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Later on during the month, CoT asked Belgium to launch an airstrike against an unknown country (it was later be revealed to be Slovenia) as a part of a larger scale plan. However, the United Kingdom, belonging to TWO, wanted to avoid such an airstrike and launched a natural ennemy proposal as an answer to the belgian threat. However, it took them a lot of time to break the shield that had been earned earlier and the airstrike was finally not launched either as Switzerland did not needed it anymore.
Later on during the month, CoT asked Belgium to launch an airstrike against an unknown country (it was later be revealed to be Slovenia) as a part of a larger scale plan. However, the United Kingdom, belonging to TWO, wanted to avoid such an airstrike and launched a natural ennemy proposal as an answer to the belgian threat. However, it took them a lot of time to break the shield that had been earned earlier and the airstrike was finally not launched either as Switzerland did not needed it anymore.
==United Kingdom conflict (part 2)==
The wipe begun by the United Kingdom during the previous month continued after the election of Maresal Langas as president of eBelgium. However, as the AS threat was no more, the different eBelgian regions has been RWed later during the month.
The great treasury spending has continued during this month and even increased. Some other modifications about state finances (such as the removal of the state budget law) have been voted during that month.
== The great Wipe ==
In October, [[MaryamQ]] was elected as country president with a large majority.
Working in secret with a restricted group of self called "ATO group", they decided that there should be no more congress elections as long as the PTO risk remained very high. They therefore pretended a damage draw from Poland to launch a NE against them, which ended as expected with a total wipe. They explained their move afterward [http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-cp-week-3-the-current-situation-2334036/1/20]. However, several citizens complained about the lack of transparency of their move. The government argued that some things had to be done in secret to avoid possible counter measures from the PTOers.
After the Wipe and due to the absence of congress, the SeCo became active for the first time in eBelgium history (although it has already been used in the past to act against PTO).
During this month, the treasury spending has reached a peak with a rough 500K BEF spent during the month.
Several discussions has been held about giving Honorary Citizen rights to some foreign citizens, such as [[Tecuvo]] and [[Tony Clifford]].
At the end of the term, CoT began to crumble. Due to their currently wiped position, the eBelgians decided to wait and see the evolution of the ally before taking any decision.
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Revision as of 00:22, 10 November 2013


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Good work, brave Belgians!

Belgium - United Kingdom War

Belgium decided to merge with the United Kingdom as of April 13, 2008. Both countries agreed to merge and they did so (see Belgium-United Kingdom War).

Brussels Rebellion

The Brussels Rebellion.

Belgium was involved in the Resistance Wars in Brussels. The first resistance war was started by an outsider and as a result the resistance war failed. The second resistance war was sold to Michael Collins and this one succeeded. Belgium has regained its complete independence on the 21st of February.

Netherlands Union

also see main article History of the United Netherlands

During the congress election on 25th March, 2009, Spanish citizens who called themselves "Imperial Troopers" won a majority of the congressional seats, effecting a political takeover. In response to this, CreveRoeland, the president, decided to cede all Belgian territories to the Netherlands on 5th April 2009, forming the union called United Netherlands and preventing a Spanish president from being elected. The Union lasted nearly a year until a Romanian millitia named the group RWed parts of Belgium in late 2009. Belgium never officially left the union, until the Netherlands officially declared the end of the union in June 2010

Flanders Occupation

On October 22, 2009 a resistance war was started in the region of Flanders. The operation was carried out by the Romanian group, The Group, and the American Seal Team 6. Despite some minor tanking on both sides, the RW could not be stopped and the region was liberated. Several days after, a resistance was started in the region of Brussels; PEACE was unable to defend the region.

Forces from EDEN and PEACE quickly flooded into the country in an attempt to take citizenships. For almost two months, Belgian Congress was dominated by The Group who severely plundered the nation's resources.[1][2]

The Group's Belgian operation was originally led by a player named Kristache who was then later replaced by Highst. The Group, however, was not the only PTO group in Belgium at this time. There were PTO groups from Poland, Croatia, USA, and other EDEN nations. The EDEN groups' main oppositions were the PEACE ATO Party and the Benelux Party (both later becoming the BfB party). Other notable participants from the EDEN groups were Rod Damon, Romper, lukamancro, and AndroX. Notable oppositions from the PEACE opposition group(s) were Olv007, Elynea, Apotygma, Luuklag, Hugo Lily, ThomasRed and Jofroi.

