History of Austria

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Austria's history spans the entire course of eRepublik, as one of the original nations existing since the beginning. It has experienced several distinct eras - periods of growth, decline, and rebirth - with many key players that helped to define their eras, and the nation.

Early History (November 2007 - March 2009)

The very earliest times in Austria remain shrouded in mystery, due to a lack of record keeping. It is suspected that the first months were very sparsely populated. No records have been found for November or December 2007, and thus the first president of Austria is completely unknown.

During the term of the second president, records begin to appear. Although his name is not listed, the country was reported to have 17 players, and an inactive government. The first known figure, named frsd – a real life Austrian – organized opposition to the government and became the third president of Austria in February 2008. Without a newspaper, there is again little first-hand accounting of this time frame – however due to other records, the government seems to have been well run and the treasury grew. Without the war module having been implemented yet, it was by default a period of peace – with few players, yet a presence of Austrians mixed with foreigners. Among these was VoXX, who would lead the party known as the Austrian Democrats.

Growth and Conflict (March – May 2008)

In March 2008, VoXX was elected the fourth president (it is not clear if frsd ran for re-election). The treasury continued to grow – and Austria grew closer to Sweden, a nation that was, at the time, the most powerful and populous e-nation (and the nation of VoXx's origin). It was during this time that the nation began to grow, largely due to Slovenians joining the game in Austria (as Slovenia had not been added to the game yet). Centering around Salzburg, they founded the Austrian Socialist Party, with Emdvojka as its leader.

With the implementation of the war module, the first conflicts of the world began – including a small clash between Slovakia and Austria – one which ended with the status quo. Meanwhile on the domestic front, the national growth set the stage for one of the first political clashes, with VoXx's incumbency matching up against the new guard in Emdvojka's Socialist Party of Austria. Arguing that it was his leadership which led to the national growth, and against the inexperience of Emdvojka, ultimately it was the new guard which would sweep to victory in April.

Unwilling to accept the outcome, VoXx emptied the entire treasury of the nation during the closing hours of the presidential race, fleeing to eSweden with a reported 1085 gold. Left to pick up the pieces was the incoming president, Emdvojka. The task would prove difficult, and ultimately there were large disagreements about the best way to move forward. Opponents of the socialistic policies of the government split away, to form the Nacionalna stranka Karantanije (NSK) under the lead of Karantanec, and later the Alternative Way (AW) as well, led by Nejcman.

The month of April also saw a new change, with further growth in the population coming from an influx of Italian players. This would prove an issue of contention as well, with the AW and NSK wary of continued immigration, and the SPA supportive. In the May 2008 presidential race, a coalition between the AW and NSK would lead Nejcman to victory over the SPA.

Changing of the Guard (May – June 2008)

During Nejcman's term, hospitals were purchased for several cities, which at the time were essential towards restoring health and at forming a more effective fighting force. The number of Italian players continued to grow, finally forming a party of their own: the Austrian International Movement, led by mappina. Giving a direct voice to the Italian population, the center-left party formed a natural alliance with the SPA – the only existing party that was not opposed to working with Italians.

The AIM's influence would prove decisive in the June 2008 election, as they backed the SPA's candidate, sheeptar, over Nejcman (backed by the AW and NSK). In a replay of April's election, outgoing president Nejcman would take with him the entire treasury of eAustria – this time a reported 2000 gold.

For the second time in two months, the incoming president was faced with a tall order of dealing with a massive economic setback. But with the creation of the nation of Slovenia, many of the previous citizens would depart for the new country, causing even more economic turmoil and a collapse in the value of the ATS. With far fewer Slovenian players remaining, politics saw turnover as well. The AIM was left in a new role as the dominant party of the nation. How they would handle this new role would prove vital: seeking to work with people of all nationalities and move past the previous disputes, the stage was set for what many would regard as a golden age in Austria.

The Austrian International Movement (July 2008 - January 2009)

mappina served 3 consecutive terms as a President of Austria

Elected president in July 2008, mappina would set a new standard for presidents of Austria in many ways. Proving a very active player, she brought Austria into a more prominent role in the world stage - first joining the Mediterranean Alliance and then its successor, PEACE GC, as a founding member. While previous months saw vast turnover from month to month in the government, by incorporating different players of differing views (and nationalities), a growing sense of national identity was able to be fostered beyond the more fractured community of previous months.

For the first time in eAustrian history, an incumbent president was re-elected in August - and then a month later, re-elected again. Serving three consecutive terms, a gold standard was set which future presidents would seek to emulate in the coming years.

