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Flag of Peru   Coat of Arms of Peru

On the map

General rank 39
Anthem Himno Nacional del Perú
Capital Lima
Language Spanish
Population 446
President chorrillano
Party Demi Lovato Party
Currency Flag-Peru.jpg Peruvian Nuevo Sol (PEN)
Minimum salary Flag-Peru.jpg 1 PEN
Territories 0
Last update September 21th 2011

Peru was added to eRepublik in 10 June 2009. It was the only one of the new South American nations to have a high iron region, and became the second largest of the new nations, second only to Colombia.


Icon-Peru.png Original Regions of Peru

The original territory of Peru is composed of several regions: ChimorLimaGreat AndesLow Andes (occupied by Icon-Netherlands.png), Mid Andes (occupied by Icon-Finland.png), Northern Low Amazon, and Southern Low Amazon (occupied by Icon-United Arab Emirates.png).

Its current territories are listed below:

Original Owner Resource
Chimor Icon-capital.gif Icon-Peru.png Icon - Fish.png Fish
Banat Icon-Romania.png Icon - Cattle.png Cattle
Great Andes Icon-Peru.png Icon - Sand.png Sand (resource)
Lima Icon-Peru.png Icon - Fish.png Fish
Northern Low Amazon Icon-Peru.png Icon - Oil.png Oil
Sabah Icon-Malaysia.png Icon - Fruits.png Fruits

Flag-Peru.jpg Chimor

Flag-Peru.jpg Lima

Flag-United Arab Emirates.jpg Southern Low Amazon

Flag-Peru.jpg Northern Low Amazon

Flag-Peru.jpg Great Andes

Flag-Finland.jpg Mid Andes

Flag-Netherlands.jpg Low Andes

Country map-Peru.png

Peru also became the most valuable nation (resource-wise) of the 5 new ones added to South America, because it had a high iron region, and joining only 6 other countries in the world to have high iron. Peru also had other high resources - in wood and grain, and was very blessed with resources, fueling the Peruvian economy and attracting new players to the country.



Product Work Tax Import Tax VAT
Icon - Food Q3.png Food 1% 20%
Icon - Weapon Q2.png Weapon 40% 15%
Icon - Aircraft Q1.png Aircraft weapon
Icon - Moving ticket Q3.png Moving ticket 1% 5%
Icon - House Q3.png House 1% 1%
Raw material Work Tax Import Tax VAT
Icon - Food Raw Materials.png Food raw material -
Icon - Weapon Raw Materials.png Weapon raw material -
Icon - Aircraft Weapon Raw Materials.png Aircraft weapon raw material -
Icon - House Raw Materials.png House raw material -
*Updated: September 21th, 2011

Country Trade Embargoes

Peru has the following trading embargoes:

This country doesn't have any trading embargoes at the moment.


Political Parties

Three political parties were started immediately upon the foundation of Peru, two of which would become the dominant parties of the young nation. The Peruvian World Party became the Fundadores de Peru and the Accion Popular Peru Unido became Canadians for Peru. The first party president elections had turnouts well above the number of consistent party members suggesting a lot of quick immigration and voting followed by departure from the country. The only political party that did not demonstrate this was the Partido de Excelencia Peruana. The Canadians for Peru became known as "Foreigns" as their numbers dwindled drastically, and their creator left the country.

Recently, after the July party elections, the abandoned party "Foreigners" was taken by truly compromised Peruvians, and then changed his name for "Partido Democrata del Peru".

Party Party President Members
Fundadores de Peru Chorrillano 215
Partido de Excelencia Peruana ununtriun 114
Union Democrata Nekito 100
Partido Emigrantes Kapitan Tsubasa 38

Uptade: In Perú currently has only two parties:

Party Party President Members
Peru Unido Diego.P 57
Demi Lovato Party La MakiNa 36


The following table lists the presidents of Peru. Maskus was the first elected president, but started a "double" presidency with Zhow, here listed as the Vice President.

Date President Party
July 2009 Maskus Fundadores del Peru
August 2009 Chisholm Partido de Excelencia Peruana
September 2009 Jockey Partido Democrata de Peru
October 2009 Wally Wilson (impeached) Union Democrata
October 2009 Adrian Callaghan Partido de Excelencia Peruana
November 2009 Stanleysts Partido SocialDemocratica
December 2009 Growin Partido Socialdemocrata
January 2010 Ariakis La Orden del Guanaco
February 2010 Saint William Partido de Excelencia Peruana
March 2010 Jhon Salchichon Partido Militar Peruano
April 2010 Kapitan Tsubasa Partido de Emigrantes
May 2010 Lord Ghantt Partido de Emigrantes
June 2010 Requel Partido de Emigrantes
July 2010 Requel Partido de Emigrantes
August 2010 Requel Universitario
September 2010 Requel Universitario
October 2010 T-Sic fluffy party
November 2010 gvstavo v2.0 eRepublik eChile
December 2010 gvstavo v2.0 eRepublik eChile
January until June 2011 without elections without elections
July 2011 mikel_ahone Peru Unido
August 2011 AcertijO Peru Unido
September 2011 chorrillano Demi Lovato Party
January 2012 Aaron Wood Peru Unido
February 2012 Alvaropl0 Peru Unido
March 2012 Fbio Peru Unido
April 2011 Alvaropl0 Demi Lovato Party
May 2012 C P Enrique Demi Lovato Party
June 2012 Urpay Peru Unido
July 2012 Alvaropl0 Demi Lovato Party
August 2012 Luis Beltran Torres Peru Unido


The first congress of Peru was split between 3 parties. Partido de Excelencia Peruana, Fundadores del Peru, and Foreigns. Several people left congress throughout the term, and many were banned. By the presidential elections congress was much smaller than it originally was. After the Congressional Election, the party Canadians for Peru became known as Foreigns.

In the past few months, the congress has suffered a PTO from paramilitary groups such as PMTF, GROM and HOLY SEE, but later because of an MPP signed with Poland, it was clear that Poland supported the PTO. Peru was often referred to as Poland's colony after these PTOs.

Congressmen Party Percent
7 Partido de Excelencia Peruana 19%
10 Fundadores del Peru 28%
7 Union Democrata 19%
10 Partido de Socialdemocratica 28%
2 No current party 6%


The last elections for Congress were performed in the month of July 2011 with this result:

Congressmen Party Percent
17 Peru Unido 70.83%
7 Demi Lovato Party 29.16%



Mpp List

This country doesn't have any mutual protection pacts at the moment.


Peru has been helped by a lot of countries around the New World, helped to throw away the PTO by being annexed by Argentina. The RL Peruvians, have agreed to this and moved to Argentina to help in the liberation of their country.

Peru was conquered by a joint attack by Brazil and Argentina organized by RL Peruvian citizens, in an attempt to kick out the Polish TO groups. This war of liberation lasted for a short period but has recently had the Mid Andes and Great Andes recaptured by Polish Resistance Forces from Argentina.


Peru was created in June 10th, 2009 along with 4 more countries in South America (Colombia, Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay).

There were 2 original groups who moved to Peru: - The FDP group: integrated by a coalition of RL Peruvians, Argentinians and Spaniards. - The PEP group: integrated by American citizens looking for a new land to have a 'new beginning' in.

In the first month there were also a lot of TO groups trying to take over Peru, but none of them were strong enough to win.

The Ban of Maskus

The first elections were won by the FDP group, who created an alliance for the presidency. So the country was ruled by 2 citizens: Maskus and Zhow.

During the first month Peru got its first Q5 Hospital for Great Andes, also they organized the official forum [1], they created the first cabinet, the first army organization, the first chancellor and the first ambassadors. Also the congress conformed by FDP and PEP congressmen regulated the first taxes. The government created the official newspaper El Peruano, the first National Bank (Banco Central del Peru) to keep safe the money against possible attempts of TO or war, and stabilized the currency which was a chaos before the first official government.

Between all the TO groups and trolls who arrived to Peru trying to take the power, there was one who tried to take the party president of PEP group and later the FDP group. He lost in both sides, but he didn't surrender so he tried to get votes giving money, spamming, cheating and blackmailing. He also tried to blackmail the country president Maskus, threaten him to report him and making and aggressive campaign if he didn't help him to win the country presidency. When the troll lost all the support he swear revenge. Some days later, the president Maskus was banned by the admins, who said that he broke all the eRepublik laws.

Peru lost his head so there were a few period with no government. The system didn't allow the second president candidate Chisholm take the power, and the Congress refuse to impeach the banned president Maskus because there was no reason to do it.

Finally, after a failed impeachment attempt, the same banned president asked the impeachment to keep the order in the country. The candidate Chisholm was designate as the new country president for a few days.

The Silence of Chisholm

Chisholm, the natural leader and founder of PEP group won the elections for the second month. His period is know as the "silence period" because the lack of communication of Chisholm with his Citizens. His continue absent during all the period was compensated by his active cabinet who tried to fill his ghost presidency.

Unfortunately in the last days of his administration, Chisholm broke one of the most important rules: never give access to the first National Bank to someone else than the Economy Ministry or Treasure Secretary (only one of them can be the unique responsible for the bank). He left that the second president candidate has access to the bank and also the Prime Minister. The next day all the money from the Bank disappeared. After some research, the evidence shows that the money was moved by the Monetary Market and the account wasn't hacked, so one of the 3 persons with access to the bank probably is the responsible. More than 2,000 units of gold and 100,000 PEN gone.

The Phantom Menace of Jockey

Jockey was elected as the candidate of the national coalition. This decision was took by the leaders of all the parties because it was detected a big movement of Polish citizens to Peru with unclear political intentions...

The Fall of Wally Wilson

Wally Wilson was elected as the country president for the 4th period....

Unfortunately the president was impeached by the polish congressmen in an attempt to broke the order in the country...

The Mob of Stanleysts

Stanleyts, the polish candidate won with an amazing difference to the local coalition candidate Chorrillano. The strange thins was that the polish party never had more than 60 members, but the polish won with 310 votes.

The government of Stanleyts was focused in make donations from the national treasure to the polish private organizations...

The Dictatorship of Growin

Growin the second polish TO who won the presidency signed and agreement after the liberation wars with the presidents of Poland (Cerber) and Durruti (Spain) to keep under polish control all the regions of Peru and implementing a policy of tributes to Poland, sending half of the national treasury to Poland, transforming Peru in an official colony of the European country....

The Resistance

The Resistance is the group conformed by all the old citizens before the arrived of the polish to Peru. Also the new RL Peruvian citizens and Spanish speaking allies support this group too.

Their headquarter is the official forum of Peru [2], where they resist the attacks of the polish dictatorship.

They plan how to destroy the polish dictatorship. One of their first attempts were ask help to the Regional Alliance ALA. The plan was annex Peru inside another brother country of the alliance, so the polish power will be neutralized. The chosen country for this military action was Argentina.

While the military campaign continues, the resistance prepare the next steps to defeat the TO groups who are supported by one of the most powerful countries in The New World: Poland.

External Links

Official ePeru Forum[3]

Free Peru Forum [4]

Official Newspaper of Peru[5] (managed actually by the resistance)