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Revision as of 11:01, 10 November 2009


Alcune notizie su eRepublik

Cari cittadini,

Oggi ci concentreremo sull'eMondo, per farvi conoscere alcuni aggiornamenti. Non faremo l'errore di iniziare con le-cose-meno-eccitanti, come manutenzione etc...

Avete notato il giornale di Tall_niki? Qui potete trovare la più grande concentrazione per centimetro quadrato di carta delle più belle donne di eRepublik. E oltre alle molte informazioni, tra cui politiche e economiche, è uno dei posti dove puoi ammirare e votare uan donna bellissima senza preoccuparti di quello che potrebbe dire la tua ragazza :)

La regione russa, Western Siberia Region, la più ricca di eRepublik è stata conquistata dalla russia dopo un guerra di resistenza. E' da quasi un anno che i Russi avevano perso questa ricca regione, che oggi è ritornata a loro. Stai vedendo chi è l'Eroe di battaglia in WSR, o stai ancora guardando il giornale di Tall_niki? :D

Una richiesta importante delle Community è stata di riolvere il problema delle aziende che rappresentavano delle trappole per "utenti govani". Consistono in aziende che attraggono molti giovani utenti con offerte di lavoro allettanti. Una volta dentro le aziende, gli utenti erano intrappolati a causa della mancanza di soldi o materie prime perchè non conoscevano bene i meccanismi del gioco, come la possibilità di licenziarsi dall'azienda, ed erano portati all'abbandono del gioco. E' stato corretto il problema, e sarà applicato molto presto, in pratica se un cittadino proverà a lavorare in un'azienda senza soldi o materie prime, tutte le proposte di lavoro di quell'azienda, saranno immediatamente rimosse e un messaggio verrà inviato al General Manager.

Hai controllato le Wiki di eRepublik negli ultimi tempi? Specialmente se sei un nuovo cittadino, dovresti faro, perchè ci puoi trovare molte pagine/informazioni utili, come le esaurienti FAQ (Domande frequenti). In questa pagina puoi imparare molti concetti base di eRepublik, con anche molti approfondimenti utili. Puoi anche leggere questo tutorial, o se preferisci eRepublik media, leggi questo.

Un'altra cosa che vogliamo annunciare è che, partendo dal giorno 714 del nuovo mondo, il prezzo delle Alleanze aumenterà da 30 a 100 GOLD. Tutte le alleanze sottoscritte fino ad allora rimarranno attive. Abbiamo modificato il costo perchè attualmente è troppo facile avere 20-30 alleanze, che sono pari alla metà delle nazioni dell'eMondo, il che è irrealistico e non lascia spazio ai colpi di scena. I presidenti dovranno scegliere più attentamente le loro alleanze.

Inoltre, siamo attualmente in cerca di un Ufficiale di community per il nostro ufficio a Bucarest. Maggiori approfondimenti qui. Se conoscete qualcuno che potrebbe essere interessato, informatelo/a del fatto. Grazie.

Annuncio Manutenzione: Domani, giorno 708 del nuovo mondo, i server di eRepublik saranno offline per circa 30 minuti, a partire dalle 05.00 AM (orario di eRepublik), per una manutenzione programmata.

Regards, The eRepublik Team

Manitoba, il giorno dopo

Cari cittadini,

Dopo una lunga dormira, ieri il Dio della Guerra ha espresso la sua furia nel mondo di eRepublik. Più precisamente, nelle regioni Canadesi di Manitoba e Nunavut. E' da un po' che il Canada non è più nelle mappe, e gli USA hanno solo 2 delle regioni originali. Gli USA hanno tenuto duro per rimanere nella mappa, ed è iniziata la guerra per reclamare indietro i propri territori. Non c'è esagerazione nell'affermare che sono passati 100 giorni (che in RL rappresentano circa 12 anni) dall'inizio della guerra del Nord America

Nella settimana passata, molti cittadini hanno richiesto giustamente una battaglia epica. La carenza di queste battaglie ha portato alla nasdcita di molti articoli ironici che invitavano Ungheresi e Rumeni a "Premere il bottone", per riportare l'attenzione sui campi di battaglia di eRepublik. Bene, nessuno dei due paesi l'ha fatto. Ma il Canada e gli USA insieme hanno attaccato le regioni di Nunavut e Manitoba.

E' stato chiaro da subot che sarebbero state due grandi battaglie. L'Ungheria era sola contro il Canada in Navut, e sola contro gli USA a Manitoba ("Sola" si intende senza MPP attivi). Un aspetto interessante di queste battaglie è lo spostamente di masse di soldati, da tutto il mondo, per prendere parte a queste battaglie. Molti "Tank", ma anche molti giovani soldati si sono sacrificati per la loro alleanza. La parte difficile per l'Ungheria è stata vedere dove concentrare il fuoco in base all'attacco del nemico negli ultimi istanti. Ecco il perchè hanno combattuto per tutto il giorno arrivando alle ore finali ad avere entrambi i muri stazionari a +3-400k in sicurezza. Il lavoro difficile per gli Ungheresi e gli alleati, è stato portare il muro di Manitoba da -600k a +400k, ma ce l'hanno fatta.

Alla fine sono arrivati gli ultimi 30 minuti. Come sempre quando si parla di battaglie epiche, i più grandi Tank arrivano da tutto il mondo per consacrare il bagno di sangue, che questa volta ha avuto luogo in Manitoba. Sono stati effettuati un numero incredibile di combattimenti al secondo, in tre aggiornamenti il muro è passato da 170k a 210k e poi indietro a 180k, è stata una questione di poche decine di secondi. LA tensione cresceva, negli ultimi 4 minuti di battaglia, il muro ha iniziato a scendere in basso incessantemente, le forze alleate di Eden/Brolliance (una delle alleanze più grandi di eRepublik) tentavano di superare i nemici. Lo sviluppo di questa battaglia, abbattere 400k di muro in 15 minuti, nonostante la forte resistenza, è molto impressionante. Ma questo non toglio l'onore alle forze PEACE. L'ondata di articoli contenenti "epic fail, perdenti" non da il giusto rispetto che meritano gli avversari, anche perchè chissa cosa accadrà nella prossima battaglia...

Addesso vediamo alcune statistiche, molto impressionanti, soprattutto se consideriamo l'assenza di MPP:


- Danno totale: 8,714,666
- Soldati combattenti: 13,610
- Fight totali: 99,529


- Danno totale: 899,400
- Soldati combattenti: 2,655
- Fight totali: 14,334

Ci congratuliamo con tutti i soldati per averci regalato dei momenti cosi memorabili.

Saluti, The eRepublik Team

Day 700 of the New World- Happy Birthday V1

Dear citizens,

Today we have some reasons to celebrate: 700 days of the New World and also one year of eRepublik V1. It feels like it was yesterday that the [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/special-announcement-erepublik-v1-launching-date-687576/1/20]deploy announcement[/url] was made, announcing to the Beta World the imminent launch of V1. And what a different game emerged the next day! Concepts like raw materials and organizations were implemented, as well as a new war module and a completely new graphic layout. Exactly one year ago the New World was vibrating, the shock of the V1 launch splitting citizens into two sides: those that loved the new eRepublik, and those that didn't like it and wanted Beta back. Nevertheless, most developed an addiction feeling and actually thousands of citizens who experienced that transition are still here today, so happy birthday to you too :)

V1 came as the result of almost a full year of Beta testing, and many months of pre-Beta coding. But it was far from being perfect- older citizens might recall problems, which needed to be solved in the first months. Now, one year later, we realize that we have come a long way since the V1 launch. And also that the V1 was not a terminus point, but a starting one. Month after month eRepublik engineers have solved many requests. Citizens` feedback filled a long list of wishes which our programmers fulfilled, from new countries to the eRepublik map, from citizenship to citizens ads and company tools. But also a lot of work was done “under the hood,” which didn't provide new, visible modules, but has still been absolutely necessary. Work for improving the code, to fix bugs, to keep the servers up and running with thousands of simultaneous online players, to develop a home-based moderators program which means faster answers to your tickets, and so on.

We are proud with our accomplishments this year, but of course more can and will be done. That's why eRepublik engineers are working day after day to create new modules, which will add a whole new dimension to the eRepublik experience.

It might just be a coincidence, but the V1 anniversary unfortunately also came with a two-days attack, last week. In the first phase some citizens' accounts were robbed. We patched the vulnerability and reverted most of the harmful actions next day (we are still working on a few isolated cases).Then, another type of attack occurred in the same module, and we have uploaded another security patch on the server which fixed the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.

Starting today eRepublik media module enriched with an option which offers you the possibility to share/tweet articles you like with just a few clicks. If you don't have one, you can create an account and keep in touch with us on [url=http://www.facebook.com/eRepublik]Facebook[/url] and [url=http://twitter.com/erepublik]Twitter[/url]

These being said, Happy Birthday V1! And thank you all for making the New World possible.

Regards, The eRepublik Team

Security vulnerability patched

Dear citizens,

Yesterday a security vulnerability was discovered and exploited for a short while, before our engineers could fix it. By opening articles containing -comments, some citizens got their GOLD stolen and sent to some specific accounts.

The first measure was to "lock" the accounts receiving the GOLD, in order to prevent its spread across the world. Then, in a matter of hours we fixed the vulnerability to prevent this from ever happening again.

Our investigation concluded that the following target-accounts receiving GOLD had nothing to do with the exploit: Emerick, borges16, UncleDed, Karolina Jesieniecka and MoredanKantose.

All other accounts involved in the exploit are permanently suspended, including some high-ranked citizens.

Thanks for your reports which helped us with this issue. Our team of engineers extracted the full list of affected accounts and reversed the transactions, so now everybody should have their GOLD back. In case you GOLD is still missing, please submit a ticket to Report a Bug department.

Regards, The eRepublik Team

[Citizens' Insiders] Faces in the Crowd

"Good day, eRepublik.

For the new ‘Citizens Insiders’ campaign, I thought I would take a few minutes out of your busy schedules to discuss exactly what ‘success’ means for you in this world. If you ask 9 people what ‘success’ means, you’ll probably get 10 different answers. Some would say that success is winning the monthly presidential elections. Some would say that success is securing yourself a near-permanent foothold in Congress. Some would say that success is having a high-rolling company, or having the most currency, or the most gold, or achieving ‘Media Mogul’ status. One might even be inclined to say that success is getting one’s article posted as a citizen’s Insider; I’ll leave that part up to you.

As you’re all hopefully aware, eRepublik is a game. A digital world; however, this is not a game that can be ‘won’; our world is always progressing, developing, and moving forward, towards a brighter future. Success isn’t always winning an important battle, or having the most popular article, or being a high-ranking member in your home nation; I won’t feed you the cliché that “success is just playing the game, and having fun”. No. To succeed in this game, it’s all about connections.

I’m not implying that one has to have friends in high places, but friends [i]are[/i] a necessity. The social networking aspect of eRepublik is one of the attributes that makes the game as popular as it is. With sites like Facebook and MySpace, there is the social networking aspect; however, eRepublik puts a military and political spin on that, creating a whole new social paradigm: countries full of people are encouraged to work towards a common goal, and are encouraged to find allies in other nations, while engaging in “friendly” competition with other nations through war. Unlike many online games, eRepublik has things to teach us, not only about our world, but about ourselves.

While the game is intended for maximum enjoyment, we can begin to grasp the way the real world works, and our place in it. To be successful, one must rely not only upon their knowledge of politics, strategy, and diplomacy, but they must know [i]how[/i] to apply it, as well; that is, one must have wisdom. To be successful, our ultimate goal must be to learn how to bring something unique to the table, but must be able to apply that in a group setting. We must all learn to cooperate with each other. True success in eRepublik is entirely dependent on how well we work with others, and how we construct long-lasting relationships, based upon trust and mutual understanding. We must learn how best to relate to our fellow man. Ironically, individual success comes from simply realizing that, as individuals, we cannot “do it all”.

I encourage you to begin building these bridges with those around you. Start creating a close social network, and find a way to apply your talents in a group setting. Join a political party; bring your productivity to a company in need; help new players to get along in the world, or seek out someone with experience if you [i]are[/i] a new player.

The bottom line is, learn to work together to build a better tomorrow for eRepublik. Alone, it’s hard to change the world; together, we can move mountains. Shake this world to its foundation. Reach out to everyone you can, whether your countrymen, or your allies, or even your enemies; it’s a fact that, in this world, nothing is impossible if there are enough people willing to try. Don’t let borders get in the way of this reality, because remember: truth takes no sides."

Article by [url=http://www2.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1702594]Cody Franklin[/url] Read Cody Franklin's [url=http://www2.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/duo-truth-takes-no-sides-195745/1]Newspaper[/url]


We hope you have enjoyed this article as much as we did. The topic for the next Insider is [b]"Beta giants. A tribute to personalities that shaped the New World."[/b]

Regards, The eRepublik Team

We're back!