Also at this time, the Belgian Revolutionary Party emerged. Led by Manong Rizal who opposed both EDEN and PEACE groups, the party argued against a possible re-union with the Netherlands and proposed an idealist government through the "Belgian At Heart, Belgium in Motion Project" with a pact called the "Pact Under Mutual Association". His efforts utterly failed but the legacy of the "Belgian At Heart" movement, non-RL-Belgians becoming true eBelgians, left a mark in the country's history that would later portray future Belgian communities.[3]

Flanders Liberation

On December 15, 2009 (Day 737) the UK attacked and conquered Flanders. A day after, Brussels was also conquered by the UK, effectively taking away all Belgian regions from the control of The Group.

After this, the Belgian Revolutionary Party-in-exile led by Kheops, Aldous Zamiatin, and several others remained in the United Kingdom to fervently call for Belgium's true independence while cooperating with unualibro and playing a key role in the coming liberation of Brussels and eventually, all of Belgium. The party later evolved as the National Democratic Front and then later as Res Belgica.

The Beginning of A New Era

Brussels is RW'ed

Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia were successfully liberated from the UNL in early January 2010 (Day 789); though many citizens, including the Country President himself (Olv007), still held the hope for a re-union with the Netherlands. Since then, all of Belgium have been liberated and the country has been trying to restore itself independently. Although numerous groups from EDEN have tried to politically take over the country, they eventually left or assimilated into the community. The Free Belgium party (originally run by the USA) is the only one left, and claim to no longer be a PTO party. The majority of eBelgians have now accepted the members of Free Belgium into the Belgian community.

The New Era

The new era of Belgium began after its liberation in January 2010, Manong Rizal then founded its new National Forum on Day 791, thus consolidating the mark of the new era.[4] At this time, Olv007 officially became the leader of the Belgian government-in-exile and eventually became an officially elected Country President on February 2010.[5][6]

Around this time, the BfB Party was also born.[7] And On Day 793, Manong Rizal's Free Bread Campaign was started in Belgium and was later followed by Res Belgica's Welfare programs (led by Aldous Zamiatin) thus starting the new era's first steps to helping its new players and creating a new hope for a baby boom.[8] Furthermore, on Day 794, active Belgian players and politicians met for the new era's first town meeting to discuss Belgium's future at the newly ordained National IRC (#eBrussels).[9]

On Day 796, a day before the first Congressional election after the liberation, USA President Josh Frost declared that Belgium is under the threat of a Phoenix PTO while encouraging his new facade of an American ATO. This was greatly reputed and criticized by the Belgian community, most especially by Manong Rizal who started a campaign against the USA by publishing articles and even to the extent of trolling the US forum. Even mainstream USA politicians such as Astra Kat G and media mogul Arjay Phoenecian criticized the American claims about the Phoenix PTO. GLaDOS, a famous citizen from the United Kingdom, also criticized Josh Frost and said the following: "Protect Belgium from PTO by NOT electing actual Belgians to run the country".[10] And on the January 2010 Congressional Elections, PTO forces (Movement for Belgium Party, Belgian Defense Party, and the Neutrality Party) got 11 out of 20 seats in the Belgian Congress while its main Belgian opposition, the BfB only acquired 9 out of 20 seats. This was, however, a remarkable feat as the Belgian Community support was far outnumbered.[11] But so, the BfB was then later criticized for ostracizing the National Democratic Front (Res Belgica) out of the political mainstream by bringing in Macedonian support through having Macedonian Congressional candidates.[12][13] On the other hand, lukamancro, Croatian leader of the Neutrality Party, publicly pledged his support to the Belgian Community, turning the tables against the PTO groups.[14]

On Day 800, Grinch85, Romanian puppet CP, was officially impeached and replaced by Olv007. On the same day, the National Bank of Belgium or the "NBB-BNB" was established by Olv007 and his Minister of Finance, thedragon. Around these times, eRepublik's headless chicken rose to popularity as well.[15]

