Mr Ginge

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Dead citizen.png
Dead citizen

Mr Ginge

24 Message  · Wiki

Nationality Flag-Ireland.jpg Irish
Date of birth 8th October 2009 - Day 688
Date of death 2012
Residence Cork
Sex Male
Newspaper Northern Star
Congress member of Ireland
March 26, 2010 – April 25, 2009
Party president of The Labour Party
March 16, 2010 – May 15, 2010
Preceded by irishbhoy1967
Succeeded by orangejuicemmm
Member of the Central Planning Committee of The Internationale
March 23, 2010 – N/A
Minister of Health of Ireland
October 6, 2010 – November 5, 2010
Served under Connell Rath
Military unit Irish Citizen Army
Military rank Icon rank Lt Colonel*.png Lt Colonel*
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Time in the ISD

Mr Ginge joined the Irish Social Democrats when he first joined eRepublik. At the time Appleman was president of the Party. Unknown to Mr Ginge, the party had since September been starting to lean more toward being a Right-Wing Party, with many of the Left-Wing members leaving the party.

While in the Party Mr Ginge spoke to Ian Arbuckle. During his time in the ISD, Ginge learned a lot from Ian about game mechanics i.e. healing and fighting. During this period at Irish Social Democrats, Ian also gave Mr Ginge the opportunity to run for a seat in the Dáil twice. On both occasions, however, he missed out by 1 vote.

Times they are a Changin'

In mid-January of 2010, Mr Ginge former a newspaper called the Northern Star.

In these early periods, he used it in a media assault on the ICF or Irish Citizen Front which was at the time led by Mannimarco as a Far-Left Totalitarian group and to promote his own brand of Socialism. Naively believing that he could achieve these aims under the banner of the ISD.

Around this time Ginge discovered IRC on the National Forums and soon began using it. In less than a week, he met Glorious Connolly who after a long conversation introduced him to The Labour Party. Here Ginge met IrishBhoy1967, Joe Hitman and James Ferrin. He then became involved in the party which was recovering from a PTO.

At the same time Glorious Connolly introduced Ginge to the Internationale, which he also got involved in soon. He quickly resigned from the ISD and joined the Labour Party.


Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif
Hard Worker (x6)
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif
Congress Member (x2)
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif
Battle Hero (x1)
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif
Super Soldier (x5)
Icon achievement True Patriot on.gif
True Patriot (x1)
Icon achievement Party President on.gif
Party President* (x2)
served in The Labour Party