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Green Liberal Democrats

Party-Green Liberal Democrats.JPG
General Information
Country Flag-Netherlands.jpg Netherlands
Founded 16th of June 2009
President Pander Sols
Members 73
Congress Occupancy 0 /20 seats, 0%
Succeeds [[Liberaal ChristenDemocraten]]
Succeeded By Verenigd Nederland
Orientation Center

Green Liberal Democrats: The Party

The Core Values

The Green Liberal Democrats or GLD stand for freedom of enterprise, peace and diplomacy, fair taxes and wages, and a transparent and open government. We are strong proponents of Unity. Our core values are summarised in the following sentences:

- Building a strong local economy with local jobs, exporting quality products to the rest of the world

- Participatory democracy and government transparency

- Encouraging creativity instead of a state run economy



The Green Liberal Democrats were founded the 16th of June, when Peter Green took over the existing party the Liberaal ChristenDemocraten (LCD ) run by Bunyan. It was the fastest growing parties in the United Netherlands, growing from 20 to more than 50 in a couple of days, making an entry in the top 5 of political parties in the eUNL. A place they haven't lost since then.

Party Presidents

Date Term Began Party President Number of votes
15 June 2009 Peter Green 5
15 July 2009 Pander Sols 22
15 August 2009 Pander Sols 31
15 September 2009 Trinc 35
15 October 2009 Steingrimur Illugi 33
15 November 2009 Steingrimur Illugi 37
15 December 2009 Steingrimur Illugi 23
15 January 2010 Sjakie03 24
15 February 2010 Dylan Verstraete 15
15 March 2010 Pander Sols 19
15 April 2010 Pander Sols 22
15 May 2010 Pander Sols* / Konrad Neumann 25
15 June 2010 Konrad Neumann 36
  • Pander Sols resigned after the congress election due to real life reasons, and Konrad Neumann became the party president due to highest experience player in the party.

Congress results

Date Number of congressmembers elected percentage of congressmembers
25 June 2009 6 15.0%
25 July 2009 2 5.0%
25 august 2009 6 15,0%
25 September 2009 3 7,5%
25 October 2009 7 17,5%
25 November 2009 6 15,0%
25 December 2009 6 15,0%
25 January 2010 7 17,5%
25 February 2010 5 12,5%
25 March 2010 8 20,0%
25 April 2010 9 22,5%
25 May 2010 6 16,67%
25 June 2010 9 22,5%


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June 2009

- 15th of June: Peter Green wins the Party President elections in LCD.

- 16th of June: LCD turns into Green Liberal Democrats: A new party is founded.

- 21st of June: The Green Liberal Democrats outnumber Dutch Three Star and enter the top 5

- 25th of June: The Green Liberal Democrats make their entry in congress with 6 members

July 2009

- 5th of July: Peter Green runs for Presidential elections. He turns fourth with 44 votes, against 73 votes for ThomasRed of the Belgian Party. A close election, as every top 5 party had a running candidate.

- 15th of July: Jan Appel and Pander Sols run for Party President. In the election, Pander Sols wins with 22 votes against 10 votes for Jan Appel

- 24th of July: Activity at the GLD-forum had ceased to exist, Party president Pander Sols quits, scourger took over his function by experience.

- 25th of July: The Green Liberal democrats come out the elections with meager results, two party members were elected.

- 28th of July: Party Member Paladijn publicly asks "What happened to our party". Gathering all active members to boost the party.

August 2009

- 4th of August: Paladijn declares the Green Liberal Democrats are "Alive and kicking" with the return of Pander Sols in the game, the creation of the GLD HQ and the GLD informer and a hell of a lot activity at the GLD-forum.

- 5th of August: The Green Liberal Democrats support ThomasRed from the Belgian Party. He gets elected with 163 (62.69%) votes, winning from the runner-up Frerk from Iron & Wine with 72 (27.69%)

- 15th of August: Pander Sols stands for re-election as party president. He gets elected as single participant, getting a total of 33 votes.

- 25th of August: The Green Liberal Democrats run in congress elections, ending up with 6 elected congress members.

September 2009

- 5th of September: The Green Liberal Democrats and Libertarian Social Democrat support Iron & Wine's presidential candidate Kixtart against ThomasRed from the Belgian Party. ThomasRed wins the elections.

- 15th of September: Trinc gets elected as party president.

- 25th of September: The congress elections give the Green Liberal Democrats 5 congressmen, two of which were illegal. BBQHAWAII was elected due to his own Multi-accounts, and Gromenauer due to a bug. Both where deleted from the Congressional list, leading into a mere 3 congressmen.

October 2009

- 5th of october: Mark Decius runs for president for the Green Liberal Democrats and receives support from the Libertarian Party, Gelijkheid Vrijheid en Democratie and the Open Society. He runs against ArtemIvanov who in his turn received support from Libertarian Social Democrats and the Belgian Party. ArtemIvanov wins the election with 200 votes, against 154 for Mark Decius.

- 15th of October: Steingrimur Illugi gets elected as party president.

- 25th of October: The congress elections see the Green Liberal Democrats win 7 seats, in every region of the country. Aethegwyn, Grofica and Sandman12 enter Congress for the first time.

November 2009

- 5th of November: GLD supports ArtemIvanov for his run for presidency. He gets elected with 190(49,74%) votes before runner-up ThomasRed with 138(36,13%)votes.

- 15th of November: Steingrimur Illugi gets reelected as party president.

- 25th of November: GLD gets 6 congress seats a total of 15% of congress.

December 2009

- 5th of December: GLD choose to not support anybody in the presidential election. ThomasRedbecomes president with a total of 259 votes.

- 15th of December: Steingrimur Illugi becomes party president for three times in a row

- 25th of December: GLD keeps the same amount of congress seats: 6, and joins the coalition I&W+GLD+LP

Januari 2010

- 5th of Januari: Trinc runs for president. He ended up third with a total amount of 66 votes. ThomasRed won the elections with 132 votes and DanielB1989 ended second with 106 votes

- 15th of Januari: Sjakie03 gets elected for party president - 25th of Januari: GLD gets 7 seats in congress. Gaining 1 seat prior to last month.

Februari 2010

- 5th of Februari: Trinc decides to run for president again. This time he gets support from the Libertarian Social Democrats and the Belgian Party. He doesn't get elected in a close race against Mitch Rapp. Mitch Rapp got a total of 130 votes and Trinc 96 votes.

- 15th of Februari: Dylan Verstraete gets elected for party president. - 25th of Januari: GLD gets 5 congress seats. They have lost 2 seats since last election

March 2010

- 5th of March: The Green Liberal Democrats support Mitch Rapp in his run for presidency. He gets elected with a total of 115 votes.

- 15th of March: Pander Sols who recently rejoined the Green Liberal Democrats got elected for party president.

- 25th of March: GLD have got the most congress seats in since their existence. They have won 8 congress seats in the elections!

April 2010

- 4th of April: The GLD joins a coalition with Iron & Wine and the Libertarian Party

- 15th of April: Pander Sols is re-elected as Party President



The Green Liberal Democrats have an organisation called the GLD HQ. Members of the party should add this Organisation as a friend to stay informed about the party through it's shouts. The HQ does also contain a newspaper, the GLD Informer.


Link to the HQ

GLD Informer


The GLD Informer is the Green Liberal Democrats official newspaper. It is used by the Green Liberal Democrats' Party Officials to publish all official party statements. It also contains an Index, making it easy to navigate through the newspaper. This makes the GLD Informer the most accessible Party Newspaper


to the Informer's Index.

Party Officials

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The Green Liberal Democrats is an organised party, internally we divide or tasks between so called Party Officials. These are the current existing jobs in the Green Liberal Democrats, and the current officials taken these places. If there is no officials present, it will be marked VACANT. Take note none of these jobs exist ingame, they are all informal positions created by GLD members to ease up the process of managing the party.

