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Spanish speaking citizen wanted

Have you ever considered joining the eRepublik Team?

In order to increase our international team, we are looking for a highly motivated, organized Spanish speaking [ttp://jobs.erepublik.com/position/Community-Officer--12 Community Officer, with a strong desire for working collaboratively in a team, and able to complete tasks from start to finish with little supervision.

You now have the opportunity of contributing to the New World as a member of the eRepublik Team.

This is a full-time position in Madrid, Spain.

Being aware of the latest technologies and techniques used in implementing and maintaining successful gaming communities would represent an advantage in the contribution brought to our community projects.

Areas of responsibility include interacting with fan sites, supervising future Spanish speaking eRepublik Game Moderators, and assisting in various other gaming events such as fan fairs and player gatherings.

The ideal candidate would be an avid eRepublik fan with experience as a member or moderator of a forum-based community, a strong understanding of popular social networking trends on the Internet, as well as a desire to implement new projects.

If you seek challenge, inspiration, and strive for excellence, then this is the company for you! For any questions, do not hesitate to post a comment on this article. As for CVs - please send them to hr@erepublik.com. Don't forget to specify your citizen name.

eRepublik Survey

The most important thing for us is citizen satisfaction, and we want to measure it. We would be grateful if you would spare ten minutes to fill the questionnaire posted here.

For an accurate measurement of your current satisfaction and to find out what we need to improve, plain answers are a must, so please keep this in mind. Once in a while we shall conduct such surveys, to see how your satisfaction changes with time. By participating in these surveys, you will receive better customer service in the future. Thank you for your time.

Join us in building the New World, The eRepublik Team

New eRepublik Map

Dear citizens,

If we recall all great battles that shaped our world we can easily find a common characteristic: it all started with a map on a big table. Brilliant minds clustered around those tables and by studying the maps they decided what to do next. Great wars started with a map, great plans have been drawn over with a pencil. But maps are not just some sheets of papers, they are carrying the emotions of entire nation. Simply by looking at your country's map, you are connecting with your ancestors that built it, slowly, century after century. You feel proud because your country is so big, or you feel angry seeing a region belonging to an enemy state. The map of your country is your little universe, among many other universes, as important as yours, filled with its own stories, and nations.

That's why our e-world will soon have a brand new map, and we would like to share with you the main characteristics of it. Given the “in production” status, information presented bellow is subject to minor changes.

The map will include information about countries configurations, regions, population, resources, buildings and active wars.

It will update automatically. That is, if a battle ends now and the region changes its owner, the map will instantly update this information. There will be a short delay though, for fields which vary a lot, such as “population number." But the delay will not be longer than one day.

Visualization of any given country or of the entire world map will be just a click away. Also, you will be able to see the distribution of buildings around the world and their qualities. Those of you eager to fight will be able to see the active battles in the world just by looking at the map!

Another useful component is that you can choose to see the countries of the e-world which have an MPP with your country. Additionally, you will be able to filter in order to view trading embargoes proposed by your country. Knowing allies and enemies was never so easy!

Once launched, the new map will also keep track of e-world's history. This means that citizens will be able to see the former glory of their countries, or the “dark ages” few people may remember.

Speaking of the launch date, you won't have to wait too long: the new eRepublik map is expected to be available in about a month.

Here you can see a preview of how the map will look.

The second topic of this Insider is about you, the citizen. The most important thing for us is your satisfaction, and we want to measure it. We would be grateful if you would spare ten minutes to fill the questionnaire posted here. For an accurate measurement of your current satisfaction and to find out what we need to improve, plain answers are a must, so please keep this in mind. Once in a while we shall conduct such surveys, to see how your satisfaction changes with time. By participating in these surveys, you will receive better customer service in the future. Thank you for your time.

Regards, The eRepublik Team

Ticketing System Updates (Updated)

Dear citizens,

As you may have noticed, starting yesterday the ticketing system received some improvements, the most important one is the possibility for citizens to track their submitted tickets. When you log into your citizen account and access the Contact link in the footer, you will automatically log in as a user in the ticketing system too. By pressing “View My Tickets” you are able to see each of your submitted tickets and their status. . Let`s see what each status means:

-Pending. If your ticket has this status, it means that it was not processed yet by the eRepublik Team.