While mappina proved very popular, this time period was not without its disagreements, with Chicco staking out a position as leader of the opposition, largely over economic issues. Nonetheless, the AIM would have an undeniably dominant role in eAustrian politics - at its height containing over 110 members. After three months as president, mappina would step aside in favor of her chosen successor, Aanok Tourmil, who would continue her policies. mappina herself would, however, leave Austria for Italy after the completion of her final term.

Aanok Tourmil served two terms as a President of Austria

October saw the emergence of a new factor in Austria: Serbian players who awaited the addition of their country. Like Slovenians before them, they looked to Austria as a place to make their mark in the meantime. Remembering the recent past where they represented the untrusted newcomers, Aanok and the AIM looked cooperatively towards the new immigrants and sought common ground in order to strengthen the country. Choosing not to run again, Aanok supported Danny Boodmann T. D. Lemon Nov, also of the AIM, as his successor.

Despite the successes in establishing a far more stable state of affairs - and a more prominent role for Austria - interest began to wane in many members of the AIM, who left for Italy. This was accelerated by the implementation of "Version 1" of eRepublik, which brought many changes to game mechanics. It also marked a final end of the Austrian International Movement. Aanok Tourmil was one of the remaining players of the former party, who sought to turn around the sense of decline. Forming the Austrian Liberal Party out of the AIM's ashes, the month of December saw a push for a finalization of the constitution of Austria. But the momentum was not there, and the balance of power shifted once again, this time from the Italian-centered parties towards the Serbian-centered Austrian-Serbian Alliance, which gained even non-Serbian supporters such as Q J Lincoln.

Months of Turmoil (January - March 2009)

Azoo Lazzo - With full support of Austrians and Serbs, he became first Serbian president in eRepublik and first Serbian president of Austria on January 6th.

Elected president in January 2009 with broad support of his own party and the remaining ALP members, Azoo Lazzo arrival was marked with a hope that this transition would be a smooth one. However, with no activity in the first 10 days, and no ministers appointed, suspicions began to grow to the otherwise. Finally, on January 16th, the first action occured: a theft of the entire Austrian treasury. Although Azoo initially played it off as a "mistake," the complicated steps required to transfer the large sum of money left a documented trail which was discovered by Hrvat, Q J Lincoln, and other loyalists.

The outcry was immediate, with many members of Azoo's own party taking a harsh stance against his actions. With the creation of eSerbia, eAustria saw yet another mass exodus, and the economic damage from the theft was compounded further. Through negotiations, a return of some of the stolen funds was achieved - but the damage had been done. Dispirited by the massive betrayal, and far reduced in population, some eAustrian players began to consider different ways forward.

Chicco was the 13th President, implementing the Austria German Union.
Chicco revealed his run for the presidency of Austria shortly before the February presidential elections. In his manifesto, he put forward many policies that he believed would rebuild Austria, but most of all he stated that "Austria is not a viable nation." He proposed to combine with another nearby nation for the good of Austria and he promised that, if elected, he would start diplomatic talks with the Presidents of all neighboring nations.

This proved to be a highly contentious idea, as some refused to give up on the idea of an independent, sovereign Austria despite the recent setbacks. Nonetheless, Chicco was elected president against Silent Bob, a candidate who favored an even more extreme step of handing over all regions to Hungary immediately. As President, Chicco announced that it had been agreed with Germany to unite both nations as Austria-German Union.

In February 2009, the Austro-German Union was created with the help of, Isy, President of Germany and Chicco, President of Austria. This union began to be implemented, with Germany moving one by one to occupy Austrian regions. Yet the plan was never able to be fully implemented, due to resistance wars established by PEACE GC (Germany being a member of the opposing alliance, ATLANTIS.) A combination of these resistance wars, and Silent Bob's slim victory over Chicco in the March 2009 election (due in large part to many of Chicco's supporters having moved to Germany) spelled an end to the union, yet not the question of whether an independent Austria could succeed. With a virtually non-existent government during the month, and a near total decimation of political leadership, Austria stood at its lowest point thus far. The stage was set for the nations reins to be taken up by a new group of leaders.

Rebirth (April 2009 - February 2010)

Rot Weiss Rot (April 2009 - September 2009)

Metallon was the 15th and 17th President of Austria, serving three total terms in 2009 (April, May, September).

Metallon had been a key figure in working with PEACE GC in the resistance wars, and was a natural choice to lead the small country now. By a unanimous vote of 17-0, he was elected president of Austria in April 2009 from the Rot Weiss Rot (RWR) party, and the government began the job of yet again picking up the pieces. Metallon favored a policy of cautious restoration of regions: with most still being held by Italy, Slovenia, and Hungary, it helped to reduce the open seats available in congress and deter would be-PTOers. The monetary market was put on a slow, but stable path as well, and state companies were constructed after the loss of the previous in the failed union.

