamentary Elections

The October parliamentary elections were the biggest test for Kiwi Kontrol as it prepared to face Aotearoa for the first time. To organize, it has all its major candidates run under the NZUP banner. It also endorsed minor candidates from the affiliate PnPP and KSD. The KPP, much to the NZUP appeals, ran candidates as well.

The elections turned out to be a nail bitter, as nearly 350 people voted for 40 seats. Kiwi Kontrols election strategy was run by Fionia, Robinson and Arjay Phoenician. It involved a daily voter coordination, which went into the early hours of the day.

The final results were Aotearoa (19 seats), Kiwi Kontrol (19 seats) and the KPP (2 seats). These results indicated NZ was a divided community and handed the KPP incredible power.For Kiwi Kontrol it was a setback, especially the KPP showing and led many to begin to question its effectiveness.

Presidential Manoeuvring and Final Days

Following these results, calls grew for Kiwi Kontrol to disband and allow its affiliate parties the freedom to act. While these were resisted, Robinson did indicate that following the November CP elections, Kiwi Kontrol would shut down.

In the interim, it began to carry out negotiations with Aotearoa on running a joint candidate for President. These talks were fruitful and led to NZUP leader Calbe to receive the joint nomination. He stood on behalf of five parties with only the KIP running against, he was elected with over 80% of the vote.

Following Calbe inauguration, a multi-party Cabinet was created including Aotearoa, NZUP, PnPP, KSD and KPP. Robinson congratulated Calbe and officially resigned from all formal political offices. It should be noted a number of Kiwi Kontrol Ministers did receive official posts in the new government.

With the new regime in place, the more active members of Kiwi Kontrol abided by Robinson promise and resigned from it. The affiliated parties all went on their own paths. While some calls remained for Kiwi Kontrol to remain active, notably by Carr and and James Rellori, this fell on deaf ears as the majority broke away to pursue other political activities.