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Cottus Arci


Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Australia.jpg Australian
Date of birth 9 March 2008
Residence Scotland, United Kingdom
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Australia
6 June 2009 – Unknown
Preceded by zaney
Minister of Defence of Australia
6 May 2009 – 5 June 2009
Preceded by CheeseBall
Succeeded by Ranger Bob
Minister of Finance of Australia
6 March 2009 – 5 May 2009
Preceded by haugenmatt
Succeeded by Tim09
Prime Minister of Australia
6 January 2009 – 5 March 2009
Preceded by zaney
Succeeded by Derek Apollyon
Party president of Australian Democratic Socialist Party
16 December 2008 – 15 January 2009
Preceded by undergeneral
Succeeded by Derek Apollyon
Deputy Prime Minister of Australia
6 December 2008 – 5 January 2009
Preceded by MachineMadness
Succeeded by corny-ratbag
Minister of Finance of Australia
6 December 2008 – 5 January 2009
Preceded by CheeseBall
Succeeded by patti11
Minister of Information of Australia
24 October 2008 – 5 December 2008
Succeeded by Xavier Griffith
Minister of Heritage of Australia
15 October 2008 – 24 October 2008
Preceded by John Wilkmot
Succeeded by Shugo
President of Canada
2 September 2008 – 1 October 2008
Preceded by Adam Sutler
Succeeded by Banach
Vice president of Canada
14 August 2008 – 1 September 2008
Preceded by The Darkness
Succeeded by Nefarious
Minister of Heritage of Canada
14 August 2008 – 1 October 2008
Succeeded by John Wilkmot
Party president of Canadian Social Democrats
11 August 2008 – 10 October 2008
Preceded by The Darkness
Succeeded by Zblewski
President of Canada
2 July 2008 – 13 July 2008
Preceded by Adam Sutler
Succeeded by Adam Sutler
Minister without Portfolio of Canada
2 June 2008 – 1 July 2008
Party president of Canadian Social Democrats
11 May 2008 – 13 July 2008
Succeeded by The Darkness
Military unit Australia
Military rank Icon rank Field Marshal.png Field Marshal
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman


Cottus Arci (pronounced Cottus Ar-chey, calling him Archie will ensure you feel his awesome wrath) is a politician from Australia who also lived in Canada during the eAustralian Exile Period. He is a 4-time Country President (2 terms in Canada, 2 terms in Australia), a 6-time Party President, founder of both the Canadian Social Democrats and the Australian Democratic Socialist Party (the largest parties in Canada & Australia, respectively), and a 4-time Congressman. He is also owner of the Empyrea Australia.

eAustralia (pre-invasion)

Joining eRepublik in his homeland in March 2008, he was quick to enter the political scene, securing a loan off zaney of Icon - Gold.gif 60 GOLD to form a new political party, as well as a gift company. The political party was ASD - the Australian Social Democrats. Cottus spent most of his early political career attempting to shame then-President Neo26988, for his blasé attitude and minimal workload. In particular, the failure of eAustralia to secure to a MPP with a single nation.

6 weeks after Cottus joined the game, Australia fell to Indonesia, but was time enough for Cottus to become a fully-fledged member of the Australian Council, serving as Minister of Information under Australian Exile Leader zaney.


Weeks after the fall of Australia, Cottus went against the majority of Australians (who chose UK, USA or Indonesia), deciding to go it alone in Canada.

He again established his own branding of political party, this time taking over the defunct The Canada Party and formed the Canadian Social Democrats in a PP PTO on May 10, 2008.

Finding Canada to still be suffering the effects of their isolationist policy (which led to the USA invasion), it was difficult for Cottus to convince the Canadian public both himself and his party were a viable third option politically. However through persistent efforts, he was named as Minister without Portfolio in July 2008. This action by then-President Adam Sutler received a fair amount of public outrage, with many calling Cottus an outsider and not understanding of Canada's affairs.

The 6th President of eCanada

The hard work soon paid off, but in all the wrong circumstances. Cottus regularly declared Canada itself not ready for CSD's policies and would've preferred Adam Sutler to complete his term before his own reign began. However Cottus "became President through a mix of rising CSD support, and the impact between a sabotage and a coincidence" in Canada's biggest shock electoral victory in July 2008 over Adam Sutler.

The "sabotage" element being a multi-accounter by the name of Mike Myers (also known as Dr. Jaytlez, and these days Cesar Augustus), a well-known enemy of Adam Sutler, who allegedly added some much needed votes to Cottus.

The "coincidence" element being the mostly pro-Sutler Canadian Rangers returning home from Hungary 8 days before the election and being unable to vote (The rules at the time made citizens unable to vote in the first 10 days of moving to a nation).

Adam, it seemed, had the support of the general public but Cottus had undeservedly (which he himself admits) won by 38-33. Cottus named Adam Sutler as his Vice-President, in a clear act of faith and co-operation. Having most of the entire nation breathing down his neck, plagued with Cabinet resignations and facing a very anti-Democratic Socialist sentiment in the Congress against his fresh ideas, Cottus had a turbulent 10 day reign, when we suddenly quit the game citing RL circumstances. In an act of good faith, Cottus handed the Presidency to Adam without any problems.

Cottus, while at the time not missed in Canada, drew a lot of international attention, particularly in UK & USA. Here are some quotes regarding this event;

"Cottus, while maintaining a few radical ideals and projects was intelligent enough to convince people to vote for him. That in and of itself deserves an honorable mention." Dishmcds

"I am very saddened by it. Cottus and I had deep respect for each other, and though we sparred frequently and viciously in the Media, in Cabinet, we were often finishing each others sentences.... I am truly sad that he is gone, as for the first time in eCanadian history, we had true partisan debates" Adam Sutler

"as President, it's reasonable that you will come under a certain amount of criticism and attack. But some some of what he faced was, IMO, unacceptable. Basically, I'm suggesting that had we as a nation treated Cottus with more respect, he may still be fighting his way through seeing his vision of eCanada realized." Shaman Aftershock

"honestly, I don't think that he had a chance to live up to his proposals. Right off the bat, the election cast a pall upon his presidency, and it's hard for anyone not to trip when you shove a scandal in front of him on his first day. After that, all but 1 CSD member resigned." Adam Sutler

"Cottus will not go down as Canada's worst President... [he] still brought up important debates upon the nature of government in economics, and drummed up considerable amount of activity just by his presence" Derick Braham

The Return

Cottus returned to eRepublik on August 9, 2008 immediately put in place plans to once again lead Canada as President. He arrived just in the nick of time to candidate himself for CSD's Party Presidency, a position that was handed to him uncontested.

Having greatly earned the respect of Adam Sutler (who easily won his second and much-publicised final term in Arci's absence), he was almost immediately reinstated into the Cabinet, this time as Minister of Heritage. This time around, the Canadian public appeared to view Cottus in a different light, many citing that his absence was missed during those 4 weeks. This feeling was reflected in Adam Sutler's welcomed decision to make Cottus Vice President on August 26, 2008, just 12 days after his return.

The 6th President of Canada (2nd term)

After what he considers to be a good, solid term as President in September, he was defeated by Banach and the Canadian Progressive Front controversially in one of the most comprehensive smear campaigns ever witnessed. He had planned for his October Presidency to be his last in Canada, as he was privy to Australian resistance plans that would be made possible with the launch of the Resistance War module in V1.

He stayed politically active in Canada right up until leaving, and managed to regain the respect (and the apologies) of those who just the month previously had campaigned him out of office.

Australian Resistance

Cottus moved to Australia mid-October and immediately threw his support to the Australian Resistance cause, being highly influential in providing supplies through his own companies and deals with contacts.

Australia (post-liberation)

Although he consistently fought off rumours of him being the next leader after zaney's long overdue retirement, he was always aware that it "had to be done". Politically, he had already made a "silent" party using the Australian forums, forming a Centre-Left Libertarian group with like-minded individuals. When undergeneral formed the Australian Labor Party, for fear of an external Political Takeover (and of course for the saving of Icon - Gold.gif 40 GOLD!) Cottus and his group organised a merging with the ALP. Cottus was made Party President in December and formed the Australian Democratic Socialist Party. It quickly became the Australian mecca of political talent, and rose well past the competing parties.

In a very minor campaign, Cottus simply declared his policies & attributes, and it was revealed with Cottus as Deputy Prime Minister under zaney, it was Cottus doing much of the work anyway (as zaney himself did not want the Prime Minister position but was forced to by the Indonesian to seal the agreement for sovereignty). Cottus won with ease and so far is enjoying a prosperous term as Prime Minister.

Cottus in Business

He is owner of Empyrea Australia, which owned 4 companies:

  • Empyrea Weapon Systems - a Q5 Weapons Company based in Victoria.
  • Empyrea Alloy Systems - a Q3 Iron Company based in New South Wales.
  • Empyrea Silo Systems - a Q3 Grain Company based in New South Wales.
  • Empyrea Fine Dining - a Q5 Food Company based in Queensland.


Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif 14x Hard Worker
Icon achievement Country President on.gif 4x Country President
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif 7x Battle Hero
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif 8x Super Soldier
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif 3x Congress Member

Cottus in the media

He runs the newspaper Hard Copy Awesomeness.

(Cottus' Note - Man it's going to be a long story! I've only done a VERY basic draft of the main facts - more to come!)

EDIT (by someone else): Cottus Arci was the leading force behind Operation Twofold Bay.