
From eRepublik Official Wiki
Revision as of 04:03, 18 June 2012 by Danis1982 (Talk | contribs) (How to Eat File:Icon - Food.jpg)

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Welcome to the Game

The first image when you become a citizen of eRepublik is the homepage, we see how well it is structured, here is a detailed procedure (with pictures) of what you'll find on the home page:

File:Israel 1.jpg

How to Eat Icon - Food.jpg

You can only consume food by clicking the Eat Food button, which can be found in the sidebar of any eRepublik page, underneath Health. After clicking this link, your health will be restored as close to 100 health as possible. First your citizen will eat the highest quality food in your storage. If the highest quality food will make your health rise over 100, instead of the highest quality food the next highest food unit will be eaten. The health values of the citizen will then increase the amount that is given to the food consumed. The information of health will be automatically updated on the sidebar itself.

Eat Button

File:Icon Food Q1.png File:Icon Food Q2.png File:Icon Food Q3.png File:Icon Food Q4.png File:Icon Food Q5.png File:Icon Food Q6.png

The amount of remaining health which can be consumed will be displayed in the tooltip button.

Note: If you have energy bars in your storage, they can be consumed after you restored all the remaining health that can be recovered with food. Note2: There's also an Eat Food button on the battlefield which is completly the same way working as the one on the sidebar.

How to Train Icon skill strength.gif

Train is a process of increasing your strength. You can train once a day in each training facility in your land / Training grounds by choosing black pictograms, and clicking on Train.

Training grounds

Each training facility has different kind of effects to your training.

Training facilities Q1

Building name Training cost Training effect Building cost
Training grounds
Free +5 Icon skill strength.gif strength Free
Climbing center
Icon - Gold.gif 0.19 GOLD +2.5 Icon skill strength.gif strength 100 Icon - Money.png
Shooting range
Icon - Gold.gif 1.49 GOLD +5 Icon skill strength.gif strength 200 Icon - Money.png
Special Forces Center
Icon - Gold.gif 1.79 GOLD +10 Icon skill strength.gif strength 300 Icon - Money.png

Training facilities Q2

Building name Training cost Training effect Upgrade Cost
Training grounds Q2
Free +10 Icon skill strength.gif strength Icon - Gold.gif 20 GOLD
Climbing center Q2
Icon - Gold.gif 0.19 GOLD +5 Icon skill strength.gif strength Icon - Gold.gif 20 GOLD
Shooting range Q2
Icon - Gold.gif 1.49 GOLD +10 Icon skill strength.gif strength Icon - Gold.gif 20 GOLD
Special Forces Center Q2
Icon - Gold.gif 1.79 GOLD +20 Icon skill strength.gif strength Icon - Gold.gif 20 GOLD

Training facilities Q3

Building name Training cost Training effect Upgrade Cost
Training grounds Q3
Free +15 Icon skill strength.gif strength Icon - Gold.gif 70 GOLD
Climbing center Q3
Icon - Gold.gif 0.19 GOLD +7.5 Icon skill strength.gif strength Icon - Gold.gif 70 GOLD
Shooting range Q3
Icon - Gold.gif 1.49 GOLD +15 Icon skill strength.gif strength Icon - Gold.gif 70 GOLD
Special Forces Center Q3
Icon - Gold.gif 1.79 GOLD +30 Icon skill strength.gif strength Icon - Gold.gif 70 GOLD

Upgrade Cost

The four Buildings have the same Upgrade cost:

  • From Q1 to Q2 costs Icon - Gold.gif 20 GOLD
  • From Q2 to Q3 costs Icon - Gold.gif 50 GOLD
  • From Q1 to Q3 costs Icon - Gold.gif 70 GOLD

Downgrade Refund

The four Buildings have the same Downgrade refund:

  • From Q3 to Q2 you get Icon - Gold.gif 25 GOLD
  • From Q2 to Q1 you get Icon - Gold.gif 10 GOLD
  • From Q3 to Q1 you get Icon - Gold.gif 35 GOLD

How to Work Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif


To work, you can apply for a job in the job market, then go to My places and press "Work". With this you can gain a salary. In addition to working for others, you can make extra money by working for yourself, in whatever companies you own. You can work by visiting your land, there you could select your companies and produce in every company with clicking to "Start produce".


