Tetsuya Tameru

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Dead citizen.png
Dead citizen

Tetsuya Tameru

29 Message

Nationality Flag-Japan.jpg Japanese
Date of birth Day 827 of the New World
Date of death Nov 2011
Residence Flag-Japan.jpg Kinki
Sex Male
Newspaper Kokage no Kochira
Congress member of Japan
25 June 2011 – 25 July 2011
Minister of Communication of Japan
27 June 2011 – 5 August 2011
Vice president of Japan
13 June 2011 – 5 August 2011
Military rank Icon rank Field Marshal.png Field Marshal
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Tetsuya Tameru was a citizen of Icon-Japan.png Japan. Very active in politics, thus far he prefers to play an active role in media when he can spare the time.

Personal History


Born a Japanese citizen on February 24th 2010 or day 827, in the province of Flag-Japan.jpg Tohoku.

He found work at a Q1 construction company called Black Crow Building Co. As soon as he found the funds to do so, he moved to Kanto. Once in Kanto, he began to explore the political scene. He founded a newspaper shortly after deciding he would become a delinquent no longer, and became a productive member of society as he got a better job and better skill. The newspaper he founded was the Kokage no Kochira, whose title is supposed to translate from Japanese to English as, "In the shade under a cherry tree". While Tetsuya is not entirely sure if his translation is spot on, he hasn't been called on it yet.

Tetsuya joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan as an ambassador to Philippines under Reiji Mitsurugi, who was the Minister there (he has since been replaced). Tetsuya held an ambassador position for 3 months. During his term, Indonesia wiped out the Philippines and Tetsuya's opinion of the Koreans in the conflict of the time(see below) changed as he saw a similar situation and associated the Korean and Filipino as linear. The article explaining this is in an article by Kokage no Kochira.

Tetsuya fought on the Japanese side of the Second Japan-South Korea War, and published articles of propaganda during the conflict, although he apologized for his these later.

Politics in Japan:

After a few weeks, and right after hitting level 7, Tetsuya was on the hunt for a political party to join. He PM'd the various friends he had made about their parties for info, and published such inquiry in his paper to great success. At the time, a new party was formed in Japan from the dead remains of one of the older parties. Scorpion Clan; which was founded on the premise of security and protecting Japan. Tetsuya was overjoyed at the idea and quickly joined. Due to the manner of its formation, and the general atmosphere of the party itself, although Tetsuya ran for congress once under this banner (lost), he did not stay long. There was much trolling and a rift formed between Tetsuya and Goku Jones, the PP of Scorpion Clan as Tetsuya questioned core beliefs of the party and eventually left. Going from Scorpion clan, Tetsuya was partyless for a few days, conversing again with friends about what party to join. Around this time, the Desu Workers Party and SOS Brigade merged into the Sekai Shakai Sensen (SSS) or "World Social Front" (as it translates). Anyways, the SSS looked promising. Cayen, one of Tetsuya's first eFriends suggested checking it out and so he did.

Life in the SSS was good, but still not perfect. There was as of yet conflict between two factions in Japan, the "RPfags" of the ULJ and SSS and the "FoH" (fires of heaven) a group of WoW players who were a guild before joining the game and seemed to be hardcore into game mechanics rather than anything else. Needless to say, with trolls on both sides the situation in Japan was not entirely pleasant. Regardless, Tetsuya went ahead and ran for congress under the SSS banner. After losing the election, Tetsuya decided that if the people of Japan didn't want an active congressman (a hard thing to find in Japan apparently) then "why should he bother to run?". He dropped out of the political races and has not ran since. Instead, he looked internally to the SSS, finding a spot replacing ACSepiroth as Guard Captain for the party militia, the SSS Revolutionary Guard (which had lay dormant since its founding). Before too long, with the blessing of the parties two PP's (Faeyas and Brigade Chief Haruhi Suzumiya) Tetsuya got to work recruiting and re-inciting interest in the forgotten project. After several weeks his work came to fruition and the guard was about ready to launch... but it never got off the ground. Around this time, V2 came about and the entire thing fell apart due to not being able to adjust to the new system. Many of the guard members lost interest and Tetsuya got a new job IRL, causing him to lose the time needed to make changes. Not two weeks later the SSS Split apart again into the SOS Brigade led by Faeyas and a new party the Black Knights, led by Brigade Chief Haruhi Suzumiya. Tetsuya agreed to bounce from party to party between the two so as to assist both PP's/parties, as the vast majority of the people he knew and liked were in them.


On day 970, there was a revolution of sorts in Japan. 4 Political parties were politically taken over. Two of the parties, the ULJ (United Lolies of Japan) and Black Knights were among the casualties. This caused an Exodus of Japanese citizens to move to Icon-Netherlands.png Netherlands in the Japanese Migration or switch parties. Having changed residences, Tetsuya needed a job. With his only nominal skills being Producer and Marketing Manager, it was initially difficult for him to find work. To remedy this, he posted an article offering his skills for decent wage. It worked, and later he also received citizenship. Elections upon him, Tetsuya joined the CPNL, Communist Party of the Netherlands. He did not run for congress, although he was most pleased at their outcome.

Return to Japan

Recently (around June 9th 2011) Tetsuya Tameru returned to the game. He immigrated back to Japan where we was accepted as a citizen in short order, in part due to Danyeo vouching for him. He now serves again as the ambassador to the Philippines, retaking the post from FriedRice, who last held it. He had been gone for 10 months. He was still pondering what political party to join when he ran for congress.

Political Career

Eventually, he decided to run independently for congress in June. He posted in the eJapanese forums, within the United Lolies of Japan subforum requesting permission to run for congress under their banner. The Party President at the time, Akki approved his request and Tetsuya decided to run in Tohoku. He was elected as a wildcard after failing the regional election. It was his first successful congress election.

In July, he was defeated in the election as he ran independent again in Tohoku. However, he had taken the Mantle of Minister of Media and Vice President Under the (June 2011) Akki Government.

Attempting for Change

Tetsuya-san is not quite pleased with how things are going in Japan. Favoring RP more than others, he see's the current emperor as lazy, and undeserving of his position. His reasoning for this is that "The emperor is not doing his Imperial duties as mandated by the Constitution. What is the point of him holding an RP position in our government if he isn't going to RP? His era has long passed. I favor replacing him with an active Emperor."

Tetsuya's motion in congress to depose the emperor in June was voted down 9-2-1 (No-Yes-Abstain).