Iron & Wine

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Iron & Wine

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General Information
Country Flag-Netherlands.jpg Netherlands
Abbreviation I&W
Forum [1]
Colors gold
Founded March 2008
President The Valeyard
Vice President odan
Members 32
Congress Occupancy 10 seats (25.64%)
Orientation Far-left, Authoritarian

Iron & Wine is one of the oldest parties of The Icon-Netherlands.png Netherlands, founded in March 2008 it still active today.

Party Presidential History

Members of Iron & Wine that were elected to be Party president.

classic Iron & Wine logo


Iron and Wine is the oldest and one of the most active parties in the Netherlands, always open for players and ideas. I&W has some very experienced and active members who proved the eNetherlands a big service. Even though Iron and Wine wasn’t always the biggest party by number of members it has been in most governments of the Netherlands and United Netherlands so far.

Activity on governments included times when other parties made a coalition, but asked Iron and Wine members to fulfill a ministry job. I&W always supported this.

Iron and Wine believes that quality of work and cooperation is a value which is very important and it always tries to find solutions in difficult situations and to find the best compromises.

Foreign Affairs

Iron and Wine is an international oriented party. It was a supporterr of PEACE Global Community since the beginning. Also, I&W member Flando was one of the two founders of the European Social Alliance (the other one being CreveRoeland of GVD) Iron and Wine has build up many good relationships with other countries and politicians in other countries. A lot of I&W members also have work in other countries.

Another goal of the Foreign Affairs department would be to involve more people in communication with our friends and allies from all over the world by an embassy program.

I&W believes that the eNetherlands need strong allies to survive.

Internal Affairs

One of I&W's biggest goals is letting all state institutions (government, congresss, etc.) provide as much information to the people as possible. As it is the only way for people to know what their representatives are doing, which is crucial for any democracy.

Iron and Wine thinks that there are too many Congress rules at the moment. For example when a donation has to be made to the state companies or to the ministry of defense it will at least 24 hours before the minister can take the money. Iron and Wine will strive to improve the efficiency of congress and reduce the bureaucracy.

Media & Education.
I&W wants the the government to spend more time working on Education. Which, together with our plans for information will keep citizens active. Also, education must go further then in the past. It must educate active people to be good politicians (ministers/congressmen/etc.) This is not only the task of the government, I&W works hard to teach their own members. The tasks will mainly be these:

I&W thinks that private media is too small in the eNetherlands. And the government should work hard to boost it.


Iron and Wine want the government to let the monetary market stabilise on its own. This way the government saves on gold costs and there is some freedom for individuals to make some profits.

Iron and Wine would like to see a president for the Dutch Bank who takes care of increasing the funds available on the bank, through the Monetary market.

Even though the party supports a free economy and wages free for the market to decide, it believe there should be a CAO (Collective Employees Agreement), so employees get paid a decent salary. There should also be some state companies in certain areas that can coexist next to private companies. These state companies won't be in competition with other companies on the market.

Iron and Wine believes the state companies should only compete on the market if other countries own monopoly positions.


Iron & Wine is the oldest party of the eNetherlands, and has always been one of the biggest.

April 2nd 2011 - Resurrection

After a period on 1-party rule in the eNetherlands, I&W was restarted by Garmr. A lot of the old I&W members quickly followed, and joined the party. Garmr had a lot of tasks within the eNetherlands. and so, after volunteering for a tasks within the party, Flando was asked to take over from Garmr and become party president. Even though the ingame party president elections not yet arrived.

Country Presidents

Members of Iron & Wine that were elected to be the president of the eNetherlands/eUnited Netherlands.