You could work once a day in every company of yours, and once as an employee. You will lose 10 health working at each company. With every single work in a company you could gain 2 experience points which could help you to reach the next level faster. When you work in you own food/weapon company (as a manager), you need to have enough raw materials to make the products. If you have raw companies too, you could work in each company at the same time, because the raws will be added before you use them for the products. If you don't have enough raw you could buy from market.

What happens after you work?

  • You will see the final results of your productivity, as well as a message with more detailed information:
    • The finished products are added to the company's stock.
    • You will receive your salary, minus income tax(when you work for others).
    • You will receive 2 experience points.
    • Your health will decrease by 10 points.

Why do we work?

Some citizens work for their own individual gain. They get paid a salary and give their bosses materials or products which they may use to make other products, or sell for profit. However, other citizens work towards a larger goal. For example, in military units soldiers may be asked or even required to work for minimum wage. In return, they get regular supplies (such as tanks and food), free of charge. Doing so is often more efficient than soldiers supplying themselves. Some might also only work to gain a Hard Worker medal every 30 days.

How to Fight Icon - Rifle.png

Fighting is a process that can be done by any citizen account from the battlefield. Battle in which you can fight can be easily chosen from Homepage where every citizen has the list of battles in which his/her country is involved. Remember to check if your country has some battle orders for citizens.


Citizens can fight if:

  • they are level 3 or more;
  • their health is over 9;
  • they are in one of participating countries.


When you fight in a battle you lose health. So it's better to buy some food before rushing into the dangers of battle. You can get food from marketplace. Read more about consuming food here. You can also use health kits or hospitals to increase your health.

If you want, you can also buy some weapons to increase your influence in the war.


Enemy defeated message. This soldier hit two times and made 790 points of influence.

When you arrive to the battlefield, you will see this kind of an interface.

Fighting itself is simple: you just need to hit the fight button. Every time the fight button is clicked:

  • you will lose 10 points of health;
  • your weapon's durability will decrease by one;
  • you will deal damage to your opponent.

Fight button.png

Once your enemy is dead:

  • your influence is added to the battle;
  • you get experience points (1 / hit needed to kill the enemy);
  • you will get rank points (10% of your influence).

You will see a pop-up that tells you the effects of your fight. You can continue fighting by clicking "Add influence"-button.

You can fight until your health reaches 0, and then you must increase it if you want to fight. You can use food, health kits or hospital (if there is one) to recover it.

Your Profile

File:Israel 2.jpg

Profile can be easily accessed by clicking on the name (or avatar) of the citizen, on your profile page, you will find all the information on your citizen in eRepublik, divided into various categories. Here are some icons based on the citizen:

Online.pngThe green dot next to your name indicates that you are online


Market drop-down menu.

Market is the third option on the main menu. Click Market to view the various markets in eRepublik.

Market Place

Users will select Marketplace from the Market menu to purchase both manufactured goods and raw materials.

Buy Food - Food increases the citizen's wellness. Food, like all products, are purchased in the marketplace.

On this page you have three filters:

  • Product/industry [you select food as a product]
  • Quality level [you can choose one of the five quality levels]
  • Market [selection of all eRepublik countries, however your citizen's country is the default]

Remember that you cannot buy food if you have no money, therefore you need to have revenue.

Monetary Market

In eRepublik, any citizen can exchange his national currency for Gold of Gold for his national; currency. Citizens with level 15 and above (or are below level 15 and have purchased gold - not including Gold Offers) are also able to exchange Gold for their national currency. They can do this action by accessing the Market tab in the main menu and then the Monetary market button.

Note: You can only receive maximum of 10 GOLD per day through monetary market or donations.

In the top section you can see the currency you are buying and the currency you are giving in exchange.

  • Clicking on the Icon - Monetary market gold currency swap.png button will switch the currencies.

