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Dead citizen.png
Dead citizen


26 Message

Nationality Flag-Sweden.jpg Swedish
Date of birth Feb 07, 2008
Date of death 2010
Residence Gotland
Newspaper Alcarinqua Menta
Vice president of Sweden
January 19th, 2009 – March 5th, 2009
Vice Minister of Defence of Sweden
July 2008 – January 19th, 2009
Congress member of Sweden
June 1st, 2008 – N/A
Mayor of Stockholm
April 21st, 2008 – June 21st, 2008
Preceded by Carradine
Succeeded by Ronark
Military rank Icon rank Lt Colonel***.png Lt Colonel***
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Hador was one of the oldest citizens in Sweden. With 17 months in congress, many many months in the Swedish government, half a year as vice Minister of Defence working next to Misho and some time as vice President he is a man with a lot of knowledge and experience.

Hador spends much time thinking and making hard decisions.


Hador joined the military when he was 1 day old, since then he has trained almost every day. He was the Vice Minister of Defence of Sweden for half a year. Hador doesn't fight as much as some people because he sometimes feels the need to relax and spends a month or two in Congress.


A picture of Hador from the New World - beta when he was wearing his famous beard-helmet.

Hador first joined the political party DNS, but then he realised that it sucked so he joined FBS. Hador have been elected for congress five times during the beta and twelve times in V1. He was Vice President of Sweden from January 19th, 2009 to March 5th, 2009, under that time Toothpaste was President of Sweden


Hador doesn't like the economy, but he likes money.

Pay It Forward

Hador handing out some gifts. You can see a paki in the background waiting for his gift.

The "Pay it forward" act was started by Hador, with some inspiration by Kape.

This is how you do it

1. First you send one or more gifts to someone that needs it.

2. Then you send them this PM

 (Title:)Pay it forward...

(message:)Dear erepublik citizen! I hereby send you a gift to make you feel better. I only ask for one thing in return, please forward gifts to three other people in need of wellness followed by a copy of this PM.

Enjoy the feeling of helping others!

Best regards,

[Insert nick] 

If you want to read more about the "Pay It Forward" act, you can do it here (link to this page)

3. Sit back and enjoy

I just got a "Pay It Forward..."

If you received a "Pay It Forward" it is your duty to actually send it forward, so go and look after people in need of wellness now.


This all started with Hador sending around some friendly PM:s to peoples in Sweden.


 Hador is an amazing person 
 yeah Hador is kinda cool 
 Du är vettigare än mig fast du visar det sällan ;_; 
 I wish i could be like Hador when i grow up 
 Man får leta efter skönare spelare än Hador 
 Om jag dog i eRepublik, så skulle jag vilja återfödas som Hador! 
(Riku von Drake)
 Hador är en vis man. 

[03:14] <Hador> En fin balans mellan seriös och oseriös är receptet för att kunna spela erepublik i all evighet.

[03:15] <ThomasP> Håller jag med om, känns som att du är den idealiska erep-spelaren, eller nästintill


Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif
Hard Worker (x12)
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif
Congress Member (x13)
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif
Battle Hero (x5)
Icon achievement Resistance Hero on.gif
Resistance Hero (x1)
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif
Super Soldier (x8)
Icon achievement Society Builder on.gif
Society Builder (x4)
Icon achievement True Patriot on.gif
True Patriot (x2)