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Source: Political Takeovers and Polarization - The Connection (part one) - August 6, 2008 by Uncle Sam

Dictionary Definition

Political Takeover (coup) - a highly successful, unexpected stroke, act, or move; a clever or cowardly action or accomplishment, relating to or pertaining to politics.
Polarization - a sharp division, as of a population or group, into opposing factions.

eRepublik Definition

Political Takeover (coup) - When a highly organized group from a densely populated Country moves into a separate country and gains political power of said country by out numbering other citizens in an election. (Normally the General Election)
Polarization - When few or two superior countries or alliances gain enough influential power to be the commanding forces of the world against each other.

Our History of Political Takeovers

South Africa

The first political takeover happened in South Africa when Indonesia sent a group of their citizens over to gain the presidency. The world was astonished that something like this could happen. The Forums exploded with the news as always, crying out about how immoral the Indonesian actions were. Despite the fact that the situation was given so much attention, there wasn't much that people could do about it except complain. Eventually the situation died down as there were other things to worry about in our New World.


Probably one of the most known political takeovers was in Greece where the Goons from forums took over the country. Using their massive numbers, they easily overthrew the previous government with over 400 votes for their president Rathen Holton. Although not from a different country, this event unsettled the world's population, fearing that it could happen to their country next.


After using their military force to takeover Poland, Germany found that those actions were a mistake. DKN, with a heavy heart realized that with the help of forum recruits, it made the population of Poland explode. Since Poland was now a part of Germany, the Polish population outnumbered the German population. The elections proved that when Polish radicals took over office and began to destroy the country in revenge for losing their sovereignty. After starting a war with Sweden which they intended to lose, and destroying their currency value, Germany was eventually no more.


Similar to Greece and Germany is the takeover of Turkey. After taking over a huge majority of Greece in the Balkan Wars, Turkey found that the goons had now invaded Turkey's population. Come time for the General Elections, the goons voted in their candidate with over 600 votes. Being one of the most recent takeovers it is still unclear what the goons plan to do with this new country now that they have a more stable economy than that of the dying Greek remains.


A rather subtle takeover, was the one that the Romanians pulled off in Ireland. By moving people to the country 11 days before the general election, they sat there quietly. posing as simple workers they waited until a day before the General Elections. They then had everyone move to one political party in order to gain a majority of the votes and took the election. Although we have not seen Romania's true intentions of what they plan to do with the country, it shows how easy and popular these kind of takeovers are becoming.

Another opinion on this take over

Ireland was governed by a group of Romanians led by Victor Petrescu, but their move was not supported, nor endorsed by the Romanian government. This takeover was done more for fun. They probably wanted the gold from the treasury, but that was hidden/stolen by the ex-president. But soon after it was returned to treasury.


A spanish party, previous called ARDE, now UPL, lead by Alfonso, created a division of their party in Mexico to take control of the country. This event generated repulse reactions in citizens both in Mexico and Spain. A Spanish group of volunteers tried to organize a counteraction and contacted giles to support him as a candidate and they would move to Mexico to vote against Alfonso. Alfonso's party won the elections with just 50.63% of the votes. Out of the three takeovers that occurred during this most recent election, this one probably has the biggest impact, as Alfonso declared war on Spain in the hope that Mexico would be part of Spain. MVerslayer, current president at that time approved the war with not taking into account the Spanish congress, so various leaders of opposing parties, declared the impeachment of MVerslayer. On the other side, in Mexico the Congress rejected twice his war proposal, before the war was declared at the third proposal due to a second takeover, but this time lead by Goons.

There were next takeover in Mexico. In congress elections on February 25th 19/20 polish people passed in. Some people have thought that they're from Poland, but nobody's sure. The Government of Poland didn't support this action. Finally fake congressmen have taken for about 100 gold and 80 000 MXN.

North Korea

Main Article: May 2009 Political Takeover of North Korea


Main Article: Norway#April_2010_PTO

New Zealand

Aotearoa A Party comprised of Serbian PTOers.

