Ranger Bob

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Ranger Bob

20 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Malaysia.jpg Malay
National rank 54
Date of birth 3 March 2009 - Day 469
Residence Peninsular Malay
Political party Australian Military Party
Prime Minister of Australia
5 August 2009 – - 5 September 2009
Preceded by Aussie Vegeta
Succeeded by Stewstoyc
Minister/Co-Minister of Defence of Australia
5 June 2009 – 5 August 2009
Preceded by Cottus Arci
Succeeded by Ezekiel Thomas / Meadow
Deputy Minister of Finance of Australia
5 May 2009 – 5 June 2009
Preceded by Juan Tamad
Succeeded by Son of Rambo
Co-Minister of Social Services of Australia
15 April 2009 – 5 May 2009
Congressman of Australia
25 April 2009 – June 2009
Military unit Malaysia|Tentera Damat Malaysia
Military rank Icon rank Field Marshal.png Field Marshal
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Ranger Bob is a citizen of Australia. He was a citizen of Malaysia for a brief period, having gained citizenship in November 2009 which lasted until December when he agained took the Australian citizenship.

Ranger was born in March 2009 in Australia.


He has good Manufacturing and Land skill and is a valued employee. He has to date been awarded 9 Hard Worker medals.


Prior to his decision to leave Australia, Ranger Bob was been a member of the Australian Democratic Socialist Party, the More Beer Party, and more recently, the Australian Military Party and Federal Unity Party.

He was elected in a Congress and has served 2 terms as a Congressman of Australia.

In April 2009, Ranger was tapped by the then Minister of Social Services, Br0adside to work as his apprentice. Due to changes in the Ministry, the then Prime Minister, Patti11, offered the position of Co-Minister working along with br0adside for the remainder of his term.

In May 2009, Ranger was moved to the finance portfolio, working as deputy to Tim09, and supporting a time of economic growth for the nation. Tim09 was subsequently elected as PM in June 2009 - and offered the position of Minister of Defence to Ranger.

Ranger was considered by many countrymen to be one of the most successful Minister's of Defence in eAustralia's history - working on a number of initiatives to support increased growth of citizen strength (such as a training 'boot camp' for newer citizens), and coordinating the Dropbears and Australian Commando Unit - Koalas in the Tasmanian Resistance War of June 2009 during his first term.

Aussie-Vegeta became PM on 5 July 2009, and confirmed Ranger Bob would continue into the July term. This was a challenging month, as two key events required a concerted effort by eAustralia to secure South Australia and assist regional neighbours. Operation Australian Bite Back was a coordinated effort by the Dropbears and ACUK to ensure the South Australian Resistance War was not sabotaged by separtists and other individuals who did not wish continued peaceful relations with eIndonesia. In addition, eAustralia assisted in preventing a Political Take Over of eThailand at the end of this term, through supporting an agreed merger between eMalaysia and eThailand and sending armed forces to assist.

In August 2009, Ranger Bob was nominated as the Australian Democratic Socialist Party representative for Prime Minister, and in an unprecedented move, won the general support of almost all the top 5 political parties across eAustralia (representing the entire political spectrum). Ranger Bob was subsequently elected, receiving around 80% of the total vote in August 2009.


He has achieved a military rank of Field Marshal and has received three Super Soldier medals (Strength 16+).

He was also previously a member of the DropBears.


Ranger Bob and another citizen Ben P established E-Pub in late March 2009, mainly as a means to connect with the eAustralian community (and the br0ader eWorld) by conducting competitions and encouraging fun and participation by all citizens. This led to the development of an active investment and partnership of like-minded players in the establishment of E-Pub Enterprises. E-Pub Enterprises was established as a WHOLLY not for profit entity, and run several companies.

A number of business partners subsequently agreed to invest in this successful venture.

Any and all returns/profits from these companies are then re-invested in running further competitions that benefit the eAustralian people (as well as being open to entrants from around the eWorld). E-Pub has been a classic example of how a community of players can get together an idea and improve everyone's experience, and there are plans to expand the model to other nations (E-Tavern has recently been created in the eUK for this purpose, and will formally start operating in the near future).


On Tap News is a newspaper owned and published by Ranger Bob and currently has 132 subscribers.

Move to Malaysia

Ranger Bob became increasingly dissillusioned during September-November 2009 with certain segments within and external to government that sought to overturn the principles of Democracy in the interests of personal gain for themselves. Subsequently, Ranger decided to leave his beloved eAustralia and find a new home in the eWorld, choosing eMalaysia due to previous friendships with individuals from that nation, plus a perception eMalaysia appreciated the principles of self-determination for herself and her citizens. Ranger revoked his eAus Citizenship, taking Malaysian citizenship formally on 19 November 2009, after living in Malaysia since 13 November.


Ranger Bob is a very active member of the IRC community, and holds Admin of the #e-pub channel (irc.rizon.net).


Ranger Bob is believed by the followers of Rangerism to be an eGod. Ranger has repeatedly denied to be an eGod, however, true believers in Rangerism know that this is merely the eGod's way of testing the strength of their beliefs.