Red Duck

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Red Duck

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eRepublik Elite Citizen
Nationality Flag-Czech Republic.jpg Czech
National rank 4
Date of birth July 28th, 2009
Residence Prague, Northern Bohemia
Political party Czech Right Union
President of Czech Republic
5 January 2009 – 5 March 2009
Preceded by Vaclav
Succeeded by radim
President of Czech Republic
5 February 2012 – 5 March 2012
Preceded by Machine9898
Succeeded by PR0T11
Military unit Czech Defense Unit
Position Commander
Military rank Icon rank Titan**.png Titan**
Aircraft rank Squadron leader 3.png Squadron Leader***

Red Duck is Czech Prime Minister and Commander of the Czech Defense Unit. He is also the former president of the Czech Republic and member of Slavic Union. He owns Prague News, he was leading author of Constitution of the Czech Republic and leading Czech editor on e-wiki. He was on various political positions in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, most notably Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Welfare and Minister of Education.


First Life

Red Duck was born in Prague, Northern Bohemia on 28th July 2009, during president-ship of Vaclav after Hungary-Czech Republic War. That time was Czech Republic one of few independent countries, surrendered by Sweden occupying Germany and Poland and Hungary occupying Slovakia. The main party was liberal monarchist party United Slavs. Despite its decline,Red Duck joined the party and became one of the major figures in public life.

Revival of Nations

When resistance wars were introduced and new countries were born, many citizens, mainly Poles, Croats, Serbs, Russians, Germans or Slovaks left the country. He was involved in the revival of Slovakia. He pushed through the exchange of all Slovak Korunas from Czech treasury as thanks to Slovaks who were mainly part of the Czech Republic before. He was also supporting and promoting of independence of all countries doesn't matter alliance.

German Threat

Part of the German community in the Czech Republic was planning coup and surrender of Czech lands under the German flag. This led to disputes and hostility in the Czech community. Red Duck helped to eliminate the threat and after successful elections, he became Czech president. PTO group left Czech Republic.


Red Duck served two years without struggle and its considered as good times for the Czech Republic and its community. He pushed through Constitution of the Czech Republic and established the Czech national bank. In foreign politics, he was a promoter of solidarity among small countries and therefore signed idea of the European Social Alliance and promoted the idea of Panslavix or regional alliance. Only officially allied country because high cost and declared neutrality was Poland but he established various embassies in neighboring and allied nations. He refused candidate for the third time because he planned to leave the game.


After term Red Duck came to Turkey to help in fighting for the independence of Israel. After the successful win, he stooped logging on and therefore he died.

Second Life

After more than 2 years he revived because of contact from Slovak friend Rumpil. As an Israeli citizen, he arrived and get citizenship of the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic was after the first unsuccessful attempt of Czechoslovakia in the struggle with many PTO groups. Red Duck attempted through diplomacy and negotiations to revive independent Czech Republic, fighting against thieves and PTOers. In the end, Czechs won the independence, national organisations and Congress, however, its society remained divided.


When Czech Republic led by Vladislav Baloun decided merge under Slovakia, Red Duck was one of main its architects in negotiations. Together with Slovak colleague, Nerux negotiated financial conditions. Czechoslovakia proved to be a successful project by more than a year of existence, which was something that nobody expected that time. Red Duck never attempted to be the President, but he served in various governments for example as Minister of Foreign Affairs or Minister of Education.


Egypt was one of the newly established countries and Red Duck wanted to start a new life there, also because of his friend from first life Franz Kafka. Red Duck became part of the Egyptian community and stayed loyal with the local struggle against PTOers as well against aggressive invasion attempts by Greece. Red Duck left the country when Egypt liberated all regions and got political independence.

Czech Republic

The changes and disputes inside Czechoslovakia led again to the creation of two countries. New Czech Republic was extremely weak and small country with the divided society and during months of non-existence with no reputation. Red Duck was one of the active citizens of Czech community serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Red Duck was re-elected President of Czech Republic for the 3rd time in February 2012 winning 40-24 vs GPS 0.


After tiring struggle. Red Duck took rest and moved to USA to become a member of the SEAL Team 6 and find new friends. He, as a fan of Terra, didn't like its disintegration. He with other ex-patriots established party Czech embassy. After three months he again returned to his native country but stayed in unit fighting for USA.

Czech Republic again

After American vacation,Red Duck returned to serve his country. He spent wonderful 2 years in SEAL Team 6. Upon his arrival, he rejoined the Czech government and Army of the Czech Republic.

Social Life

Red Duck during his career met with many people and was involved in many negotiations and chats, so he gathered a number of friends and rivals. He is mostly involved in Czech and Slovak skype discussions, but also on IRC channels, for example, you shall find him as „RedDuck“ on the following channels: #SEAL-Team-6 and #eBrussels.


Since 8th October is Red Duck adopted by MaryamQ and Cotarius. Therefore he is a brother of Flamendr, Konrad Neumann and van Spijck. His grandparents are BrunoCND and Elynea and the second grandpa was Henry Baragh VIII (+2010).

Friends in First Life

In first life was Red Duck involved mainly in the Czech community. He befriended with old members like Vaclav, Sadix, Ivan Hat, finsoldier, janjordy, DaLe or FutureMillennium. In Slovakia notable friends were Artur Fabre, Baci, Volodaaa and Ohio. From another games and forums, he has known for example Kuba007, Jajjun, Alexei Stukov or Slava. There were some new Czech active players like nicneumel, radim, Daronel, GFkoCZ or Jura52. His best friend was Franz Kafka, who started his career in the Czech Republic as a new citizen (as for example another friend Martin23230) and became Minister of Foreign Affairs during Red Duck´s presidentship.

Friends in Second Life

He got well with many Czech foreigners and stuck with some old friends and the Czech community. During his journeys he gathered many friends from Slovakia, Egypt and from USA. Through the idea of Slavic union or other mutual interests he met with various active citizens from Slavic, from playing as German in similar games like eRepublik he gathered some German friends, as well from diplomatic talks Involving in small communities like Belgian one brought other friends.

Rivals and Enemies

There were also enemies and rivals. There was friendship rivalry like the political one with nationalists or socialists) or real rivalry because of a different opinion (various attempts of occupations, trolling, slanders, etc.) But only real enemies were cheaters, PTOers and thieves.



Red Duck believes that every nation deserves its country and full sovereignty over deciding about its fate. He stated many times support for country or citizens when it was occupied or PTOed, even when they were enemies of his current country. He's against long-term occupations which would seriously damage its community as well against any form of PTO and deciding against the will of natives.

On the other hand, he doesn't believe that in every country has to be a majority of native language speakers. While he believes that natives shall always be deciding about their country, he considers as natives all loyal citizens of the country. Everybody deserves to be treated as a normal citizen until prove that he's a PTOer, cheater, thief or such.

Ideal e-country has loyal citizens of many different cultures and opinions to bring rich social and political life. In reality, the current system doesn't allow effective treatment of PTO, so it is always about consideration about gains and risks.


Respect is not gained through leveling, nationality, language or wealth. Skills and activity are only small parts. Citizens and countries in e-world shall behave to represent themselves. Red Duck always respected citizens who chose moral stance even when it was a much harder option and it should lead to mockery or even to hostility. Why promote by game stupidity, arrogance, cheating or stealing?


Political reforms of Red Duck during his governing was always with the intention to make politics more transparent, open and with some vision. The excellent political leader of eRepublik should be not only skilled, active, represent own country abroad and behave properly with honor. He also should promote other countrymen to do the same.

Small Countries

Red Duck was always the defender of small countries and promoter of mutual solidarity among them. Small country means not only a small number of regions and people, it also means real community. There is a bigger chance that community where everybody knows everybody will choose honorable men and women instead of jerks and idiots. The helping such people and communities mean that they will also help you next time, doesn't matter of alliance or own benefits.


Red Duck isn't the inventor of some specific religion or belief, but his former organisation Duckie Industries was.


List of Red Duck´s membership in time listed from oldest to newest.



Military Units