American Border Collie

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American Border Collie

27 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Singapore.jpg Singaporean
National rank 4
Date of birth July 6, 2008
Residence Singapore City
Political party Singapore Republican
Deputy Chief of Staff of United States
September 5, 2009 – September 31, 2009
Minister of Communications of Singapore
June 7, 2010 – July 6, 2010
Minister of Security of Singapore
July 16, 2010 – August 5, 2010
Preceded by Assiel
Succeeded by Assiel
Congressman of Singapore
July 26, 2010 – August 25, 2010
Congressman of Singapore
December 26, 2010 – January 6, 2010
President of Singapore
January 6, 2010 – Present
Preceded by Woshiempire
Succeeded by Parrington
Military rank Icon rank Lt Colonel.png Lt Colonel
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

American Border Collie (also known as ABC) was first found wandering in a field near Harrisburg, PA, USA in July, 2008. He currently resides in Singapore City.

The Beginnings in USA

ABC was first found wandering in a field near Harrisburg, PA. He had no idea where he was, how he got there, or even why he was there. After wandering for two weeks trying to get his bearings, he was approached by TerrenceHill who gave him a job. It was at this point that ABC began to develop his economic outlook and learned the rules. He continued to meet people through his job and kept working faithfully for Terrence.

Eventually, TerrenceHill disappeared from the e-world without a word. It was only a matter of time before the company's resources dried up and ABC was once again looking for a job. He floated around from company to company, working for a few days for whoever offered the highest wage in the job market. This continued for two months when he saw taxes increase dramatically.

ABC had recalled that he had voted in the previous congressional election for a citizen named Cromstar (because he politely asked ABC to do so). And so, without hesitation, ABC wrote his congressman. Cromstar responded that he voted against the taxes and that they were only temporary. He also suggested to ABC that he get involved and make his voice heard. And so, ABC set out in search of a means to be heard.

Emergence from Two-Clicking

ABC had recalled that he had seen an article a month prior to Cromstar's suggestion and began to sniff it out. As he scanned through thousands of articles, he discovered that the USA did have a forum and went there to find some answers. He could not find much information on the very disorganized and heavily censored forum, but did find a link to the IRC. There, he started chatting.

ABC began to ask questions and began by meeting many USA stars, including John Jay, Claire Littleton, Jewitt, and Fivescott. As he continued to learn more about the large community that he did not know existed, he began to develop good relationships with many players.

The PEACE Invasion

In the beginning of July 2009, PEACE had declared war against the USA. The government responded by increasing taxes yet again, and ABC snapped. He pleaded with the government to negotiate with PEACE, but was given the cold shoulder. ABC quickly responded by writing a farewell article to the eUSA expressing his disgust with the government and its successful operation to put blinders on the public and taking their hard-earned money to fund their own ambitions. After posting his article, ABC fled the USA for Peru, where he worked for a US-owned company that produced Iron in a high-resource region.

After working there a while, ABC briefly returned to the USA in order to gain United States Citizenship as the developers rolled out the Citizenship module. He returned to Peru the next day to continue working. It was only a few more weeks until he returned to the United States to work with PigInZen on a plan for the rebirth of the USA after taking back the regions. As part of the plan, ABC ran for Congress in Florida, only to be defeated quite badly.


On August 31, 2009, ABC happily e-married Giavanna. They can sometimes be found in a corner of #usa-chat on IRC performing public displays of affection for each other.

Migration to Singapore

ABC began to feel as though he was becoming more and more distant from the community of the USA. In mid 2009, he was invited by Whispering Elizabeth to come to Singapore. It took him a little while to consider it. Finally, after his real life trip to the real life Singapore, ABC decided that it was time to go. ABC discreetly made the switch to Singapore on April 12, 2009.

Anti-Takeover (ATO) Activities

After his stint as Minister of Communication for the Atracurium administration, ABC was approached by Tommy Aquinas about a position in his cabinet. ABC originally declined since he was getting ready to go away for two weeks in real life. However, upon his return, Tommy asked for his help again, this time to fill in for the absent Minister of Security, Assiel who had just gone away for business in real life. ABC accepted.

During the 6 days that he was Minister of Security, ABC coordinated a unified ATO movement in the Congressional elections in order to prevent the Political Takeover members (PTOers) from participating and taking any congress seats. Through frequent daily communications with the Party Presidents and Tommy, ABC was a key force in successfully sweeping the congress with true Singapore candidates. The day before the election, the PTOers had vacated the country in the face of unified native resistance.


