UK Reform Party/History

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The following is the history of the United Kingdom Reform Party.


The UK Reform Party was founded around Christmas in December 2007 by Shadowukcs. It soon became a strong party and was the main rival to the huge 313 influx. Due to it's members not being from one particular Internet forum or one ethnic group, the party gained a strong foothold and quickly became the largest political party in the eUK. Shortly after forming the party, Shadowukcs stepped down as leader. The next man to lead the party was Kaleb.

The UKRP celebrated a huge success in the eUK General Election in January 2008, when the UKRP President, Kaleb, became the eUK President, a position he successfully defended for the next three General Elections. During his fourth mandate as eUK President, Kaleb announced he was stepping down as president both in party and country due to family matters. Again, Shadowukcs was sworn in as the Party president and duly won the next General Elections. This marked the fifth presidential term for UKRP.

During the period of time between the end of July all the way to the party elections of September, the UKRP saw several changes in leadership. It was first held by Paddyohale, a long time member and contributor to the party. Due to time constraints he had to resign just before the August 1st General Elections, which left Katie in charge of the Party. Her energy and good attitude helped to revitalize the party as some of it's most experienced members were absent at the time. Shortly after party elections, however, when Katie was re-elected by a wide margin, she also had to resign due to time restraints. The party had an unfortunate trend in this as the next party president, Funky44, also had to resign soon after taking the office for the same reason. This made many to suspect if this was a party jinx. The absence of experienced leaders created a power vacuum in the party, which opened the door to Dishmcds, an American and a former President of the United States of America to run in the elections as the new Party president.

The September Party Elections were won by Rayf Drayson, a younger yet extremely active and intelligent individual who took the reigns of the party.

Version 1

The October General Elections marked the return to power of the UK Reform Party. Rayf Drayson won election as President, and the party secured a plurality in Congress. With V1 approaching, and the new political system with it, Rayf decided to focus on being the Country President, and opted not to run for re-election as Party president in the October party elections. This allowed JerryGFL, the previous Party Vice President, to win the Party Presidency.

The November and December elections of 2008 were good for the UKRP. Dishmcds, an active contributor to the party and the country won both General Elections and this gave Dishmcds time to implement his schemes and steer the eUK into a new Golden Age. The National Health Service (NHS) was mostly Dishmcds's initiative and in October, the proposal was passed in the House of Commons. Dishmcds chose JerryGFL to run the NHS as the Minister of Health, which, as we see afterwards, was a good choice.

November and December saw many military conflicts around the World. The UK military capabilities and the House of Commons were put in a test in these conflicts. The UKRP leadership managed to hold the country together and maintain activity in the congress. The first Australian conflict began a series of ATLANTIS vs. PEACE conflicts; next there was the Argentinian conflict in which the eUK paras were sent to fight. It was mainly thanks to Dishmcds for UK to take actively part in these conflicts and maintain our good foreign relations.

December saw the French war, which still divides people's opinions. The war revealed several shortcomings in the UK military organization, which lead to large reforms in the military. The UKRP took active part in the reforms and managed to assemble the military into working in a short time in cooperation with other parties. After the war was over, Dishmcds stepped down as Country President and let Deathtoll32 run for presidency.

January elections of 2009 marked the third presidential term in a row for UKRP. The elections were heavily criticized by various citizens, mainly from PCP and TUP, but Deathtoll32 ran the country steadily and managed to vitalize UK's economy. Although the term did not see major reforms, it has become a consensus between people that January was a time of steady rise from December's scandal.

February was the first time in four months the country got a non-UKRP president. Although this might have been seen as a setback for the UKRP, February marked a new rise of activity and reforms within the party. The party was criticized by others lacking activity before elections and after the elections were lost, UKRP concentrated on improving itself. After elected PM Final Destiny disappeared, JerryGFL was appointed as acting PM with Big Boy Bulley at his side. JerryGFL ran the country steadily for the rest of the term and dealt decisively with economic issues the country faced at the time.

The United Kingdom Reform Party Party has always been on the cutting edge of keeping things organised in Erepublik. During Jerry's first term, he stabilised the treasury through higher tax policies, reduced spending from the NHS, and overall did a good job in settling the eUK from a period of uncertainty.

He was promptly re-elected in March, and the UK experienced another term in which it was stable, as Jerry exhibited strong Foreign Affairs and Diplomatic skill to keep the delicate balance in a war torn world. When he left office, the eUK was regarded as a solid, moral country by both friend and foe alike.

During the April elections, the UKRP chose to go the high road. Since they didn't have a candidate they felt with the required experience and will, they chose to do what they felt was best for the country. SaraDroz ran in May, and while she had a volatile term, things certainly began the upward momentum towards positive change at the end of her term.

In June and during the aftermath of the Atlantis collapse UKRP PP, arthur wellesy decided to run Jerry against Kumnaa who had PCP and TUP support, Kumnaa won by just 12 votes despite former TUP Malta declaring "the gap is too large jerry will be on the politic page tomorrow."

In July Dishmcds was again the UKRP CP candidate, he was like jerry fighting the PCP-TUP alliance, who this time proposed Hassan Pesaran. Hassan won by a margin of 445-371. This second consecutive election led to PP Arthur resigning which resulted into the first hotly contested PP election in month. Craig Rossiter, Lord Justice and JerryGFL all battled it out for the PP slot, after a campaign that lasted for over a week Craig Rossiter won with 51.94% of the vote.

November 2009 saw a shock victory by Winston LS Churchill. Winston himself soon became a notorious member of the eUK Community and was a potentially dangerous person. Although the extreme worry surrounding not only the party, but also the whole country was obvious, membership under his one month reign grew drastically and increased by nearly 100. The November Congress Elections were also very good with five more members getting elected, giving the party a lead of two.

In December 2009 there was a national effort to evict Winston from the party president position of the UK Reform Party and prevent him from winning again. Raziel Darkheart successfully got elected and led the party for two stable months. December 2009 also saw one of the most memorable elections in the history of the eUK with Mr Woldy beating the UK Reform supported Craig Rossiter by 3 votes. For the Congress Elections in December it was stable and the party held onto having the most Congress Members by three. In January 2010 Dishmcds was elected for the 3rd time as a UK President, the month after he was elected again.

Steve Steinbeck was the successor to Raziel in February and this was perhaps the earliest symbol of the gradual decline that the party saw for several months. The first month with Steve in charge was as usual and followed the steady results that had been achieved for the last few months, however in March 2010 the party suffered its worst Congress Results with only 7 out of 40 elected being from UKRP. In February 2010 Dishmcds was elected for the 4th time as a UK President.

April saw Darkmantle get elected and although election results picked up, this was the last time a UKRP member would be elected as the President for many months and this was GLaDOS. In his first Congress Elections in charge, Darkmantle managed to guide the party to a large increase of members elected with the final result being 12. However the month after the progress made was wiped away back down to 7.

Version 2

Divisions within the party reached an all time high during April and May and it wasn't until when Dishmcds got elected in June and July as the Party President that these arguments and factions within the party died down. June 2010 was when the United Kingdom was invaded and so the results around the country all dropped, the party managed to get 5 out of 19. The month after saw a huge improvement with an increase of 6 members, this was the first time in many months where the party either equalled or beat The Unity Party in results.

In August Sir Humphrey Appleby got elected. Overall it was, like many months before, average. As a party president Appleby was fairly inactive throughout his term but the actual effects on this were not major and so the party continued as normal. In September Terribletiger got elected in a very close election against Jhorlin and like the month before, results were steady with membership in decline because of the falling amount of citizens in the country. For both the August and October Congress elections, 10 Congress Members were elected.

October was a disastrous month for the party. Steven Mack (Smack) was elected as the party president and soon resigned the Party Presidency leaving Certacito in charge. Congress results were very low with 7 getting elected out of 40. The Unity Party regained their dominance in the Congress Elections because of this. Due to the poor state of the party during this month, several reforms happened in the party like the Senior Council in-case anything like this happens again.

In November Lionbeard took over the party in an attempt to steer the party back to strength. The first month was a success with membership picking up, along with success in Congress. What was the greatest achievement of that month was the election of Jhorlin as Country President, the first UKRP President since GLadDOS. Due to the success of this month, Daniel re-ran for Party President in the month following, securing the position with a clear majority. The success continued with party membership rising as well as a stronger presence in Congress.


2011 marked the rise of the party, especially in elections and in membership. In January and in February, Michael Crookes was elected as Party President and marked the beginning of a new generation, taking power within the party. His methods of working together unified the party to work together in order to achieve success. However, the party was still slightly behind The Unity Party in terms of congress seats and a new challenge, Every Single One was on the rise. The UKRP came joint in the election with TUP in February, eventually coming out with 11 seats and using less votes to achieve this success.

In March, Sir Humphrey Appleby was elected. This month was to prove the UKRP's ultimate success. The UKRP were able to elect 16 congressmen, which was 3 seats more than The Unity Party elected. It was the first time in many months that the UKRP had came ahead of TUP. In April, Thomas765 was elected after an intense PP campaign against GLaDoS and the UKRP came victorious in that month's congress election again, electing 13 people out of 36 against TUP's 12 congressmen.

In May, under Dishmcds' party presidency, victory was hindered by the ATO efforts that saw the dropping of around five UKRP congressmen who had low XP in favour of those that had higher XP - many TUP candidates had higher XP than UKRP candidates. However, this was to be nullified in June when Michael Crookes became PP when the UKRP were able to get 15 candidates into congress, 5 ahead of the second party, The Unity Party, proving that the previous month was an off month for the party.

In July, Thomas765 returned as Party President, with an overall 70 vote lead. Congress elections came and the UKRP were able to secure 17 seats in congress, which was one of the greatest victories for the UKRP in the congress elections. Membership also grew exponentially, with a rise of around 25 just after the congress elections - with the return of many blockers and new recruits from mobile voting. The success continued all the way through the rest of Thomas's term as Party President with another President of the UK, Lionbeard, being elected in August 2011. The success carried on as well once Dishmcds became Party President. Success began to stagnate once Sir Humphrey Appleby became Party President in October 2011 due to most forum members having less time to offer to the party.

Icon position party president.gif Party presidents

The following is the list of Party presidents for the United Kingdom Reform Party elected from it's founding in December 2007.

Name Term Start Term Finish Terms
55px LongShotzZ 6th May 2013 Present 1
55px Sir Rex Fleddington 16th April 2013 16th May 2013 1
55px Madacaion 16th March 2013 16th April 2013 1
55px Cygnus X1 16th February 2013 16th March 2013 1
55px Sir Humphrey Appleby 16th January 2013 16th February 2013 1 (6)
55px Darkmantle 16th December 2012 16th January 2013 1 (3)
55px Thedark ace 16th October 2012 16th December 2012 2
55px kcirp 16th September 2012 16th October 2012 1 (2)
55px John Rupert Miranda 16th August 2012 16th September 2012 1
55px Lionbeard 16th June 2012 16th August 2012 2 (4)
55px Sir Humphrey Appleby 16th May 2012 16th June 2012 1 (5)
55px Master Hofkens 26th April 2012 16th May 2012 1
55px Michael Crookes 16th April 2012 26th April 2012 1 (4)
55px Painkiller789 16th March 2012 16th April 2012 1
55px Dishmcds 16th February 2012 15th March 2012 1 (5)
55px Frerk 16th January 2012 15th February 2012 1
55px kcirp 16th December 2011 15th January 2012 1
55px Sir Humphrey Appleby 16th October 2011 16th December 2011 2 (4)
55px Dishmcds 16th September 2011 16th October 2011 1 (4)
55px Thomas765 16th July 2011 16th September 2011 2 (3)
55px Michael Crookes 16th June 2011 16th July 2011 1 (3)
55px Dishmcds 16th May 2011 16th June 2011 1 (3)
55px Thomas765 16th April 2011 16th May 2011 1
55px Sir Humphrey Appleby 16th March 2011 16th April 2011 1 (2)
55px Michael Crookes 16th January 2011 16th March 2011 2
55px Lionbeard 16th November 2010 16th January 2011 2
55px Certacito 22nd October 2010 16th November 2010 1
55px Steven Mack 16th October 2010 22nd October 2010 1
55px Terribletiger 16th September 2010 16th October 2010 1
55px Sir Humphrey Appleby 16th August 2010 16th September 2010 1
55px Dishmcds 16th June 2010 16th August 2010 2
55px Darkmantle 16th April 2010 16th June 2010 2
55px Steve Steinbeck 16th February 2010 16th April 2010 2
55px Raziel Darkheart 16th December 2009 16th February 2010 2
55px Winston L.S. Churchill 16th November 2009 16th December 2009 1
55px Wossoo 16th October 2009 16th November 2009 1
55px LordJustice 16th September 2009 16th October 2009 1
55px mr. brodie 16th August 2009 16th September 2009 1
55px Craig Rossiter 16th July 2009 16th August 2009 1
55px Arthur Wellesley 16th May 2009 16th July 2009 2
Unknown Person.jpg Marcus Antonius Varias 16th April 2009 16th May 2009 1
55px Funky44 16th Febuary 2009 16th April 2009 2
55px jerryGFL 10th October 2008 16th February 2009 4
55px Rayf Drayson 10th September 2008 10th October 2008 1
55px Katie 30th July 2008 10th September 2008 2
55px Paddyohale 10th July 2008 30th July 2008 1
55px Shadowukcs 10th June 2008 10th July 2008 1 (2)
55px Kaleb 10th January 2008 10th June 2008 4
55px Shadowukcs
20th December 2007 10th January 2008 1

Icon position country president.gif UK Presidents

The following is the list of UK Presidents from the United Kingdom Reform Party elected from it's founding in December 2007.

Name Term Start Term Finish Terms
55px Sir Humphrey Appleby 6th May 2012 6th June 2012 1
55px Lionbeard 26th July 2011 6th September 2011 1
55px Jhorlin 6th February 2011 6th March 2011 1 (2)
55px Jhorlin 6th December 2010 6th January 2011 1
55px GLaDOS 6th April 2010 6th May 2010 1
55px Dishmcds 6th January 2010 6th March 2010 2 (4)
55px SaraDroz 6th May 2009 6th June 2009 1
55px JerryGFL 22nd February 2009 6th April 2009 1
55px Deathtoll32 6th January 2009 6th February 2009 1
55px Dishmcds 6th November 2008 6th January 2009 2
55px Rayf Drayson 2nd October 2008 6th November 2008 1
55px Shadowukcs 2nd May 2008 2nd June 2008 1
55px Kaleb 2nd January 2008 2nd May 2008 4