After a re-election in May (the first successful re-election since Mappina nearly a year earlier), he handed his support over to Lynari, also of the RWR, in June. The summer months would see the beginning of World War III - an effort which saw the nations of PEACE GC move into the former nations of the now fallen alliance ATLANTIS. This became a growing issue of contention, as liberal advocates opposed involvement in what they deemed a "war of revenge" on one side, while others in the RWR favored full support of the effort. The Osterreich Independence Party (ÖIP) formed in this environment in opposition to wars of conquest (led by Travis James, while the Illuminus Austria (IA) would follow suit as advocates of expansion (led by Jazar).

Lynari would remain a popular figure to both crowds in the growing country, and was re-elected in July, and then in August by wide margins. But as Austria became whole again in the end of September - having grown again into the hundreds of players (of numerous nationalities) - the stage was set for a new confrontation.

The IA vs ÖIP (August - November 2009)

Lynari served three consecutive terms as the President, from June through August 2009.

With Lynari seeking an unprecedented fourth term, Metallon entered the race for a third term of his own, under the Illuminus Austria party. Against a coalition of the RWR and ÖIP, he came out on top and was elected president in September 2009. During this month, Austria increased its role in World War III, and a focus on growing the military and attracting strong international fighters. It would be this month that the ÖIP would emerge from the RWR's shadow, and in the October 2009 election run its own candidate, Rangeley. Organizing a coalition of disparate parties, Rangeley faced off against Metallon, who planned to invade the Czech Republic. Rangeley was elected president.

Rangeley served three consecutive terms as President, from October through December 2009.

The month saw continued conflict between factions as the government was directed to withdraw from all battles that were not defensive, taking a stance of non-aggression. The final passage of the Constitution of Austria - a long sought after goal - was achieved early in the month (which notably forbade any formal or legal union with another nation). With a donation-based method of funding implemented for the Austrian Red Cross, the government likewise sought to cut expenses and take a more conservative stance on the monetary markets. In the November race, the IA fielded Querb as their candidate on another expansionist platform. By the narrowest of margins (77 to 76), Rangeley was re-elected president in November.

This would prove a turning point, as soon nations in PEACE GC would begin to leave the alliance, including Brazil (where many members of the IA hailed from, and would return to). Though the ÖIP had been critical of the expansionist policies of PEACE GC, Austria remained in the alliance until the end (and arguably never left, as no vote was held to do so).

Political Re-allignment (November 2009 - February 2010)

The most significant outcome of these events was a re-allignment of the political alliances, as the pro-expansion movement all but collapsed with the IA falling far in membership. The ÖIP would represent a liberal strain of Austrian politics, while the NFA took on the mantle of a more conservative nationalism; these two forces would define the next few months politically. The December 2010 presidential race saw Rangeley elected to a third consecutive term over the NFA's Alfred Ball and Illuminus Austria's Oraizan. In this month, Austria became heavilly involved in defending France against a Spanish invasion. As well, the government placed a major focus on reaching out to German speaking real-life Austrians, offering translations of updates and other outreach programs, with the belief that ultimately this would be the future of the country.

Choosing not to run for a fourth consecutive term, Rangeley stepped aside and the January 2010 election saw the NFA's Alfred Ball face off against the newly formed Kronloyale Union's Borojevic von Bonjar. Alfred Ball succeeded, and the month saw a continuation of involvement in the defense of France, and an emphasis on military involvement. In February, a new coalition formed between the conservative leaning parties of the NFA and KU, facing off against what would previously be an unthinkable alliance of the OIP and IA, who backed Oraizan. Borojevic would be the first real-life Austrian president since frsd was elected exactly 2 years earlier.

War with EDEN (February 2010 - November 2010)

Croatian Invasion (February 2010)

Faltering Coalition (March 2010)

War Cabinet Solidified (April 2010)

The Fight for Austria (May 2010)

Taking Charge (June 2010 - August 2010)

Italian Invasion (August - November 2010)

A Republic Expands (December 2010 - February 2012

Conflict with Slovakia (December 2010 - June 2011)

South Bohemia (July 2011 - February 2012)

War At Home (February 2012 - August 2012)

Takeover and Impeachment (February 2012)

Rebuilding (March - May 2012)

Reconciliation (June - August 2012)

A New Consensus

War With Latvia (April - June 2013)

Recent History

Icon-warinprogress.gif Wars

List of wars that Austria is taking part in or took part in: