Auk Rest

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Auk Rest

36 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Canada.jpg Canadian
Date of birth November 4, 2009
Residence British Columbia
Political party Canadian Progressive Front
Congressman of Manitoba
April 26 2010 – May 25 2010
Congressman of Ontario
December 26 2010 – January 25 2011
Congressman of Canada
September 26 2012 – December 25 2012
January 26 2013 – February 25 2013
August 26 2013 – September 25 2013
November 26 2013 – December 25 2013
Party President of Canadian Progressive Front
August 15 2012 – November 16 2012
Preceded by Funky Hum24n
Succeeded by Randall Flagg 1999
Party President of Canadian Progressive Front
January 16 2013 – February 15 2013
Preceded by Randall Flagg 1999
Succeeded by Funky Hum24n
Party President of Canadian Progressive Front
May 16 2013 – June 15 2013
Preceded by Dozzer_x
Succeeded by klop123
Vice President of Canada
August 6 2013 – August 28 2013
Preceded by Umbra Bellator
Succeeded by Pat Harper
Speaker of Congress of Canada
August 28 2013 – September 25 2013
Preceded by Funky Hum24n
Succeeded by Muglack
Commander of The Praetors
September 17 2013 –
Preceded by Yano Chichelin
Military unit The Praetors
Military rank Icon rank God of War.png God of War
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Auk Rest is a citizen of Canada and a long time member of Canadian Progressive Front and its military army, the Praetors. He has served six terms in Congress on their behalf and three times as Party President from August 16 2012 to November 15 2012, and two more non consecutive terms of January-February and May-June 2013. Auk Rest was Vice President of Canada under the klop123 administration from August-September and later as Speaker of Congress for September-October. He is the owner end editor of the New Era Times and has since retired from politics for the moment, focusing on the Praetors Military Unit he has set to work revitalizing.

Finnish Beginnings

Auk Rest in the beginning

Auk Rest was born into the New World on November 3, 2009 in the streets of Turku in Western Finland. Auk Rest was born in a time of war. Russia had started to invade Finland because of PEACE GC's invasion of many EDEN countries. Auk Rest already had a disliking of PEACE GC since it had invaded his home country. Auk Rest found work in the grain industry for the Soot Farm Co. The wages were not very good, but they were enough to keep Auk Rest working hard. Auk Rest tried to stay loyal to the company, but advancement within the company wasn't an option and he left in search of better pay.

kurtmann before nursed back to health by Auk.

Later, after Russia and Latvia attacked Finland again, Auk wondered if there were greener pastures out there in the eWorld. He bought a moving ticket but did not decide a place to travel to. Eventually Auk Rest stayed in Finland and opened up a newspaper, New Era Times. For now, his military career would have to take pause as he sought out to write articles in his newspaper and work as a normal citizen would do.

One day when returning from work in the fields and walking along the Turku streets, he came across kurtmann slumped on the side of a building. He looked close to death, so Auk Rest looked around and gave him some good hardy food. The next day, Auk saw kurtmann again and did the same, handing him some medicine this time. This continued until kurtmann was strong and nursed back to health. He thanked Auk Rest for all they had done and the two became friends.

Travels Abroad

Auk decided to leave Finland for better wages and work in Norway. He did not stay for long, and kept in contact with kurtmann. Auk traveled along for better wages and work in Greece and later briefly in China. His whole journey lasted only two weeks, and when he was done Auk Rest was not ready to return to Finland, instead he looked to a new horizon.


On December 31 2009, Auk Rest moved to Canada. Here he became a citizen of Canada. He quickly joined the Canadian Progressive Front party. He also set about changing his newspaper. Auk Rest set out to become more involved with Canada and became a contributor to society there. He became more active in Canadian Progressive Front and overall Canadian politics. Auk Rest originally settled in Ontario, where he lived for most of his early life in Canada.

Settling Back In and Congress

Who would not want to represent the beauty of New Brunswick?

Auk Rest was concerned at what the Canadian Progressive Front had turned to. The party president Acacia Mason had left over an issue with Prime Minister jbdivinus, which most of the CPF shared. Despite this, he contacted the Canadian Progressive Front about a possible congressional run in New Brunswick. After a few days, Auk Rest was recontacted by the new party president and approved to run in New Brunswick. The race was close and Auk Rest was denied a seat by one vote only.

As March passed by, Auk received word that kurtmann was dead. He had gone bankrupt in his new company and could not handle it. By then, the two had not spoken for a very long time, and the memory of kurt was not so strong, and he had work to do with Canadian Progressive Front. Them; and his newspaper were some of his only preoccupations.

Auk Rest prepared for the March elections, hoping to win this time around, and with more support.

He lost, and the CPF emerged with only 9 congress seats, much lower than the months prior. Auk Rest quickly clambered to get a nice bit of turf in Manitoba before the new Q5 hospital was introduced, becoming one of the first to live there under the new hospital.


Auk's newspaper, New Era Times, by now had a niche of readers in Canada that liked his war reports and other regular articles. Auk Rest toned down his view for politics after the April 2010 presidential elections and went hard to work in journalism. He published regular articles in Canada, including indepth war reviews and also several articles were printed back to Finland.

As well as being a better journalist, he also now was invited by the Canadian Progressive Front into the Praetors for Team 120. The Praetors were an elite group of fighters within Canada and Auk was honored to be part of the process. He was promoted to sergeant of his platoon and was now in charge of five soldiers for the time being. In addition to this, he was promoted to the 2nd Vice President for Canadian Progressive Front. Auk made good friends in the CPF, including Tyler F Durden, Addy Lawrence, Scotty Wilkinson, Funky Hum24n, Wilhelm Gunter, Quado, Homeless Joe, Spencer Magee, Curtis L, James McNamara and others.

Political Entrances

Auk Rest was encouraged to run for the CPF in Manitoba in the April congressionals, and he agreed. Auk Rest tried to sell his candidacy on his loyal party experience and political flag, as well as his common sense thinking and ideas concerning the approaching V2. Auk Rest tied for first in the election and was now qualified for a congress seat.

Being a congress member, Auk Rest also continued his ties with the Praetors as well as continuing to be 2nd Vice President of Canadian Progressive Front, though Auk would cede the position to CrazyMofo13 in May.

Spearheaded by Addy Lawrence, Auk voted along with him to increase VAT, but it was voted down.

That May, Auk Rest lost election in Alberta due to the popularity of his running mate Tyler F Durden. Auk was in no way disappointed, as he looked up to Tyler.

The Decay of V2

Auk Rest continued to be an active participant in the CPF, and was a silent "guardian" and now a senior member of the CPF. He was greatly saddened that Tyler was gone and that Addy had lost the presidency in June. He bore his way through jbdivinus winning the party presidency after an abrupt return and then Pimpdollaz holding the party hostage. After CrazyMofo13 was elected new PP of the CPF, Auk Rest thought that the CPF would be a party stronger than the others in the new V2, but unfortunately he was wrong. The congress participation was pathetic, and Crazy himself committed suicide to the party and then himself over an argument with JB Furglar, putting Pimpdollaz back in control of the party. In August, Addy Lawrence won back the PP, but Addy's activity and all member's participation in the game had significantly dropped since Pimpdollaz had first taken the party hostage in late June.

The months of August and September were much the same as before with Auk. In October, he briefly split from the CPF and attained party president of a dead party, which he renamed the Anarchist Party as a dummy party for the CPF, all of this only for his own amusement in the depressing days of V2. He kept it around until the presidential elections, where he endorsed Kazuo Leblanc. After casting his vote for Kazuo, Auk Rest decided to take a vacation across the globe, starting in Portugal. He was so tired of the world he needed something new.

Trips Abroad

Auk traveled to Portugal and other locations abroad because he was tired with V2 and the current pessimistic tides surrounding the CPF. Auk lived in Portugal before moving to France and then finally to Belgium.

In Belgium, Auk met Yano Chichelin and the two became good friends. Auk thought about retiring in Belgium, since he had become less and less active. One day though, Yano was thought to be assassinated by opponents to his paper the Yano Tribune. Auk, with nowhere else to turn to, decided to call the vacation and head back to Canada.