-Still Analyzing. This means that your ticket was read by someone, but no decision has yet been taken. Most likely your ticket asks for extra-work and analysis, in order to guarantee the proper decision.

-Waiting for replies. If your ticket has this status, it means that the eRepublik team asked you to provide some additional info or some more details regarding the subject of your ticket. Most likely your ticket contained less information than required in order for it to be solved.

-Read. This label means that the eRepublik Team took notice of your message. Probably you did not ask for an answer, you just wanted to inform us about something, or your ticket will be processed later.

-Closed. This status next to your ticket certifies that your message has been read, analyzed, and proper measurements have been taken. This status comes in two flavors, "answered" and "no answer needed".

We would also like to remind citizens the purpose of dividing tickets into several departments: To ease communication and to receive the fastest answer possible, you should send your message to the correct department. Most commonly used departments are:

-Report Abuse. In this department you should submit tickets about any kind of abuse: insults, oppression, vulgarity, inappropriate articles or comments, or spam. We need your help to create a better world and get rid of inappropriate content.

-Report multiple accounts. When you suspect that a citizen administrates multiple-accounts, you can ask for an investigation by this department. You should of course never report a citizen just because you don't like them. Only strong evidences or suspicions should lead to such a report. Messages like "Hello, I'm the President of X party, please investigate the other parties in my country," are too ambiguous to be taken into consideration.

-Request Appeal. This department handles appeals made by citizens protesting against a certain decision. The most important thing is that the appeal must be submitted only by the citizen who received the decision. What that means is that messages like “here is the list of my friends, please un-ban them all” are dismissed. The friend himself must request an appeal for his case, no public appeals are processed.

-Feedback Here you can tell us how much you love us, or the game, or just express your thoughts and desires about eRepublik. If you wish your suggestions to be public you can use the special section in Forum.

-Report a bug. You should report, as soon as possible, any technical flaw that may affect eRepublik. We would like to thank you in advance for your support.

-Game Support. This department offers support for various situations that may appear, like Contracts trials.

As we previously announced, until the next eRepublik update, suspended citizens/organizations will not be able to access the on-site ticketing system. This is because the eRepublik team is working to create a special department for them. What will this be like? When they will try to log in, the message explaining the reasons for their current suspension appears, and also the history of all bans received by them will be available. From this list, they will have to choose the one they would like to appeal, and click on the “Appeal” button. The new system will greatly improve response times, due to the constraint of submitting just one appeal for a given suspension. Until this new system is implemented, we kindly ask suspended citizens/organizations to send their messages to the appeal@erepublik.com address.


The eRepublik Team

Maintenance Announcement:

The New World will be inaccessible on day 583 starting 22:00 o`clock (eRepublik time) , for about two hours, due to some server maintenance work. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Update: The server maintenance was rescheduled for day 586 h22:00 (eRepublik Time), in order to guarantee the proper conditions for the Congressional Election Day.

eRepublik Updates for June

Dear citizens,

As some of you may already know, our team aims to keep the New World informed regarding its work, bugs fixed, improvements, in a monthly-based article published in Insider. So here is some of the work done in the past month:

-Invitations Tracking This is a major new feature which allows citizens to track invitations. This way you now easily find out if people invited by you accepted to join eRepublik or not, and if yes what level have they reached so far. All you have to do is to access Invite Friends area and push Track Invites button. An easy way to track your invited friends !

-Ambassador Achievement We were glad to see rumors everywhere asking “what is the new medal about?”. Eagle-eyes spotted immediately the existence of a new medal in the video-tutorial posted last week in Insider. This confirmed our suspicions that everybody just loves medals. Well, yes, there is a new achievement waiting for you, and a new medal for your chest !

If you will prove worthy to become an Ambassador of your eRepublik country, you will be assigned with different tasks, and by completing them you will receive points which can then be turned into gold. New reward means also new responsibilities, so be sure you will act in a professional manner! More information in future Insiders.

