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Profilul tau poate fi accesat cu usurinta dand click pe numele cetateanului, (se gaseste pe partea stanga a paginii). Pe pagina de profil, veti gasi toate informatiile despre cetateanul dumneavoastra din eRepublik, divizat in mai multe categorii.

Sectiunea de Sus

In aceasta sectiune veti avea informatiile de baza privind cetateanul dumneavoastra. Features:

Conectarea Facebook

Dand click pe "Connect" va deschide o noua fereastra unde cetatenii sunt rugati sa se logheze pe contul lor de. Acest lucru va sincroniza contul tau eRepublik cu cel de facebook. conexiunea facebook e folosita pentru publicarea a anumitor noutati eRepublik pe peretele contului de facebook. Aceste noutati includ si achievements/romana/realizarile, cumpararea unei noihouse/romana/case si voting/romana/Sistemul de votare/votarea. toate noutatile postate pe peretele utilizatorului include si invitation link/romana/Invita prieteni|link pentru invitare.

Accounts Tab

Accounts tab.jpg

Your citizen's currency accounts are displayed. The order of currencies is following: Gold, Citizenship currency, currency of country you're residing. Money used in your companies will be taken from your accounts. If account has less than 1 currency, it will not be visible.

The Get gold -link will lead you to Buy gold page.


Pagina principală: Storage

The storage tab will lead you to your Storage (this is also accessible from My land). It's used to store your products and raw materials. Every product/raw material your company produces will be added to your storage. If your company creates products, the raw materials used to create the products will be taken from your storage.

Citizen Information

Citizen information is structured by 4 sections:

  • Achievements
  • Military Skills

There is also 2 columns:

  • Other Citizen Information
  • Activity

Column Other Citizen Info

Column1 profile.jpg

Column Activity

Column2 profile.jpg

  • Political activity
  • Name and avatar of the party you are a member of.
  • Military unit
    • Name and avatar
    • Position inside unit (Leader or Member)
  • Press director
  • Friends
    • Upon clicking view all, you will be redirected to the full list of your friends.
      • The green dot indicates your friend is online.
      • Remove a friend by clicking the X.
      • Send a message to a friend by clicking the envelope icon.


Here is where you will find the achievements and career paths of your citizen.
Your citizen can be involved in different aspects of eRepublik such as the economy, politics, military and media. The number of achievements is marked with the number in the trophy.

Military skills

Here is where you can see your current military rank and your current Strength. They are all listed and you will see their level and progress to next level.

Other Features

What other users see

When you visit the profile of another citizen, you will not see all of the information that you can see about yourself. You will also have some additional options.

The four buttons in the top right corner:

  • Add as friend/Remove friend - Add (or remove the person) from the friends list
  • Send Message - send an in-game private message to another citizen
  • Donate - enables the page where you can donate items and money to other citizens or organizations

Banned or Deceased players will also have a notice on their profile page stating that they are dead or why they were banned.