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Dead citizen.png
Dead citizen



Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Spain.jpg Spanish
Date of birth 05 May 2008 - Day 167
Date of death January 2009
Residence France
Party president of Proyecto Fénix
11 August 2008 – 16 August 2008
Preceded by Basquiat
Succeeded by Basquiat
Congressman of Spain
1 June 2008 – 1 July 2008
26 November 2008 – 25 December 2008
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain
16 July 2008 – 4 August 2008
1 September 2008 – 1 October 2008
1 December 2008 – 5 December 2008
Party president of Ciudadanos y Democracia
16 June 2008 – 21 June 2008
Preceded by hans kelsen
Succeeded by Raulov
Military rank Icon rank Recruit.png Recruit
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Bolonia was a citizen of Spain.

He started his political career in Unión de Ciudadanos de Centro, and when this party merged with AlianzaS, he joined Ciudadanos y Democracia.

He was the first General Secretary of Ciudadanos y Democracia, and collaborate closely with the Ciudadanos y Democracia president Koldo Berlanga. He did an active campaign against the Think Tank.

After Koldo Berlanga left erepublik, hans kelsen left CyD Party Presidency on Bolonia. Bolonia, left the site on Raulov. He was apointed by MVerslayer as Spanish MOFA, and he was no longer involved in CyD party. He resign when MVerslayer involved Spain in the Ibero-American War without consulting congress. He was involved in ATLANTIS foundation during this term.

After that, in August, he joined Proyecto Fénix with a clear mission, merge the opposition to the Partido Media Vida in a coalition, called Iniciativa para la Regeneración Política, which won the 2008 September General Elections.

He became the IRP MOFA along September month, but when Partido Media Vida returned government in October, he resigned again. After that, Nesan encouraged him to join the Ciudadanos y Democracia party again.

He was elected congressman with the Ciudadanos y Democracia party in November again, and in December, he was appointed again as Spanish MOFA in the Plataforma para la Restuaruación Democrática|PRDE, but he resigned because he don´t get along with the president Cyberber.

After erepublik GOLD BUG, he abandoned erepublik. Although recently he reapeared to defend Ciudadanos y Democracia ideological of "direct democracy".