Brief Revitilization

Auk returned to Canada and decided to reinvigorate himself and the party to activity levels from before V2. Under Green Hawk all was going fine, but Green Hawk was banned midway through the party presidency. Auk Rest became director of CPF Media Affairs and wrote several newspaper articles for the CPF. Because of this work and other activity in the CPF he won a seat in congress in December 2010. His term was mostly uneventful, but the tides were changing in the CPF and Canada. Addy Lawrence had decided to create his own little political party, MOO (Ministry of Opportunity), and the CPF was slipping in numbers. In January 2011, the CPF slipped out of the Top 5 political parties, a big decline. Though the CPF had Wilhelm Gunter at its stead, Auk was demoralized by all that had occurred in Canada also, with multiple scandals involving Wes Lewis and Rolo Tahmasee.

Auk's End

Shortly into February of 2011, Auk decided to retire from Canada and after saying goodbye to his friends and party he moved to the newly created lands of Egypt. Auk aquired Egyptian citizenship and essentially waited for his days to end, which they eventually did, or so he thought.


Auk awoke sometime in April of 2012 in Egypt. He knew after all this time that he had to go back to Canada and find out what had happened. He departed Egypt on a plane straight for Canada. Once there, he was granted citizenship again and found Canada had changed ever so much. There was still scandal, but Auk found it good to be among friends again.

He learned that in his absence, MOO had been very successful before its takeover and that Addy Lawrence had been president multiple times. Funky Hum24n and a handful of others had kept the CPF alive with just a few members through most of 2011, and it now had begun surging with new members on its path back. Auk knew many of his friends were dead but some still remained and there were new faces also. Auk Rest was ready for a new day.

Auk began to learn rumors that his old time friend Yano Chichelin was still alive, and decided to investigate. Auk also decided to reopen the New Era Times.

Party Presidency

Auk Rest rejoined the CPF as it catapulted itself back from the depths of obscurity and back into the Top 5. After the takeover of EPIC Canadian Progressive Front gained some former members of EPIC, and the War with America caused other Canadians who had left to come back, and they too bolstered the numbers of the CPF. Funky Hum24n announced the end of his tenure as Party Presidency, and Auk Rest decided to fill the void. In a fairly close election for CPF party president standard, Auk won with 52% of the vote, 36 to 23 against GeneralJacob6042. Auk was determined to carry on for the party and followed closely by Funky's example.

Although Auk only intended on being a one-term party president and a temporary station, it turned into much more. Auk successfully led the party after Funky's departure and the CPF began growing and growing until it was the second most populous party in eCanada. Auk continued to show off the party's strength in congress and nominated ElPatoDiablo, a newer player with great promise to the presidency. ElPato's campaign was strong but he was defeated in a three way race between himself, Tyrael Snow, and Wally Cleaver.

Auk decided to run for reelection, not once but twice after careful thought and lead the CPF forward. The CPF continued to grow, becoming the #1 party in Canada. Auk created strong ties with Clan Wolf through the party's new PP Quimbie Muffins and united the parties elected ElPatoDiablo in October and reelected him in November. Auk also befriended United Party of Canada. The CPF showed itself as a powerful force, helping thwart PTOs of Clan Wolf and the UPC in the October and November party president elections, and elected ElPatoDiablo to a second term despite losing Clan Wolf support, who nominated Foxfire for the presidency.

Auk Rest, tired after three terms did not think on a fourth term very positively, and encouraged someone to challenge him. The challenge was answered with Randall Flagg 1999 and Jaffle putting their names down. Randall Flagg won the Primary and went on to be elected in the general election.

Post Party Presidency

Auk continued to be active in the party after stepping down as Party President. However, Canada had been totally occupied by Spain starting in January with a total wipe in February. Spain continues to hold Canada to this day...

Auk was Party President two more times, January-February and May-June terms, but he personally viewed both as failures and was disappointed with the lack of success of both and so decided to retire from the Party Presidency permanently - or at least for a significant amount of time.

Overall Canada had completely been undone by the invasion, losing massive amounts of players and having other players become inactive or leave the country, causing massive decadence in all political parties. The CPF was certainly not spared and underwent difficult times.

During the summer of 2013 Auk was involved in governmental discussion with Spain to get Canada's regions back, and was the Vice President of Canada under klop123 from August-September.

Party Presidents Table

Term Starting Term Ending Party President % of Vote Contiguous Terms Total Terms Main Opponent(s)
September 9, 2009 September 15, 2009 Banach N/A 6 Days Unknown N/A
September 16, 2009 February 15, 2010 Tyler F Durden[1] 73%[1] 5 Terms 5 Terms Tantis
February 16, 2010 February 19, 2012 Acacia Mason[2] 92%[2] 3 Days 3 Days None
February 19, 2010 March 15, 2012 Pimpdollaz N/A 1 Term 3 Terms N/A
March 16, 2010 June 15, 2010 Addy Lawrence 61%[3] 3 Terms 4 Terms Wilhelm Gunter
June 16, 2010 July 1, 2010 jbdivinus[3] 53%[4] 1/2 Term 1/2 Term Wilhelm Gunter, Addy Lawrence
July 1, 2010 July 15, 2010 Pimpdollaz N/A 1 Term 3 Terms N/A
July 16, 2010 July 27, 2010 CrazyMofo13[4] 100%[5] 9 Days 9 Days None
July 27, 2010 August 15, 2010 Pimpdollaz N/A 1 Term 3 Terms N/A
August 16, 2010 September 15, 2010 Addy Lawrence 64%[6] 1 Term 4 Terms James McNamara
September 16, 2010 October 15, 2010 James McNamara 60%[7] 1 Term 1 Term Aeriala
October 16, 2010 November 15, 2010 Funky Hum24n[5] 51%[8] 1 Term 15 Terms Kazuo Leblanc
November 16, 2010 December 9, 2010 Green Hawk[6] 37%[9] 3/4 Term 3/4 Term jbdivinus, Curtis L
December 9, 2010 December 15, 2010 Alias Vision N/A 6 Days 6 Days N/A
December 16, 2010 February 15, 2011 Wilhelm Gunter 87%[10] 2 Terms 2 Terms None
February 16, 2011 Unknown Banach[7] 100%[11] Unknown Unknown None
March 16, 2011 April 15, 2011 Funky Hum24n 100%[12] 1 Term 15 Terms None
April 16, 2011 June 25, 2011 Aeriala 100%[13] 2 1/2 Terms 2 1/2 Terms None
June 25, 2011 August 19, 2011 Funky Hum24n 100%[14] 2 Terms 15 Terms None
August 19, 2011 September 15, 2011 Pants Magee N/A 3/4 Term 3/4 Term N/A
September 16, 2011 October 15, 2011 klop123 100%[15] 1 Term 2 Terms None
October 16, 2011 August 15, 2012 Funky Hum24n[8][9] 100%[16][17] 10 Terms 15 Terms None
August 16, 2012 November 15, 2012 Auk Rest 52%[18] 3 Terms 5 Terms Generaljacob6042
November 16, 2012 January 15, 2013 Randall Flagg 1999 64%[19] 2 Terms 2 Terms Sokasuki, Isaac Rose
January 16, 2013 February 15, 2013 Auk Rest 68%[20] 1 Term 5 Terms Lelouch Vl Britannia, Isaac Rose
February 16, 2013 March 15, 2013 Funky Hum24n 46%[21] 1 Term 15 Terms Auk Rest
March 16, 2013 May 15, 2013 Dozzer_x 74%[22] 2 Terms 2 Terms Randall Flagg 1999, James McNamara
May 16, 2013 June 15, 2013 Auk Rest 67%[23] 1 Term 5 Terms None
June 16, 2013 July 15, 2013 klop123 40%[24] 1 Term 2 Terms Churchill93, TheSmoke
July 16, 2013 December 15, 2013 TheSmoke 43%[25] 5 Terms 5 Terms Randall Flagg 1999
December 16, 2013 January 15, 2014 Lelouch Vl Britannia 46.03%(tie)[26] 1 Term 1 Term Jacks Broken Heart(tie)
January 16, 2014 February 15, 2014 JonathonEdwards 90.91%[27] 1 Term 1 Term None
February 16, 2014 TBD TheSmoke 90.91%[28] TBD TBD None


  1. Party founder and hero
  2. Resigned in frustration
  3. Internal issues within eRepublik banned the citizen jbdivinus briefly, but caused jb to lose the Party President
  4. Rage quit and destroyed much of the party apparatus
  5. Funky's first victory was by only one vote
  6. Three way race for the PP, Green Hawk was banned 3/4 into the term
  7. My exit from eRepublik coincided with Banach's election
  8. Party "switch" occured in January 2012
  9. I returned to the game April 2012