ERepublik jargon/Portugues Brasileiro

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Portugues BrasileiroIcon-Brazil.png

Existem muitos termos usados pela comunidade do eRepublik que foram criados e têm o seu proprio significado dentro do jogo.


  • \o/ - Forma de expressar festejos ou dança.
  • 2-Clicker or Two Clicker - Cidadão que apenas treina e trabalha.


  • ATO - O oposto de PTO - Political Take Over, o ATO ou Anti-Takeover é um movimento de ususários que pretendem derrotar um Political Take Over.
  • Account Sitting - Quando um usuário fornece a outro os dados de acesso à sua conta para que este fique treinando e trabalhando por um curto periodo de tempo. Isso é ilegal sendo punido com banimento por multiplas contas. O termo deriva do inglês "babysitting".
  • Baby - Jogador novo.
  • Baby Boom- Período de entrada de muitos novos jogadores no eRepublik.
  • BH- Herói da Batalha
  • BHM- Medalha de Herói da Batalha
  • Blocker - Cidadão concorrendo ao congresso sem intenções de ganhar, estando apenas concorrendo para bloquear o acesso de um opositor.
  • Channer - Nome dos usuários do sítio 4chan. São normalmente PTOers. Os mais famosos são os Channers da Harvad University.
  • Clone - Nome dado a uma conta múltipla.
  • CP - Presidente do País
  • Dioista - Seguidor do Dioismo.
  • Goons - Ususários do sítio Something Awful. Muitos Goons se juntaram ao eRepublik no Verão de 2008.
  • Headless Chickens - Termo carinhoso para designar os administradores do eRepublik. Como se tornou muito popular começou sendo usado um cartune de uma galinha sem cabeça nas páginas de erro 404.

HeadlessChicken.jpgChicken2.gif Chicken3.gif


  • Kebabs ou Comedores de Kebab - Termo derrogativo Espanhol para designar um cidadão paquistanês, popularizado por Kartalon.
  • Matza - A Mascote da eRoménia
  • Mods = Membros da comunidade que se voluntariam para o policiamento do eRepublik atribuindo Pontos de Omissão aos usuários que quebram as regras. Todos os mods com poder de banir usuários trabalham na sede do eRepublik na Roménia.
  • Monex - Abreviatura de Mercado Monetário, MM também é comumente usado.
  • MPP - Aliança.
  • MT - Abreviatura de Bilhete de Mudança.
  • Multi - Short for multiaccount; a citizen account created by another citizen primarily used for cheating.
  • NE - Abbreviation for Natural enemy.
  • o/ - An internet high-five. The act of high-fiving is such a joyous act that, after years of SCIENCE, the internet high-five was created by students at MIT. The proper response to someone offering you one of these internet high-fives is "\o",to return it. This is usually seen in chat rooms and IRC, and are acceptable most occasions, including, but not limited to: making an awesome post, getting an awesome response, writing a good article, getting a promotion in the military, ranking up, winning an election, winning a battle, or saving your country from utter destruction. A high-five is usually reserved for happy occasions, so offering a high-five to a friend after hearing of his aunt's passing would be considered a faux pas in most circles.
  • o7 - An internet salute. Other acceptable ways of saluting include, but may not be limited to: O7, o>, and o/
  • obrazek - Word that appears when an image that has been inserted into an article but it doesn't appear. The word actually means means image or picture in Polish.
  • Owner - Wiki. Used to describe a wiki author who is overly possessive about any changes made to his/her page, no matter how constructive the edit. This possessiveness usually goes against the spirit of the collaborative nature of a wiki.


  • Pertamax - Indonesian equivalent for the English eRepublik meme First.
  • PHX - Abbreviation of Phoenix, the international military alliance.
  • PP - Abbreviation of Party president.
  • PTO - Abbreviation for Political takeover in which one country performs a coup d'état upon another country during elections.
  • RW - Abbreviation for Resistance war.
  • Signed - Used when in agreement with the original post, often used outside of contracts for humorous effect; made famous on the Off-Topic forum after the forum was flooded with petitions.
  • Singed - Common misspelling of Signed, often used intentionally as a non-qualified signature.
  • Snipe - The act of voting, usually in congress races, 5 or less minutes until 24:00 eRepublik time, in order to ensure a victory for a particular candidate.
  • Sub - Subscribe - refers to the act of clicking the subscribe button in order to receive a notification every time a new article is published in a particular newspaper (the one the subscribe button belonged to).
  • Talking Bank - An organization that leaves comments or replies in topics.
  • Two Clicker - See 2-Clicker
  • Wigs - The eRepublik staff, well known for their love of wigs and wig parties.[1]
  • Wig party - Some eRepublik citizens claim server downtime is due to wigs holding wig parties. This claim is supported by the site's slow loading times at 01.00-02.00/1 AM-2 AM Romanian time (UTC +2)
  • Wiped - the act of one country being completely conquered by another.
  • Zombie - 1. A person who votes strictly for their party in the general election without regard to the candidate's competency. Coined to describe the United States Workers Party. 2. A another name for a multiple account.

Version 1 Jargon

  • Goldbeast - See Tank
  • Tank - Someone who spends large sums of Gold on Wellness packs during wars.
  • Fortress - A region that has been fortified by it's controlling country by moving thousands of citizens to it in order to both increase the attack cost and the size of the wall.
  • Gifting - The process of sending Gifts to someone in order to increase their Wellness.

Beta Jargon

Due to game play changes in v1, some terms are out of fashion.

  • Belgiuming or Pulling a Belgium - Taking over a country through a Political takeover, and then having it annexed by war.
  • COOL CHANGES - Server downtime, taken from their default downtime page. Alternatively, a negative term for a bug or glitch. This has been replaced by the headless chicken screens.
  • Double Spaniard or Double Swede - Semi-derogatory term for a Spaniard or Swede.
  • Giftbombing - Giving a gift to a defeated soldier to prevent the use of a hospital.
  • Jap - South African derogatory term for an Indonesian.
  • Pulling a Nave - A saying referring to Nave Saikiliah, the first goldbeast in eRepublik (during the USA-Canada War).
  • Scrote - a South African Zockyist. Used mainly as a derogatory term by South Africans in reference to Croatian Zockyist occupiers.
  • Zockyist - an adherent of Zockyism.