Dear citizens,

We are as happy as you are to have the New World back online. As we have previously announced, the migration to a new cluster architecture has been scheduled for today.

But in the world of informatics often things don't work as planned. That's why we have backups. What happens when your backups get corrupted? We got to find out the hard way! Huge corrupt data set (over 2 TB) combined with corrupt backups make for a long long day!

Thankfully, our backups have backups, so our engineers managed to put everything back together.

The New World is on the move again, but we would like to ask you to report any problems you might encounter, by submitting a ticket to our Report a Bug department. We're watching and waiting to fix issues as they come in.

Thank you for your support, The eRepublik Team

eRepublik available in four more languages[UPDATED]

Dear citizens,

One of our biggest wish is to offer eRepublik experience in as many languages as possible, and we constantly work for this achievement. As some of you might have noticed, starting a couple of days ago eRepublik is available in several new languages. On the upper right part of the eRepublik log-in page you can choose between four new versions: German, French, Portuguese and Russian. If we add English and Spanish, currently eRepublik is available in six languages.

The new languages come with their own admin, as follows:

[url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1917095]admin DE[/url] - for German version ;

[url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1916924]admin FR[/url] - for French version ;

[url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1917097]admin PT[/url] - for Portuguese version ;

[url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1917101]admin RU[/url] - for Russian version .

Each of them has a newspaper, where translated versions of the official eRepublik Insider articles will be published. For this reason we strongly encourage citizens to subscribe to their local admin newspaper in order to keep in touch with eRepublik world news and events.

We would be glad to listen to your feedback, so please feel free to send us a ticket through Contact Page, to the new department “ Feedback on Language Versions ”. Also, if you encounter any problem using any of the new language versions, please let us know.

We could not have achieved this without the hard work of some truly eRepublik passionate citizens, that helped us with all these translations:

PT - [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/187791]Cavalcanti[/url],[url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1444637]Henrique G[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/559881]Artiga[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1208719]Raikael[/url] , [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/576622]Acoutinho[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/571821]Arthk[/url]; RU - [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1082231]Edward Edison[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1667069]Adin_Odmin[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1622604]Eugene Rozov[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1334815]Rodmis-73[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1230646]Karolina Jesieniecka[/url]; FR - [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/756052]marcchelala[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/966]Papa Frantz[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1439691]Eldorino[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1449195]Colansi[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1508876]Christian Doe[/url] ; DE - [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/314911]Chicco[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/844452]Starkad Rorlikson[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1251345]Franz Sigel[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/399962]Isy[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1334958]Markus Scierski[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1334986]Herr Schmidt[/url], [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/850591]Lucius Varenus[/url].

All of them are now eRepublik Ambassadors and should soon receive the honors and rewards.

We hope you'll enjoy the new versions available, and that your eRepublik experience will increase. Of course, we'll keep adding more and more language versions, so stay tuned !

Regards, The eRepublik Team

[b]Reminder: We would like to remind you that today, day 687of the New World, eRepublik server will be taken offline starting 02.00 AM (eRepublik time) for about four hours, due to scheduled maintenance.[/b]

Migrating to a new cluster architecture

Dear citizens,

As you've probably read in one of the previous Insiders, the technical team here at eRepublik has been working hard to keep the game up and running. In fact, we're sure you've noticed some speed improvements in the past month or so. Ever since January this year, we've been continuously trying out some new things (and learned from our mistakes) thus at this point, we would like to tie up some loose ends and move to a new clustering architecture.

In spite of our best efforts to make this transition as painless as possible for everybody, some downtime will be needed in order to complete our setup. Therefore, on Wednesday, day 687 of the New World, the game will be offline for scheduled maintenance for about 4 hours starting 02:00 eRepublik time.

During this time, our team of engineers will rush to reinstall everything from load balancers, reverse proxies, web nodes, cache and database servers to accommodate the new setup.

The finished cluster will essentially mean better performance as new features and modules are coming online and more and more people are joining the New World.

In case you wonder what the new cluster looks like, [url=http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/561/rackerpk.jpg]here[/url] and [url=http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/2901/powererpk.jpg]here[/url] are some smug shots of 384GB RAM and 120CPU Cores Nehalem Xeons all ready to tackle the game :).

Regards, The Tech Team

[b]Update: Starting Monday, day 685 of the New World, by eating food citizens will no longer receive 1 XP. Instead, they'll receive 2 XP by "training," hence the total amount of received XP remains the same.[/b]