Vojaške enote

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File:Vojaške enote.png
To se vam pokaže ko niste član nobene vojaške enote.

Vojaške enote so skupine državljanov z člani in vodji enote. Vojaške enote se lahko uporabljajo za tvorbo različnih vojsk kot sta državna vojska ali pa zasebna vojska. Do vojaške enote lahko dostopaš iz zavihka Skupnost - Vojaške enote. Nasvet: Bližnjica do vojaških enot sta kombinacija tipk SHIFT+M .

Organizacija Vojaške enote

Vojaške enote so visoko organizirane skupine.


Štab je podskupina Vojaške enote. Vsak štab ima lahko največ 50 članov - 30 se jih lahko pridruži in 20 članov je lahko povebljenih s strani trenutnih članov štaba. Ko štab enkrat doseže 30 članov se avtomatsko naredi nov štab. Vsak štab pa ima tudi svojega stotnika, kateri je zadolžen za objavljane dnevnih ukazov za svoj štab.

Struktura poveljevanja

V vsaki vojaši enoti je posebna struktura poveljevanja, katera vključuje Poveljnike, 2.Poveljnike in pa Stotnike.


Page layout MU - Commander

Poveljnik je glavna oseba v celotni vojaški enoti. Imajo največjo moč v enoti. Poveljniki lahko odstranijo člane iz enote, in objavljajo ukaze vojakom na stran z vojaškimi objavami. Pravtako lahko nastavijo ukaz dneva za vse štabe v primeru da štabni stotniki še niso nastavili za svoje štabe. Poveljniki nastavijo tudi 5 držav za vojaške prioritete, da se potem ko se trenutna bitka za dnevni ukaz konča, dnevni ukazi avtomatsko nastavijo na bitko ki poteka v določeni državi. Da postaneš Poveljnik mora biti tvoja vojaška uvrstitev vsaj Poveljnik. Rekruti ne morajo postati Poveljniki. Zahtevano vojaško uvrstitev za postati polnopravni član vojaške enote nastavi poveljnik enote, le ta pa lahko sega od vodnika do Feldmaršala.

Če se Poveljnik odloči zapustiti vojaško enoto brez da bi za poveljnika nastavil kakšnega izmed polnopravnih članov enote, se zgodi ena izmed naslednjih stvari;

  • Če so v enoti 2.Poveljniki, najvišje rangirani 2.Poveljnik zavzame mesto Poveljnika;
  • Če v enoti ni 2.Poveljnika:
    • Če je v enoti 2 dni ali več član z vojaško uvrstitvijo Poveljnik ali višje, on postane nov Poveljnik.
    • Če v enoti ni člana z vojaško uvrstitvijo vsaj Poveljnik ali višje, ki bi bil v enoti vsaj 2 dni, enota ne bo imela Poveljnika dokler nekdo ne izpolni zahtev.
  • Če je Poveljnik zadnja oseba v vojaški enoti se le ta izbriše za vedno.

Pomni: Če se Poveljnik ne prijavi v eRepublik 7 dni, bo le ta odstranjen in bo izveden zgoraj omenjen postopek.

Second commanders

Second commanders are deputies of the commander. Commander can appoint two second commanders. These second commanders must be ranked at least Icon rank Commander.png Commander as well. Second commanders can kick members of the military unit who have been in the unit for more than two days.


Main article: Captain elections

Captains are leaders of the regiments. You can become a captain if you at least have a rank of Icon rank Captain.png Captain. Each month on the 15th elections will be held in regiments where captain is selected by its members. Captains have the ability to remove members who've been in the unit for longer than 2 days from their regiments and set the daily orders for their regiment visible at military unit profile.

Membership types

There's two different types of members in military units: recruits and members. Only difference between recruit and member is that recruits can't candidate nor vote in the captain elections of their regiment. Every new member will be held as recruits until they complete recruit's orders (read section Joining the military unit).

Members orders

Every regiment will have its own personal order, decided by Captains or Commander. Regiment's orders can be set everyday after day change and members have until the next day change to complete them.

There's only one possible order to set: Kill 25 enemies in a specific battle. Regiment captain can choose the battle for his/her regiment or if captain hasn't set the orders, unit commander can set it too.

Once you complete the orders you will be awarded with an energy bar and 5 different bazooka parts.

Note: You can only complete the orders once a day.

In case the orders have changed check the orders before fighting so that your kill don't go to waste!

Setting the daily orders

Captain can set the daily order for his/her regiment each day after day change. If the regiment already has an order set by the military unit commander, the captain order will overwrite the commander's order.

  • Note: The battle can be changed after setting the order. This is only possible during the 5 minute break between two rounds or a battle. After the change is made, only enemies killed in the new target battle are considered in the kill counter.
  • Note 2: Every soldier is only able to complete the orders once a day.

The orders can be set and changed from the military unit profile.

Creating a military unit

To create a military unit you need:

The military unit will be located in the citizenship country of the creator and it can never be moved, even if the country is conquered.

Joining a military unit

Military unit join.png
Military unit recruits orders.png

If you want to join military unit, you need to meet following requirements:

  • you're not member of any military unit
  • you need to have the same citizenship as the location of military unit is

Note: You can change citizenship after joining the military unit.

Recruits orders

When you join a military unit, you will have a recruit status. To become a full member of the military unit and get right to candidate and vote in captain elections, you must fulfill following requirements:

The default orders are

  • reach Sergeant military rank
  • defeat 10 enemies as member of the military unit

Note: Military unit commander can change the rank requirement from Sergeant to Field Marshall so it's not same in every unit.

Once you've reached the requirements, you will get the status of a full member.


  • Q: Is it possible to change the name of a military unit?
    • A: Yes it is. Commander can change it for a price of Icon - Gold.gif 2 GOLD
  • Q: Can the military unit location be changed?
    • A: No it can't. Once a military unit is created there's no way to move it to another country.
  • Q: What happens if I'm the Commander, and I'm the only soldier left in the Military Unit and also I leave the MU? Will I get some money?
    • A: If the Military Unit ran out of members, then it gets dissolved. In such case, you get no money.

See also

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