The page shows all exchange offers between Gold and national currency of the country who's citizenship he/she has. The page will list the offer with the lowest exchange rate first.

How to Buy

  • Insert an amount to buy (the value will contain 2 decimals):
  • Click buy button

Clicking Buy will open the text: Buy (amount) (selected currency for buying) for (amount2) (selected currency for selling)? OK/Cancel. Where amount is the value inserted in the value from the Amount to buy field.

If you click OK, an information message will appear: You have bought (selected currency for buying) for (amount2) (selected currency for selling) and the money will be transferred between the two accounts. The offerer receives an alert after the transaction is over. Clicking Cancel closes the text frame.

  • If the total cost value is greater than the value in your selected account you will receive the following message: You do not have that much currency in this sell account. Please choose a different sell account.

Add offer

Lists only a line with the new offer that has the same fields (except Amount to buy) as all offers but with editable Amount (two decimals) and Exchange rate fields (three decimals). Also, will have a button called Update instead of the Buy button.

  • If the selling value is greater than the value in your account, the following message will appear: You do not have that much currency in this sell account. Please choose a different sell account.
  • If the selling value is lower than the value in your account, the following message will appear:

The offer had been saved successfully! It will appear on the market in a minute!

Posting an offer will temporarily deduct from your account the amount of the currency you sell until you update or remove the offer.

You can remove or update your offer anytime by accessing the My offers (link).

Special Notice: the offer you post on the monetary market will automatically be erased after 5 days (120 hours) and you will receive an alert: "Your monetary exchange offer consisting in [value posted in the offer] of [currency1] at exchange rate of 1 [currency1] = [offer in currency2] has expired and the money have returned into your account. Visit again the monetary market to post a new offer. ".

Speculation in the Market

Speculation on the Monetary Market is a method used to increase earnings beyond that which can be obtained through working every day. It is inherently risky so should not be attempted until a thorough understanding of the market is obtained.

Job Market

The Job Market screen displays the available jobs for your country.

Get a job - Just like in real life, your survival depends on your ability to buy the resources that are necessary for living in this world. It is the most important thing for you to do when you first start off.

The first step is to visit the Job market. Here you will be able to browse through all the job offers posted by companies in eRepublik and pick the one that fits you best.

In order to get a job, you have to press the 'Apply' button.
When your citizen becomes employee for the first time it receives 5 Experience points.

Note: that you cannot get a job in a different country than the one you live in, if you own a company, or if you are already an employee.

You are NOT allowed to resign your position before 72 hours from the moment you were hired, unless:

  • the company hasn't got the necessary amount of money in the accounts to pay your salary;
  • the company has 0 Raw Materials in stock.

When you are hired, the Company Manager cannot lower your salary for 3 days.

Military Unit Icon-art-of-warfare.gif



Samson is one of the oldest units in the game. It was established by Zaib Atsu (Micha). The unit is under the ex-MoF a_neria. Additionally, Samson supports all players in existence. Very active? Suits us. Double clicker? Suits us. Supplies system suits everyone.

ICA - Irish Citizen Army

ICA Israel.jpg

ICA is a new MU in eIsrael. It’s a global unit which was established in Ireland by their government. Later on the unit expended itself to Croatia and USA and a month ago opened a branch in eIsrael. The MU commander is amun nefer. The unit is open for everyone - Israeli and non Israeli and the heads of the unit sometimes tend to financially support the unit’s members.


File:1948 israel.jpg

The unit was established after the merging of two old units ISA and Negev. The unit is under Lieber7’s command.

Judah’s lions

Judahs lions.jpg

The unit was established in April 2012 after the unit commander got the unit. The unit commander is ArikAharon (Eli).

Sayeret Matkal

Sayeret Matkal Israel.jpg

The unit is the oldest in eIsrael. Was considered an eIsraeli elite unit and most of it’s members are tankers. It was established by Joe Franco who commanded it for a long time, but nowadays it’s commander is Axazel. The unit doesn’t usually address the new players but the older players.

Politics Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif

If you're not a political science major, choosing a party might be hard based on only the descriptions on a party page. Deciphering between what it means to be center-right vs far-left and authoritarian vs libertarian maybe a challenge.

Economical Orientation

Also known as Left-right political spectrum is a common way of classifying political positions, political ideologies, or political parties along a one-dimensional political spectrum. "The Left" and "The Right" are usually understood to represent polar opposites for each determinant, though a particular individual or party may take a "left" stance on one matter and a "right" stance on another.

Far-Left and Far-Right

Differences between Far-Left and Far-Right: Far-Left: more economic interventionism; workers' self-management; Equality of outcome; progressivism; secular government; law dictates culture; human nature and society are mostly malleable. Far-Right: more laissez-faire; right to work; Equality of opportunity; conservatism; religious government; culture dictates law; human nature and society are mostly fixed.

  • Far-Left - Radical
  • Center-Left - Liberal
  • Center - 1/2 Liberal 1/2 Conservative
  • Center-Right - Conservative
  • Far-Right - Reactionary

Social Orientation

A political system, is a system of politics and government. It is usually compared to the law system, economic system, cultural system, and other social systems. It is different from them, and can be generally defined on a spectrum from left to the right. However, this is a very simplified view of a much more complex system of categories involving i.e. the view on who will have the authority, the view of religious questions and the government's influence on its people and economy.

  • Totalitarian: Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a concept used to describe political systems whereby a state regulates nearly every aspect of public and private life. Totalitarian regimes or movements maintain themselves in political power by means of an official all-embracing ideology and propaganda disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, a single party that controls the state, personality cults, control over the economy, regulation and restriction of free discussion and criticism, the use of mass surveillance, and widespread use of terror tactics.
  • Authoritarian: Authoritarianism describes a form of government characterized by an emphasis on the authority of the state in a republic or union. It is a political system controlled by non elected rulers who usually permit some degree of individual freedom.
  • Libertarian: Libertarianism is a term used by a spectrum of political philosophies which seek to promote individual liberty and seek to minimize or even abolish the state. The extent to which government may be necessary may be evaluated on ethical and/or economic grounds. "What it means to be a libertarian in a political sense is a contentious issue, especially among libertarians themselves. There is no single theory that can be reliably identified as the libertarian theory, and no single principle or set of principles on which all libertarians would agree."
  • Anarchist: Anarchism is a political philosophy encompassing theories and attitudes which support the elimination of all forms of compulsory government. Specific anarchists may have additional criteria for what constitutes anarchism, and they often disagree with each other on what these criteria are. According to The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, "there is no single defining position that all anarchists hold, and those considered anarchists at best share a certain family resemblance."

Political Party File:Icon position politics partymember.gif

Congress Member Icon - Congress.jpg

Member of Congress in eRepublik, elections are held the 25th of every month, in order to apply for this role, you must be a member of a party Top 5 and have 100 points of experience (level 13), the deadline for applications is the 23. As a member of Congress, if you elect you will receive a medal and a prize of 5 Gold, plus 20 EP (experience points). You can change many things for your country, to propose new taxes, proposals of laws, etc. Try to be active in the Congress and in the game, one of your vote may be decisive for a change or proposed law. Politics is fun, but it is also a responsibility.

President of the Party Icon position party president.gif

President of the party is a citizen elected by their party members to lead the party politician to great political and electoral success. To apply for the presidency of the party: you must be a member of the party, be level 13 and have 125 experience points, you must formalize your application by 14 of the month, if you resign from the presidency of the party take over the player with most experience points in the party. If you elect ,receive 20 EP (experience points), gold medal as a reward for a win. The privileges of the President of the party are: to approve the nominations of members of the party in congressional elections, 24 days of each month, endorse or propose a candidate for the Presidency of eIsrael (the deadline for doing this is 3 days, you should do this day 2).

President of the Nation Icon position country president.gif

President of the nation, the election is 5th of each month, one of the most important and responsible roles of eRepublik, even here you need a party that will support and be level 14. After your election win you will receive as a prize 5 Gold and a medal, plus 50 EP (experience points).You can sign alliances with other nations, change the initial messages for new citizens, set important battles on the home page, attacking nations, sign peace treaties, declarations of war and much more. Unlike the congressional elections, the presidential still apply even if the country is wiped out, the elections will take place anyway.


  • Achievements are represented as icons in a citizen's profile page.
  • An achievement can be gained more than once if the requirements are met multiple times as denoted by the number at the base of the trophy graphic.
  • When you get an achievement, you'll receive a Icon - Gold.gif 5 GOLD, except for the "Battle Hero Achievement", that depends on what division you fight for (Division 1 Icon - Gold.gif 2 GOLD, Division 2 Icon - Gold.gif 3 GOLD, Division 3 Icon - Gold.gif 4 GOLD and Division 4 Icon - Gold.gif 5 GOLD . If someone you have invited earns any of these awards, you will receive an amount of Icon - Gold.gif 0.5 GOLD (10%) as a bonus for inviting that citizen.
Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif Hard Worker: Citizen has worked for thirty days. Previously, this achievement was given for having worked thirty days in a row, but there is now a different rewards system for being a consistent worker.
Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif Media Mogul: Citizen has gained one-thousand (1000) subscribers for his/her newspaper.
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif Congress Member Citizen has been elected as a Member of Congress.
Icon achievement Country President on.gif Country President: Citizen has been been elected as the country President.
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif Battle Hero: Citizen has inflicted the highest total damage for his/her side in one battle.
Icon achievement Campaign Hero on.gif Campaign Hero: The citizen that deals the highest influence in campaign (damage of every battle combined) will get this medal.
Icon achievement Resistance Hero on.gif Resistance Hero: Citizen has been part of a resistance which successfully liberated a region.
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif Super Soldier:
Citizen has advanced 250 strength points
Icon achievement Society Builder on.gif Society Builder: Citizen has invited ten (10) people who have reached experience level 10.
Icon achievement Mercenary on.gif Mercenary: Citizen has defeated 25 enemies for 50 different countries. (The 50 different countries can be chosen randomly).
Icon achievement Top Fighter on.gif Top Fighter: Have one of the highest daily influences in eRepublik for 30 different days. (see rankings)
Icon achievement True Patriot on.gif True Patriot: Inflict damage for your citizenship country. See True Patriot Medal

Icon-media-Newspaper subscriptions.png Newspaper

The media is pretty simple is Erepublik. It's the only "free" commodity in Erepublik, and because of this you can not gain money simply by posting articles.

Starting a Newspaper

For starters, we suggest that you read the media section in Erepublik first before starting your own paper. This is so you can see what type of articles already exist. We try to keep to on-topic subjects, but since we have freedom of speech you can write about anything you choose to.

First, name your paper. If your looking for people to read it, I would find a title that is catchy but that also pertains to what you are going to be covering (ie General News, local news, specific subjects, Off topic, etc).

Second, here are some basic guidelines that some of the other players in Erepublik would suggest:

  1. 1. Try to stay on topic if possible. If you want to write OT, then feel free so long as it is well written, thought out, and doesnt spam the media section.
  2. 2. Dont write more than 1, maybe two articles a day so you arent pushing other people off the media page.
  3. 3. If you are going to post videos, links, etc please make sure they are non-offensive. Posting offensive ones could result in a ban from the admin if someone reports you.
  4. 4. Language: Try to post in correct, non-offensive grammar and content. Posting rude comments even in slang can also result in ban, and if you are more comfortable in another language you'll probably want to let people know that. Not saying you can't write any way you want, just trying to save you the hassle of other players posting about your language as it may seem offensive to you.


There is a link when others votes your articles or newspaper for others to subscribe to your newspaper. You receive points for each subscriber and is one of the ways that you can measure how well received your writing is. Promote people subscribing by writing concise, well thought out articles and letting them know you intend to keep doing so. If they think you'll be gone in a week, they wont subscribe.


The way your paper is "ranked" in the world view is in your profile at the bottom. Each article keeps count of how many votes it gets, and they add all the votes together and total it up to figure out which paper has been viewed the most, and rank things accordingly.

Useful links

Hebrew Guide מדריך בעברית

Links Ministry of the Interior