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Flag of Cuba   Coat of Arms of Cuba

On the map

General rank 69
Anthem La Bayamesa
Motto "¡Patria o Muerte, Venceremos!"
"Homeland or Death, we will overcome!"
Capital Western Cuba
Language Spanish
Population 284
President Vihesito
Party [[Partido Comunista de Cuba ]]
Currency Flag-Cuba.jpg Cuban Peso (CUP)
Minimum salary Flag-Cuba.jpg 5.00 CUP
Average salary Flag-Cuba.jpg 37.03 CUP
Territories 1
IRC #e.Cuba

Map of Cuba

Cuba is an island country in Central America. It consist of a main island, the Isla de la Juventud and several archipelagos.
Cuba is bordered by Icon-Portugal.png Portugal and Icon-Spain.png Spain to the est, Icon-Mexico.png Mexico to the east, Icon-USA.png USA to the north and Icon-Venezuela.png Venezuela to the south.

Icon-social-mic-home.gif Society

Coming soon


Cuba is a multicultural community consisting of Cuban, Spanish, Greek, Turkish, Croat, Serbian etc people.

Icon allcountries.gif Regions

The original territory of Cuba is composed of several regions: Las Villas (occupied by Icon-Nigeria.png), Oriente, and Western Cuba.

Its current territories are listed below:

Original Owner Resource Map
Oriente Icon-capital.gif Icon-Cuba.png Icon - Iron.png Iron Region-Oriente.png
Western Cuba Icon-Cuba.png Icon - Fruits.png Fruits Region-Western Cuba.png

Icon-economy-mic-home.gif Economy

Icon taxes.gif Taxes

The following table shows the tax structure of Cuba.

Product Work Tax Import Tax VAT
Icon - Food Q3.png Food 3% 2%
Icon - Weapon Q2.png Weapon 3% 2%
Icon - Aircraft Q1.png Aircraft weapon
Icon - Moving ticket Q3.png Moving ticket 1% 1%
Icon - House Q3.png House
Raw material Work Tax Import Tax VAT
Icon - Food Raw Materials.png Food raw material 1% -
Icon - Weapon Raw Materials.png Weapon raw material 1% -
Icon - Aircraft Weapon Raw Materials.png Aircraft weapon raw material -
Icon - House Raw Materials.png House raw material -

Icon skill land.gif Natural Resources

Cuba has 3 resources from its original regions.

     Resource       Regions
Icon - Grain.png Grain Las Villas
Icon - Deer.png Deer Not available
Icon - Fish.png Fish Not available
Icon - Cattle.png Cattle Not available
Icon - Fruits.png Fruits Not available
Icon - Iron.png Iron Not available
Icon - Aluminum.png Aluminum Not available
Icon - Saltpeter.png Saltpeter Not available
Icon - Oil.png Oil Not available
Icon - Rubber.png Rubber Not available
Icon - Sand.png Sand Not available
Icon - Clay.png Clay Not available
Icon - Wood.png Wood Not available
Icon - Limestone.png Limestone Not available
Icon - Granite.png Granite Not available
Icon - Neodymium.png Neodymium Not available
Icon - Magnesium.png Magnesium Not available
Icon - Cobalt.png Cobalt Not available
Icon - Titanium.png Titanium Not available
Icon - Wolfram.png Wolfram Not available

Icon embargo.gif Country trading embargoes

Cuba has the following trading embargoes:

  • Icon-Spain.png Spain, expires May 30, 2024

Icon-politics-mic-home.gif Politics

Coming soon

Icon-military-mic-home.gif Military

Cuba has a number of active military units: Fuerzas Armadas Cubanas - The national army of Cuba and the biggest military unit of the island yet.

Armada de Cuba - The military unit of the Turkish community. A very strong military unit with high numbers of damage.

Columna Cienfuegos - Named after the revolutionary Camillo Cienfuegos, the Columna is the military section of what is known as the Cienfuegos movement which is also active in politics-social matters.

Libertad - Cuba - Originally the MU of the Greek community, the Cuban Libertad is a branch of the international Libertad that fights for small countries against oppression.

National Guard of Cuba - A militia founded by President porkytheunique, fighting for the sovereignty of the Republic of Cuba (Western Cuba, Las Villas, Oriente).

Armada Sovietica - The military unit of the Communist Party of Cuba. One of the larges military units in Cuba.

Icon-pact.gif Mutual protection pacts

Here is the list of the mutual protection pacts signed by Cuba:

This country doesn't have any mutual protection pacts at the moment.