United Arab Emirates

The ABOC, A PTO group consisting of Russians, Lead by Cl4trap, Who members have stolen more than 500 gold from the treasury and claimed by many Citizens in eUAE to be Multi Accounting.

The Connection

So just what do all of this situations have in common? After each takeover, the general state of the country was left in ruins for one reason or another.

This would obviously tell us that Political takeovers are bad right? Perhaps for the country that loses its power, yes but what about the country that is behind it?

Now of course in each of these situations, a negative reaction is inevitable due to the fact that a country is losing its sovereignty. So with the bad PR that comes with the situation, is it all worth it? Why don't you ask the countries or groups responsible.

Further reading

Political Takeover is a tactic done by large population community from a country to take over the government of smaller country by migrating citizens from the larger country to the smaller country and vote against the ruling government in the general election.

Only Indonesia has admitted to supporting the tactic, and a few citizens from Pakistan have ever been caught doing the same. Currently this is a highly debated subject since this tactic never breaches any rules of eRepublik.

Attempt at a political takeover in China

A group of 20 people from Indonesia migrated to China, set up Liberal Party of China and won the general election in March 2008. Previous Chinese ruling party and Japan protested on this. Although the government of Indonesia at first had no knowledge regarding this, eventually Indonesia defended the movement. In the end the Admin banned most of members from Liberal Party of China in the April 2008 election without clear reason.

Political takeover in China

A group of citizens from Pakistan followed a well-meaning user to China to take over a political party and then go for the general elections. The conspirators succeeded, and one of their members, Gyro Zeppeli, became President of China. He later declared war on Pakistan, possibly knowing that China would lose and Pakistan would gain the territory with no contest. The government of Pakistan supported and funded this operation.

Political takeover attempts in Iran

Two group of players have attempted to takeover Iran in its history. The first attempt was by a group of Norwegians, however they failed. The second attempt was by the goons which also failed. Due to the great cooperation between the Iranian people, these attempts failed.

Political takeover attempt in Switzerland

Romanian citizen Cronoss made multiple accounts in Switzerland in September 2012 and got them elected into Congress by voting for them with other multiple accounts. Then he used those multi accounts that were in Congress to give himself and a couple of other Romanian citizens Swiss citizenship. They made a party called The Others and later a MU with the same name. In a couple of months there were already at least 5 multi account parties serving the PTO-ers. In October 2012, the multi accounts in Congress proposed a Law to donate 400,000 CHF from the country accounts to Fred and Barney (PTO-ers organization) a couple of minutes before all the current Congressmen lost their statuses, and no one was able to vote down the law except for one Congressman (ikacar). This loss of funds was so devastating that the Swiss government signed a Nine month 3-Point Plan with Slovenia that said Slovenia would erase Switzerland off the map every month before the Congress elections, so that the PTO-ers couldn't steal any more money. The PTO-ers have tried to elect one of them as Country President but failed. Since the beginning of this PTO, the Swiss government has tried tirelessly to stop Cronoss and The Others by publishing articles to publicly show the evils of the PTO-ers, coordinating voting on every election, signing treaties and agreements etc. but there is little they can do, because Switzerland has a small population and even less active players, and to add to that, lots of active players left Switzerland when the crisis began. This Political takeover is ongoing, and Cronoss was elected CP in March 2013, since his opposition failed to candidate anyone. Since his election, he has signed MPPs with countries that are enemies of Switzerland and he has stopped trade with allies of Switzerland.

Party Takeovers

In Turkey's October beta party presidential elections, it was suspected that the real-life Turks organized and invaded two of the top five Turkish political parties, The Jewish Unity and People's Democratic Voice. The purpose of this kind of takeover is to secure the power of opposing parties, prevent any opposition to the presidential seat, and create a unified congress. The native Turks deny all allegations of the attempted takeover.

Later on the Swedish communist party Arbetarepartiet MSAP was couped in the Aprils party president election by future Neppoleons Nationalgarde led by neppons. However, the party were given back to the original owners and later on the coup was considered as a wake up call to the Swedish politics.

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