On Day 801, Innos28 donated Belgium's first Q5 Hospital to Brussels, the NBB-BNB contract was completed, and a resistance war to liberate Wallonia was started.[16]

On Day 807, Olv007 runs for the February 2010 CP Elections and wins.[17] His success, however, ended in the contempt of opposing EDEN parties. The opposing parties then proposed various law proposals to destroy the national economy and to frame Olv007 for thievery of the national chest by faking a similar-looking organization owned by the CP.[18] On the following days, more ridiculous law proposals were proposed by the opposing EDEN parties.[19] And on Day 810, Manong Rizal published an international petition against EDEN, denouncing its petty actions.[20]

Belgium's Neutrality & Independence

After everything had begun to settle down, Belgium was all about not being PTOed but to be an independent country of the eWorld. As Belgium pressed for this, they made a petition which was written by Gibberish45, co-Director of the Committee of Neutrality, with the help of Manong Rizal, co-Director and founder of the Committee of Neutrality and Congress Member of eBelgium, as well as Kiryu, Congress Member of eBelgium. Their goal was to get 500 people to sign the petition. Sadly they were not able to make in to 500 but they did get some 126 people to sign it. After the petition eBelgium had make its independence known to just about every other country. [21]

On Day 812, ThomasRed, Minister of Defense at that time, was removed by Congress as EDEN supporters feared that a Phoenix MoD would harm Belgian neutrality. On the same day, Manong Rizal opened the "Committee of Neutrality" and the discussions on his proposed draft for a Constitution was under way. Shadowukcs also claimed, after his defeat in the Presidential elections, that EDEN would take over all of Belgium through brute force on that day.[22]

On Day 813, Olv007, current Country President at this time, published a petition against EDEN telling EDEN to "go home". In addition, the forgotten issue of Belgium's independence from the union (UNL) is, once again, starting to re-emerge. [23][24]

On Day 817, the Belgian Military was established and became fully operational.[25]

SOL Training Wars

On Day 820, Belgium officially joined the SOL Training Wars.[26]

More PTOs, Problems & Possible Progress

On Day 825, thedragon, Minister of Finance for Olv007, was temporarily suspended. On the same day, Manong Rizal's proposal for a Constitution was passed.

On Days 828, the February 2010 Congressional Elections started. This became an opportunity for Belgium to regain majority in the Belgian Congress; the Belgian Community then acquired 15 out of 30 seats in Congress (BfB - 14, RB - 1) while the opposing parties acquired 15 out of 30 seats as well. Notably, this Congressional election was probably one of the most successful, if not the most successful, Congressional election during the imminent PTO threat era. However, controversies arose as the Belgian Community once again criticizes EDEN for not following their promise of giving Belgium back to the Belgian Community while EDEN, as well, criticized the Belgian Community for inviting Phoenix votes. Citizen daniecox would also criticize EDEN's mistrust of the Belgian Community in saying that the USA only wants to have "an American President in order to use Belgium to strengthen their presence in Western Europe, and/or to line their pockets".[27][28]

On Day 833, Manong Rizal runs for Country President, a few days after announcing that Olv007 would run for re-election.[29] Olv007 would then criticize Manong Rizal's actions as a "stab in the back".[30] However, suddenly, Manong Rizal decided to leave the game temporarily and tried to re-conciliate with Olv007. Olv007, however, refused to run once again after feeling insulted by Manong Rizal's betrayal and was replaced by Elynea as the CP candidate. Elynea was then elected as Belgium's 2nd President of the New Era and Belgium's 1st Female President. Although Manong Rizal garnered a lot of support for his candidacy, it was never explained why he decided to betray Olv007; and until today, that remains a mystery. Olv007, however, claims that Rod Damon may have influenced Manong Rizal's decisions during these times.[31]


Belgium joined Entente on the 3rd June 2010 but they left Entente after it collapsed and joined ONE in July 2010. ONE was disbanded in December 2010 and Belgium therefore became non-aligned.


In December 2010, Poland attacked Wallonia to have a passage to France, the governement warned their citizens to fight, but not to fight too hard as they would try to fight in the Resistance War. The governement did this because they expected Poland to be too strong. Several countries came to aid Belgium with troops of which Ireland, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom were the most important. However, their was one missing country, the country Belgium signed an MPP with the USA. However, the USA had several things on their mind, Poland was an ally of them, but in the background they were also preparing a new alliance: PANAM. A failed attempt of Resistance war happened, partly because Poland started to use tanks in the end, partially because the Belgian government didn't recognize this Resistance war. They were waiting for a Polish Resistance war auction winner to start the Resistance war. This angered a lot of Belgian citizens and also some dutch citizens as they had fought hard in this battle and also because the RW was started by a Dutch citizen, Auggustus.

The Kallmar Incident

In February 2011, France invaded Belgium under the auspices of a PANAM attempt to block NWO from gaining access to the United Kingdom. However, shortly after the invasion began, the cover story was discovered to be fictional and the French president, Kallmar, attempted to conquer Belgium and add it to the French empire. The state of war between the two nations lasted for nearly two weeks, during which Belgium was frequently close to being completely conquered. During the February 2011 Congressional elections, Belgium had only one region in which to run candidates, resulting in a month with only ten Congress members. Shortly before the March presidential election, an agreement was reached in which France would declare peace with Belgium and allow the return of conquered regions through resistance war. To this day, the relationship between France and Belgium is tarnished due to the actions of Kallmar's administration. Coincidentally, he was permabanned shortly before peace was finalized.

Internal Opposition

Following the March 2011 presidential election, in which ThomasRed defeated shadowukcs, shadowukcs founded an underground oppositional movement against the "tyranny" of the Belgium for Belgians Party, who had long held power in Belgium. Uniting under the banner of Res Belgica, the opposition infiltrated the BfB with a candidate who came very close to winning the party presidency before BfB members became aware of the "internal PTO attempt". Despite being unsuccessful, the opposition managed to divide the Belgian community for the remainder of March and crippled the political capital of Res Belgica, who fell from the second largest party to the fourth, losing almost all of their active members. It also resulted in the founding of the United Left Alliance and the United Belgian Independents Party, which became the second and third largest parties respectively. Partly due to the issues made public by the opposition, it took the BfB until October to capture the presidency of Belgium since ThomasRed's March 2011 term.

Second Invasion of the United Kingdom

The Belgian community was reunited in late March when the United Kingdom declared Belgium to be its Natural Enemy with the intention of conquering the smaller nation for its fruit region, violating Belgium's neutrality. Rather than attempting to negotiate a peace settlement with the UK as they had with France a month earlier, Belgium sought powerful MPPs with NWO nations and struck for the UK capital of London. Although London itself was never conquered, with its new MPPs, Belgium did enough damage that the UK aborted the invasion attempt on 4 April 2011, just before the presidential election. The invasion cast Belgium out of neutrality for over a month, bringing new activity and battles to the small nation and sparking renewed discussion of possible mergers to create a larger Belgian state.

The Constitutional Crisis

The presidential term of NLSP, elected on 5th April, was occupied by a raging debate on the replacement of the old Belgian Constitution with a simpler, newer document. For nearly six months, the Ministers of Justice had attempted to convince Congress to adopt a new constitution to no avail. The debate finally came to a head in April, resulting in three new constitutional drafts before Congress and multiple votes to reach the appropriate quorum and 2/3 majority. It was not until after the April Congressional elections that Congress finally accepted a new constitution, sparking almost immediately a new debate about the appropriateness of the new constitution and several new drafts presented to Congress. The debate continues today.

"What a woman!"

The presidential terms of mittekemuis,elected firstly on 5th May,then re-elected for a second term in a row on 5th June,were peaceful and constructive for the whole country.eBelgium successfully led a Training War(TW) with eUnited Kingdom.Through her two terms eBelgium remained on the map with all its regions. This accomplishment on the background of ONE's domination all over the world is really amazing and it is based on good diplomatic foreign skills. eBelgium changed the balance in signing MPPs to show its neutrality. Over these two mandates,more funds were granted for helping new citizens in their first days. The army funding got some severe resistance from some members in congress but afer almost two months of debate, congress aproved the new buget for BAF. [32] At the end of her terms, after she did an amazing work, she was crowned for Queen of Belgium.[33]

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The Belgian Civil War

The Belgian Civil War (BCW) is a political fight that was mainly held on the eBelgian forum between the beggining of august and the end of october 2011. It opposed two parties that were called "The elites" and "The opposition" that fought for the political hegemony on eBelgium. During this war, the political eBelgian landscape has drastically changed.

See main article Belgian Civil War

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The Second Belgo-French War

The whole conflict started with the Natural Enemy law of day 1960 [34], proposed by the french PTO'er ZePaylikon. It was voted down with 11-16 but severly damaged the relations between France and Belgium. Only one day after this attempt, another congress member from H.O.P.E. proposed another NE law against France.[35] This was voted down with 5-18 and again the government could convince the french one to vote their NE law down.

Unfortunately for Belgium, France saw these affronts as the perfect moment for a war against Belgium.

On day 1968, France proposed another Natural Enemy Law against Belgium under the pretext of a Training War. The thruth was another, France wanted to wipe Belgium and occupy Wallonia. Our congressmember DarkoDimovski1 started a counter NE law to get the bonus. Both laws were accepted and the war started with the french attack of Flanders. This was the proof for many that France wanted to cut off Poland's border with the UK, which was occupied by Argentina.

  • Information Missing*

World War 6

The month of May 2013 was an important month on the international stage as the disparition of EDEN opened the way to a major CoT-TWO conflict. Due to the strategical position of eBelgium between several major TWO countries (Poland and UK mainly) the question was raised to know if eBelgium should remain in his alliance or switch to a neutral position (or switch side). It was finally decided that the eBelgian should not let their allies fall when they could be in trouble.

During the presidential elections, Beaverss Tribute to Raskol was elected with an heavy majority against Shadowukcs, candidate of Hope. However, with the addition of several foreign citizens, the Hope party has been able to take more than a third of the congress seat, becoming, alone, the first party of eBelgium.

A redrawal of the constitution was launched by the Country President due to several loopholes and a burden and lack of organisation of the current law book.

Internal Conflicts

The most important topic in this month of June 2013 was the conflict between the leading parties and the opposition. A restricted group (>25 persons) was self proclaimed ATO group as they believed that some persons (mainly from the H.O.P.E. party) were trying to take the control of eBelgium for their own profit. This "ATO group" managed a larger group of voters and used tactical voting to make sure that the major parties of eBelgium would be controlled by persons that would not be "dangerous" based on their own criterions. It mainly lead to the political take over of the H.O.P.E. party by Tecuvo.

In response to that attack, when it was discovered that an organised group was behind that take over, the active members of H.O.P.E moved to the PANDA party created previously during the month by G.W. Junior. They complained about the "ATO group" to be themselves PTOers who were acting for their own interest in a move to keep the power.

The PANDA party soon took off and became against (like H.O.P.E. previously) the major party of eBelgium (along with Res Belgica). The self proclamed "ATO group" therefore saw that their previous attempt was not successfull and some of their members (the MoFA tecuvo included) asked help from the United Kingdom to wipe the country out of the map to avoid congressional elections that could allow PANDA to bring more foreign citizens in eBelgium. The president of United Kingdom, Mr Woldy accepted to wipe eBelgium.

The "ATO group" split at this time in two different sides. Some of the people believed that the wipe was a dirty move while the other considered as the last possible move and accepted. Due to that division, the wipe out plan failed as the first Natural Ennemy proposal of eBelgium was voted down by the congress. A second one succeeded a little bit afterward but it was too late to allow for a wipe out and eBelgium only got wiped after the end of the elctions.

The Country President MCKitkat disagreed with the too fast organised wipe made without his consent and decided to fire his MoFA after the beggining of the war.

eBelgium was put back on the map a couple of days after the end of the congressional election due to the low resistance of the United Kingdoms.

Women out of the kitchen

After the heated elections of the previous month, the tension dropped during the holidays due to the usual drop of activity.

The presidential election opposed a coalition of MaryamQ and Elynea against Swaqq Coryn. The campaign was oriented on the union of both "sides" who would work together in the government (especially in the Swaqq Coryn campaign).

After the victory of Elynea at the election, G.W. Junior joined the cabinet for the first time in the ministry of foreign affairs. However, he used the governmental newspaper for private publications and tried to get banned from the eBelgian forum through spamming and misbehaviour and finally resigned from the government as the access to the governmental organisation had been denied. With Swaqq Coryn inactive as Ministry of Education, the government had no more members from the parties who supported Swaqq Coryn during the last elections.

Later during the month, a sexist private message from ChristijanXD to MaryamQ lead to a general outcry of the community leading to several articles who soon occupied the top 5 of the country. This also lead to a temporary ban of ChristijanXD just before the congress elections of the 25th, leaving the PANDA party without leader to organize it.

At the end of the month, a war occured with Poland. Even if it was launched unilaterally without Belgian agreement, it was considered to be a training war by both sides and this processed well.

United Kingdom conflict and Economical ATO

JdlF was the only serious candidate during the election and was elected without any opposition. Probably due to the holidays still going on, there has been no serious political tensions within the country.

The first eRepublik tournament was held during this month and thanks to the state funding and some players, eBelgium has been able able to reach the 15th position of the tournament, allowing the country to have a powerfull national shield.

The major act of JdlF was the creation of the bank managers to lower the PTO ambitions. He sent most of the money of the NBB-BNB organization to people he trusted and had been eBelgian citizens for a while (more than a year) and therefore diminished the possibility of a treasury stealing (or at least of the scale) by a greedy country president.

Another process to lower the national reserves has been to vote several laws to increase the wealth distribution among citizens through different programs (BYS, BYS+,...).

Later on during the month, CoT asked Belgium to launch an airstrike against an unknown country (it was later be revealed to be Slovenia) as a part of a larger scale plan. However, the United Kingdom, belonging to TWO, wanted to avoid such an airstrike and launched a natural ennemy proposal as an answer to the belgian threat. However, it took them a lot of time to break the shield that had been earned earlier and the airstrike was finally not launched either as Switzerland did not needed it anymore.

United Kingdom conflict (part 2)

The wipe begun by the United Kingdom during the previous month continued after the election of Maresal Langas as president of eBelgium. However, as the AS threat was no more, the different eBelgian regions has been RWed later during the month.

The great treasury spending has continued during this month and even increased. Some other modifications about state finances (such as the removal of the state budget law) have been voted during that month.

The great Wipe

In October, MaryamQ was elected as country president with a large majority.

Working in secret with a restricted group of self called "ATO group", they decided that there should be no more congress elections as long as the PTO risk remained very high. They therefore pretended a damage draw from Poland to launch a NE against them, which ended as expected with a total wipe. They explained their move afterward [1]. However, several citizens complained about the lack of transparency of their move. The government argued that some things had to be done in secret to avoid possible counter measures from the PTOers.

After the Wipe and due to the absence of congress, the SeCo became active for the first time in eBelgium history (although it has already been used in the past to act against PTO).

During this month, the treasury spending has reached a peak with a rough 500K BEF spent during the month.

Several discussions has been held about giving Honorary Citizen rights to some foreign citizens, such as Tecuvo and Tony Clifford.

At the end of the term, CoT began to crumble. Due to their currently wiped position, the eBelgians decided to wait and see the evolution of the ally before taking any decision.


  1. One of Many Plunders
  2. Another of Many Plunders
  3. Belgian At Heart, Belgium In Motion
  4. National Forum Day
  5. Grinch85 Impeachment
  6. February 2010 CP Election
  7. BfB Statement
  8. Free Bread Campaign in Belgium
  9. First Town Council
  10. Disappointed in America
  11. January 2010 Congressional
  12. Manong Rizal & BfB/Jan 2010
  13. BfB Statement Jan 2010
  14. Jan 2010 Results
  15. Headless Chickens
  16. Day 801
  17. Feb 2010 CP
  18. Rage Proposals
  19. Rage Proposals 2
  20. Petition to the World
  21. Committee of Neutrality
  22. Day 812
  23. Olv's Petition
  24. Day 813
  25. Day 817
  26. SOL Training Wars
  27. Day 829
  28. Daniecox' Opinion
  29. Manong for CP
  30. Olv007's Response to Manong
  31. Manong Departs
  32. How to become a MoFA
  33. Announcement of Queen Mittekemuis
  34. NE Law of day 1960
  35. NE Law of day 1961