In January, 2011, ABC was elected as President of Singapore. Coming off the Woshiempire Administration, ABC chose to keep the current cabinet in order to better facilitate transition and prevent weakness to Singapore on the Political and Military fronts. Sadly, the Government Orrganizations had not yet been recovered with the bulk of the Treasury. Woshiempire had begun an investment fund with a loan from Arbryn, but not much was available in that fund. ABC had hoped to accomplish recovery of the Government Organizations and rekindle relations with Indonesia. Unfortunately, the latter never happened due to unforeseen conflicts

Parties and Politics


For a while, ABC did not belong to any political party. He eventually joined the United Independents Party since he feels that their values of independent thinking fit best with his own. He is an advocate of low income taxes to bolster the economy, and likes an increase in import taxes to protect the USA economy from foreign competition. However, he states that import taxes for the high resources the eUSA lacks (such as iron) should be lowered to the minimum to encourage trade of that resource. ABC also is a strong supporter of government transparency and really dislikes the secrecy with which the USA government handles all of its information. He is against military action, and a large military funded by taxes. ABC has been recognized as a Pacifist when it comes to wars of aggression.

ABC recognizes that there is too much political mud-slinging in the USA, and prefers to stay out of it. Although he has strong beliefs against how the government was run under the Scrabman and Harrison Richardson presidencies, he would rather just watch them battle it out than try to add fuel to the fire. However, when the USA is faced with a dire situation, ABC won't hesitate to step up to the plate.


ABC does not care too much about the political parties in Singapore. He says that the solidarity of the established citizens of Singapore transcends the divisive nature of the party politics, and therefore parties do not really matter. ABC is currently a member of the Singapore National Unity Party.

A Talking Dog?

ABC appears to be a dog, and folks wonder why he is able to talk. He states that he had a run-in with a boy named Timmy stuck in the bottom of the well. Using the brains he was gifted with as a Border Collie, he managed to rescue the boy by lowering the bucket rope down the well for him to climb up. When Timmy reached the surface, he gave ABC the magical milkbone he found at the bottom of the well. After eating the magic milkbone, ABC found himself in E-Republik and able to talk.

All Banter Considered

ABC felt that there was too much political bashing going on in newspapers, so he decided to do something different. He dedicated his newspaper to covering all the fun stuff happening in the community, especially on the IRC. He releases most of his material in the form of Podcasts, and is willing to take story contributions for his "articles." For things outside of the IRC or forum, he will post associated links in the article bodies. He had co-hosted with Fivescott on one of his podcasts. He even had a debate with Ajay Bruno, in which Ajay publicly admitted to having multiple accounts, and played a pivotal role in his eventual permabanning not to long afterwards.

During the history of his newspaper, he has only strayed into the realm of politics twice: the first time for his legendary 5 AM Saturday morning interview with Emerick, and the second time for his goodbye piece to the USA.

Epic 5 AM Interviews

ABC has used his podcasts to interview a few people. To date, there have only been three Epic 5 AM Interviews:

  • Emerick: Emerick set the precedent for the Epic 5 AM Interview. ABC had expressed interest in helping Emerick to succeed in a presidential election with an interview about the issues. Emerick agreed, but couldn't figure out a time. ABC told Emerick that he could do the interview the next morning at any time Emerick desired, as long as it was after 5 AM, when ABC normally wakes up. Emerick agreed and so the interview went off without a hitch. Although, after editing the content, ABC's internet connection went out resulting in the interview being posted two hours late.
  • Chebbba: Chebbba (a.k.a. waffles_fm on IRC) was leaving the game and ABC requested an exit interview. She was his first foreign interview and touched on her history with the Russian eRepublik machine. She also gave her opinions on several players in the game.
  • Cristi Badea: This was the interview that never was. It was hyped up by ABC two weeks prior to its release under the pretenses of an interview with an admin about V2 and recent changes to the game. In fact, it was released on April 1 as a prank, and consisted of a half hour of Mr. Trololo and Rick Astley with a pre-scripted introduction and closing by ABC. Ironically, it was his highest voted podcast ever.

IRC Games

"What Should ABC Have For Lunch?"

At irregular intervals, ABC would appear in the IRC channel and randomly poll people about what he should have for lunch. Following the poll, he would go get it, take a picture, then post it to the IRC for everyone to salivate over.


On Mondays and Fridays, sometime around 0900-1000 eRep time, ABC enters the channel and starts posting random pictures while baiting active users. Rumor has it that he takes the pictures from 4chan, but ABC denies it and refuses to name his source. Sometimes, he will bring out a "Picture Train" where he posts one image followed by immediate photoshop jobs based on the first image.