-eRepublik Tutorial We all know that new beginnings are often the sweetest part, but can also be the hardest. This tutorial is a new tool designed to help young citizens find their way faster in the New World. Our team created this friendly and easy to understand video-tutorial to explain most of the things a new citizen needs to know about the basic concepts and tasks of eRepublik, in order to have a good start in his/her e-life. Finally Plato received his long-awaited voice !

-Ticketing System The Ticketing System received major improvements, easing citizens-staff communication. Citizens/Organizations are automatically logged into Ticketing System if they access it from one of the Report Abuse buttons or link in eRepublik footer. The main feature is that now you can see the tickets you have submitted so far, as well as the statuses of those tickets.

Suspended Citizens/Organizations are going to have a special Ticketing System, created especially for them. Until this will be implemented in the next eRepublik Update, suspended Citizens/Organisations will have to submit their tickets by mailing appeal@erepublik.com More information will be deployed in future Insiders.

-Wars List. Previously the upper part of the list was occupied by the newest declared wars, going down to the oldest. Now, the top of the list consists of active wars which also have active battles, followed by active wars but with no active battle at the moment. If you love to fight, now it is much easier for you to find the “hot spots” of the New World.

-President Impeachment. The possibility to propose an impeachment law on 5th of the month causing not the current President to be impeached, but the next one, was removed. Between 4th h 00:00 and 5th h 23:59 proposing a “Presidential Impeachment” law is not possible anymore.

-Resign from work. An issue that didn't allow citizens to resign from work (in the first three days) because the company did not have enough raw materials, was fixed. This affected only manufacturing or constructions companies, and only those of quality two or higher.

-Alliances duration. From now on, once signed, an Alliance is active for 30 days, no matter the month having 28, 30 or 31 days. This way, guys in charge of strategies can count on some extra smoothness and stability for their plans.

Other improvements include but are not limited to: search optimization, some visual fixes, rankings section. Also, a great amount of “under the hood” work has been done, less visible for citizens, but extremely important for the next features, still to come in eRepublik.

Speaking of updates, the future ones will bring you citizen ads, a new auto-updated map and also citizenship.


The eRepublik Team.

Citizen ads

Dear citizens,

Many of you probably felt the need to advertise something in eRepublik, or find out more information about the goods and services available for you in the New World. Either if you want to inform other citizens about the benefits of moving in a Q4 house produced by your company, or increase the popularity of your party, advertising is a good way to do it.

The next eRepublik update will contain a module that will allow citizens to create and publish ads in eRepublik. The use of these ads will be limited only by your imagination, but they will exclusively advertise goods, services, and entities that belong to the New World. Amongst all the game features influenced by this module, it is predictable that it will bring a new dimension to political battles and electoral campaigns. At the same time, no pesky ads for services and products from the real life will be displayed in eRepublik.

This module will have some cool features, like the possibility of creating your own ads, targeting a specific groups of users with advertising campaigns, and monitoring the efficiency of each ad. We will release more information about it in future Insider articles.

Regards, The eRepublik Team

See Plato come to life in the new eRepublik Tutorial

Dear eRepublik citizens,

We have a very exciting preview to share with you – the new eRepublik tutorial video. Next week, when we update the site, the new video will be going live with the goal to make new citizens’ first steps in the eRepublik a bit easier. Plus, we think that it’s pretty cool to finally see Plato make a live appearance.

We wanted to give you a sneak peak at the new video before it goes live, so in order to view it, we encourage you to visit one our following sites:

- eRepublik Blog

- Facebook Fan Page

- Twitter

We will also be releasing a Spanish version as well.

We hope you like it!

Regards, The eRepublik Team

South America grows larger

Dear citizens,

The newest eRepublik countries include Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, and Uruguay, which joined the New World two days ago. With the addition of these five republics, the gap between the other four South American states has been filled, and now only a few countries on that continent are not part of the New World.

Each of the five new countries are known to hold fertile lands, while the larger ones (Colombia, Peru and Bolivia) also have some iron and oil deposits. Deep tropical forests cover much of the territory belonging to the new states, so they will not be lacking wood resources.

