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Revision as of 14:26, 17 November 2011

中文(繁體)Icon-Republic of China (Taiwan).png
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МакедонскиIcon-North Macedonia.png
Portugues BrasileiroIcon-Brazil.png

Exclamation.png Urgent

This page urgently needs an update!
This page is very outdated, and the information may no longer be valid.

Homepage is the first page you will see after log-in to eRepublik. You can get back here any time by clicking the House on the left of the menu bar.



The top of every page in eRepublik will display the:

  • Server Clock - Date and time of the game (GMT-8)
  • Search - You can only search for citizens/organizations

The menu is present on almost all eRepublik pages. It has 5 main categories-buttons. The first button will lead you back to homepage and the second will take you to your land. The wars button will take you to war list. Next two buttons won't take you anywhere but by hovering over it a sub menu will open where is links to many pages you need in your eRepublik life. Gold and Extras button is direct link which takes you to "Buy gold" page. You can buy health kits or collect the gold bonus you have earned from your friends.

Profile Preview

On the left side of every page, you will see your profile preview. The following information is displayed:

Homepage sidebar.png
Your avatar, name and link to profile. Also the flag of the country where you are and your Experience Level. Bringing your mouse over the meter will bring more detailed information
Upload an avatar picture as soon as possible!
This shows your health level.
The "eat" button will be visible, if you have food in your inventory. If not, you will see the "buy food" button.More information
The amount of Gold and national Currency you have (currency of your location and currency of your citizenship.
This shows your missions that can be completed.
Clicking a missions shows you the mission requirements and rewards. If you complete the requirements, clicking the mission will complete it and dispense out the reward.
Inbox - the number next to the envelope shows the number of unread messages
Notifications inbox - the number next to the bell icon shows your Alerts and notifications
Logout button

Daily tasks

This will provide you with a direct link to your daily tasks as a citizen.

It links to work and train pages, and when you have done all your daily tasks, you can click the "Get Reward" button to receive your daily reward.

Military Campaigns

Military campaigns section provides you the list of current ongoing battles, as well as previous won battles.

Campaign of the day is shown first. Campaign of the day can be set by the country president. This will appear in red at the top. After that there is all battles where your country either attacker or defender. Lastly, battles involving allies is shown, which are able to be fought in from your home country.

More military campaigns link will lead you to page where you'll see every single battle you can fight from your country. The latest events will lead you to latest military events page.


Election day.JPG

If Country President or Congress elections are in progress, a blue "Vote now" button will appear at the top of a citizen's homepage if they have not yet voted. Clicking the "Vote now" button will take them to the voting screen. Additionally, if the citizen is in a party, the Vote button will also appear if Party Presidential elections are in progress.


Homepage news.png
Main article: News

This section gives access to news in eRepublik. There are 6 different categories and link to your subscriptions.

  • First steps in eRepublik
  • Battle orders
  • Warfare analysis
  • Political debates and analysis
  • Financial business
  • Social interactions and entertainment
  • Newspaper subscriptions

Click one of the categories to see articles about subjects you're interested in.

Citizen feeds

Citizen feeds.png

The citizen feeds are little messages (AKA shouts) that you can make to your friends. Your friends are able to respond these shouts by commenting on them and vote them. You can make a new post every 10 minutes. Your posts are limited to 160 characters and you can't use any code in the posts (HTML, BBCode, JavaScript). Links will be parsed automatically. Comments can be 480 characters long at most. Comments can also be voted. The number of votes is visible in the shout/comment. By clicking the amount of votes, you'll see the names of citizens who voted the comment/post.

When you create, comment or like a post, you will be considered as subscriber in the post. This means you will receive a notification whenever a new comment is made to the subscribed post.

The homepage views 10 most recent posts made by your friends. To see more you must push the older posts button. You can see maximum of 100 latest shouts of your friends. Comments are shown in groups of five. If the post has more than five comments, you need to press previous comments button to see next 5 and so on.

If you don't have any friends, you can't see any posts. In this case you see option to find new friend or see recommend friend. With the find friends feature you can import your email contacts and the game will see if any of them play eRepublik. Recommend friends will give you a list of congress members in your region. It's always good to have few high influence friends!

  • Note: This feature isn't available for organizations.
  • Note 2: Your posts are visible only to first 2000 friends (in friend list). So if you have more than 2000 friends, some of your friends won't see your posts.

If you achieve battle, campaign or resistance hero medal, an automated post will be created telling your friends that.


The bottom of every page has links to the following:
