Daniel Parker

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Badge - Willems-Orde.jpg I, Joep O, President of the Netherlands, hereby award Daniel Parker the title of Grand-Cross 3rd Class in the Willems-orde for military valor. Ribbon - Willems-Orde - Grand-Cross 3rd Class.png
Badge - Orde der Nederlandse Leeuw.jpg I, ElGorro, President of the Netherlands, hereby award Daniel Parker the title of
Grand-Knight in the Orde der Nederlandse Leeuw for political dedication to our country.
Ribbon - Orde der Nederlandse Leeuw - Grand-Knight.png

Daniel Parker

32 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Netherlands.jpg Dutch
National rank 9
Date of birth 1st October 2009 - Day 681
Residence Southern Netherlands
Sex male
Political party Democratisch Nederland
Newspaper Parker's Point
Vice president of The libertarian party
November 2010 – February 2010
Succeeded by Myers11
Secretary of State of Dutch Ministry of Recruitment and Coaching
Dec 2009 – Jan 2010
Preceded by Ops_thekiller
Succeeded by Refl3x
Head of Coaching of Dutch Ministry of Recruitment and Coaching
Mar 2010 – August 2010
Party president of The libertarian party
February 2010 – April 2010
Preceded by Myers11
Succeeded by Markus Bell
Vice president of Independent Party
May 2010 – July 2010
Succeeded by Boklveski
Secretary of State of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Jun 2010 – Jul 2010
Preceded by Konrad Neumann
Succeeded by Upper78
Ambassador of Dutch Ministry of Recruitment and Coaching
July 2010 – August 2010
Preceded by Markus Bell
Succeeded by AndreasIsaksson
Party president of Independent Party
July 2010 – August 2010
Preceded by Markus Bell
Succeeded by AndreasIsaksson
Secretary of State of Dutch Ministry of Interior and Information
July 2010 – 20 August 2010
Preceded by Konrad Neumann
Succeeded by Pierre Delvaux
Party president of Independent Party
September 2010 –
Preceded by Deviltje
Vice Chairman of Congress of the Netherlands
12 September 2010 – 28 September 2010
Preceded by Mikhail Alexander
Prime Minister of Netherlands
29 September 2010 –
Preceded by Hans Rienveld
Chairman of Congress of the Netherlands
29 January 2011 – 13 February 2011
Preceded by Broersje
Succeeded by Artemivanov
Minister of Ministry of Defense
13 February 2011 – 13 March 2011
Preceded by ChristiaanB94
Succeeded by Antiko
Secretary of State of Dutch Ministry of Home Affairs
13 march 2011 – 5 april 2011
Preceded by Briepe
Secretary of State of Dutch Ministry of Finance
6 April 2011 – 5 May 2011
Preceded by Dennis Baks
Succeeded by Paladijn
President of Netherlands
5 May 2011 – 5 June 2011
Preceded by ChristiaanB94
Succeeded by ArtemIvanov
Congress member of All TOgethers
25 July 2011 – 25 August 2011
Succeeded by office20=State Secretary
5 August 2011 – 10 August 2011
Preceded by Requiem Domine
Succeeded by [[Mikhail Alexander
office22=Congress|Chairman  ]]
06 November 2011 – 05 December 2011
Preceded by Mael Dunbar
Military unit Netherlands
Squadron Dutch Democrats
Position Commander
Military rank Icon rank Supreme Marshal***.png Supreme Marshal***
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Daniel Parker is a politican of the Icon-Netherlands.png Netherlands. He was the 24th President of the Netherlands, and was the last official to wear the titles Prime Minister and Senator of the Netherlands. He served in all Dutch Ministries, Currently he is Chairman of the Dutch Congress, Congressmember for DemNL and eNL ambassador to Icon-Canada.png Canada.


Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif
Hard Worker (x19)
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif
Congress Member (x16)
Icon achievement Country President on.gif
Country President (x1)
Served: May 2011
Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif
Media Mogul (x1)
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif
Battle Hero (x4)
Last awarded: Day 1473
Icon achievement Campaign Hero on.gif
Campaign Hero (x1)
Last awarded: Day 1270
Icon achievement Resistance Hero on.gif
Resistance Hero (x1)
Last awarded: Day 1317
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif
Super Soldier (x23)
Icon achievement Mercenary on.gif
Mercenary (x1)
Last awarded: Day 1384
Icon achievement Party President on.gif
Party President* (x6)
Last awarded: Day 968
Icon achievement Wiki on.gif
Wiki Rewards* (x4)
2011: February, June, July, November

Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif Politics


Served as Congress member for:
logo Party # terms Nation Highest postion (party) highest position (government)
Party-The Libertarian Party NEW.jpg Libertarian Party 4x Icon-Netherlands.png Netherlands party president Minister of Recruitment & Coaching
40px Independent Party 5x Icon-Netherlands.png Netherlands party president Prime Minister
40px Verenigd Nederland 2x Icon-Netherlands.png Netherlands Congress member Minister of Defense
40px Democratisch Nederland 4x Icon-Netherlands.png Netherlands Congress member President of the Netherlands
40px All TOgethers 1x Icon-Belgium.png Belgium Congress member Secretary of State of Wiki

Also served 1 term as Vice-Chairman of Congress, and 2 terms as Chairman of Congress of the Netherlands.

Party politics

Libertarian party

Daniel Parker became a member of the Libertarian Party (LP) and helped Thomas Fairfax get elected as Party president of LP in November 2009. With the help of Daniel Parker LP became 5th party and did manage to get into congress. Daniel Parker showed interest in running for Party president, but on advice of senior party members postponed this wish. He served 5 more terms as Vice president of LP before becoming Party president of the party for 2 terms. The Party broke up after it's founder Mighty Sigh left, and it's other strongman (long term) Party President Thomas Fairfax became less and less active. Conflicts arose between Myers11(1x PP, ) and Daniel Parker about the future of the party, eventually made Myers11 leave to GLD, while Daniel Parker put all his efforts transforming LP into the Independent Party.

Independent Party

IP logo designed by Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker is a founding member of the Independent Party, the successor of the Libertarian Party.

He has fulfilled the role of Vice Party president (VPP) since the party was founded together with his friend Markus Bell who has taken up the role of Party president for After Markus left for Canada, Parker became Party President for three (non-consecutive) terms (the longest in IP history).

The Inderpendent Party was considered the 3rd party of the nation, making it a wanted partner for the coalition based governments. It was a unique position because of it's neutral and independent stance, every member had to decide for themselves if they wanted to the government for themselves.

In congress it got many proposals through unharmed, among them institution of ads in-game to lure new players to the forums, temporary tax raise for war efforts which would be lowered later on, and restructuring of the government.

IP was able to supply many Ministers and Secretaries of State and 2 Prime Ministers (Boklevski and Daniel Parker).

Democratisch Nederland

After a brief period of being a member of Verenigd Nederland, Daniel Parker joined Democratisch Nederland hoping to help their aspirations for a communicative and democratic society.

Icon achievement Country President on.gif Government

Recruitment & Coaching

Since December 2009 Daniel Parker was active in the Ministry of Recruitment and Coaching first as Secretary of State under Sjakie 03, then 1 term under Mitch Rapp. He mainly focused on the Coaching part, since it lay in rubble. From January 2010 Daniel Parker served 2 terms as Minister of Recruitment and Coaching. During this time and later on until August 2010 he kept the coaching-team alive serving in the executive title of ´Head of Coaching´.

Recruitment & Coaching revisited

Although he swore never to return to R&C, in late 2010 Parker was encouraged by many people to return to R&C after his term as Prime-Minister. Frerk took up the position before him, but didn't fulfill his 3 month term, because of the backfire the language-change to officially Dutch generated (a plan was supported by Daniel as well). Ferk lost interest in eNL (which was still called eUNL a month before) and fled of to the Icon-UK.png UK. Daniel Parker was told that he was the man to revive the country's low population (all time low around 500), Parker reformed the R&C department once again, making it fully independent from government, but at the centrestage of society. The reforms this time focused mainly on Recruitment. Although he signed up for a 3 month period, and the recruiting team seemed to formed a nice shape, and the general vibe was positive, Daniel Parker quit the game after becoming disillusioned about the game after his failures on the battlefield (spent over 240 Gold in a (futile) attempt to get a Battle Hero Medal). (for the record it must be added that his beloved Independent Party who he helped found and nurtured got PTO'd by a unknown Croat, was a prelude to this disillusionment)

advisor role

Daniel Parker served 1 term as official advisor to the Government. However he is still consulted pretty often by people new in their government function in the capacity of ´Head of Coaching´.

Foreign Affairs

Daniel Parker became State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign affairs on the 26th of June 2010 where he blew new live into the ambassador system and started discussions and plans on how to reorganize that section.


Since 4 December 2009 Daniel Parker was the first Ambassador for the eUNL situated in Icon-Singapore.png Singapore. He later became region-manager of South East Asia & Oceania. And severed a couple of months as ambassador for Icon-Indonesia.png Indonesia. He also served 1 term as ´Chief ambassador´. Served a couple of terms as ambassodor for Icon-Norway.png Norway and Icon-Poland.png Poland

  • Currently he is Ambassador to Icon-Canada.png Canada, where is also is a citizen.

Interior & Information

Before leaving politics Daniel Parker served 1 (almost full) term as State Secretary of Interior of Information in Juli 2010, where his efforts went into the making of a series of informative articles. But also he focused on redesigning the government newspaper formats, and setting up the designs for a new Dutch Medals, which he thought his country lacked.

Prime Minister

Daniel Parker served 1 term as Prime-Minister of the Netherlands, uniting the many diverse parties. In that term he changed the constitution in so far that the position of Prime-Minister was removed, in order to make way for a semi-CP-centered government. After Daniel Parker nullified the title of Prime Minister, he considered running for Country President, but made way for his friend and former party-member AndreasIsakkson of who he felt that he could bind the country like no other can.


In February 2011 Daniel Parker was appointed as Minister of Defense (minister of war to be precise), whereof he altered the names of the army sections, and expanded the army structure into it's current form. He tried to help out in a volatile time where both Poland and Serbia occupied his country.

Interiour & Information

Being less active due to RL commitments, Daniel Parker took the easy job (for him at least) of SS of MoHa (also known as the Wiki-minister). Since he started the wikiproject Netherlands in the first place he seemed to be the perfect guy for this job.


Hoping to get a better understanding of how the state finances are being managed, Daniel got himself a position as Secretary of State at the Dutch Ministry of Finance


In May 2011 Parker ran for president as Democratic Party candidate against Epix (I&W)and Groenewilde(CLN). It was considered an exiting elections, because seldomly in NL 2 candidates run which have a lot of experience. Epix had a lot of XP as a soldier, however not a lot political clout. The public apparently recognized Daniel to be more suitable due to his career in every ministry of the country. Ironically Daniel Parker was the first to fully form a semi-CP-government under the rules of the constitution he created, amongst others to involve a formateur from a competing party and the Party Presidents. It took 4 days to form a government. Daniel Parker presidency was soon to be tested after Icon-France.png France signed peace with Icon-Poland.png Poland, after which the latter declared Netherlands Natural enemy once again, only to wipe the Netherlands for the 5th time in half a year. After a long and argues debate with both the Polish MoFa Maniek M and the Dutch congress, finally a truce was agreed upon.

Icon achievement Resistance Hero on.gif Notable contributions

Dutch Medals

everybody wants a shiny Medal

Daniel Parker was the driving force and designer of the Dutch Medals, which are an integrated part of the countries forum and community.

Constitution Change

from party-coalition-government to Semi-CP-based government

The Netherlands as only country in eRepublik for long had been ruled by a Party-Coalition based government. Where the biggest party formed a mayority (coalition) with other parties after the Congress elections. With the Prime Minister as head of the government. A CP based government was something which was experimented with before, but seized to convince the imagination of some of the bigger parties. Parker constitution change made place for a compromise between the powers of the president and his government and the congress. This reform came after almost a full year of very argues debates. And still is the main premise for the power relations of congress and CP today.


The first outlines for a senate where officially installed in this constitution proposal, giving the administrative functions of the country a juridical foundation. The senate became quite controversial after a senator edited a post of a congress member in a congress debate. Many people plead for disbanding or reforming it. The senate was finally disbanded after Daniel Parkersfinal reform wasn't preffered by ruling government parties. However some functions introduced in the senate still exist.

first Dutch MU

Daniel Parker was the first person to see the potential in the new game feature: Military units. The congress denied to purchase a MU, so Daniel paid for a the Nederlandse Krijgsmacht-MU by himself only to donate it later to the Dutch state.

Truce with Poland

In may 2011 Daniel Parker helped to reach an agreement with Poland, in order to get the Netherlands back on the map.

Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif Military

As a Supreme Marshall** Icon rank Supreme Marshal**.png with the strength of 5k+ Daniel Parker delivered lot of damage in many battles, all over the world. Daniel Parker until recently mainly focused on his political career, and was stuck to his country because of his duties as congress-member and party president. On day 1269 he was able to get his first Battle Hero Medal, and the subsequent day a Campaign Medal in the resistance war in Northern Netherlands against Poland.

Operation Waffle

As a young player fighting in operation Waffle, Daniel Parker almost fought himself to death doing 500+ damage as a sergeant, During battle he was promoted to Lieutenant. Injuries and a heavy Q5 job put a heavy toll on his health, and it looked like he wasn´t going to make it through. Luckily Cocoamok healed him by gifting him 20 times.

Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif Business

Daniel Parker is the founder of the Pragmatism organisation, which researches, funds and deploys, pragmatical solutions to social, economic and political problems. He owns 6 companies at the moment.

Icon achievement Society Builder on.gif Personal




Although the name ´Daniel Parker´ sounds really English or American, he is in RL actually Dutch, and speaks as fluent Dutch as he does English. Daniel Parker his RL first name is also Daniël, however people hardly call him that by that name. The last part of his nickname is a derivative of the times Daniel roamed the streets with spray-cans, an activity which he hasn´t indulged in for over 10 years. He keeps using different forms of that name as a nostalgic souvenir of freer times.


The profile picture of Daniel Parker is a always a portrait of American Philosopher Richard Rorty.

avatart history


  • Day 681 born in Western Netherlands
  • Day 705 joined The libertarian party
  • Day 715 became eUNL´s first ambassador of Singapore
  • Day 727 created The libertarian party wiki-page
  • Day 739 founded the Pragmatism organisation
  • Day 742 official Vice Party president of the Libertarian Party
  • Day 745 secretary of Recruitment and couching for eUNL government under Sjakie03
  • Day 755 created this wiki-page
  • Day 757 Became Cardinal of the Netherlands (although was never active in this organisation, and later quit)
  • Day 759 official candidate for Congress elections Jan10 for The libertarian party
  • Day 760 Started his newspaper Parkers Point
  • Day 762 first article of Parkers Point enters top 5 newspaper-articles in UNL
  • Day 770 Daniel Parker joined the order of Rhenus (later the order was disbanded)
  • Day 782 Article of Parkers Point about the progress of a UNL babyboom became the #1 article in UNL news
  • Day 789-792 Daniel Parker finds out about a PTO in the LP, writes 2 articles on the subject supported with a deep investigation into a multies PTO network, uncovering 200+ multies which led to the downfall of the network that caused over 6 PTO(attempts in many countries), and even led to the ban of the Country President of Turkey.
  • Day 888 Daniel Parker announces to lower his activity drastically and become a 2-clicker, however that is harder said than done.
  • Day 911 helped setup the newfound Independent Party
  • Day 1001 gained MM medal
  • Day 1004 Daniel Parker (again) decides to turn to 2 clicker again because V2 is boring
  • Day 1015 Parker decides to become "to become the philosopher in the cave at the Vaalserberg", and take up a more reflective role in his party and country.
  • Day 1031 according to Daniel, he wrote his best article this day [1]
  • Day 1201 statements on the senate issue [2]
  • Day 1256 Daniel Parker runs for CP [3]
  • Day 1260 Daniel Parker becomes President [4]
  • Day 1292 Last hours in the power tower (CP article) [5]
  • Day 1327 Daniel Parker leaves for Belgium this is what he wrote on his application form "I'd like to seek asylum to get away from my wretched country filled with greedy smutpeddlers. ;} I expect Belgium to be more civilised then my homecountry. ", leaving his country's citizenship for the first time [6]
  • Day 1363 Moved again, this time to Icon-Canada.png Canada because he had it with being in small countries that are forced to stay neutral. (plus he got the idea the political environment of Belgium was just as muddy as that of the Netherlands).
  • Day 1461 Daniel Parker has left eRepublik [7]

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