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31 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Japan.jpg Japanese
National rank 19
Date of birth August 12 2008 (Day 266)
Residence Kinki
Sex Male
Faith Lidoxa
Imperator of Sol
18 October 2009 –
Chairman of Sol
14 August 2009 – 9 October 2009
Succeeded by Hekter
President of China
14 May 2009 – 5 September 2009
Preceded by H KraToS
Succeeded by solotar
Congress of China
26 September 2009 – 16 October 2009
Party president of Serpentia
15 July 2009 – 16 October 2009
Preceded by pyroelectricity
Party president of Juche Box Party
16 May 2009 – 5 June 2009
Preceded by Toki Wart00th
Succeeded by Kim Jong Rad
Congress of Austria
26 February 2009 – 25 March 2009
Congress of China
26 April 2009 – 14 May 2009
Military rank Icon rank Supreme Marshal**.png Supreme Marshal**
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Snayke is the former the President of China. He has formerly resided in Greece, Turkey, Austria and South Korea.


Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif 13x Hard Worker
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif 6x Congress Member
Icon achievement Country President on.gif 3x Country President

Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif 21x Super Soldier
Icon achievement Society Builder on.gif 1x Society Builder


Snayke owned the organisation called The Collective which operated 5 companies in China. The companies within The Collective were:

  • Collective Grain Q3 [Q3 Grain],
  • Collective Oil Q2 [Q2 Oil],
  • Collective Food Q2 [Q2 Food],
  • Collective Food Q3 [Q3 Food],
  • Collective Gifts [Q1 Gifts] and
  • Collective Tickets [Q1 Moving Tickets].

He regularly gifts his employees as a gesture of goodwill.


Snayke was a member of congress in China and also a member of the Serpentia. He was formerly the Party president of the Juche Box Party, President of China and Chairman of Sol.


Snayke started off in the slums of Greece where he joined the Greek Republic Resistance. During his days in Greece, Snayke did not participate much in the media and was refined to his life of working and training everyday. He paid so little attention to what was going on in the world that he was quite surprised that one day he found himself in Turkey without moving. He continued to live in Turkey until he contacted some former friends from his Greek days. He left Turkey and arrived in Austria where he ran and won in the congress elections of February 2009.


Not long after, he left for South Korea where his Goons brothers and sisters were rallying. The Goons presence in South Korea was short lived as China had just declared war and invaded Gyeonggi-do. With Gyeonggi-do conquered, much of the Goons population spread out into China and made it their new home. The Juche Box Party became the home of Snayke and the Goon populace in China.

The 14th of May witnessed Snayke ascend to the presidency of China when an impeachment vote succeeded. Soon after on the 15th of May, 2009, Snayke rose to become the Party president of the Juche Box Party. Under his leadership, the Juche Box Party won around 60% of congress during the May elections.

The month of June saw the Juche Box Party splinter into two factions. One supported radical ideas such as the banning of Chinese writing and renaming the nation of China to West Korea, a faction headed by Kim Jong Rad. The other faction was lead by Snayke who was a moderate and had much of the public's support. Before the June party president elections, Snayke resigned from the party presidency of the Juche Box Party and joined the People's Republican Party. Following his departure, many loyalists followed his heed and created the SSStars of Snayke political party.

In July 2009, there was a takeover on the Juche Box Party which lead to the unification of the SSStars of Juche and members leaving the Juche Box Party. After the clashes between pro-Juche and anti-Juche demonstrators, the party was handed over to Snayke, where he renamed it to Serpentia and has lead the party ever since in a bid to reunify the people of China.


In mid-2009, the idea of a regional alliance in the Asia-Pacific was spread around by Snayke to other nations in the same region. He was a fundamental figure in the creation of Sol, the regional alliance of the Asia-Pacific which quickly captivated the interests of many around the world. The Charter of Sol was mostly written by Snayke, with help from Akki.

Sol was successfully created and formed, with the first resolution being proposed on the 11th of August, 2009 with 7 member nations. The first resolution was to make Snayke the first Chairman of the Sol Security Council, which passed unanimously.