Intec Investments

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Intec Investments
Logo of Intec Investments
Owner eChrisTheOne
Country Flag-Germany.jpg Germany
Headquarters Saarland
Founded March 2010
Founder eChrisTheOne
Industries Manufacturing & Raw materials
Products Weapon & Wood
Colours orange & dark-gray
Intec Investments is an international corporation founded by eChrisTheOne in March 2010. Its goal is to produce and provide all kinds of goods and being profitable while paying very well.


Intec Investments is managed by its founder eChrisTheOne. He started his work in March 2010 when he organisation got its first company and became a corporation.


Company in South Africa

In the early period of Intec's efforts to grow, a Q1 diamonds company in South Africa was bought. A few hours later the managment decided to sell the company again to make profit. After this the managment and a few investors started planning to buy or found a new diamonds company but they did not put it in practise because the diamonds market was overcrowed with company selling goods for dumping prices.


After the decision to stop the efforts until eRepublik v2 is published, a german citizen, JaFe, decided to quit eRepublik. In this case the managment determined to buy his companies. A Q2 wood company in Bavaria, Germany and a Q1 gun company in Svealand, Sweden were bought by Intec Investments on 1st April 2010


date operation
March, 2010 Q1 diamonds company in South Africa was bought
March, 2010 Q1 diamonds company in South Africa was sold
1st April 2010 Q1 weapon company in Sweden was bought
1st April 2010 Q2 wood company in Germany was bought