No war may be declared on Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, and Uruguay until day 613 of the New World. This will give the new countries enough time to gather inhabitants and get prepared for the threats they may face. Also, these states will not be allowed to start wars either, until day 613.

We would like to welcome all the South Americans from the new countries to eRepublik, and wish them the best of luck in the New World.

Regards, The eRepublik Team

The Spanish version is here!

Dear citizens,

We are pleased to announce that starting today, eRepublik is available both in Spanish and English. The translation into Spanish has been completed, and you may now choose this new language before logging in, from the upper right corner of the screen. If you feel like testing your Spanish knowledge, you may do this right now.

We are certain that the Spanish community will be delighted with this release, as well as all those who speak other languages, as the translation of eRepublik in their language has just become one step closer. As stated before, this has been a major milestone for us, and we are glad to see it completed. We hope that the Spanish-speaking citizens will enjoy the new version of the interface, and we are waiting for their feedback via the contact form.

Future eRepublik Insider articles will also be translated into Spanish, and will be published in the newspaper owned by the “Spanish version” of the admin account, admin ES. The latest of these articles will be posted on the homepage of Spanish speaking citizens, similar to the current eRepublik Insider articles.

Finally, we would like to send our thanks again to all the citizens who helped our team with the translation process – mil gracias por todo!

Regards, The eRepublik Team

Interesting articles in the New World

Dear citizens,

We have recently read some very interesting articles authored by eRepublik citizens, which are also written in English and are therefore available for a large audience. We would like to present these articles to you, as they did not gather enough votes to reach the international top rated news. We hope that you will enjoy reading them.

The Czech President Franz Kafka creates a parallel between the history of real life Czech Republic and the Czech eRepublik in this article. Under the name “Czech Republic - A Friend and Ally at the Heart of Europe," this article is a pledge for the neutral foreign policy, which has helped this country maintain its independence while being surrounded by larger countries that have been fighting for power.

An excellent analysis of recent military events can be found in the article Romanian Lion, by Dimitrij Ivanov. The latest military actions of Poland and Romania are covered in this article, and there is also a balanced argument on the need for peaceful negotiations between Serbia and Croatia.

Following the dissolution of ATLANTIS, the United States was left looking for new allies as it could no longer rely on the support of Romania, Spain, or Sweden . Gaius Julius gives us a few hints on what kind of alliance America needs. According to the article, the new alliance should provide economic advantages to its members, as the economy of the United States suffers from a lack of iron and overproduction of wood and grain. The conclusion points to the fact that the US leaders should avoid making a hasty decision, and that they should actively seek new allies.

Across the Pacific Ocean, citizen Calibur urges Australians to abandon the isolationist policies and make their voices heard on the international political stage. Using a self made aphorism “Ye of little faith, know that it is through the people that countries achieve strength and power,” calibur tries to convince his fellow countrymen that if they stand united, everything imaginable can be achieved and Australia can become a country that actively gets involved in the politics of the New World. However, it was not long ago when Australia was struggling to defend itself from the invading Indonesians, who remain a potential threat to them. It remains to be seen whether the proposed solution, an alliance with Canada and the UK, will appeal to the Australian community. You may find out more about the debate in the article Australia and the World around her.

The last article presented was published in Ireland, and proposes a different approach toward eRepublik. Under the title Change is Needed in Ireland!, the Irish Citizen Front pleads that eRepublik should be treated more like a game, as too much seriousness can spoil the fun in it. Also, according to this article, some real life economic views are not fit for eRepublik, and “limited amounts of communism and State control of the economy can be very successful.” It remains to be seen whether the Irish citizens will be convinced by this alternative to the other parties, or if they will find the views of the ICF to be Utopian.

As a last news, the Spanish version will be released on June 10th . The launch date has been delayed for one week so that the Spanish interface can be deployed on the eRepublik servers along with some high priority patches and bug fixes that will enhance the security of currency and items transactions. The five new South American countries will be released on the 10th of June as well, so this is going to be a big day for the New World.

Regards, The eRepublik Team