Party Vice President

Currently Matt Johnson

The Vice Party President supports the Party President and helps him or her with his or her duties. Also, the Vice Party President takes over the responsibility's of the Party President when the Party President is not able to fulfil them. This can be temporarily, if the Party President is on a holiday or when a very important decision/action has to be made and the Party President is inactive. This can also be for the whole sitting, when the Party President left the party or is impeached. None of the ingame responsibility's can be taken over by the Vice Party President, but he/she has to try forming a good communication with the ingame Party President if possible. While the Vice Party president is a non-elected position, for he or she is appointed by the party president, there can still be started a vote of (dis)confidence against him or her. This voting takes place on the forum and can be started in the debate room.

Party Secretary

Currently VACANT

He or she is the head of non-elected party officials, whilst the party president is the political chief of the party. He or she isn't the head of the Vice Party President, the Vice Party President can receive a democratic support if needed and even step up as the interim Party President. The Party Secretary has to coordinate and motivate our officials, follow up on their actions and organize the search and election process to find new party officials should someone resign or if we create a new position. He or she is responsible for our internal organization and can thus suggest to create new party officials and define their role.

Head of Congressional Delegation

Currently VACANT

A new position, created in October 2009, to ensure a high level of high level of attendance and participation by GLD Congress members. It is their duty to keep in regular contact with every member of the delegation and seek to assist those members in carrying out their duties as elected representatives. Along with the Party President, the office holder is expected to impress upon all members of the delegation that high standards of personal conduct are expected. The Head of Congressional Delegation must be an elected members of Congress and have the support of the majority of their fellow GLD Congress representatives (elections may need to be held in the event of two or more persons express an interest in the role). The office holder reports directly to the Party President. The term of office is one month (one term of Congress) and requires a new mandate at the end of that term.

Press Coordinator/Press Team

Current Press Team members: Mark Decius, Sjakie03

The Press Coordinator is in charge of writing press releases and following up on media stories related to the Green Liberal Democrats. It will be his or her job to translate our ideas into concrete and understandable articles. Also, he or she will have to be able to respond with tact and respect to political comments on the Green Liberal Democrats. To take initiative in organizing the articles for the elections is also an important duty of his or hers. If possible, he or she can also update our page on the wiki of erepublik every once in a while. Alternatively, if this is a job too big for just one person, there can be formed a Press Team. At the moment, we have a press team.

Welcoming Committee / Recruiters Office

Current Welcoming Committee members: Matt Johnson

Members of the Welcoming Committee welcome new eRepublik citizens to the New World, and invite them to join the Green Liberal Democrats. Also, they need to reach out to new members of the party and inform them about things such as the Forum and the IRC, sometimes even non-party related business.

Director of New Media

Currently VACANT

The Director of New Media is responsible for the creation of Green Liberal Democrat campaign ads: visual (banners, YouTube videos) and audio (podcast). He or she can appoint New Media Assistents to work with them on party projects.


If you would like to contact the Green Liberal Democrats you can do so at the following points:

- The Members: The Members are always willing to help when questions are asked. For the person that matches your question you can search for the right Party Official, they are mentioned above.

- The National Forum: The GLD have a subforum and a private forum here, the subforum is accessible for everyone and you can find it here: http://www.enetherlands.nl/viewforum.php?f=37 . To get acces to our private forum, you will have to apply for the usergroup GLD-member. Only ingame members and future members are allowed.

- IRC: The Green Liberal Democrats have an official IRC-channel you can find it at #GLD in the server irc.rizon.net. Members of our party are recognisable through their status, they are either Ops or Half-ops. You can always ask your questions to them. The GLD-channel is closed for public every Sunday at 20:00 GMT+1, when our party members have their weekly IRC-meeting. More information can be found here: http://www.enetherlands.nl/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=3023

Put me up!