Mike Schmittson

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Mike Schmittson

26 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-USA.png American
National rank 3926
Date of birth 29 Oct 2008
Residence Virginia, USA
Sex Male
Political party Federalist Party
Faith Capitalism
Newspaper The Daily Chronicle
Recruiter of Federalist Party
26 October 2012 –
Media Department of Federalist Party
17 September 2012 –
Ambassador to Sweden of USA
15 October 2012 –
Political Director of Republican Party
16 September 2010 – October 2010
Speaker of Republican Party
17 July 2010 – 16 August 2010
Ambassador to Belgium of Serbia
13 February 2009 – 4 March 2009
Ambassador to Belgium of USA
10 January 2009 – 11 February 2009
Succeeded by ClammyJim
Congressman of Virginia
26 January 2009 – 11 February 2009
Preceded by Joshua Tree
Succeeded by Navy II
Military unit Air Force
Squadron Fighter Wing Squadron 2
Position Soldier
Military rank Icon rank Colonel.png Colonel
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Mike Schmittson was a Citizen of the USA, and formerly of New Zealand, China, Indonesia Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ireland, Germany, Serbia, and (by birth) the USA.

He was born on October 29, 2008, and has been a very active Citizen ever since.

His newspaper, The Daily Chronicle, was a member paper of the Erepublik News Network.


"Livin' in America"

Business Endeavour

Early in January 2009, Mike became the owner of a Q1 Food Company that he quickly incorporated as Schmitt Foods. Things looked well for only about a week, sad to say, and Mike removed his employees from their positions and posted the company For Sale on January 18, 2009. It took him until January 27 to sell it, and he took 2 weeks to recover from his bout of starvation. The episode has taught him a lesson he thinks is important for any looking to enter the world of the entrepreneur: Before going into business, have a large stash of backup money available!

Political Career

Mike was born shortly after Roby Petric resigned the office of President, and became eligible to vote just in time to elect Benn Dover to his first term as President of the United States. Benn was an early inspiration to Mike, and was one of several reasons Mike joined the Libertarian Party.

In January of 2009, American Secretary of State Benn Dover called for the creation of ambassador positions to all other countries of the New World. After much searching, Mike Schmittson was appointed Ambassador to Belgium.


Shortly thereafter, Mike ran for the very first time for Congress, returning home to represent his birthplace of Virginia. He won, and served out his term until he attempted to get money donated to Schmitt Holdings. He failed, and was also publicly called out by then-Vice-President Joe DaSmoe, disgracing himself and his fellow congress members. However, an opportunity for a second chance opened up, as that same day, the admin added Serbia, which was a fine opportunity for Mike to make a name for himself.

Serbian Life

On Wednesday, 11 February 2009, Mike Schmittson moved to Serbia.

Party Problems

After he got a job, he then joined Serbia, the most right-wing party (it was center-oriented) he could find. It was one of Serbia's two parties. However, on 16 Feb 2009, the newly elected president, Rd_CaRL, made it into a anarchist far-left party, so Mike became a member of Patriotska Stranka Srbije. However, a right-wing party had been formed (Srpsko Kosovo (later known as the Unnamed Party), and he joined them at the next opportunity. As SER_JOLEX decided to remove him as a PSS Congressional candidate right before 24 February, he joined the UP on 25 February. After a brief period of indecision, as well as a desire to show his support for Serbian nationalism, he returned to the PSS.

Foreign Diplomacy

He also remained an Ambassador to Belgium, but became the Serbian Ambassador.

The German Stopover

On 5 March 2009, Mike moved to Bavaria, Germany. He fought in the German-Austrian War, and received his first Super Soldier Medal on 6 March 2009, with a Strength level of 6.554.

The Emerald Isle

On 8 March 2009, Mike moved to Dublin, Ireland. He would have liked to, among other things, help return the Irish economy to its former greatness, however, Bosnia just seemed like too promising of an opportunity.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

On 11 March 2009, Mike moved to Bosnia and Herzegovina. He has noticed that he seems to be attracted to young countries, and wanted to help the nation take its place in the New World. He joined the "Foreigners Party", The Coalition, in the newly-created nation. Mike attempted to bring wood to the Bosnian market, and possibly gain a monopoly on the market in the process.


Even though he does not like its imperialism, on 26 March 2009, Mike moved to Indonesia, to get a piece of the pie. Its economy was extremely strong at the time, but has since begun a bit of a decline. In 12 days, he earned 5 Gold, at a rate far faster than he had ever before experienced. He would also have liked to bring the Narcissist Party into a new era and revolutionize Indonesian society.


In December 2009, the USA liberated Asian regions under Indonesian control. As Mike was living in Xinjiang at the time, he became a resident of China. He was granted Chinese citizenship. He also was planning on helping write China's new Constitution. He also attempted to become a leader of a right-wing party in China.

The Return

On 6 April 2010, Mike returned to his homeland, the USA. There, he helped the Republican Party in its fight against the evil PTOer, Pizza the Hut. Much of his experience this go-around in the USA was political, and he gained many friends and allies. He also gained a better understanding of what makes a good party. Over the summer, he learned many new things, and in October, took that knowledge to New Zealand. However, real-life concerns quickly pre-empted the needs of the eRepublik community, and Mike left the game.

The Reawakening

On 3 September 2012, Mike returned to the game. Upon his receiving US citizenship, he quickly found a home in the Conservative People's Party, even crafting for them a new charter. Unfortunately, due to the new voting system, he decided to join many members of the CvPP in relocating (hopefully temporarily) to the Federalist Party.


Citizens Invited

-Clayton H
-Ace of Spades (who, in turn, invited Collette)
-Toast Mcweed
-Middle Distance

Awards Won

Award Date(s) Earned
Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif 8x Hard Worker
10 March 2009
9 April 2009
6 October 2009
5 November 2009
23 June 2010
Unknown date
3 October 2012
3 November 2012
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif 1x Congress Member
25 January 2009
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif 6x Super Soldier
6 March 2009
20 June 2009
23 December 2009
One of the above has apparently been rescinded
17 September 2012
3 October 2012
18 October 2012
3 November 2012
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif 2x Battle Hero
3 September 2012 (x2)
Icon achievement True Patriot on.gif 2x True Patriot
27 September 2012
26 October 2012
27 October 2012


Organization Name Country Founded Assets Notes
Schmitt Holdings Inc Canada 10 February 2009 Schmitt Titanium Mines

Business Ownership

Business Name Country Industry Began Ownership Ended Ownership Notes
Schmitt Foods USA Food 3 January 2009 27 January 2009
Schmitt Logging Bulgaria Wood 20 March 2009 7 April 2009 Owned via Schmitt Holdings Inc
Schmitt Logging Indonesia Wood 15 May 2009 7 September 2009 Owned via Schmitt Holdings Inc
Schmitt Mines Indonesia Iron 21 May 2009 November 2009 Owned via Schmitt Holdings Inc
Schmitt Farms USA Grain 22 December 2009 Owned via Schmitt Holdings Inc
Schmitt Titanium Mines Canada Titanium 7 July 2010 Owned via Schmitt Holdings Inc


Party Membership

Party Country Began Membership Ended Membership Notes
Libertarian Party USA 25 November 2008 11 February 2009 First Party
eSerbia/Radikalna Stranka Serbia 11 February 2009 16 February 2009 Left due to Party changes; see Radikalna Stranka
Patriotska Stranka Srbije Serbia 16 February 2009 25 February 2009 Inconsiderate Party President and inconsistent with Mike's political views
Unnamed Party Serbia 25 February 2009 2 March 2009 Non-nationalist party, filled with foreigners who do not mean well
Patriotska Stranka Srbije Serbia 2 March 2009 3 March 2009
German Democratic Union Germany 5 March 2009 7 March 2009
Irish Union Party Ireland 8 March 2009 11 March 2009
The Coalition Bosnia and Herzegovina 18 March 2009 26 March 2009
Party Narcissist Indonesia 21 April 2009 18 October 2009
NEWsmth China 5 April 2010
Federalist Party USA 8 May 2010 5 June 2010
Republican Party USA 5 June 2010 4 October 2010 Helped fend off the Pizza the Hut PTO; was a member of Republican Party-In-Exile; valuable political experience
Conservative People's Party USA 8 September 2012 19 September 2012 First party after re-joining the game
Left to join Feds after new Congress election rules
Federalist Party USA 19 September 2012 26 September 2012 Helped in ATO efforts against the AFA
Conservative People's Party USA 26 September 2012 29 September 2012
Federalist Party USA 29 September 2012 Current

Congressional Terms

Country Region Began Term Ended Term Margin of Victory
USA Virginia 26 January 2009 11 February 2009 2 Votes

Ambassadorial Posts

Home Country Country Served Began Term Ended Term
USA Belgium 10 January 2009 11 February 2009
Serbia Belgium 13 February 2009 4 March 2009
USA Sweden 125 October 2012