The Unity Party/Articles/Manifesto March 2008

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This article was published in the beta version of eRepublik.

Name of the article

'TUP Manifesto for the coming elections.'

Date and time published

Time in eRepublik: March 26, 2008 at 10:38:25.


The Unity Party.

The article

The Unity Party Manifesto

Social Policy

We of The Unity Party do not believe in labels and believe all Citizens are unique individuals that all have something different to offer the eUK. This is why we welcome all citizens into our party regardless of previous political and social affiliations.
We support the eUK forum[1] from our party using their voice in Regional Council have suggested ways to improve the forums and will continue to do so for the good of all eUK citizens.
The Unity Party does not support the idea of 313 Utopia if this has disappointed you then either change your mind set or leave the party. We want a Utopia but not a 313 dedicated one.
We agree that an aggressive policy of advertising E-UK in other internet forums is important for our country's growth and that an organised invite structure must be organised so that we have the numbers to economically compete with larger populated countries. We wish to take on the giants of Indonesia, Sweden, Norway and Pakistan. Not through war but through a strong economy.

Economic Policy

Aggressive foreign dumping has hurt the e-UK in the past. We want this never to happen again. So we want to raise import tariffs across the board. We will negotiate trade deals with friendly nations to bypass the import tariffs but only them. Supplying money and trade to countries with an aggressive foreign agenda will be provided and we will pursue friendly trade links with small developing countries.
We continue to support our Training Company policy. We feel there is a definite need for them in some sectors. They will be run by the government but will only stockpile or export weapons so not to harm current Q1 companies in the UK. The training companies will benefit the existing and future Q1 companies by pooling available workers in an easy to see area in which the other companies can recruit from. This idea only benefits the e-UK.
We also wish to establish a national Minimum wage with the bare minimum of 1 GBP a day being paid by the Training companies. Any company found breaking the national minimum wage will have economical repercussions administered by the newly formed Inland Revenue. The tax in the sector in which the negligent company operates will be hiked and rebates given to companies that didn't do anything wrong. This then gives us an option of punishing rule breakers. All GMs breaking the minimum wage rule will be given these sanctions for two weeks on the first offence and the GM will be blacklisted on the second offence and any company that the GM operates will be subject to the sanctions regardless of sector. (It is highly likely these sanctions wont be needed but it shows the forward thinking of our party and that sanctions could be imposed.

Immigration Policy

The Unity Party wishes to encourage people to move to the eUK. We will do this by having ambassadors in other e-nations advertising our country. If they moved here they would receive a job refunded the price of their ticket and the chance to be part of the best e-county around.
There is a problem however with accepting immigrants and that problem is spying. This is why the immigration department will run heavy checks on immigrants before they can be accepted into the more sensitive parts of the eUK forums. Though under the new proposed level structure spying should be well under control.
If Immigrants want to keep their own community together we will support the setting up of their own private forum so they can speak their language and socialise with their fellow countrymen. In special cases we will run tutorials with the immigrant community to bring them up to speed with E-UK as we are far more advanced than most countries.

Health Policy

The NHS gift service is to be scrapped and this responsibility will be given to the Mayors instead. We believe this will be more effective than one man distributing gifts. Mayors will be given a grant for gifts based on number of workers/soldiers in the region (to be decided for each region by the regional council with the president of the council having the final say).
As the service will be more spread out there will be less chance of people slipping through the net.
Hospitals placement will continue to be decided by the Regional Council. We will also try to set-up a more organised schedule of which to export and which to place in our regions. As Hospitals for our Allies as well as the UK is important. We wish the E-UK to be widely known as the cultivator of new and emerging countries in the E-World and build friendly foreign relations through our aid to these smaller countries.

Defence Policy

As a consequence of the war module being implemented the e-UK needs to be prepared for war. The current government have set-up the Ministry on Defence and the Paratrooper division. We wish to continue this but want it to be more organised working with the Department of Employment to make sure we have the right balance of soldiers and workers. In an emergency situation we could risk crippling the economy in an attempt to defend ourselves.
Some of our strongest soldiers are also General managers. We wish to set-up a scheme by which if a GM wants to go to war a government department will look after their company for them and return it to the owner when they return from the front lines for the same money. Our GM's shouldn't be afraid of leaving their companies in the hands of the government. This position will be filled by one of our leading current GM's.

Foreign Policy

The Unity Party wishes to have good relations with our neighbours that wish the same. We will gladly trade with friendly nations. As well as form alliances with each other.
We of the Unity Party feel the Northern Alliance, when it was first set-up, was poorly done. With Norway leaving without more than a slap on the wrist. We do not want this shambles to happen again and will only ally with countries that agree to an iron clamped contract with pre defined sanctions for any breach of contract.
We will also only ally with countries that are fair and just to their citizens. If we feel a countries government is corrupt and goes against its people then they will not be allies of the eUK and we will sever links both NAP's and trade.
We also do not support the idea of a big alliance. We will only ally with people that we feel would be mutually beneficial to the eUK and the other e-country involved. This will see our forces are not put into meaningless battles for power hungry nations. We will establish a reputation as defenders of honest hard working people and not the pawns of narcissistic dictators.

Government Organisations and Ministers

Party President Paul Hudson is our Presidential candidate.
Paul Hudson would see the eUK is given a fresh set of eyes in the Presidential Office to oversee the eUK. A man who will listen and lead the eUK if elected President on April 1st. Will work in conjunction with VP Final Destiny to implement all the changes that this manifesto promises and attempt to mould the manifesto to the will of the electorate.

Vice president: Final Destiny
The Vice Presidential position would see Final Destiny put in charge of the party should Paul Hudson get attacked by a wild pack of wolves or you know something boring like retire from politics. The Vice-President is responsible for advising the president as his right hand man and organising the party internally and helping to appoint ministerial positions.

Finance Minister/Bank of England: TBD
The Finance Minister is in charge of the Bank of England and drawing up the country budget. Providing funds to other departments and of course maintaining the stability of our currency. Will publish clear and concise statements on the country's accounts and be reportable to the VP and President.

Health Minister/National Health Service: TBD
This will be re-branded as The Red Cross and will be responsible for sending out gifts for our troops on the front lines and foreign aid in times of over production within the gifts industry. The old NHS gift giving service will now be responsibility of the Mayors and their gift squads and Hospital Distribution will be assigned using the regional council and the money would be transferred direct to the mayor.

Employment Minister/Ministry of Employment: TBD
Responsible for distributing workers among the training companies of the eUK. Will also be working with the Minister of Defence to make sure the balance of soldiers and workers is set. Employment Minister will also work with the department of immigration to ensure that our new citizens are all provided with the best chance of employment.

Agriculture Minister/Department of Agriculture: TBD
Will be renamed Inland Revenue. Will be responsible for all tax rebates for UK companies and sanctions should a company break the minimum wage rule. Will work in conjunction with the Finance Minister, Foreign Office and the Dept of Trade to ensure the government has a consistent fiscal policy.

Immigration Minister/Department of Immigration: TBD
Responsible for getting Immigrants jobs and refunding there travel expenses. Will also run back ground checks on migrants wanting to join our military and access more sensitive areas of our forums. Will work closely with our Ambassadors that are advertising the eUK in other countries. Will likely incorporate more than one person due to the size of the job needed.

Defence Minister/Ministry of Defence: TBD

Responsible for organising the eUK Military including the paratrooper division. Will be working with the Minister of Employment to ensure we do not overdraft from our workforce.

Vacation Minister/Government GM: TBD
If a GM goes on Holiday or decides they want to fight in the wars then they can ask the Vacation Minister to look after there company while they are away. The company will be returned to the GM on return from Holiday or War.

Foreign Minister: TBD
Responsible for planting our agents and Ambassadors in other countries. Will control certain communications with foreign representatives.

Trade Minister/Department of Trade: TBD
Responsible for monitoring exchange rates buying foreign currency off eUK exporters and reselling it. Also advising new GM's on good business acumen strategies and export targets.

Minster of Communications: TBD
Responsible for promoting the eUK outside of eRepublik and bringing useful citizens to the eUK from the outside world. Will work with the minister for Employment to ensure the job is achieved to the best standard available.
This job will likely be headed by one person but incorporate many agents.

Overview: Obviously due to recent events it would seem that the current government would benefit from our slim lined approach to money handling. We would not seek to rush appointments with both the Party Leader and the VP having the commitment to run certain departments until a suitable candidate is found.

Stance on the Monarchy: Our stance on a monarchy is that if the candidate is the correct one that this is a position which will ultimately benefit the eUK.
A monarch would work in conjunction with the president to further the aims and image of eUK in other countries as well as within our own country. The Unity Party believes Kaleb to be by far the best candidate for this position and recognises Kalebs attempts to turn the Presidency into a similar position as a sign that he is willing to take up the Monarchy.
Something to leave you with: